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Everything posted by Stormbringer

  1. Hah. Gundam Wing sucked anyways. After putting up with other people's opinions for this many years, one gets used to listening to utter BS all the time. One thing though. It's freedom of speech, which is perfectly legal, stupid as it may seem. Two, it's a Christian station, and everyone knows that those people are going to bash anything that doesn't strictly follow the Bible word for word. Yeah, it's stupid that someone would suggest the idea that Anime is evil, but whoever thought of that is stupid as well, and you shouldn't even pay attention to it. If anything in this world is evil, it's religion.
  2. The Virtual Boy was Nintendo's one-time brush with how Sega always felt. Face it, the thing sucked.
  3. great, the world's first true "living" computer. nifty. I can't wait for my very own computer that's essentially a part of me ^_^; Lady Macaiodh's right. The day humans stop inventing is the day they cease to exist.
  4. I have no voice. Guess that's why I don't use an avatar
  5. Gay-dar is what homosexuals use to "identify" people of the same preference. And lately Chris' has been going haywire.... *smacks Chris*
  6. *gloats like there's no tomorrow* All my finals are doooooo-ooooone! I had Japanese and Calc today, and that's that. No more, me done. I'm gonna be so bored now...... *dies* Well, Adam, I wish you the best of luck. Just wish I'd have done better in Calc.... I'll be lucky to get a C in that.... Thank god the computer people only look for Algebra and other USEFULL math courses when they consider you for a career or grad school.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]oh, yes, the packers. they have been my team for eons.[/B][/QUOTE] I still have my cheese head and Bret Favre jersy from a few years ago. My grandparents live in Greenbay, actually. Too bad it's so hard to get tickets, or I'd have gone to a game by now....
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]:rotflmao: ! TN, yousa funny-day! I think I've already explained what is weird about me...my whole tongue fetish, how I like to chew on velcro and ice and fold my tongue in odd ways. Mesa silly! :bellylaug [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yousa Gungan!
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] -____-; do you mispell my name on purpose? Just call me Chris like you always do lol[/B][/QUOTE] You're one to talk. Kris :p
  10. Well, Shibo, I'm proud of you. You redeemed yourself. Though technically they are still a "boyband" in the literal sense... perhaps it would be better to call them a "manband" since they're all over 21. Transic, give the gay-dar a bit of rest. You're going into overdrive.... :p I'm just getting a little tired of this whole "real life" music. What ever happened to all those funky songs about the crazy, fictional stuff? When do I get to hear songs about cybernetic vampires that ride dolphins through space to battle the evil hordes of the mellon empire? I guess LP is original in a way, mainly how they play their music. But as far aw the actual SONGS themselves, that type of thing has been done way too much. It's good that they take breaks from hard songs to do a few ballads (as all bands should do), but I just want to see something new. I know! We need to get some J-rock groups to perform in America! *waits an eternity for Siam Shade, Laruku, Malice Mizer, and Dir en Grey to come overseas* There's probably a better chance of globe coming here than anything else......
  11. I have limited use in the Force. So far it's just the hightened sense of awareness, I can shunt away pain on a whim no matter how bad it is, and I've started being able to recover energy pretty quickly. I've also been able to sense other's feelings and emotions from pretty far away. Done it with my brother in Kansas a few times, and sometimes with my girlfriend. That's my weird thing
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] 3. The fans don't wave their hands at LP concerts... [/B][/QUOTE] Um, sorry, but..... yeah they do. At Last Saturday's concert in Lincoln Nebraska, the band had us wave our hands a couple times. Once during "My December" and another time inbetween songs. It does happen.
  13. I've gotten tired of them. They got over played here, and after the concert, well my faith in them has been reinstated, but I'm still bored with them. Veg, the lead singer isn't gay, he has a wife. Last Saturday, the day of the concert I went to, was her birthday. Sorry to burst your bubble. Shibo, you need to calm down a LOT, not a little. True LP sings songs about real life, but if you actually SAT down to listen to *NSYNCH, you'd find out that their songs are about real situations too, they're just much more happy. And another thing, those "real life" things you spoke of have been done a THOUSAND times over with other bands. Blink 182 is the perfect example of this. Even more perfect than that is Stabbing Westward. They've been around a lot longer than LP has, and unlike Linkin Park, they didn't suck when they first came out (LP has an older album that CRASHED because it was so bad). LP is just a bigger, vamped version of Stabbing Westward. SW has guitars, so does LP. SW has synthesizers, so does LP. And like SW, all of LP's songs are about getting away, leaving things behind, and all that teen-angst that most people tend to grow out of towards the end of their high school careers. My point is this, don't go biting people's heads off just because their opinions differ from yours. I could go and bash every single genre of music that I don't listen to, and call everyone who thinks differently than I do a complete ____ing moron. Would that be nice? Hell no, it wouldn't. Would it be right? Again, no. If you want to state your opinion, or offer a valid argument against someone else's, fine. But do it in a peacefull manner, or you'll just get a response like mine. Linkin Park certainly IS a boyband. The term has lately been given to IDOL GROUPS, though, which causes confusion. Idol Groups are those that sing, dance, and don't play their own instruments. A true boyband is a group of musical performers made entirely of males.
