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Everything posted by Dodeca

  1. Dodeca


    [SIZE=1]Something gives me the feeling that this should've been put into the MySpace thread that [I]already exists[/I]. In the end, MySpace does have to take some of the blame for these things, as they are providing a system, unintentionally of course, through which this sort of thing can take place. But in that sense they're no different from any chatroom, message board or blog service on the internet - things like this could happen through any and all of them. Still, Myspace really need to take a stronger stance on underage users and other violations of their terms and conditions, especially when the violation is so blatantly obvious. Inevitably, the people themselves are the only ones who can really be held responsible for their actions, but they can only act according to the freedom they're given. MySpace unfortunately gives them that freedom - and though that doesn't place all of the blame on them, it sure as hell doesn't clear them of responsibility either.[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='Boo][size=1']Meh, it doesn't mean she's stuck there forever, so you can just get her to Cantha when she's starting to bore and still be able to go back to Kryta for a FoW round every now and then >>'[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1] It wasn't so much about having her stuck in Cantha, just that I prefer one of the new Canthan Necromancer haircuts over her Prophecies one. Still, I've changed my mind a little since, and probably will [eventually] get her over there for some of the Cantha-specific skills. Oh, and on a related note, said character got her birthday present just a few days ago. A cute 'ickle Whiptail Devourer. Okay, it doesn't match up to the Kuunavang, and I would've preferred something a little more... exotic... but it's still fun to have [I]something[/I] scuttling around your feet. I guess...[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Personally, I'm not all that up for it. I like OB over other things partly because it doesn't have a space for such things. If we set up a chat forum, we'll just be redirecting spam rather than discouraging it. Besides, I s'pose if people want to chat aimlessly, they can include their AIM/MSN/etc. handle in their profile page, and do so through those vile programs. People've been doin' it since the dawn of [strike]Otakuboards[/strike] mankind, y'know.[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Grace][SIZE=1]Do you think racism will ever stop? Do [I]YOU[/I] have a racial prejudice, if so explain. Have you ever been attacked because of your race?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]In the grand scheme of things, I don't think there'll ever be an end to racial prejudice, even if racial [I]discrimination[/I] gradually winds down. We all have stereotypes of particular groups in our mind - templates that we use to evaluate people before we really know them - whether they're according to age, race, or even something as trivial as the emo/goth/etc. thing. People can minimise and avoid acting on these stereotypes and opinions as much as they like, but that doesn't really get rid of racism in its less obvious form. Though remember that prejudice isn't always negative - its just become so attached to negative issues that the other side of that word gets easily overlooked. In that sense, to [I]truly[/I] get rid of racial prejudice - or any other kind, for that matter - people would need to approach a person from a complete neutral, non-assuming perspective. That just doesn't happen, period. But yes, I have to admit that I have just a little too much of the negative variety for my own good. It's not like I ever act on any of these stereotypes - and I'm 99.99*% certain I never will - but in the end that doesn't make me any better or worse than the people who do. It doesn't help all that much living in an area that's visibly increasing in racist views over time either, with the BNP [British Nationalist Party] pulling in more of the city each year with their racist propoganda. But, if it helps, I tend to form a negative opinion of the grand majorityof people I see before I get to know them, based on one completely trivial factor or another. Fortunately, I've never really been attacked for my race, though I was once threatened because of it, in a fashion. He [I'm not going to guess his ethnicity, because I'm fairly certain I'd get it wrong] was the kind of person you'd be wary of anyway, having jumped over a churchyard fence and trampled through a flower bed, and he started asking me what was in my pockets, if I