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Everything posted by Dodeca

  1. [SIZE=1][I]Cats[/I] are my main delight, mostly because there've always been at least two cats in my home at any given point in my life. They're really quirky aswell, which definitely gets them my vote. I caught them playing their version of 'hide and seek' at about 2AM last night, which was quite amusing. Dogs can be okay for me, but it really depends on the individual/breed. I can't stand the likes of bulldogs or rottweilers, and little dogs just make me laugh too much. [I]Collies[/I] are probably my favourite, but that'd be because my aunt and uncle have a pair of them, and I s'pose I almost think of them as my cousins, lol. [CENTER]And last but not least, monkeys. [I]Spider monkeys[/I]. Can't go wrong with a spider monkey. [I]Or can you...?[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I don't think anyone suggested distancing yourself completely, but just to hold off on the dating attempts. As such I was a little surprised when you said you'd decided to [I]"drop her, and just stay at the far far far off aquantices motel"[/I], but I didn't want to say anything at the time. Anyway, whatever you do, [I]don't[/I] let the fact that she doesn't want to date you get in the way of your friendship. It doesn't mean that she doesn't want you to stay friends if she turned you down, just [probably] that she didn't/doesn't feel 'that way' about you, y'know? Everyone goes through this sort of thing from time to time, and backing away from it won't solve it. Take a few steps back emotionally if you must, but don't pull away physically. [CENTER][i][COLOR=DimGray][Did that even make sense...? Err...][/COLOR][/i][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Hmm... methinks that if one hadn't realised from mentioned events that said girl was [I]not[/I] the love of one's life, tough luck. Really, if you'd actually consider dropping the gun and whispering "I love you" or whatever while she's busy disembowelling you, I'd recommend seeing a therapist in the afterlife. [I]-And who's to say killing her would be the only option? It's not like you'd have to shoot her somewhere fatal now, is it? Honestly... some people...[/I][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][CENTER]Wow, my heap of [strike]junk[/strike] pure genius won! ...Really?[/CENTER] Well, here's my choice for the day. I couldn't find a picture of Jin kicking someone in the crotch, a move that I tend to over-use in the game, so this'll have to do. For the sake of not stretching the layout, I'll link it instead. [CENTER][I][URL=http://www.namcoarcade.com/popwins/popwins_tk4ss2_5.jpg]~Clicketh~[/URL][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]Let your creativity flow like a river of purpley-blue gold.[/CENTER][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][quote=The_Mix_Breed]1, What's your most embrassing memory? 2, What's your favorite sport? 3, Do you have good morals and do you uphold them? 4, Are you reading this post cause your bored you because you care about what I have to say?[/quote] [I][B]1.[/B] Probably having lost control of my bowels after having a concussion and falling asleep. Beat that. [B]2.[/B] I try to avoid as many of them as possible, though tennis and badminton are alright. Or swimming. Needless to say, I'm not exactly brilliant - actually, barely even competent - in most of them. [B]3.[/B] I'll generally have good morals and try to uphold them. I'll still uphold them outwardly if I'm in a bad mood, but tend to be a little more immoral in thought. [B]4.[/B] 'Cause I'm bored, but that can be applied to most things that I do. [/I] [B]Name:[/B] Alex[ander] Nathan Lucking. Used to hate it, but I don't mind anymore. [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Description:[/B] Average-ish height, can never be bothered to measure it. Darkish brown hair, mid-length. Green eyes, glasses. Annoyingly overbearing, occasionally flaring nose. [B]Favorite Color:[/B] Anything from [pleasant] green to purple. [B]Location:[/B] United Kingdom, England. [B]Personality:[/B] I adjust my outwards 'personality' depending on the company, and generally won't interact with anyone I don't know/don't like unless I have to. More open around people I'm comfortable with, but not by much. Prefer a random sense of humour, though this depends on the company, again. [B]Hobbies:[/B] Games of agreeable genres, reading, drawing, joining up to random internet things mentioned by friends, observing people for the simply