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Everything posted by kingN

  1. my fav color is gray. thats because it's not to dark and not to light. and its in the middle of white and black, and i'm the middle child. its a wired reason but thats why gray is my fav color.
  2. well the most stupidest/ embaressing thing i ever done happen last sturday. if you seen the movie tommy boy, well ya'll know that one part in the begging when he tries to open the door put he is pushing it instead of pulling it or something like that. well when i was coming back from the restroom that kinda happin to me. i was trying to push the door open for about 2 minutes and this lady was seen me, then i pulled it to see if it was lock and it came open :o
  3. i really don't like american idol but i'll have simon cowell try to be nice to me. heres one would you rather live alone for ever and have no one or live with the people you hate the most
  4. I like science in all, but sometimes it can be dumb. like when scienist try to prove that GOD didn't make us or the world. But science and also help with sickness too and trying to find a cure for disease. But some people try to find everything out or explain everything by science. science well help find some things out and explain them, but there are just some thing you an't going to find out or explain with science.
  5. my fav food is nachos, man they are good. i loved them ever since i can remember anytime i get i eat nachos. now that i think about it i did have some last night a church
  6. [QUOTE=Jeebs]Sleep? [i]One man is stealing, while a man at a mask is waiting at home. What's going on?[/i][/QUOTE] i'll say that the man stealing is working for the man at home(might be worng but thats all that came in mind :animeswea ) don't know if this one has been done but if it has sorry. what goes up but cant go down?
  7. I always want to make a thread but didn't know what it should be about but then i was thinking andsomething came up...NUMBERS. we use them everyday when we buy stuff or when we see what time it is,etc. so i was wondering whats your favorite number and why? My favorite numer is 32 cuase thats my football and baskteball number and also if you times 3 to 2 you get 6 and i graduate in 06, so thats why 32 is my fav number. :animesmil
  8. I can live without my cell phone, but i do use it to call my friends and family so it comes in handy now and then. i also like listening to songs on it.
  9. I made it up cuz there are some games i'll play with my friends and i'll always win so i started calling myslef kingN just to get them madder. oh and the N is for my middle name and N is also my fav letter. (...never know someone could have a fav letter...)
  10. I know one movie that i wish i never seen and that "Once Upon A Time". That move sucks, i think it does. It kinda reminded me of Romeo and Juliet but a cheap anime version. i just could stand it i wish i had that hour of boredom back.
  11. Not sure on that, never been to japan, but i guess i'll say stay in america and make anime. no place like home. ok would you rather get beat up by a group of guys or get Embarrass infornt of the preson you have a crush on
  12. you should cause if you don't you might end up wishing you did. and it well be good for you to tarvel and see how people live in a different country. I'm a senior and i wish i had thought about something like that. so i say do it if you can.
  13. kingN


    I never would of thought about making a thread on socks. but back to the thread. i wear short socks when i have on shorts and any kind of socks, shot or long socks, when i wear pants. but when i play sports, like basketball and football, i got to wear long socks it just don't feel right playing in any other kind.
  14. I'll have to say anime because i don't really read much manga, but i like watching better the reading. but the good thing about reading it tells you more then watching anime.
  15. [QUOTE=Nekova]I just saw the first episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and couldn't believe how much I liked it immediately (especially since I'm not a huge mecha fan). The whole father-son relationship, the interactions between everyone else, and the plot in general (as much as was revealed in that one episode) just sucked me in, and now I am waiting [I]anxiously[/I] to see the rest. Usually, even with animes that end up being my favourites, it can take a few shows to really get me involved with the characters. What shows affected you the same way right from the beginning?[/QUOTE] Neon genesis is also what got me, i've seen the first 13 eps and i want to see the rest too. But i have to say pokemon got me too. at first i thought i was dumb but after i gave it a chance i got in to it fast, but the pokemon know is getting lame.
  16. There is so many but they one i'm obsessed with right now is key of the twilight
  17. I got to say sora from .hack//sign cuz i like how he pops out on people and just kills them, but i also have to go with kaiba too because he gots the best cards.
  18. I'll have to be sora off of .hack//sign or kaiba off of Yu-Gi-Oh. I like how they both play the game.
  19. Yu-Gi-Oh everytime Yugi duels kaiba, i don't know why. Mybe its because kaiba gots better cards and i like his dueling style or mybe i get mad when yugi is about to lose to him but some way he gets the card he needs and most of the time its a new card and beats kaiba.
  20. i'll have to say sonic adventure battle 2 theme song live and learn or Faint from linkin park cd meteora
  21. Say when is the one for Dallas, Texas and where can i find more info about it? I never been to a convention before so the one in dallas should be a good one for me since i live in dallas. :animesmil
  22. i'm going for the USA hockey team, thats about it.
  23. I'll have to say Live and Learn from Sonic Adventure 2. Its also the best song for the end of the game.
  24. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]I'd have to say that both genders can confuse each other quite easily when circumstances, misunderstandings and otherwise all convene into one grand mass of chaos. Fun, eh. Anyway, yeah. Social things in general are weird most of the time. I'm pretty sure the guy you are specifically talking about is an ***, though.[/color][/QUOTE] I agree with DeathKnight. Both genders can confuse each other, but it all depends on the preson though.
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