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Everything posted by Dodeca

  1. [SIZE=1]Ooo, the joys of throwing up. Funnily enough, my most unpleasant vomit-related experience didn't even involve my own puke. One day, my brother felt ill. He didn't make it to the downstairs bathroom in time, so he went for the nearest alternative... which, on that occasion, happened to be the kitchen sink. While it was full of dishes. Later, I was given the task of washing said dishes. If it'd been my own, fair enough, but no-one in their right mind would want to wash up other people's puke.[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='Sojio']ok look i am slandering him for the following reasons he said that Australians have "...fallen into a pit of alcoholism, laziness and forms of the occult..." the bastard.[/quote][SIZE=1]Meh, he wasn't far off. If he extended the statement to the whole of modern society, he'd have hit it right on the nail. Anyway, if [i]that[/i]'s the whole reason that you're bad-mouthing him, I can't see where the 'insaneous' bit came from. Rude might have been more appropriate, but only by a tad. I think... oh, I got it! 'Generalising' for the win! [quote name='Sojio']he deserves to be stripped of his title and i am sure any Australian would think the same.[/quote][i]'Preacher'[/i] isn't really a title that can be 'stripped', as far as I'm aware. : P[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Heh, I'm the only one to make an OtakuBucks profit from the last round... [I]Awesome[/i]. Anyway, for this round, I'm going to place a bet of 50 OtakuBucks on The Boss for third place. His wombat nation sounds like a right hoot.[/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']That may be true, but I can think of a good many other books with some great advice that don't rely on rediculous stories and religious cults run by corruption and lies. Good ideas... if you're Hitler.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]Could you [i]be[/i] more offensive to Christians [COLOR=DimGray][and, since they too follow the Old Testament of the Bible, Jews - which makes that last comment all the more inappropriate][/COLOR] everywhere? Not all Christians oppose gay marriage - I for one couldn't care less how someone else chooses to live their life - heck, I don't even oppose abortion or euthanasia. I can understand why you may feel as you do - I used to feel the same way - but do try to hold your tongue, in respect for those of us who aren't li'l Hitlers, okay?[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Birelle Nimlith [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/chris02.jpg][I]Click here ftw[/I][/URL] ~ She's usually found with a small backpack slung over her right shoulder, which she uses to lug around research materials, the occassional spellbook, and other items which she refuses to speak of. ~ On rare occasions, she'll tie her long hair into a bun at the base of her neck. More often than not there'll be no reasoning behind it, but there are occasions where it's considerably more practical than having it at full length. [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Continent of birth:[/B] [i]Middle[/i]; Great Bridge of Braabados. [B]Weapon:[/B] [I]Djinncor[/I] - A seemingly plain steel sword. In truth far from 'plain', the blade is built upon a Xandamite base, which Birelle uses a focusing aid for her magic. It can even be used as a power source for spells, but Birelle is adamant that using it for such things is unwise and potentially dangerous. [B]Current Job:[/B] Scholar / Mage [B]Personality:[/B] Quite determined by nature, Birelle tends to follow her instincts and chase after her dreams and aspirations - although to be fair, the only one that she hasn't lost interest in thus far is her wish to be a scholar. However this can often be her downfall, as she tends to become so caught up in her dreams that she loses sight of the big picture. Any friendships and alliances that she makes tend to be quite fickle, and stay intact only for as long as they serve her purposes or at the very least avoid interfering with them. She also tends to be quite blunt in conversations, and ensures that her intentions are made clear from the beginning. She hates to be challenged, lashing out at anyone who questions her attitude and/or methods. One should, in particular, avoid mention of her true status as an 'apprentice scholar' due to her incomplete training, as this is a considerable sore-spot for her; And on that note, often a source of injury for those who speak of it. [B]History:[/B] Hailing from a small town on the western half of the Great Bridge, Birelle was born into a small family and enjoyed a comfortable childhood. Her father was a retired scholar, and even though her mother strongly discouraged Birelle from following in his footsteps, by her teenage years she had taken up quite an interest in the field. At the age of sixteen, she left her home in Vima to study as an apprentice in Raltad City, under a former acquantaince of her father. Unfortunately, her studies did not go quite as well as she had hoped. Throughout her stay in Raltad, she found herself constantly at odds with her master. He considered her blunt manner of speaking offensive [understandably], while she often protested that his research was 'lacking', and that any criticism given was well-justified. After four years, neither one could stand the other, and Birelle eventually left the city and her apprenticeship to begin research of her own. From the beginning, Birelle's research primarily revolved around magic and its history, and she would often practice it on the side. At first her resources were limited to the libraries of Museica, where she had taken up residence, but it was not long before she felt the need for something different. Leaving Museica far behind her, she spent six years travelling across Atlas, hunting down obsure texts