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Everything posted by kingN

  1. kingN

    Day of Fire

    [QUOTE=Jeremiah]Has anbyone else on OtakuBoards checked this band out? I saw them live at the Parachute music festival and these guys rock. I'd say that Day of Fire are the best Christian hard rock band that I've ever heard. The lead singer is Josh Brown, he used to be the frontman for a band called Full Devil Jacket before he became a Christian and formed Day of Fire, and his testimony is simply amazing. It makes the lyrics of Day's songs all the more singificant and awesome because you know where they have come from. I have the 2004 debut album, which I highly reccomend, and I am getting "Cut $ Move" tomorrow, which is also a rather good album based on what songs I've heard from it live. If you register with Day's mailing list, you can hear the title track from the second album, which is a good indication of the style and substance that make Day of Fire one of the best bands out there in both the Christian and the secular music world. If you're into them, what do you think? If you've never heard of them, download the track and give them a go. Trust me, you wont be dissapointed. Check out the wikipedia article too: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_Fire"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_Fire[/url][/QUOTE] i heard of them, thier a good band. i want to get their CD
  2. i would want to live in the times of the samrui's
  3. [QUOTE=PaganAngel]I'd have to say neither, because I'm happily in a relationship. But if I had to pick one, I guess the anime hottie one would work... bring on Ryuichi Sakuma. Would you rather forget every person in the world that mattered to you, or have every one of them forget about you? Edit: They are BOTH permanent.[/QUOTE] i would rather them foret about me cuz if i forget about them it might hurt them so i rather live with the pain besides them, which i don't think it would hurt me much. take a bullet for someone you hate or see someone you love get shot
  4. [QUOTE=Sojiro47]Oh, a tough one! Well, I'll eat anything, but I like to watch things burn! But I think I'd take eating one just because I'm hungery right now! Would you rather date someone you don't lihe to get the attention of someone you like? Or... Would you chase the person you like, possibly never geting them?[/QUOTE] i would rather date someone i don't like to get the attention of the person i like, atleast that way i might know if i got a shot at the person i like by the way they act. be with the most annoying person in the world or stay home bored out of your mind?
  5. [QUOTE=Whitey]kill my best friend, cos I dont have too many, best friends, only seven. plus i dont think I'd killed the one I love, it'd be too much stress on my mind. would you go to: the vans warped tour? or the taste of chaos tour? Leon Fury.[/QUOTE] i don't know neither one so i'll say the vans tour, just cuz it sounds better. become a famous star and then lose it all or never take a chance to become a star when you know you can?
  6. wow that never happened to me, unless i killed them before they protect break, which you might be doing. you might be to storng. let your party fight the monsters and you heal them. see if that works
  7. need help. i already pass the 3rd .hack game and i need help on this cheat i found. Hack//SIGN? .Hack//SIGN (pronounced dot hack sign) is the anime series that ended about 6 months prior to Part I of the game, .Hack//Infection. SIGN characters can be found within the game, starting with part II, Mutation. Four scenes from SIGN can be witnessed at Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground (where BlackRose first brought you). Each event is triggered by the completion of some event in Mutation. Once you have unlocked each event you will be able to see character memories wandering around in the root towns in Outbreak. They appear as transparent ghostly images that walk back and forth in a certain location. When you talk to them they will tell you a quote (memory) from .Hack//SIGN and give you an item. has any done this, if so please help me i tried it and it didn't work.
  8. to control time well be my first pick, that way i can go to the past or see whats coming in the future.
  9. i'll say find the meaning of life becasue i might get tired of leaving to long. have the one thing you want the most and lose it the next day or never have it couldn't think of anything
  10. [QUOTE=Ai.sAkUrA.chan][FONT=Comic Sans MS]umm, i think i'd rather someone tell me, then i'd find out for myself, because I'd rather that than the whole world knowing, i don't know,lol. Okay, would you rather: [B]Kill the one you love[/B] or [B] Let the one you love kill you[/B] I couldn't come up with anything else, sorry if it's too easy.[/FONT][/QUOTE] well if the one i love is trying to kill me then i'll kill the one i love. fight your best friend or fight a famliy member?
  11. [QUOTE=Kurama + Hiei]well, I would rather have the job that's not so good, just to be with my family, even if it ment me not liking a job for a while. :catgirl: would you rather: get sunburn all over your body or get the flu (really bad)[/QUOTE] I rather get sunburn all over my body cause it goes away a little faster for me. go to college for 4 years and get a job as a manger or don't go to college and work hard for 4 years and get moved up to manger
  12. [QUOTE=CoLoR_Me_EviL][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]//snip// Would you rather be really really REALLY (need I repeat it again?) ugly, and never know it, so be shut down every time you asked someone out? (You have no hope of improving yourself.) or would you rather be really really REALLY ugly and understand that fact so you could probably come to terms with it eventually? And I don't know.. devote your time to.. curing cancer or something. Wee. I suck.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I would rather be ugly and come to terms with it, that way i can stop wasting time trying to get a date and make something out of my life. have the job of your dreams and never see your friends and famliy or have a job that's not so good?
  13. kingN


