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Tracer Bullet

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Everything posted by Tracer Bullet

  1. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Before he would become the man who was to be dreaded as Lord Vader, Anakin Skywalker was a well respected and admired Knight of the Jedi Order. Though many members of the council felt troubled with the abilities and emotions the young Knight displayed, none were able to foretell that this troubled and powerful young man would become one they would once fear. Yet Anakin Skywalker, though dubbed Darth Vader by his new master, knew he would have to find a way to make that name one every Jedi would fear. It was then that his obsession for the death of a certain Jedi Master would fuel the beginnings of his hunt, one in which he would pursue every Jedi alive and run them to ground, one by one, until none were left to challenge the Empire, and one by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi would find who truly was the greater Force-weilder. ------------------------------------------------------------- So this is something of a brief intro I've had for a new RPG I hope to bring to life. I think that the hunting and life in hiding of various Jedi during this time would make for some excellent stories. This is a very underdeveloped part of the whole Star Wars Universe, which gives us a lot of free reign for creativity. My ideas for this RPG so far would to be have about 5 or 6 different Jedi (masters, knights, and padawans) tell their tale of how they came to be saved from the massacre that occured at the Jedi Temple. That would be the initial entries, after which, in a chapter format, we would have each one try to evade the hunters of Anakin Skywalker, or how they would come to confront him. My ideas so far are a little scattered, but I do think that this RP, with the right players, would make do very well. I'm open to any suggestions, as well as to you opinions on the idea, and whether or not you think it would do well. Thanks. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. It comes from "Wedding Crashers" now, do we have to wait for you to tell us your right? Or do we simply just go on?
  3. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Click [URL=http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/entnews/eo/20060125/113823210060.html]here[/URL] for the full story. Apparently Bob Iger does know what he's doing, and realizes that he can't do it alone. Disney just bought Pixar for 7.4 billion dollars. It also made Steve Jobs, head of Pixar, the largest shareholder of Disney shares. While I am glad that Disney was able to salvage its relationship with Pixar, and I do think that Pixar has produced some of the best animated films in the past decade, I almost feel like we're saying goodbye to the what was the Walt Disney Company. CGI is awesome, but the beauty that is hand-drawn cartoons is something much more beautiful, and it seems that with this purchase, the Disney board has decided to no longer dedicate time to this timeless art, but rather let Pixar make all of its future blockbuster kids movies. Gone will be the classic art that made Disney the great powerhouse it once was. Welcome to Pixar's California Adventure.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Comic Sans MS][URL=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11007437/]Here[/URL] is a link to a prediction of what will stay and what will go. While I do agree with most that UPN has had great number of flops, it has been brave in targeting the urban demographic, and have some loyal viewers, and have made off really well with "Everybody hates Chris". What I'm most curious about is how it will pair up shows to make their nights stronger. While something like a Veronica Mars/Gilmore Girls night, or a Supernatural/Smallville night seem smart, I don't see any other comedies that will be able to be paired up with "Everyone hates Chris". I hope this merger brings in some fresh ideas...as both networks new ideas to liven up their lineups.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Green][CENTER][B]Name[/B]: Edel Hawke [B]Sex[/B]: Male [B]Alligence[/B]: Dragonheart [B]Location[/B]: Iceliena [B]Appearance[/B]:[URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/kamikaze/kamuro01_kal.jpg]Edel[/URL] [B] Personality[/B]: Calm, calcualting, and distant, many think that Edel serves as a perfect human representation of the cold lands he protects. Yet, beneath his business like exterior, those who know him best see Edel as wonderful ally who is witty and charming. He has great respect for those of his order (though there are times when he believes change is needed), and is kind to all those in the city he protects, who see him as an intellingent and natural leader. [B]Weapon/Skills[/B]: Edel is accustomed to wide variety of weapons, though he has only truly mastered one, the gladius. He carries two with him at all times, but only fights with both when he is