and examining countless ruins for further information that might have gone unoticed by others. During her travels, she noted that referrences to magic often went hand in hand with referrences to an unnamed ore, presumably Xandamite. After further research into the subject, Birelle decided to test the link between the two herself, and found that Xandamite actually served to enhance the effects of magic. She attempted to publish a report on the matter, but most 'qualified' scholars simply ignored her, refusing to give any credit to the work of a mere ex-apprentice. Birelle, though somewhat iritated, simply ignored the negative response she recieved and decided to take her research one step further regardless of her 'colleagues'' opinions. But to continue her research, she needed access to something other than dusty books and decaying ruins. She needed something special. She needed to get to a Xangamite drill... by any means necessary. [B]Abilities and spells:[/B] Shall come soon. [B]Gigantic Ablility:[/B] Ditto. [CENTER]* * * * *[/CENTER] I'll finish the rest tomorrow, methinks. It's 1:00AM here, and I need some sleep. Lots of it. -_-; [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I hereby place a bet of 100 OtakuBucks on Anomaly for 2nd place. Not that she deserves anything less than [I]first[/I] with that entry, but hey, 'tis some strong competition.[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]"[I]Choose Your Path[/I]" [B]Hint 1:[/B] 2003 Game of the Year [B]Hint 2:[/B] First great use of the licence in years.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][i]Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic[/i]. I haven't played the first one myself, but it was the first thing to come to mind with the subtitle and your hints. Behold; [b]"The surrealistic adventure that will become your world."[/b] Hint 1: The big daddy of all confusing puzzle-based adventure games. Hint 2: Released in 1993, with a fair few sequels released since then. Probably [i]wa-a-ay[/i] too easy, but hey.[/SIZE]
  8. [size=1]On a surprisingly related note, my brother got me a Zombie Survival Guide for Christmas in a fit of randomness. According to zeh guide, most people here are doomed. 'Specially the all-out zombie hunter types. : P[/size]
  9. [QUOTE=Phaedrus]Contradiction is an aspect of logic. I am beyond logic. Therefore, contradiction doesn't apply to me. Thank you[/quote] [quote name='Phaedrus']But I'm sure you can't grasp that, so nevermind.[/quote] [SIZE=1] You may be 'beyond logic', but you don't seem to be beyond arrogance. That last post truly wreaked of it, I'm afraid. And... err... I'm not even going to try arguing against you, as I can't come close to making sense of the whole abstract thing. >.< Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I like rocks. I don't think you can get much more inanimate than a normal, stable rock. Why do I like them? Well... have you ever found it easier to think with a rock in your hand? Oh, and throwing them gets rid of stress so easily. 'Tis great, and so are rocks.[/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Would you rather... ...let this thread die? or ...answer another blasted question involving Teletubbies?[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Oh, Teletubbies all the way my friend. Okay, I hate them, but that makes them all the more perfect for such things as this. On that note; Would you rather... Be beaten very close to death by the four Teletubbies of the apocalypse, and be forced to watch the world come to an end at the hands of the strange little things from a hospital bed as their freakish baby-faced sun throws out a near-endless string of 'your momma' jokes, with your only consolation being that the world'll be engulfed in a ball of colourful, flowery fire a fortnight later, taking you along with it. or Be beaten very close to death by Barney the Dinosaur, and forced to watch his show all day every day for several months as your shattered bones recover, unable to move, unable to scream... but be able to live a relatively normal, though somewhat psychologically scarred life thereafter. Oh well, at least it wasn't [i]just[/i] Teletubbies, eh? Oh, and the ones involved [i]were[/i] Teletubbies of the apocalypse, which makes 'em so much cooler. Kill, Tinky-Winky, [i]kill[/i]![/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']I do hope you're not serious. You're talking about the evil overlord wannabe here.[/FONT][/quote][SIZE=1]Meh, gotta admit, it's more ambitious than Split Keyblader's plan to mate with the underlings. Just don't go making sweet zombie lurve on my boat, y'hear?![/SIZE] [quote name='Veritas][size=1][color=dimgray]...maybe their would be zombie pirates or something, or a giant zombie whale like in Resident Evil 4[/color'][/size][/quote][SIZE=1]There are zombie whales now? Hah, not to fear! I'll tame one, and name him Mouldy Bick. We'll sail and swim the seven seas, me and Bick, we will. Possibly the most ill-founded plan to grace this topic as of yet, but hey. Worst comes to worst, I get eaten and have to spend eternity as a rotting zombie within a rotting zombie whale's belly. Meh, 'tis a fair trade off.[/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='lostvoice']I may need more guts, though. I'll pul'em out of somewhere.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Err... that gave me nasty thoughts of exposed large intestines. How odd, eh? Now, personally, I don't think that trying to stay closer to him or simply letting him kiss you would lead to any major breakthrough here. If you ask me, the problem isn't anything 'physical', but in the fact that - as you said in your first post - you have a difficult time speaking to him openly. You said a couple of posts back that you sometimes wish that he would be more intimate towards you [or that someone else'd show up who would be instead, but we'll ignore that for now... >.