to find a reason to dislike them. [B]Slight History:[/B] Moved house once, on December 21st [or was it 22nd?] 1999, but not by very far. Have only a few good friends, but I don't know much about them or them about me. Have always had at least two cats at any given time, and a dog for the first half of my life. Have always been 'bright' but am a little too lazy and withdrawn for my own good. [B]Likes:[/B] Games, TV, cats, music, drawing, and acts of random behaviour. [B]Dislikes:[/B] Sports, Pop/Hip-hop/Rap, using anything other than a pencil or pen, and many more trivial things. [B]Other:[/B] Bleh... [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]~[/COLOR][B]Q's[/B][COLOR=Teal]~[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I][B]1.[/B] Why do you do what you do in life? [B]2.[/B] Are you a good public speaker? [B]3.[/B][COLOR=DimGray] [Thi[/COLOR][COLOR=SlateGray]s qu[COLOR=Silver]es[/COLOR]tio[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]n is experiencing technical di[/COLOR][COLOR=SlateGray]fficult[COLOR=Silver]ies. We apo[/COLOR]logi[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray]se for the delay.][/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][I]Leon should not ask for help from strangers.[/I] Look, if you asked her five times to go out with you,[I] (a)[/I] your pushing it a little, and[I] (b)[/I] you need to realise that, for whatever reason, she probably doesn't want to start a 'deeper' relationship, and might never want to. That's nothing to worry about, that's just the way things are. If you can't accept that your feelings aren't being returned, try to talk to her about it, but don't be concerned if it doesn't change anything, and try to avoid pushing your feelings on her. If nothing else, just be glad that you're still friends, and don't let your disappointment at not being anything more ruin that friendship. [COLOR=DimGray][I][/MediocreAdvice][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Firing her rifle into a swarm of E.F. units, Elisa blasted a GM through the chest section, leaving it drifting through space without a pilot. This was returned with a barrage of beam fire from the remaining suits, which, with her shield still onboard the command ship, she had to quickly boost to avoid. She allowed just enough time for her system to acquire a lock on several units in the group and fired off two sets of micro-missiles, quickly sweeping back to the ship while the E.F. suits scrambled in an attempt to break the missiles' lock. [I]"Control, scramble all pilots, loose formation. Have gunners open fire on any Federation units that come within firing range of the ship. Naquelle out." "What about the Ze-"[/I] Elisa cut the signal, and shifted her thrusters to full power, blasting through the mass of E.F. and Zeon suits as her own troops mixed in with them. A group of GM Snipers waited at a distance, taking potshots at any Rebel or Zeon mobile suit that left the fray, but they weren't her concern. She continued to close in on the rear Federation ship, which had unloaded all its troops and was moving in to support the Pegasus flagship. Her sensors showed a group of GMs breaking away from the battle to intercept her, and the flashes around the RGZ demonstrated their determination, but they were to far behind to cause much damage. The ship, on the other hand, was a different story. The first shot pierced the RGZ's right shoulder, barely missing the stock of missiles inside. Elisa quickly returned fire, taking out the two nearest beam turrets before tumbling aside to avoid an incoming missile. More shots blasted out from the ship while Elisa fired back at it, rapidly closing in on the vessel. Just a few more seconds and... [I]"Now!"[/I] Elisa pulled out a single beam sword, and pulling the RGZ up and along the side of the enemy ship, thrust the sword forward and into the hull, pulling it along as she flew from the head of the ship to the rear. Air started to vent from the tear in the ship's hull as Elisa continued to sweep across it. She finished her run, and was about to come around for a sweep on the other side of the ship when the group of GMs caught up on her. Under fire from both the ship and the GMs, she pulled up, switching to a secure Rebel Faction channel. [I]"This is Commander Naquelle, requesting covering fire. I repeat, this is Commander..." [/I] One of the ship's blasts caught her mobile suit heavily, shorting out the comm system and bringing up damage reports for several sections of the RGZ. [I]"..Sh*t!"