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Everything posted by fazz33

  1. Damn those look great, i dont know why but i really like the second one (it might be cuz green is my fav color) :) i think ur stuff is really good. Is is ok if i save the second one? i wanna use it as a background for my desktop ^_^
  2. ok thx ^^ i'm trying to get more up, but i have to study for exams and test >< its was put up fast because i wanted to show some progress in its creation for the Manga club im in at school LOL im actually the only one to actually start. (We're a slow club ^_^) EDIT: Yay ^^ i got another comic up this time with digitalstrip font, and real speech bubbles!!! thx for the help :) [color=darkblue][size=1][b]Please use the Edit button in the future to add on to posts, as double-posting is not allowed on OB, thanks. -Lady K[/b][/size][/color]
  3. thx Liam, i guess im gonna try your method for making speech bubbles :) Thx for the tips.
  4. the web comic is devloping into a web comic about teachers in a high school :)
  5. Thanks for the input :) I just downloaded the font, and i'll use it for the rest of the text in the web comic :) I'll be looking for speech bubbles later
  6. Hey everyone, im new to the boards :) I've recently started to create my own Web Comic and i kinda need help. If anyone could tell me how to make some nice speech bubbles. For my first one i used Microsoft Word and paint lol ya, i know its pathetic. Oh and if anyone wants to judge my current stuff that'd be nice ^^ i have only the title page and first comic up, I'm working on the second one later and im thinking of adding more detail to future comics ^^ the first one was kinda rushed. I am Currently using Photoshop 7.0 (but i suck at it lol) so any tips would be nice. LOL and my html skill arent great either. anyways here the site to check it out :) [URL=http://thestaff.50webs.com/Title.htm]http://thestaff.50webs.com/Title.htm[/URL]
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