had a cellphone on me, and so on. This made me nervous as hell, but even without that I would've thought it'd be pretty obvious that I wasn't going to give him my wallet so he could 'look at it' - I certainly know I wouldn't let a Caucasian stranger look at my wallet. Anyway, whether he meant it or was just trying to scare me into giving in, he accused me of being racist and threatened me a little. After a very jittery explanation of why it wasn't a racist thing to do he eventually wandered off, but I saw him a little later doing the same thing to the person he'd wondered off to. Anyway, in the end I've been attacked more by Caucasian people [two/three times] than I have by any other race [never], so I try to keep this to the side as an almost-one-off. But yeah, though I'm pretty sure that racism as prejudice is, at least to some extent, innevitable, I absolutely despise anyone who takes it beyond mere opinions - whether that be through words, actions or violence. And I really feel sorry for anyone who has to face up to such disrespectful and arrogant actions firsthand.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][B]Emily:[/B] Erm... guys, I'm not sure if this groups really for me, y'know? I mean, the initiation's been a little rough so far, and I'm the only one who seems to be getting hurt... So, I think I'll just be going, if that's okay with you. [B] Nicholas: [/B]Look, do you want to join us or what? [B]Emily:[/B] Well... yeah, I suppose. After all, I've always admir- [I]*Bonk!*[/I] [B] Nicholas:[/B] Quick, lock her inside before she-! ... Aww crap... anyone got a spare key handy?[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I bought GW:Factions yesterday, partly out of boredom, but moreso to continue toying with the Ritualists, which immediately caught my eye in the PvP weekend way-back-when. Now I'm just trying to decide on the secondary profession, but overall I'm leaning towards Mesmer. As for my main Prophecies character, I'm really not sure whether I want to use her in Cantha [once I get around to ascending her, that is]. Not that I'll delete my oldest character or anything, but I'd prefer to make a new Necro with one of Factions' jazzed up hairstyles and a twist of Rit. Oh, and Desbreko, I absolutely love hammer Warriors, though I've never tried to make one outside of PvP. I personally go for Air magic as it's handy for knockdowns and interuptions at both medium and melee range, though it's a bit of a pain with the Exhaustion on Gale. I love chasing down Monks and knocking them down whenever they try to heal themselves or their party, even if it takes a long time. It's also pretty handy if you [or one of your party members] is being swarmed by Warriors/Assassins, as you can whip out a Whirlwind/Counter Blow + Belly Smash to blind the lot of 'em and give space for your party to heal, etc. It's not a great build for taking damage, but it's reasonably good for avoiding it and messing up the enemy's front line or [individual] healers. : P ...Blah.[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE=Illusion][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]To Draw!: my Evil cat!! well there are no rules here except for the fact that id like you to keep him with one eye.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/9274/scan00230lj.jpg[/IMG] [/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I have an unhealthy amount of free time tonight, since my parents'll be off somewhere, so I might aswell put it to use. I'm thinkin' I might end up colouring it... any idea of what colour scheme you'd want for it? [B]EDIT:[/B] Voila! whenever I think of evil/shadowy things, I always picture them in dark blue-ey badness. I tried to go for a bloody, scarred effect on the [missing] left eye and the bridge [?] of the nose, and, though it's somewhat difficult to make it out in the darker part, I think it worked out quite well. Yeah, anyway. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/fictitiousturnip/evilcatob.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h230/turnipicus/evilcat.jpg][Click for full-size image, but beware the pixelating horror of photobucket...][/URL][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][I][B]To Draw: Agra[/B], even though I haven't completed the design myself yet in terms of full colouring and shading. She'd always keep the same hairstyle [ish], along with a bangle-of-sorts on each wrist and the oddly-styled jacket [which includes the collar and the arm-fasteners]. Also, her eyes would've be blue-green if I'd actually coloured them.[/I][/SIZE]
  8. [size=1][i][b]Zombies![/b] Do it with the light [B]off[/B], folks.[/i][/size]