[/I] She quickly fired off the last few rounds of her beam rifle at the E.F. ship, then moved in to challenge her new 'friends' with both beam swords ready.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Elisa checked the final seal on her flight suit, then walked through into the docking bay. Much to her surprise, neither Wynn nor her Mobile Suit were there waiting for her. She beckoned towards the Chief Technician, McKinley, then waved a hand to the empty MS dock. [I]"She didn't take it out alone, did she?"[/I] McKinley shrugged, tucking a clump of hair behind his ear. [I]"Well... Yeah, but that's Wynn for you."[/I] [I]"True..."[/I] She smiled, and turned to face her Mobile Suit, the RGZ-91. [I]"So McKinley, is it ready to go yet?" [/I] [I]"Not quite, we're having some trouble with the shield mounts. It'll take us at least five minutes to-"[/I] [I]"If the Zeon are true to their word, I won't be needing it."[/I] She looked back at McKinley through the corner of her eye, [I]"So long as it can fly, It'll do just fine."[/I] McKinley stood silent for a moment, then nodded and began shouting orders to clear the RGZ's maintenance platforms of personnel. Elisa quickly clipped on her helmet and checked the oxygen flow, then stepped onto the boarding lift. She strapped herself in to the pilot seat, then warmed up the RGZ's control systems - icluding, incase things didn't go to plan, weapons control. She made sure that everything was in order, requested that another pilot be sent out to join her and Wynn, then gave the order to launch. Once the Suit had cleared the ship, she lit her thrusters to take control of her velocity, then adjusted her heading towards the rendevous point, where... [I]"Damnit... maybe I should've waited for that shield..." [/I] She quickly flicked on a secure channel with the command ship, [I]"Looks like we might have a situation out here. Have all pilots on high alert, but keep them on standby unless I give the order to launch."[/I] She switched over to an open frequency without waiting for a response. [I](We don't want to start something we can't finish, but...)[/I] Bringing her thrusters to 40% power, she headed to the preset 'rendevous', where one of the Zeon mobile suits hovered with it's weapon directed at Wynn's Gouf. The red Suit, which reportedly belonged to their leader, remained nearby, whilst the third Zeon suit was nowhere to be seen, though her sensors placed it behind her, near the Faction ship. Her beam rifle armed, she approached the group, again making sure that her comm system was set to an open broadcast. [I] "Those are some unusual negotiation skills you have there, even for Zeon's reputation. I am Commander Elisa Naquelle of the Rebel Faction vanguard, and if you really want to negotiate with us, you had better let my escort go. Understand?"[/I][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Try as he might, [i]Ratchet[/i]'s imitation of [I]Link's[/I] famous spinning slash had too much flash, too little substance... and those monsters were like [I]so-o-o-o[/I] not real, dude! Like, [I]totally![/I][/SIZE]
  10. [size=1][I][B]OOC:[/B] I'm guessing from your intro post that this is before the battle in the Inn thread. So... I'll just... yeah. If my post needs changing just send me a PM.[/I] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Elisa had taken the time to bring up the local charts on the monitor, but it was little more than a habit. Regardless of where their ships were posted, the Faction was completely outnumbered, and it would only be a matter of time. She sighed heavily, and slid the reconaissance report aside. Knowing that the E.F. were practically breathing down their necks hardly helped the situation. A light flashed in the upper corner of the monitor, followed by a voice over the intercom. [I]"Commander Naquelle, do you have a moment?" [/I] [I]"Of course. Come on in, Miss Quinlan." [/I]She quickly flicked off the monitor and tried her best to put a re-assuring smile on her face, glad to at least have a brief moment 'away' from the war. Wynn entered right on cue, and tooked a few steps toward the desk, her hands clasped behind her back. Elisa was fairly certain that Wynn disliked formality as much as she did, but the majority of officers onboard held it in high regard. As soon as the door slid shut, Elisa nodded towards a free chair, which Wynn promptly occupied. [I]"So, Wynn, how do you like the Gouf?"[/I] Wynn leaned forward slightly, straightening out the trim of her uniform.[I] "Well, ma'am, I wanted to ask you about that. You see, I was just wondering when-"[/I] [I]"When you'll get to fly the thing, right?"[/I] Elisa interrupted, with a slight smirk on her face. [I]"Right."[/I] Elisa rubbed the back of her neck, then stretched back and sighed. [I]"To tell you the truth Wynn, I don't have a clue."[/I] She pushed the recon report over to Wynn, who, after a short pause, began to examine it. [I]"But given the Federation's advances, it isn't going to be long before they launch another attack. Faction HQ has ordered a high-alert status throughout the fleet, and should be sending out new orders within the next few hours, but until then... just make sure you're ready."[/I][/size]
