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Everything posted by Stormbringer

  1. You never cease to amaze me, Chris
  2. Kinda funny how people always think that by spewing out random tidbits of uselessnes while on an over-glorified powertrip, they'll somehow intimidate people and get respect. It gets you laughed at and looked down upon. Anywho, it's not the format of the games, the pre-rendered scenes in the games, or the games themselves that make a console great. It's the fans that do that, just like it always has been and always will be. I don't care much for the XBox. I'm a loyal Nintendo fan, but that doesn't mean I think the XBox sucks. The DVD I could care less about (I have a PSX2), and practically all the "exclusive" games for the XB will either suck in my opinion or be released on the other systems within a few months. The only problem I see with the Game Cube is the slight lack of ground-breaking games that will be released when the GC comes out. That and Zelda. It looks so..... horrible. I have faith that Nintendo will make and release many a great game that will be loved and played by lots of people. I'm looking forward to Rouge Leader, Super Smash Brothers Meelee, Perfect Dark Zero, and Wave Race Blue Storm to name a few.
  3. You can use the longshot, it works perfectly if you run out of arrows
  4. Yup, Nintendo's going with the cutsy Paper Mario-esque look this time around. Man, and I was so looking forward to playing a Zelda game like the demos they had at first.... Honestly, in the demo for the actual game, Link walks up behind a Moblin, pokes it in the rear with his sword, then he GIGGLES!!!! EVIL!
  5. I honestly don't know what to think of it. On one hand, I'm disgusted and appaulled. On the other hand, I'm intrigued and curious. Why did Nintendo ditch the design they had in the demo video from 2 years ago? The one with Link fighting with Gannon? Why did they make Link look like Paper Mario on drugs? What are your opinions?
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