  9. [size=1][b]Guy:[/b] Get the hell off my planet, scumbags. [b]Alien:[/b] Hey... this is our planet! [i]*Bang!*[/i] [b]Alien:[/b] ..a-and that's my gun! [i]*Bang!*[/i] [b]Alien:[/b]...a-and that's my [i]*cough*[/i]... oh dear god... is that my underwear?! [i]*Bang, bang, bang!*[/i][/size]
  10. [SIZE=1][quote name='Avenged666fold']That is coming out on Xbox 360 to ?I beleive.[/quote] Try searching around a little, and I think you'll find you're mistaken. Badly. [I][URL=http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/705/705734p1.html]E3 2006: Square Shuns Xbox 360[/URL][/I] Basically, unless Square make some official announcements, the X-Box isn't getting any Final Fantasy beyond FFXI. Tough luck for them, eh? As for the PS3, the price doesn't bother me all that much. The X-Box 360 was released at a much lower price, but from what I've heard it had it's fair share of technical bugs. They based their success on getting the jump in terms of release and pricing, at the cost of testing. With a higher price, odd as it is, I suppose I can feel more confident that the PS3 will be better executed. In the end, if people really want the PS3, nothing Nintendo or Microsoft do is going to stop them.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][B]Angel Sanctuary[/B], right? Never seen the manga myself, but I remember mention of it from somewhere way-back-when. Okay, now for mine, ja? [B][I]feseri myalsa[/I][/B] [COLOR=SlateGray][Hint: The sorceress' knight...][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Ooo... evil things... Well, I can't actually remember doing this myself, but when I was younger I apparently walked up to my less-poplar-of-the-two grandma at a party, and told her I hated her. I didn't see her again for years, but she mentioned it as soon as she saw me. I can't even remember it, but she still took it pretty heavily. ...Still don't like her much, but there you go. That one doesn't really bother me too much. There is one thing that's bothered me for a long time though. I once wished [in the angry-kid-ish kind of way] that someone I [vaguely] knew would 'go away and die'. Coincidence or otherwise, he died of a brain haemorhage [sp?] overnight. Even though I don't believe in magic and the like, I've always felt more than a little bit awkward about it...[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]^ No, I noticed that too, in the same screenshot. When I looked at the link in the FF Series thread I straight away thought "Hey, aren't they Bevelle soldiers...?" or something like that. Maybe it's 'cos it's the same dev. team as for FFX, though it's probably just a coincidence. Anyway, allow me to quote myself; [QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1]I'm all up for FFXIII, but I'm not entirely sure about the 3-part 'saga'. Versus... hmm... I'm not sure if I like the idea of different teams working on the different 'episodes'. Even FFXIII appears to be more action-ish than normal from the short battle clip in the trailer - in a good way, and if Versus is 'extreme'... I just have a dreading feeling that FFV-XIII'll end up as nothing more than a glorified button-mash fest. I look forward greatly to FFXIII, alongside the likes of MGS4, but I imagine I'll be somewhat sceptical of the other two until Square gives more information on them. [I]Very[/I] sceptical.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] It could well be that Square are milking the franchise, but that's what they've always done - now they're just doing it a little bit more, yes? [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]It... well, the series... was officially announced by Square-Enix at E3, according to the article. So, it's official, but to be fair it doesn't really give that much of an insight into anything. Which is a bit of a shame, but understandable given that this is [COLOR=SlateGray][probably] [/COLOR]the first official mention of it.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][B]Box'd Bob:[/B] Garr! The mighty Aqueous Bob caught in a cardboard trap of deadly proportions! Thou hast laid a trap most foul, terrorist filth! [B] Guard 1:[/B] Boy, that guy's a moron. [B]Guard 2:[/B] Meh, never a dull day with double-sided sticky tape. [B]Box'd Bob:[/B] Curse you all!! [B] Guard 1:[/B] Rofl, can I kick 'im?[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Wow... now [I]that[/I]'s a gunblade... I'm all up for FFXIII, but I'm not entirely sure about the 3-part 'saga'. Versus... hmm... I'm not sure if I like the idea of different teams working on the different 'episodes'. Even FFXIII appears to be more action-ish than normal from the short battle clip in the trailer - in a good way, and if Versus is 'extreme'... I just have a dreading feeling that FFV-XIII'll end up as nothing more than a glorified button-mash fest. I look forward greatly to FFXIII, alongside the likes of MGS4, but I imagine I'll be somewhat sceptical of the other two until Square gives more information on them. [I]Very[/I] sceptical.