  11. [SIZE=1]Lol, you had to open and close the picture for 4 hours in which I was away from the computer/sleeping, didn't you Ayokano? Try to leave it open for at least a day next time. Y'know, to give people in different time zones a chance... [CENTER][i]Bah[/i] :cross: [i]Humbug[/i] [COLOR=DimGray][Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't have thought of anything anyway... meh...][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][I][B]~P-zam![/B] [/I] Congratulations Lost Lightbulb, the world is now upside-down. However, thanks to the ol' Earth's gravity, [I]actually[/I] turning the world upside down in a noticeable way is pretty much an impossibility. 4 seconds later, this results in some f*cked up physics all over the world, and the Earth collapses. Congratz, you just destroyed the planet, accidentally creating the greatest catastrophe in the history of the now exstinct human race. Oh noes! [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [I] [B]I wish I had a gunblade... and a shiny one at that.[/B][/I][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][B]Snake:[/B] Ah... nothing like an afternoon walk in the par- [I] *smack!*[/I] [B]Soldier:[/B] At last, I have found zhe voman for me!!! Vhen you avake, you vill be my bride! [B]Snake:[/B] Urgh...ark... mommy?... [COLOR=DimGray][I]*faints*[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][I][B]~Today on the internet...~[/B][/I] [I]*m1ss_@ri3l has joined the game. [/I] [B]g0ofi9114x:[/B] w00t! [B] DonAld_4eva:[/B] rofl! [B] m1ss_@ri3l:[/B] [I][COLOR=DimGray]*gruff manly voice*[/COLOR][/I] 'Ello, boys... [B]s0ra_gam3r:[/B] *$@#, run! [I]*s0ra_gam3r has left the game. *DonAld_4eva has left the game. *g0ofi9114x has left the game.[/I] [COLOR=DimGray][I][/badcaption][/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][I]I hope this (including the choice of Mobile Suit) is OK. Like I told you in the PM, I'm not familiar with this Gundam era. Or most of the others, for that matter... I took the mobile suit's weapon information from the link you sent me, though I got rid of its transform-mode weapons to fit with the rag-tag nature of the R.F. [I tried to post this yesterday, but my computer wasn't able to connect with the OB server when I tried to submit it, and then onwards for the rest of the night. :animedepr][/I] [B]Name:[/B] Elisa Naquelle [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Elisa is tenacious and passionate, but has picked up a number of unpleasant memories from her time in the Rebel Faction. She is determined in most aspects of her life, particularly in maintaining the well-being of her friends and family. She approaches most problems head-on, whether emotional or physical, sometimes to her own disadvantage. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://c-uncut.com/media/pe2-aya01.jpg][click][/URL] [B] Rank:[/B] Soldier [B]Side:[/B] Rebel Faction [B]Background:[/B] Elisa was born and raised on the Venus Colony, while the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon were still waging war on one-another. As time passed by, she watched the forces or the Zeon fade away while the Federation continued to wage war on all fronts, taking on any force that should choose to oppose it. After some time, the Federation finally declared the system at peace, and began 'liberating' everything within reach. Having known freedom all her life, and wanting to ensure the safety of those she cared for, Elisa volunteered for the Rebel Faction's initial force at the age of 18, and took flight in her first MS, a run-down Zaku that had been long abandoned by Zeon. Since then she has dealt with many tasks, though many, including the raid in which the RGZ-91 was acquired, have left little to be proud of. Each has left her with a new scar, another nightmare, and all she can do is fight on, in the hope that the intrusion of the Zeonic Remnant is the first step towards the end of the bloodshed. [B]Mobile Suit:[/B] RGZ-91 Re-GZ [strike]transformable[/strike] mobile suit [B] Suit Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/cca/rgz-91.jpg][click][/URL] [B] Weapons:[/B] 2 x vulcan gun, mounted in head; 4 x 2-tube grenade launcher, mounted on hip armor plates and in forearms; 2 x beam saber; beam rifle; shield on left arm which can hold up to 3 hand-grenades. [B]Additional weapons:[/B] Medium-range beam machine gun; 3-tube micro-missile launcher integrated into right shoulder-guard.