    Racis is a big part of this country, even if some say they aren't racist there might be a small part of them that is. But there are some that ain't and that good. I know one time my and my brother where going to this job interview and when we where waiting this lady that just knew Spanish was trying to buy something. Well one of the manger there didn't know what to do and she didn't have anyone that was working that knew Spanish to help her so my and my brother did. The manger said thanks and said that they might hire us cuz they needed workers that know Spanish. well after during my brothers interview this Caucasian girl walks in and the manger goes to here and looks at here application and ask if she knew any Spanish, the girl says no. well after I finish with my interview me and my brother are leavening and this guy walks in and he was there for the interview too, funny thing was that he ask if he had to take a drug test. Anyways those too got the job and I and my brother didn't.
  14. Live in a cave with out stress ir hassle, that way you are peaceful and live without worrying. live with no money and watch all the anime you can or live with 5 million and never watch anime?
  15. princess mononoke, just because i love swords and bow & arrows. also like the story too and all the action.
  16. I'll say eat the snickers, i don't think i can live with myslef thinking i eat someones pubic haits. when i was in the 5th grade the principle got a salad from the school and when he was eating it he found a cockroach in it, it was funny. live in the country or live in the city
  17. Every day i have to go to school is bad, except today. besides the point where me and my friend almost got in to a fight it went good cuase i finally ask this girl i like to the prom and she said yes, so it was a good day.
  18. I love wolves, i even name my dog lobo(which means wolf). i always had don't know why.
  19. I like girls that have a cute face and have a good attitude and who also goes to church. i'm not really in to girls who think the are all that or when they try way to hard to make a appearance and put on way to much make up. but i do kinda like the punk style girls too, don't know why just do.
  20. even thuogh i don't really listen to d12 it's still sad to hear.
  21. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] [B]Would you rather make an exhausting trip of 32 hours to a great holiday but have to do it again after a fortnight when the holiday ends ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather make a short trip of say 2 hours to a great holiday but go back in only a week.[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] i'll say the 32 trip cause thers more to see and you can stop a different places and eat a different places too. this an't to good but it's all i could think of have super powers and be an out cast or be the only one without super powers?
  22. i use too feel the same way about school, but not no more i can't what to get out of school. this is my last year too and i tell you i hate my school, i can't wait to leave that place. My school sucks and i can't wait till june so i can leave.
  23. If you can pick any character to fight who well it be? I'll pick yugi/pharaoh and duel him cuz he is alwasy winning even when he shouldn't. I just don't know how he beats kaiba, he get cards at the right time and sometimes those cards are new. (thinks about beating yugi, this ones for you kaiba)
  24. kingN

    X-Men 3

    I can't wait for it to come out, but does anyone know what characters are going to be in it? I hope gambit it, that man is bad, he's been my fav character ever since i pick up a comic.
  25. Thats a hard question cuz i hav alot of fav movies but my top 6 movies are Tommy boy Doge ball Princess mononoke Napoleon dynamite Austin powers gold member Billy madison those are my top 6, i watch moslty funny movie. I just like movies that make me laugh you know.
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