  14. laziness is a weakness, and often times many people's very undoing
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]i dunno how it's gonna change the world. [/B][/QUOTE] More fatal beatings round the world?
  16. I'm 18, male, and I don't really care for the government. Call me... Undecided in my stance. 1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? Yes. I did a project on it a few years ago 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? hell yes 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? not necessarily. just the semi/automatic ones 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful? only to a certain point. there'd be no gunfights anywhere, but there's still plenty of weaponry to be found all over the place. 5. what do you think we should have: a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18) b. no change c. more caution when it come to storing guns so that minors cannot get a hold of them or d. **make up your own** there's ways to get around A, no change would be stupid not to try, no matter how many precations you take there's still ways around them. So I chose D. There just needs to be stronger penalties/concequences for people that break the gun laws. Glad to be of some help
  17. I think girls that play games are cool. They're few and far between, at least in my circle of friends, but I do know a few. Most of the girls I know that have tried playing games just do it for kicks those one or two times. Sometimes it's a really cute ordeal, other times they really kick my butt ^_^;
  18. I hate Pikachu in that game, and ridicule anyone that plays against me with them. He's too damn cheap. Swear to god, every time one of my friends does that little headbutt move over and over again, I hit them for real. Rob and I don't tollerate cheapness period. I guess my main gripe with Pikachu is that when people start with him, they wuss out on learning to play with other people. I try to rotate between my best 4 characters every other round or so. But the master of all cheapness will always be Jiggly Puff. You can knock someone out with 2-4 attacks. Beware the puff of the Darkside.....
  19. o.Ox I don't know ANYONE that spells it with an "a"....... And forgetting my real name is still no excuse :p
  20. Thank god Nintendo's humor didn't go so far as to give Mario "plumber's crack" lmao.
  21. My friend and I can take on anyone as Link (him) and Fox (me). They just make a great team. That and the fact that my friend and I always do excellent co-op jobs. So I always play as Fox. His strengths - He's super fast, has great aerial and ground recovery, he's pretty strong, he can get off a lot of attacks quickly, and almost nothing can beat his reflect shield. I can't count the times I've gotten the last kill just from using that move. He also has a really great air-juggle attack. His weaknesses - He's just not as strong as some of the other characters. And yes, his reflect can be countered by physical attacks, but I've mastered the use of both his shields and how to avoid attacks.
  22. 1. I don't give a crap. My morals tell me there's nothing wrong with it. It's kinda freaky, but that's it. Even if these embryos show signs of life, they would be considered freaks if they developed into full humans. I remember the Clone Saga in Spiderman. Spiderman's clone felt way out of place all the time. I don't really care about cloning, because it doesn't really affect me, directly or indirectly right now. 2. I think they just have issues. They don't have to be psychotic or a "madman," they just have a lot of conflicts that need to be resolved. Bombing or shooting up schools just shows that you're too damn weak to deal with problems like a normal person, so you have to resort to the lowest (and dumbest) common denominator. 3. Unconditional happiness. Right now, paradise is what I experience whenever I'm with my girlfriend. 4. Just find bin Laden, bring him back to America, castrate the ******* and tie him up in a chair for the public to beat senseless. Then put a government into power that will actually WORK to our benefit. You'd think we would have learned our lesson after Castro, but nnnoooooooooo 5. I believe the actual predictions of Nostradamus. Those phony ones that started going around after Sept 11th are a crock and whoever decided to start circulating them should be beaten over the head with a bokken. 6. Yes. I exist to figure out what I want to do with my life, and to love, comfort, and protect my girlfriend. And to educate people in becoming non-human. And possibly take over most of the galaxy, if not help in the campaign. 7. I'd quarantine myself away from the sick, and get vaccines for the people I care about. 8. Why not? It's fun to give my input every now and then ^_^x
  23. The magician one: The glass was either filled with air, or the liquid in the glass was frozen.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B] You don't have to believe me on this, but dog do cry. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah. I've seen it once. Kinda forgot about it.
  25. Quiddich. Don't know if it's the right spelling or not, but that's how it's pronounced. yee gods..... I just answered a question on Harry Potter... Oh well, I liked the movie. But I still refuse to read the books. Not after reading stuff by Mercedes Lackey and Terry Goodkind.
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