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]We had a conversation about this (well, the 'choice or birth' thing) in Sociology the other week. Two people in the class were adamant that it was all about choice, and got [verbally] beaten down by the rest of the class. It was actually quite amusing, lol. Personally, I don't agree that people are 'born with it' per se, but I would put it down to slight biological/biochemical differences that the person has no real influence over. The basic arguement was this; in a straight situation, if there's a girl/boy you're attracted to, you don't think [I]"Oh right, I'm straight, therefore I like her/him"[/I], you just get more of an instinctual [I]'BAM!'[/I] response. In that sense, no-one has any conscious control over their sexuality. In the same way, a person couldn't just decide [I]"Oh, I think I'll be gay today"[/I] and actually [I]be[/I] gay. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [B]Neko[/B], it may be that many of these people are just 'experimenting' with homosexuality/bisexuality. I know quite a few people who claim to be bi-sexual, for instance, when all they've done is kissed a member of the same sex - which, at least in my book, doesn't count. Not to say they're all 'experimenting', but there's a fair number of them around for the bi-crowd. And Neko, don't quote loose, non-statistical 'evidence' that relates only to a very small area of the biological debate (ie. only the birth theory) and use it to completely shrug off everything else except for choice. That's just plain ignorant, to be honest.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]I'd say mine would probably be bitterness, if you class it as an emotion rather than an attitude. Most of my days are a rather lovely mixture of bitterness, indifference, and the occasional spark of joy. But of the two 'extremes', bitterness is probably dominant. It's quite funny really. Most of the time I'll just feel a total resentment towards people, even if I've only met them once or not at all. Oh we-e-ell. :animesigh [/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Hmm... It is time... but who will win... Let's see, shall we? [I]Frivolously Frumptious Third Place[/I] goes to... *drumroll* [B][I]Lord Dante![/I][/B] [quote name='Lord Dante']Tidus: I....I must be dead..... I see Pie........ Talking pie...........[/quote] Random humour, I like it. :animesmil [I]Sizzlingly Superb Second Place[/I] goes to... *super-drumroll* [B][I]Gavin![/I][/B] [quote name='Gavin][size=1][b]"Unfortunately for Tidus, playing leap-frog with a Ronso can sometimes go very, very wrong."[/b'][/size][/quote] To be honest, I didn't get it the first time I read it. But I did eventually, really! :animeswea And, last but [COLOR=DimGray][I][most definitely][/I][/COLOR] not least, [I]Funkilly Foobled First Place[/I] goes to... *uber-mega-boogie-drumroll* [b][i]Gaara kun![/i][/b] [quote name='Gaara kun][COLOR=DarkRed']That was the day Tidus learned about human reproduction.[/COLOR][/quote] Simple, yet brilliant. Go you! :haha: [CENTER]* * * And there you have it folks. Gaara kun, over to you. [/CENTER][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]I wouldn't say it's really 'popular' as such, but no doubt people still play it. It had plenty of classic games, so I don't see why people wouldn't want to revisit them. Heck, I even play my SNES from time to time, though to be fair that's only when my PS2 isn't available. I myself had a bit of a craving for the N64 Zelda games a few months back, but the darn thing's up in a dusty corner of the attic and I don't like climbing up to get it on a creaking ladder, lol. [I] Darn my very slight fear of heights![/I][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][B][I]~Ba-zing![/I][/B] Congratulations, you've been granted the chance to meet, in all his normal goodness, Elijah Woods! He's smart, funny, sane, and the two of you are best of buddies in no time. Go you! Sadly, his bodyguard his a