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About wonderkid

  • Birthday 12/01/1987

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    I am very creative and freemind , very friendly and talkyutiv
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  1. [quote name='NekoSama101']mine is supposed to mean "cat mistress" in japanease. i got the nickname neko at school because i'm so obbsessed with cats and japan. several of my friends call me neko sama.[/quote] Kind of interesting how I got my username it comes from one of my old fishing buddies because he always used to say I wonder what you're gonna catch next and cents I was the only kid on the dock. So they put the two together and thus I became wanderkid because they always wonder what I'm going to catch nextAnd I'm one of the only kids that fish is our regular basis on my local pier.
  2. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]I don't know, maybe it's just me, I don't really have a taste for fish as it is. I thought that maybe it's just not my kind of food. But I want to go to Japan one day, so I thought I should try new things before I go so I'm not totally overwhelmed and have to eat at McDonald's everyday :) I dunno, I don't even like cooked fish... so it's hard to imagine I'll find one I like... *sigh*[/QUOTE] :laugh: Give me a break people , if you think eating raw fish is weird you got another think coming because the weirdest thing I've ever eaten would probably be a [[U]B]raw live baby octopus.[/B][/U] you're probably thinking I was insane but no it tasted really good. you just have to remember to bite them before they bite you. :laugh:. If you're wondering where I got the octopus from I have an Asian friend that has family that raises them in Korea and shipped them to on his birthday and a couple years ago he decided to share one with. :D [COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR][FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT][SIZE=4]undefined[/SIZE]
  3. I'm really looking forward to :animesmil VOL #9,10 of the manga Naruto. a while ago I finished book number 8 and I can't wait for the next one to come out (the suspense is making me :sick: . There anyone else out there can wait either? send me a PM and let me know.[COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=4]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT]
  4. [QUOTE=Starwind]for an anime I'd have to be Kazuma the shell bullet from S-cry-ed and for manga I'd have to be Rain Jewlett from Immortal Rain. Kazuma has shell bullet, only the coolest of all alter power and rain is immortal, even if he has serious emotional issues[/QUOTE] IF I could be any anime&manga character I have to say I'd probably be either Kazuma or Edward Elrick, I mean talk about :modrod: amazing abilities . ED can do alchemy without circles,he can transmute his left arm into[SIZE=4][/SIZE][FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT]whatever he wants and Kazuma has one heck of a wicked alter power he can call on anytime he wants . I've also been told I resemble trunks but I don't really know about that . will from manga I'm not really sure I have been read very many different series. But if I have to choose one it's probably Onizua from GTO. One thing's for sure though it would definitely be cool the Babel be one of those guys . Just imagine the possibilities there endless !! :animesmil :animesmil
  5. Since I live in the Northern Rain Forests of Canada, as in British Columbia it rains almost all year round minus the two months of summer which it still rains in. Those months of summer though become very grueling hot. Otherwise it rains almost all year round.[/QUOTE] well from what I can see you in the experience about the same whether because I live in Seattle and it rains about ten months out of the year here . :animeangr Rain can be so frustrating , I mean to give you an idea if you haven't been watching the news we just recently had 27 days of street rain . Sometimes I swear all it does here is rain . But finely in July and August things usually dry out and we can enjoy the fun and the sun :animesmill.[COLOR=Blue]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=3]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT]
  6. Well to start , my real name is DJ. I live in Seattle Washington . I'm 18years old . some of my hobbies include and interests , Fishing which I do almost every chance I get and I don't care what its for . Anything to do with animay or manga! building things out of just about any thing . Spending time outdoors ( :animeangr I hate being stuck inside for long periods of time .Drying anything especially women &cars. I like the nighttime better than daytime . monster trucks ([I]my favorite is Grave Digger [/I] . I've been an animay fan for at least 5 to 6 years . My favorite animay include Cowboy Bebop ,Scryed,Nautro, Full Metal Alchemist, Smerishampool, ghost in the shell /stand alone complex ,FLUC,Waifl rain ,INYASHA and quite a few others I can remember right now! junk and I mean everything from bottle caps , door hinges , old hand tools , kitchen utensils , fishing gear of any kind , lawnmower tires . You get the idea just about whatever you can think of five probably got it out of a Dumpster or somewhere else . I have a very[B][U] appealing [/U][/B] sense of humor (I guess you could say I'm a banana !) there is that sense of humor of mine, [B] [U]appealing[/U][/B]You getIT! I'm also very friendly and talkative and I'm also very positive about almost everything. Anyway that's about all I can think of for me & personality ! :animesmil :animesmil :D :cool: [COLOR=Red]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT]
  7. [QUOTE=Lolita Izumi][SIZE=1]So, this is the only really good job I've done using photoshop. So, can you guys tell me what you think and what I could do to make it look better?? Thanks. ^_^ [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/27937514/]Here it is. It looks better in full view[/URL]
  8. (NARUTO)WAT THE H*** DID I DO :blowup: (Other guy ) :animeangr :bash: You trample my flower garden you DUM****!!!!
  9. [QUOTE=Kinetic][color=darkblue] Not only does this have [b]awesome[/b] animation, but the story in just the first episode (which is all I have seen) is great, too. And the fight scenes are amazing. Has anyone else seen this? [/color][/QUOTE] :animesmil :animesmil [COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=4]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Century Gothic]undefined[/FONT]Man you don't realize what you're in for ! I've seen the entire thing in your opinions right on track . I think it's one of the best series I've ever seen and I've also read all five books . You'll get a lot better understanding of all of the series if you read the books . To give you an idea of how much I like SCRYED I've got probably at least 100 or more images I downloaded off GOOGLE. Oh if you don't like reading subtitles they've been showing it on cartoon network at 1am Pacific time Monday through Thursday night's . If you got any other questions about SCRYED just private message me and out trying to answer them to the best of my ability . OK :cool: :D
  10. [quote name='Lover of Miroku][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I would have to say Miroku. :love: I don't know what it is but I always go for the pervert. :catgirl: I have a bit of a temper so I don't know how long he would last in a relationship with me, Then again. :animeswea[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] MAN,its funny that you like Nuroekoo. 'cause I can't get Songo out of my head :animeshy: :animenose she's is perfect, But I'd like for even more if she put on about 25 -30 pounds . :faint: OH BOY :animenose :animenose :animeblus if he did all that I probably be worse then Nuroekoo!!![COLOR=Red]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=4]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Impact]undefined[/FONT]
  11. [quote name='alchemist sage']I would date Kagome and the girl from full metal alchemist....i am not sure if here name is ren ren or something and the girls on NinjaJedi007 signature :tasty:[/quote] Well, you're on the right track but I think Winry better. I like her because he's got that tough but loving personally and she probably put the with just about anything that said to her .Except I'm betting she did me over the head if she didn't like what I'm saying and I bet it would hurt he's got some pretty good muscles from working with machines another tough stuff . Anyhow she's got looks too. :animeblus :animesmil [SIZE=3]undefined[/SIZE][COLOR=Red]undefined[/COLOR]
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