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B]Master Chief[/B], right Chris? [COLOR=SlateGray][Halo fanboy! Run!][/COLOR] Let's see... what to do... Ah! Here y'go; [I]oone engsies valnegione[/I] [COLOR=SlateGray][Hint: Fly me to the moon, y'all][/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Sigs? Read them? Wha-? Well... I suppose I do from time to time, since [most] people do put some effort into them. But if it's a 16-line poem about life being unfair, I generally tend to pass on it. The sigs that draw my eye would generally be ones including nice little banners, as that'll encourage me to read the stuff around it to see if there's a connection between banner and text. Though I quite like to read text-based sigs that don't actually mean anything, but are just created out of a few seconds of complete/inspired boredom. Or funny quotes, provided there's just the one. As for sig-links... rarely click on them... Blah...[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Ack... I really had trouble with this one. Not that most responses weren't funny or anything, just that my sense of humour didn't seem to click with 'em. Anyvays... Recently me and one of my friends've been dueling it out with 'your mom' jokes, so [B]third place[/B] goes to; [quote name='CoLoR_Me_EviL][COLOR=Indigo]Gun man: Son, I did [B]NOT[/B'] just hear you mention my momma![/COLOR][/quote] Today's entry by John broke into my last 'list', gaining [B]second place[/B] with [I][strike]Snakes[/strike] Punks on a Plane[/I]; [QUOTE=John]"We got motherfuckin' punks on the motherfuckin' plane!" Someone had to.[/QUOTE] But in the end my personal favourite was _Kenshin_'s caption, and as such I grant it the [B]mighty first placedness of doom[/B]; [quote name='_Kenshin_']"Introducing a new show........... Pimp your face"[/quote] So, _Kenshin_, you're up.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Oops... knda forgot about this... :animeswea Oh well, here's one I just found in the last 2 minutes, so I'll pop it up, linked again. [URL=http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2006/089/reviews/925121_20060331_screen001.jpg][i][B]Click me, yo![/B][/i][/URL] Can't resist... temptation... to say... [I]do you feel lucky... punk...[/I][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]I really like all three of them, Boredness. There's the occasional bitty part, but overall you've done a great job. Anyway, a little critique.... [B]Cloud:[/B] I suppose my main comment on this one would be to be more sparing with editing, particularly with the black background. In most parts it snuggles the line-work well, but in others it doesn't quite fit, and makes it seem as if the picture itself is rough around the edges rather than the background. One or two aspects of the drawing seem a little skewed, but the detail you've put into it is quite impressive. Kudos. [B]Sora:[/B] Go you! This one would probably be my overall favourite of the lot. The shading all across this is superb, and the detail and proportions equally so. The mouth seems a little off, but that's only because of the variations in thickness between the middle and the edges. And... uh... though it's a little awkward to point this out, Sora seems to be lacking somewhat in the crotch department... :animeswea [B]Daisuke: [/B]I'll agree with Kune that this one appears a step behind the other two, but similarly not in a bad way. Overall, there's not all that much wrong with it, though the head seems squashed. I'm wondering... were you trying to get a 'looking down' effect here? If so, I've always had difficulty with those kind of pictures too, and I still haven't gotten the hang of it. Still, another thumbs-up overall. [I]Here's looking forward to seeing more stuff...[/I][/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]Would you rather have a family and be middle class [Working from paycheck to paycheck] or Not have a family, but be as rich as can be?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] Did you mean to say working class on the first one? Anyway, I'd go for the first option even if it meant I had almost no money at all. My family [and friends] are more important to me than most other things, even if I don't show it all that often. Besides, we all know that money can't buy happiness, right? Would you rather; [I](a) Have many friends on a basic level, with no real space to develop beyond that or to truly get to know them, but on relatively good terms with most/all of them. (b) Have one good friend who you can trust and share your thoughts and feelings with completely, and another former 'friend' intent on dragging you down and making your day-to-day life as miserable as possible.