  13. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Would you rather have a ton of homework? Or.... Would you rather get hardly any sleep, but get all your homework done, and make A's on all of it?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Oh, the first one, naturally. All through high school I had a habit of never doing homework, and I got through just fine. Sort of... And since I love my sleep oh so much, it couldn't be the second one. Not ever. Would you rather... Lose control of your body, and become stuck in a perpetual 'YMCA' dance. Or Lose control of your body, and become stuck in a perpetual Forest Gump-esque run around the world.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Meh, I want to make an entry, so I'll go with what I can remember of; [CENTER] * * *[/CENTER] [b]Scorpion Corporation[/b] [i]Category: OtakuBoards spin-offs[/i] The Scorpion Corporation, or [i]'Scorp Corps'[/i] for short, was a seperate community of OtakuBoards members formed in early 2005. Powered by Invision Boards, and hosted at [i]invisionfree.com[/i], the Scorp Corp board offered a similiar layout and forum selection to OtakuBoards. Unfortunately, being so heavily based on the OtakuBoards setup, Scorp Corp had nothing to offer that couldn't already be found on the OB itself. The community was relatively small from the beginning, and with only a few new members joining up as time passed, posts tended to be few and far between and the boards managed to 'die' completely within a month or so of their creation. The only trace of the Scorpion Corporation community that remains on the OtakuBoards today, and the only mention of the boards outside of signatures at the time, is Raiyuu's OtakuBoards Fan-Fiction [b][i][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46310]Less Than Hero[/URL][/i][/b], which featured Scorp Corp members as supervillians bidding to take over OtakuBoards - or rather, OtakuCity. [i]Less Than Hero[/i] was as shortlived as the Scorp Corp board itself, and never made it past the third chapter. Former members of the Scorpion Corporation included Dragon Warrior, Retribution, Ezekiel, Dodeca and Sakura, among others. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] I still used my 'Rei_Man' account at the time, but hey. 'Among others' roughly translates as 'I can't remember much, so I'm just taking 'em from the Less Than Hero threads. If anyone wants to add to the ill-informed list of members, that'd be helpful. >.< Oh, and can anyone remember who it was that started the Scorp Corp boards? Was it Sean?[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE=di.fm][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Lets think back to all the zombie movies out there..Who lives? No one. Your chances of hiding and waiting for zombies to, uh, 'die out' is impossible.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]That's because they never thought of taking to the high seas, matey! A barely mobile heap of rotting flesh ain't going to be a good swimmer, and salt water wouldn't be too good for said exposed flesh. And who needs to wait for them to die out? I just don't want them to eat me, so I'm set. And hey, you could always repopulate on a deserted island out at sea, raiding the mainland for sweet, sweet sustenance... Of course, it wouldn't be too long before there was no unspoiled sustenance left to raid for, but hey. I could still say that I tried, right?[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Ah, so many possibilities. My choice? Why, I'd make my way to the coast and steal m'self a mighty gallion, that's what I'd do. Well, probably not a gallion, but something seaworthy. Hopefully with a decent engine and a fridge, if at all possible. Something tells me that your average zombie isn't exactly a capable swimmer, and they certainly wouldn't be able to man a boat, so it's probably one of the safest places to be. Sure, I'd have to restock on supplies [food, fuel, etc.] every now and then, but so long as I kept a gun ready - heck, even a baseball bat'd do it - on my journey, I could raid the occassional coastal town or city to fill up on petrol and tinned peaches, perhaps upgrade to a better boat, and of course massacre any zombie(s) that starts hassling me. I'd be like a modern day pirate, 'cept with zombies and speedboats. Of course, if we ended up with undead sharks my plan might not go so well. In that case, I'd just have to go down with honour - yelling "Eat meh!" as I moon them. Who knows, bare cheeks might be as deadly to a zombie as sunlight to a vampire...