jealous, maniacal freakshow of an Elijah fanboy, and he really doesn't like you stealing his buddy. After a thoroughly enjoyable day, you head off home with a dreamy smile on your face... but you never get there, thanks to Bodyguard Jimmy and his shovel of doom. [B]I wish[/B] [COLOR=DimGray][with the hope that Prick Wizard doesn't hop in with his elves again][/COLOR] [B]that I could talk with the animals![/B] [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Rightey-doodle folks, here's my little window of wonders. It's a shame Chaos didn't post one, but hopefully this one'll do - taken from Final Fantasy 10, quite obviously. [IMG]http://www.ffshrine.org/ffx/ending/00171.jpg[/IMG] Seriously, his expression at that exact moment is just priceless. Hopefully you can think of some good stuff to go with it. If not, feel free to metaphorically slap me, lol.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][I][B]~Z-z-z-zap![/B][/I] There y'go, Ziggy, one big-screen plasma TV. The great thing is, you've even made the guys at the local TV factory happy. You see, a few weeks back a TV somehow managed to gain a will of its own, and by some strange mechanism managed to build itself a set of weapon-loaded limbs with which it could terrorise the factory workers. Then all of a sudden - [I]*Poof!*[/I] - and it was gone, delivered straight to your door. The factory workers've been saved, and the killer plasma TV has a new plaything, namely you. Everybody wins! ...Except, of course, [I]you[/I]. [I][COLOR=DimGray][singing][/COLOR]Wish...B...Tru-u-ue![COLOR=DimGray][/singing][/COLOR][/I] [B][I]I wish for a lifetime supply of luxury toilet paper and caviar![/I][/B][/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Dark Aeons? Do you mean [spoiler]the ones you fight just before the end boss (I made short work of those, since exploring the Omega Ruins before going through Sin had leveled me up a bit much),[/spoiler'] or am I missing something? Or is it one of those international version only things?[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1] Hmm, I'll need to check up on that. The ones I'm talking about are souped-up versions of the Aeons, with even the weakest, Dark Valefor, being roughly twice as powerful as Omega Weapon. A number of them have Ja (4th level) spells, which deal out a mind-numbing amount of damage even if they're spread across the party. In the EU version at least, they're located in areas either associated with the Aeon itself or the Aeon's element, at any point after you obtain the airship. For example, [spoiler]D-Bahamut lurks in Zanarkand, where you fought Yunalesca, D-Shiva and D-Yojimbo are at the entrance or just inside the area where you acquired them. The only one I haven't found, out of both standard and hidden aeons, is D-Anima, but considering the strengh of all of the others I'm not sure that I want to, lol.[/spoiler] It's a little annoying if you run in to one by accident though because, unless it's one of the rare few that allow you to escape, you're pretty much screwed from the go. [I]^ Hurrah! My biggest [I think] spoiler tag to date![/I][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][^ Aww dang. I was halfway through making him a one-limbed ninja. : P ] [B][I]~Z-z-z-zap!![/I][/B] Congratulations, you have total control of the human race! ...Oh, wait, time's up. Annoying, isn't it? Just when you think you have the entire world beneath your mighty thumb, it all slips away. Sadly, the entire human race that you so desired control over has come to despise you for those few moments of slavery, and have come up with a number of very imaginative and degrading methods of torture, which they're more than happy to expose you to. Repeatedly. [I]Another day, another dream come horrifically true - Wish-B-True Enterprises![/I] [I][B]I wish that I could speak with animals! Kitties, and puppies, and horses...[/B] [and so on.][/I][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Congratulations, thou hast gained the unworldly power to manipulate the breast of every woman in the world. Unfortunately, you wished for this power using breast in a [i]singular[/i] form, not plural. As a result, though sales of the previously little-known alternating-cup bra, or AlterBra, have skyrocketed, an army of lopsided women, young and old, is out for your blood. Enjoy your day, and thankyou for visiting [I]Wish-B-True Enterprises![/I] [i][b]I wish that I was ruler of the world![/b] [insert semi-evil laugh][/i][/SIZE]
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