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Everything posted by Stormbringer

  1. The way most people are talking where I live, there'll be plenty of copies, and plenty of GCs to play it on
  2. Well, I suppose I should have stated that I probably won't get a Gamecube until Xmas. I'd buy one myself..... but there's too many PSX2 games coming out this month that I might want to get, along with a few others that've been out for a little while. My christmas is going to consist mainly of a Gamecube, a MiniDisc player, some blank MDs and CDs, maybe some Siam Shade cds, and the usual money & clothes.
  3. Beats me. I'm not much of a Christian anymore, but probably because of that whole "God loves all" schpiel in the Bible.
  4. I don't see the point in buying it before the system comes out.... all you're doing is waiting in line to buy a game that everyone wants.... then just waiting some more for the system.... Buying the game before you have a system that's already out, that I can understand. I did that with FF7 and just played it on my friend's PSX..... but before the system even comes out? That just screams "fanboy"
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]mostly none.... but when I do get it there's hours of it. [/B][/QUOTE] That's college for ya
  6. more than that, it seems. Chris has barely more of a life than I do :p Stormbringer077 for anyone who cares
  7. Don't think this has been said yet, but oh well. Samurai swords and katanas are the exact same thing. Single-edged sword with a slightly curved blade. Ninja swords have straight bladed. The longer swords are called Tachi. I buy swords for decoration. I do plan on taking Kendo this summer, then maybe branching out into Iaido if I can find a place that'll teach that around where I live, but I doubt I'll ever need to sword fight for real. It's just something you do. It's like buying cards for a game like Pokémon or Magic but never using them. Lots of people do that, it's the exact same thing. Now if only I can scrounge enough money together to get a real, hand-forged katana.... the kind that could cut through any of those worthless European blades..... that'd be cool.
  8. I kinda like the Kainites thing.... that Kain, brother of Abel from the Bible, became the very first vampire because he was the first man to kill another human being, or something to that extent. So most vampires worship Kain because of that.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Cam PLEASE clean out your PM box. I need to send you something. [/B][/QUOTE] You never send me anything, you slacker :p
  10. O.Ox I would mess myself if that happened.... I don't care how cool I think vampires are... I'd wet my pants.... lol
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] [color=blue] I do notice. You're madly in love [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That makes a couple of us that are madly in love ^_^x You should read my Live Journal. Every post involves my girlfriend in some way.
  12. I'm getting indigo. Two black systems (PSX2 and N64) are enough for me. I love black like no other, but three systems would be too much. I'll probably get alternating purple & black controllers *looks at other replies* Am I the only one who's getting the indigo one?
  13. Super Famicom Gameboy Gameboy Pocket PSX PSX2 N64
  14. Audio Galaxy is probably the best place to get it
  15. Here's something to ponder over. How can someone who has a beautiful girlfriend, a girlfriend whom he's totally in love with, get depressed? It just happens. Stuff happens in life or around the world that just makes you stop and think about how crappy life can be sometimes. Or there's a chemical imbalance in your brain so not enough endorphines, or "happy chemicals" get through your system. And just incase you didn't get who I'm talking about, it's me. And for you real pros, try living with depression for almost 11 years straight. Because I did. I never told anyone what was going on. Sometimes I'm glad I didn't tell, sometimes I'm angry I didn't, sometimes I'm sad that I had no one to tell. But I'm all better now ^_^x
  16. Before anyone tries to move this topic somewhere else, read the whole thing. That's right, System of a Down. They have a song about Zelda, and I must say it's pretty funny. If you can find it, get it.
  17. I dunno... as it is..... I'm reacting to the new Zelda much like I am the Harry Potter movie. The more I see little bits of it, the more I want to see it. Of course I'd take Stacy to Harry Potter, but I'd never read the books. If I do get a Gamecube, I'll more likely than not get Zelda. I'm a dedicated fan of Nintendo, and I have faith in them.
  18. I got Transic his very first sword ^_^x I got the hookups, yo I have 4 swords. Now I just want a real, hand-forged, 900+ layer sword. Either the Paul Chen Tiger katana, the Paul Chen Shinto katana, or the Paul Chen Zaitoichi katana. Paul Chen 0wnz sword making. Now if only he'd make a Green Destiny replica..... cuz I don't want a factory-made one. Even though it looks damn cool.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] perhaps that's what fuels my fear of storms.[/QUOTE] Everyone's afraid of me....... ^_^x
  20. Worst thing: Either a really fat woman in a very SMALL bikini (no offense to over weight people, but god that was nasty) or seeing my girlfriend cry
  21. 1. Yes, I believe in vampires 2. Would I? If I could keep my soul, yes. Personally, I just want to get that whole seduction thing down. Every time you see a really good vampire movie (take Dracula 200 for example), whenever the main vampire walks by a human of the oposite sex, the people always stop and turn their head like the vampire is the most gorgeous person alive. I think it'd be cool to be able to do that. But yes, if I could have the cool supernatural powers, my soul, and Stacy (if she wanted to be a vampire) I would want to be a vampire.
  22. I know! If the only reason you'd buy ANY system is because of DVD playback (and DVD players are getting to a reasonable price-range now anyways), then you're not a true gamer at all. I bought the PSX2 for the games. The DVD part was just a nice, little extra to me ^_^x
  23. Volvagia is the dragon. But you gotta whack him with the hammer like a carnival game to stun him. The reason sh** is censored or should be censored is because unlike "crap," it is a truly vulgar word. Just think of the censored words as ones that can't be said on cartoons (American ones that is.... damn censorship in Anime...). Cartoons have been able to say "crap" ever since Ren & Stimpy came out years ago. Then came Adult Swim on CN. Pretty much whatever they can say THERE you can probably get away with saying here, as long as it's not directed towards another member in an insulting way.
  24. he runs around all of Hyrule field in a counter-clockwise path. All you gotta do is run around the place in a CLOCKWISE path. when you see him, play the Sun Song to make it night time (the guy only runs during the day). If you have the bunny hood, sell it to him. He'll give you a TON of money, so be sure to have the Giant Wallet.
  25. If I remember right, you have to destroy that crystal thingy behind the leader. I may not be correct, but here's a link to some pages that can help: [url]http://gamefaqs.com/console/n64/game/25092.html[/url]
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