[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Wow... that's... quite impressive. For a sketch, you managed to get quite a bit of depth and detail into it, and I completely adore the face. Very well done, if you ask me. Though her right eye [or left, from the drawn perspective] does indeed look a little bit off, as far as I can tell it's only because the line for the lower eyelid isn't quite horizontal, whereas the other eye's is. If you keep the eyelashes where they are, and just redraw the eyelid from that point, it should look alright. I think. More noticably, however, the neck seems to be a bit too long. I didn't notice it straight away as the darker lines of the face draw the attention away from it, but it if you're going for a fully-coloured masterpiece you may want to shorten it. Really, you could probably just raise the lines for the collar bone to somewhere just below the where the neck meets the fur coat, and it'd a little better. Then there's just the matter of editing the disk ear-rings so that they're about the same size and hang from the same height, and you're done. Aside from the few little problems with it, bravo. It's an excellent drawing overall, and you should be proud of it. Especially of the face... 'tis wonderful, I say![/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]That said... I'm glad he's being hung especially if his neck doesn't snap immediately and he has to wait until he suffocates.[/color'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]It's amazing how sadistic people can become when dealing with 'evil' people, 'specially when that person'd never done anything that had even [i]remotely[/i] affected said people. On that note, I find it kind of ironic that evil ol' Saddam is probably causing more people to part with their usual sense of morality in [his approaching] death than he ever did in life. Sure, Saddam probably does deserve his sentence, but as far as I care, that doesn't make it right. The death penalty in any form is uncivilised, but hanging is plain barbaric. If Bush was [i]really[/i] serious about bringing Iraq around to the Western, 'civilised' way of doing things, he wouldn't be supporting this. The EU, on the other hand, have the right idea. Fo shaw.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Julian Ramasy [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Age:[/B] Roughly 300, but retains the appearance of a 24 year old. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Class:[/B] Turned [B]Personality:[/B] Cold and resentful, Julian would not be able to hide the 'scars' of his turning even if he tried to. Having hunted vampires out of hate beforehand, and having been 'betrayed' by his ex-comrades when they allowed him to be turned, Julian finds it difficult to trust either side, and allies with the vampires out of a lack of other options rather than choice. That is not however to say that he is a hateful person, he simply cannot see, when his 'friends' had forsaken him once already, why the same thing could not happen with the vampires if he openly accepted them aswell. This may have led to his refusal to give up aspects of his old life, or it may have absolutely nothing to do with it - Julian has never really stopped to think about it, even in 270-odd years of un-death. [B]Appearance:[/B] [[b][URL=http://www.dengekionline.com/soft/recommend/granado/fighter.jpg]The character on the left[/URL][/b], given that he's a man, [b]with several changes/additions[/b]. His undershirt will be a t-shirt instead, cut off at the point where the sleeves begin to bulge outwards. His right hand will have a simple black leather glove, while his left hand will have the gauntlet-of-sorts that seems to be on his right hand in the image. He won't have that pouch on his jacket either, but he'll have several attached to his belt. When he's not in the heat of things, he also wears a long trenchcoat of a similiar colour to the jacket, to avoid looking [i]completely[/i] odd and out of place.] [B]Weapon[s]:[/B] - Refusing to remove himself completely from his origins, and with muskets not being the most readily available weapon in the modern world, Julian favours the use of a bolt-action rifle - specifically, an antique [URL=http://world.guns.ru/rifle/mosin91-30.jpg]Mosin-Nagant M1891/30[/URL][/click] - over any automatic weapon available today. Julian prefers the size of the rifle over the later carbine versions, and usually keeps it slung behind his right shoulder with an attachable scope and bayonet loosely attached to his belt alongside two spare ammunition cartridges. - His other weapon [see the sword in the appearance link] is a sword retained from the time before his turning, when he himself had been a hunter. The style of sword was standard issue for the Brigade, but the other swords had disappeared with the death of the hunters who wielded them, leaving Julian's blade as the only [known] one of its kind. Brilliantly crafted, the sword is well balanced, and can easily be used for both slashing and stabbing. [B]Bio:[/B] [Will come soon, I promise. Until I sort it out, if you haven't figured already, he was part of a group of hunter-musketeers before he was bitten. I guess they were the 17th/18th century equivalent of trackers, without the tracking.][/SIZE] ~Okay, I'm out of time for the night. I'll work on it some more tomorrow - on the Bio, naturally, and improving the Personality some. Hope it's all up to standard so far Sazabi, feel free to PM me if you have any issues.
