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Everything posted by Stormbringer
Sure, it's in one area of Australia. But you can't forget the waters. Deadly rip-tides and undertow, the numerous sharks, and then there's the jellyfish, mainly the Box Jellyfish. Thanks, but I'll pass on that trip, mate. Unless it's to be in Star Wars Episode III ^_^x
To me, it depends who I'd be lying to, because there are some people that I know that I would never lie to no matter what. Others, I'd lie to without a split-second's thought to it. Still, a lie is a lie no matter how things might turn out in the end, or how much better the person you're lying to might feel. They'll find out eventually, and the longer it takes, the worse they'll feel about it when they do know. Also, I've lied so much to my parents and friends before (mainly about my depression) that lies don't even register as big or small, white or not. They're all the same to me. And yes, as Chris said "to be human is to flaw" humans are not flawless creatures, they do make mistakes from time to time (some more than others). But the people that learn from their mistakes and apologize to the people they've done wrong to will be the truly prosperous ones. (jeez, here I am thinking religion is a crock, and yet I preach stuff like I'm a minister..... orooooo @_@x)
Cam, the Man one was from the story of how Eodipus defeated the Sphinx by answering her riddle. She was so outraged at being beaten that she killed herself afterwards, thus saving the kingdom.
Don't just stop in Tokyo, go all over Japan. Visit the different cities, see all the different mountains, and the numerous temples, too. Hit up Scotland and see the Highlands Go see all the cool German castles I'd avoid Australia if I were you. Nice place, yes. But also home to about 1/3 the world's total population of venomous creatures. Alaska is really beautiful in the summer time. So's British Columbia (Canada) And I know the economy's in the crapper now, but I've always wanted to see Russia.... [QUOTE]i'm gonna hafta drag chris and jimmy along.. ^^[/QUOTE] Oh sure, leave me all by my lonesome. Fine, I don't need you! I've got everything I could possibly want right here in the MIDDLE OF THE COUNTRY! :p *hugs Stacy*
Tears are a sign of being human. They show that one is in-touch with their emotions, which shows strength. Animals don't cry. Cat's don't. Dogs don't. Nothing but a human can cry. They all have tear ducts, yes. But only we can cry. I'd cry a lot the past 11 years of my life. Then one day I just stopped. Nothing. No tears for any reason. Then I met Stacy, and not long after the tears returned. They stopped again after a few months, but they've come back now. The tears used to be from pain and sadness. Now they are for joy.
Like Chris, I was a newbie too. Way back at the original Gundam Forum ^_^x I've never been a newbie since, and I've earned a lot of respect. I treat new people like they wish to be treated, or based on how they act when I first meet them. Although, I like having the rank of "newbie" but that's because I'm crazy now. I want negative posts!
Siam Shade hide with Spread Beaver Malice Mizer (when Gackt was a member) Dir en Grey Global Underground (the DJs responsible for some of the best Trance in the world. And yes, they do count as a group, since they are members of GU) All my other favorite music is by solo artists and DJs. I rarely listen to non J-rock anymore. It's all Trance and J-rock.
I say suck it up and deal with the swimming. I did it in high school, and it's not bad at all. Sure, you smell a bit like chlorine for the day and your hair gets kinda stringy, but it's no big deal.
I know I've had past lives. I've dreamt about them. And every time I dream about a past live, no one has faces but the person that incarnation is in love with. The past lives I know of (in no particular order): Shao Lin Fighting Monk Samurai Scottish warrior (like in Braveheart) Ninja Rurouni some kind of knight, almost like a Herald Mage and I was a member of the Shinsen Gumi
Another one of these topics, eh? Well, to be nice (since I'm in such a good mood cuz I just got off the phone with my girlfriend) I'll avoid going into Neo Love Nazi mode. As far as common interests go, I don't see it as very important. It's certainly not the MOST important part, that's for sure. It does help, though, as the two of you can do things that both of you will enjoy. Common interests, Stacy and I have many. But it's really our personalities that are so much alike. Even our mothers agree on that. We're perfect for each other. I'm in love with Stacy, and she loves me, that's all that matters. She's not [B]in love[/B] with me, that she's not sure of. But I don't care, I'm not going to pressure her into making a decision. So anyways, having all the same interests doesn't matter very much to me. It's a part of the relationship, but it's not the biggest deal.
Someone's most likely already mentioned what I'm about to, but hey I gotta put my two cents worth in. Don't get: Apple, Compaq, or Gateway DO get: Dell, IBM, and maybe Sony if you wanna dish out the extra money.
Since I already have what no one else can (my girlfriend's love), then I pick the legendary Murasame. Or an X-Wing or lightsaber. Or a Super Star Destroyer. Or the Force. Or Kaneda's bike from Akira Goddess, I'm rather wishfull.....