against many opponents, or a highly skilled one. He keeps a bow on Kry' at all times, but considers himself only a fair shot, as opposed to the other DragonLords. [B]Power[/B]: Kry' is a white dragon, descended from a long line of FarSeers. The FarSeers are among the rarest of Dragons, usually known for their gentle and wise ways. For this, they were granted foresense, an ability that gives them enhanced sense and perception. Many believe that it is almost an ability to see the future, but it is rather an ability that lets them feel what is about to happen, and let them react that much more quickly. Along with this, ability, Kry' can also render himself completely invisible for short amounts of time. He and Edel share a complete telepathic bond with one another, allowing them to communicate instantaneously with one another, and allowing Edel to share Kry' ability of enhanced perception, allowing him to react to dangers with lightning fast reflex. [B]Writing Snippet[/B]: Edel sat still, watching the wise and venerable dragon slowly move her eyes over him, as if penetrating his mind to find his inner-most wants and desires. He stared back unflinchingly into those huge golden orbs. The only test he had deemed one worth fearing he had passed. The dragon Onyxiana had long ago decided he was worthy of the DragonLord mantle, and that had been the only test Edel had ever feared failing. Now he stood in front of the head dragon for another reason. A reason he did not know, but was sure he would find out soon. Suddenly, the dragon spoke, in that same ageless voice that held so much power. "[I]So my dear Edel, what make of you your time here in the golden city? Have you enjoyed showing your conjuring tricks to those young ones here?".[/I][I] "Of course. Only by teaching can one truly learn to master any art."[/I] came his quick and sure reply. [I]"Ahh...that is well. The other Lords tell me you do a fine job with the babes, and that they love you well for it. They also tell me that, though you find the golden walls quite different from your woodland home of Darkshire, you and Kry'sen'theum have adjusted well. "I must admit that the change has been difficult, but I think Kry' and I are doing well enough now. But, why is it that you have called me to you Onyxiana?" Hmmm... well, as you know, the Lord Archen has died in his battles with the Frost Giants of the North. This leaves Iceliana without a DragonLord protector. Due to your great service here, and the prowess and abilities shared by you and Kry'sen'theum, I was hoping you would accept becoming protector of that land... [/I] [B]Dragons Name[/B]: Kry'sen'theam (Kry' for short) [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.ginevra2000.it/Fantasy1/Creatures/20d_dragonbath.jpg]Kry'[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Kry' is a humble and wise dragon. He has learned much at the side of his human companion, and tends to be more empathic with humans than most other dragons. Much like Edel, he is often seen as quiet and majestic. He is known to try diplomacy and subterfuge, but is a ferocious and fearsome fighter when necessary.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Green]I don't happen to have a tradition with just one friend, that we do all the time, but a group of my friends and I do have some traditions that date back almost on 5 years now. One of the things we do is our Christmas dinner. All of us now happen to be in college, and we go to various schools. But, every year, a few days before Christmas, we always get together and have a party. Usually, we'll go to a restaurant, have dinner, and then over to someone house for a gift exchange and gaming all night long (boardgames and videogames) I find its a really great time because we can all get together and play catch-up, see what each of us have been up to in our fall sessions, and how everything else in general is going for us all. We also have a "Yay, summer break" party, much like the X-mas one, except no gift giving. Another thing we do is that during the summer, we often get together and play soccer. It's created a lot of good memories for us all, (including giving me an injury or two) I'm glad all of us are still friends even though we're out of high school. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. I have seen some of the awesome art that people around here can come up with, and seeing as I have no skill in it, I was hoping that someone would lend me a helping hand. I'm looking for an avatar/banner set featuring Tracer Bullet. I'll post some pictures that I found and liked, but I do leave it up to the artist to use and put together whatever they can. Thanks in advance! for banner... [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/pq/lackoftruth/tracershoot.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://membres.lycos.fr/carredas/calvin/pics/tracer_bullet.gif[/IMG] for avatar [IMG]http://home.fhtw-berlin.de/~s0502874/Bilder/fotoTracerBullet3.gif[/IMG]
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