  20. [quote name='inuyashaXDkiss']....uh, could it be tht the reason no one is replying is becaus u dont care?...or that im being spamful?! oh...dear.[/quote] [SIZE=1]It could be that you're expecting people to reply to a topic within 15 to 30 minutes of posting it, at a time of day when the boards are pretty much empty. You need to be a little more patient around here. And yes, you are being a tad spamful and rule-breaking by triple posting, but that's probably not why nobody replied... well maybe on the spamful part, but it's not that nobody cares, I'm sure. Anyways, I guess a mod'll move this to the [b]Suggestions & Feedback[/b] forum at some point, but in the meantime you might want to elaborate a little. What are you trying to do? Put an image into your signature? Link to another page? Anyway, if it's either of those, just click the [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/editor/insertimage.gif[/IMG] button to put an image in or [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/editor/createlink.gif[/IMG] button to link to something [both're just above the typing space,with the other formatting options - Bold, Italic, etc.], and enter the URLwhen prompted to.[/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='Red']What in the world was the point in that statement?[/quote] [SIZE=1]I believe that it was to point out that the only country to ever use nuclear weapons outside of testing is the United States, regardless of the situation. And whatever you might say, I personally believe there [i]must[/i] have been a more humane option than nuking two cities, but that might just be me.[/SIZE] [quote name='Red']No, you can't - but you can look at the facts. How can they attack when they have nothing close to viable delivery method? Nobody is even sure they're capable of creating working nuclear weapons, for crying out loud![/quote] [SIZE=1]I'm going to side with Retribution here. Unless we had someone who knew firsthand at what stage of development the North Koreans are, we can't assume anything about their nuclear capabilities. Fact is, we don't really know if their delivery methods are 'nothing close to viable' as we've only seen [i]one[/i] test. It could've been a dud, it could be one of several prototypes - we just don't know.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Heh. What annoys me a little about your opening post is that you went for that oh-so-stereotypical 'America must save the world!' stance. It's all 'United States' this, 'United States' that. There's no point in having the UN if you do everything yourselves, y'know. It also amused me a little when you stated that the weapons would definitely be used against the States, completely ignoring the more immediate risk to nearby nations such as Japan, which you'd already mentioned in regards to a missile threat. [COLOR=DimGray][And China 'n' Russia, the others who're 'coming together' according to your post, but they don't really apply to my next point.][/COLOR] You have an obscenely powerful and influential country halfway across the world, or a country that you don't really like all that much, conveniently placed just a little bit across the ocean. Which one would you choose? Anyways, I pretty much agree with other people's 'do it carefully' responses, and I firmly believe that if and when push comes to shove, the United States should [i]not[/i] be the ones making the crucial decisions - or at least not the only ones.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]He's giving himself the freedom to interpret international law? Who does he think he is, really? If any other nation not on his buddy list tried to bypass the War Crimes/Human Rights Act, he'd try to get every other UN member on their ***. As far as I'm concerned, if the UN doesn't intervene and smack him down, it's not doing its job. Period. [COLOR=DimGray][They [I]are[/I] allowed to 'smack him down', aren't they?][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]For the love of all that is unloved, Sony are idiots. And annoying ones at that. [URL=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/5319190.stm][B]European PS3 release date delayed...[/B][/URL] Oh well, so much for a worldwide November release. Surely it's all but official at this stage that Sony are completely and totally useless. There's the 4-month-delayed EU release, and - apparently - they're only going to manage to dish out 400,000 PS3's for Autumn/Fall in the US. Before this, I still had some hope for the PS3, but now there's no doubt about it. Nintendo are going to completely whoop them. Woo.[/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='Raiyuu][FONT=Trebuchet MS']One guy wrote the word "FRIDGE" on a huge block of polystyrene with a marker and dropped it on his target from a second-storey window.[/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1] Oh god, that one cracked me up. That's classic mock-assasination, right there. I'm a little disappointed though. I have a friend who just finished at Cambridge and has never mentioned this. I don't care if he didn't know - if he didn't, he should've done. It's a scientific fact. Anyway, my advice - play dirty, it's always fun, right? ...Nah, don't bother. Just go with the vigilance. Oh, and don't forget to buy some tacky spy toys from your nearest toy store. Or, failing that, make some of your own. The fun never ends![/SIZE]
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