Hah. I get a full 5 day weekend. Then a whole month off for Christmas break. College rules, kids.
[QUOTE]stormy ^^;; can i be immortal?[/QUOTE] I wish I could do that, but I've given up on it for now [QUOTE]You sound like someone out of Star Wars. If I join you, can I become immortal like Cool?[/QUOTE] Yeah, I do kinda sound like someone from Star Wars. I'd start my own religion with Chris, but then we'd be going against our principles that organized religion is a crock..... Jeez, I just can't get away from it, no matter where I go... Sorry, kids. Immortality shop is temporarily closed until further notice. Wait a while 'till after I sort some personal issues out in my life. Then maybe, [I]MAYBE[/I] I'll consider adding a few eternals.
People annoy me. All kinds of people will eventually annoy me at some point in their lives. And I mean no offense to ANYONE by any means. When I say "people annoy me" I mean that people in general annoy me. It's the same with the fact that I hate humans. I hate them in general, but I have quite a few really good friends, and even someone I love. Of course, these people that I speak of are known to me as non-humans, as they have risen above the typical human definition in my eyes. Join us. Remove the cloak of humanity. Become a non-human.
OMG!! Star Wars 2 Trailer *NEW*
Stormbringer replied to NorykoAngelcry's topic in General Discussion
I don't think I'll need a sleeping bag or tent.... unless it's supposed to rain when it opens. See, here in Nebraska, the theaters always premier new movies at Midnight. My friend Tommy and I are just gonna hang out at a theater (we'll have pre-ordered our tickets, of course), and beat each other with toy lightsabers until we're let in. -
Eating at my house with family and Stacy Eating with Stacy and her relatives Maybe eating with Stacy at some of her other relatives
Hey now. I never said I wasn't greedy to begin with. And even after I gave half the billion dollars away, I'd spend it on things for [U]other[/U] people besides myself. And yes, I am a greedy one. Sue me, I'm only non-human :p
I'm gonna buy my turkey on the Black Market lmao ^_^x
I'm not sure if my family is having turkey this year.... I think we might be having turkey sandwiches with lunch meat from the store.... unless my mom was joking, but I dunno. If I do have turkey, it will magically appear from my pants ^_^x But I am having turkey at Stacy's relatives' house
1. If you were dropped right in the middle of Afghanistan during a battle, what would you do?? Scream like a little girl to distract the Afghanis, then blow them away 2. What do you think is worse and why?? A berserk EVA or VX (the most strongest nerve gas)?? VX. Watching a berserk EVA would be sweet 3. What is hell to you?? (i.e. my lunch table) Life without Stacy 4. Would you rather have a Communistic or Anarchism gov't?? Communist 5. Do you think the legal drinking age should be lowered?? ( I dunno about other countries but you can answer this if you want to) No. There should actually be stricter penalties for minors that violate it, too. 6. Who's worse?? Bin Laden or Tim McVeigh (ah, I dont care if he's already dead) bin Laden 7. If you were forced to join the military, would you injure yourself, skip town, or go right ahead and sign up?? Technically I already have. I had to register for the draft once I turned 18. Assuming my draft number was picked, I'd probably freak out, do nothing but spend all my time with Stacy, then pack up and leave. Once in training, I'd purposely flunk out. 8. If you are (not that I'm saying you're in it) in the black market business, what do you think is the easiest thing to sell?? Canadian Toilets 9. Do lead a good life (and I don't really need a reason)??? Yes yes yes yes yes! ^_^x 10. (Let's see on how many greedy people are here) If $1 billion landed right in front of your house and you had to give half of it tp charity, would you give it or take it and move to somewhere where you can spend it like crazy??? Half a billion is still quite a lot to me. It'd buy me a car or two, pay the insurance on it/them, upgrade/modify the parts on it/them, and I'd still have a lot left to buy some other things for myself, my family, and Stacy. What I didn't spend, I'd put in the bank so it would grow, then I could later buy a house
Kendo and Iaido. Probably gonna start back up with Taekwondo pretty soon.
Some things are best left unsaid.... And no offense to anyone, but I really only trust about 2 people on this board that I'd tell them really secretive things. It's just the way I am. The only people that I've ever told everything about me are Stacy and Chris, that's it. But if you people wanna bear your souls to us, don't let me stop you.
OMG!! Star Wars 2 Trailer *NEW*
Stormbringer replied to NorykoAngelcry's topic in General Discussion
I just watched the DVD exclusive one today. Daaaaaa-aaamn was it awesome! All three are sweet! I really don't wanna wait 6 months until May.... but it will be more than worth it to see it opening night with my friend Tommy. -
Honda makes great, affordable, reliable cars. Good choice And you're not conforming to the preppy people (at least the ones in Nebraska and Kansas) by getting a Civic! Yay to you!