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Everything posted by Stormbringer

  1. The book that is spoken of, that is 4 stories, is the Silmarilion. It tells how the whole world of Tolkien came about. Long a heck, and boring at many places, but good none the less. Expect to take a lot of time reading it. The 3rd book in the Lord of the Rings series is Return of the King.
  2. I have one friend going to Ohio State one of my best female friends
  3. Hai hai. That's right, Chris. Although you're still stupid. But stupid in a cute, homosexual, immortal, non-human way :p Yes, it is sad that humans are so stupid. Luckily, I've begun to corrupt.... er, I mean CONVERT people here on campus '^_^x I've only got a few bad human qualities left to purge. The good ones I keep, cuz they make life worth living. Once I do that, then I can help Chris get rid of the last bad qualities. Wow, I should write a self-help book or go on TV or something like that. And finally, to quote dear Mr. Mackey: "Umm.... Drugs are bad. M'kay?"
  4. I'd email that guy..... if I wasn't so lazy. That's some pretty funny schtuff, yo
  5. [B]Then[/B] Depressed (was that way for 11 years) No girlfriend never kissed anyone (outside games) [B]Now[/B] Happy as can be (99% of the time) Totally in love with my girlfriend And I finally picked a college major! Eat that, world!
  6. Love the books Will more likely than not love the movies Beware the Silmarilion..... it reads so SLOWLY. But in it's own way, it's still good
  7. Well, then you're a good person in my book ^_^x
  8. Thanks, I'll try that after Calc tomorrow. But I go to Creighton in Nebraska, not Ohio ^_^x
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Somehow I doubt that most of you have actually [i]tried[/i] smoking...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course not. Why the heck would anyone want to try such a disgusting thing? The only semi-reasonable answer is peer pressure, and if you succumb to that, you're a moron
  10. [B]American Rock[/B] Blink182 Pomeroy Linkin Park Live The Offpring Tool Incubus Stabbing Westward Weezer [B]European[/B] The Cure U2 Ramstein KMFDM [B]Trance/Techno[/B] Paul Oakenfold - THE best, no questions asked Sasha John Dygweed Dave Seaman Danny Tenaglia The Crystal Method Eifel 65 Chemical Brothers Astral Projection Daft Punk Brain Transeau (BT) Brooklyn Bounce Code 37 Das Licht Sandra DJ Stein H DJ Alex DJ Deville DJ Doboy DJ Ion DJ Mystic DJ Liquid DJ Pulse DJ Quicksilver DJ Ska DJ Tiesto Astronaut Wife Hypertraxx Iceberg Project Kosmonova Lloerdy [B]Japanese Rock[/B] Siam Shade Gackt T.M. Revolutoin hide X Japan Malice Mizer Dir en Grey L`Arc~En~Ciel
  11. Ok, so I'm not a girl. But I went through pretty much the EXACT same situation. Last year, right about this time of November, my girlfriend Stacy and I broke up. She said she just wasn't ready for a relationship then. So we ended things. It broke my heart. I tried to reestablish our frienship, but in my mind it ended up screwing things over. Anyways, I soon realized that I was in love with Stacy. Hell, it broke my heart. I tried and tried to get over her, but I never could. I even tried going out with another girl to get over Stacy, but it never happened. So I broke up with the other girl, and last July I asked Stacy out again. We'll have been going out again for 4 months this Friday, although it's been around one year since I fell in love with her. Anyways, now that I've told my life story....... '^_^x All I can really say is this: try your best to get over him. I know it's hard, but it's something you have to at least TRY to do. There is always the chance you'll get back together, but you can't live your life like it's guaranteed to happen. It'll make your life seem so worthless.... And if you wanna talk about it, I'm almost always online
  12. I only have one pirated game in my possession, and even then, the game track was put in on accident. It's Wipeout 3 for the PS. My brother had a freind of his record the soundtrack on a blank disc, but the guy put the game on there too.
  13. The only "memory" expansion that I can think of is a modified memory card. It's got a small slot in it so you can insert a memory disc for something like a digital camera and import the pictures into the Gamecube games.... or something like that. It's still in the works, though But even then, it's not really an expansion, more of a port.
  14. Too bad every time I go to Audio Galaxy, all the Chop Suey's are offline. And I can't use anything else as far as file transfer programs, cuz my damn campus blocked all the other good ones off their server. All that's left is Winmx, Audio Galaxy, and Morpheus, and AG is the only one not plagued with problems. >_<
  15. What more can you expect from a human?
  16. could be stress, could be a bug, could be a psychosis
  17. I couldn't be happier. I have a girlfriend that I'm totally in love with. School is going well, life is pretty great for me. Except Calculus, but I've given up on caring about it. I'm no good at math, so I'm done with it after this semester. That and the fact that I have NO IDEA what I want to do with my life, but oh well. I'll figure something out. All I know is that I love my girlfriend very much. To me, I don't need much more than that.
  18. Steady relationship. God only knows how I'd handle a casual one in my current state of mind.... I'd probably go sane ^_^x Love can do that to ya
  19. I've trusted far too many people that never deserved it. I've been hurt too many times. I don't trust anyone off the bat, they've got to earn it. And it's not easy, let me tell you. And if it's only a small thing, then yeah, I'll give them another chance. But if it's not, then they're gone, out of my life for good.
  20. Looks like I retain my title of Only Nebraskian to join Boards ^_^x
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Take this for example.... Someone you're really close to and trust with your emotions goes behind your back and breaks that trust... Yet, they apoligize... What or how long does it take to regain your trust for them?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] It takes a very long time...... Sometimes nothing at all will work...... I've lost trust for a very good friend because he indirectly stabbed me in the back.... I'll never trust him again.... barely speak to him anymore.... see him even less..... And he never apologized, even though he's at fault. He'd never admit to being wrong if it would save his life. In his mind, he's always right. That will probably be the undoing of his very life, and it's already started to undo friendships.....
  22. No no, I believe you. It's just that where I live, that being the middle of the country (Nebraska), there are plenty of establishments that will carry the games and systems. So even if one place sells out, I can just waltz over to another place and buy it. I might end up paying $5 more, but that's five bucks I'm willing to part with.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gally [/i] [B]You are a manwhore. Manwhores are evil.[/B][/QUOTE] If Chris didn't already say this, I sure will. I'm a manwhore. I'm not evil. And my pimptress would beat you up if she ever heard that ^_^x *luvs Laura-chan* Honestly, you just gotta decide which girl you like more. Set up dates with each individual girl. IMPORTANT - make sure the dates are on DIFFERENT nights Then just go off the dates. Whichever girl you like more, you stay with. All this is negate if you already have a girlfriend. You do this while in a relationship, and the word will spread like Phosphorus in a paper mill. You'll never have another date until college.
  24. Where are my ancestors from? Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden Where am I from? Nebraska Where do I live? Nebraska Where will I die? Nebraska, most likely..... as long as I got my girlfriend, I don't really mind. Though I do plan to travel. A lot
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