[/I][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][B]Obi-Wanabee:[/B] Like, dude, I finally got my own- [I]*drops lightsaber*[/I] [B]Obi-Wanabee:[/B] Oh poodlefluff. That can't be good. [I]*so commences the alarm...*[/I] [B] Comm. Voice:[/B] Obi, somethings cutting through the hull! Can you see anything?! [B]Obi-Wanabee:[/B] Uhh... no... not a thing... [B]Comm. Voice:[/B] Must be those damn Sith again. *******!! [B]Obi-Wanabee:[/B] Yeah... umm... damn Sith... heh.[I]*whistles*[/I][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]And the winners are... In 3rd place, we have; [quote name='daredevilsdad']kazuya: take your time paul, im gentle[/quote] In 2nd place; [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"....The preporation for man sexxes?"[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] And in 1st place, the inventive; [quote=Lady Katana][size=1][COLOR=Navy][B]Kazuya:[/B] No! I tell you to work the hip, not the buttocks! Gah, you will never be master of the dance like me! [B]Paul:[/B] But I'm trying so hard, master! I'm trying![/COLOR][/size][/quote] [I]The Boss[/I]'s contribution was a good one also, but it didn't bring quite as much amusement as these three. Good job to the lot of you, and may [I]Lady Katana[/I] grace us with the next screenshot of wonder.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][quote=The Boss][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Do you watch [adult swim]? What is your opinion of Hip Hop? Why? What is your favorite video game? Optimist or Pessimest? Finally, the age old quesiton... Pirates or Ninjas?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] 1. No, all we have here in the UK is Toonami, which has now sacrificed most of it's half-decent stuff for Nickelodeon-esque rubbish. 2. I don't like it at all. It just doesn't work for me, both in terms of lyrics and the style of the music. 3. Probably Shadow of the Colossus. 4. Pessimist, most probably. 5. Pirates. Ninjas spend too long in the shadows to be [I]truly[/I] cool. [quote=Starwind][B]1:[/B] Have you ever been parasailing? [B]2:[/B] Do you like the beach? [B]3:[/B] Do you like to fish? [B]4:[/B] Is romance important to you?[/quote] 1. No, and I can't really say I'd ever want to. 2. It's ok... 3. Wouldn't know, I've never been fishing properly. Used a net once while I was a kid, but that's about it. 4. It would be, if I ever actually find myself in a relationship. [quote=Lonley Fighter]1) What are your views on life 2) What in life brings you happiness 3) Do you ever take time to calm the storm of your mind[/quote] 1. Life's life. I don't have any great opinion on it, I just try to live it. 2. Funny things, and spending time with [close] friends. 3. I spend almost every moment of every day obsessing about one thing or another. Still, I wouldn't say my mind is a 'storm', and I wouldn't want to calm it. [quote=D. Resurrected]what do you look for in men do you like sea food what do you like best about me[/quote] 1. I don't bend that way, lol. But in women I look for a personality that I can connect with, and a good light-hearted/slightly sarcastic sense of humour. 2. Not as a whole, but I love certain types of fish in certain recipes. 3. You like intelligence and dislike immaturity, I guess. Still, I wouldn't really be able to like or dislike anything about you unless I saw those qualities firsthand, so I can't really say. [quote=1nOnlyCloud]1- Do you like to draw? 2- Whats your favorite anime or manga? 3- Do you Like the game kingdom hearts? If so who's your character(s)?[/quote] 1. I do, mostly character designs or fan-arty things. 2. Haven't watched/read any in a long time, but I'd say Neon Genesis Evangelion for old times' sake. 3. Yes, more than I had expected. I'll say Sora, but just for the sake of it. [quote=Raine14]What do you guys think about me? (Profile on page 3) Do I interest you? Would you ever like me?[/quote] 1. Umm... well, you sound like a nice person. You sound similiar [personality-wise] to a few of my friends. 2. [I]*shrugs*[/I] How so? 3. It'd be difficult to say without actually knowing you, but if you have a good sense of humour, you 'd have fairly good odds. [CENTER][I]All done...[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE]
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