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Everything posted by Dodeca
[size=1]^ Well, I consider myself to be somewhat like Squall earlier on in FFVIII, but I'm willing to elaborate on my answer. Heh. I liken myself to Squall not through my outward attitude - since, though I am introversive, I do try to have fun - but the way that his attitude reflects the way I behave 'inside'. Put straight, I'm a total pessimist in thought and tend to view most people, friend or otherwise, either by there bad points or with total apathy. OK, so Squall may not be quite like that, but... whatever... most of the dismissals that cross my mind when I really, [I]really[/I] don't care about something seem to match his, so there. [COLOR=DimGray][/badcomparison][/COLOR][/size]
[QUOTE=White][color=#333333][list][*]Attending one class period completely in the nude? [*]Attending the whole day to school in your underwear?[/list][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1]Ooh... that's a [i]nice[/i] choice? The stuff of nightmares, surely. I think I'd rather go for the latter of the two. Sure, there'd be many more people to ridicule me, but I'd have a little smidgeon more dignity than with the first choice. That, and there'd be one less thing for them to ridicule. :animeswea Anyway... would you rather...[I] *drumroll*[/I] [list][*]Be forced to live as an exile, a hermit, with no human contact whatsoever? [*]Become idolised by hordes of naive followers, your every living moment filled with questions that you could never hope to answer?[/list] [/size]
[SIZE=1]Name: Catherine Gray Age: 29 Gender: Female Appearance: Catherine stands at about 5' 7" and has rough, dark brown hair that falls to around shoulder height. Her natural eye colour is a dim green, though one of her first failed curses turned her left eye to a foggy, lifeless grey. She wears a sleeveless top of a similiar shade, and loose-fitting black trousers, 'framed' with torn rags of a faded purple material. Her arms are wrapped in bandages up to just above the elbow, with an odd black mark just about visible on the right shoulder. Personality: Bitter in both thought and expression, there rarely seems to be any motivation behind her bad manner other than a general dislike for all things great and small. She distances herself from all around her, and her usual reaction to somebody 'reaching out' is to threaten the with a potent curse. Supposedly, her behaviour became as it is because of an ill-prepared spell, though Catherine has a tendency to hospitalise those who mention this in her presence. Bio: [will edit at home] Skills/abilities: Catherine is relatively proficient in a number of curses and hex spells, being probably the only thing that she takes any pleasure from. Still, she has a long way to go before she could be considered a master, as the odd spell manages to blight her instead of the intended target. To enhance her curses, and to cancel the effects of the ocassional 'backfire' spell, Catherine has also studied the art of herblore, and can mix up an impressive array of toxins and remedies, so long as she can get her hands on the right materials.[/SIZE]
[quote name='Pepoke']Bill gates says he wants it to be released around the same time PS3 comes out[/quote] [SIZE=1]Roughly translated as; "**** you, Sony!" Really though, I wouldn't generally have much hope for this. Game-based movies, especially shooter-based movies, have a particular tendency to be a mindless mix of blood, guns and very, very bad cliches. It may turn out to be something special, but I seriously doubt it. (Though, since this is about a potential movie and not the game itself, shouldn't this be in another forum?)[/SIZE]
Wow... Seriously guys, look at the dates on some of the posts. The last post in this topic before mathU's random advice/site plug was, what, a good 2 years ago?
[SIZE=1]I think that some people are taking eachother's comments a [i]little[/i] too personally. Everybody is entitled to different beliefs, and everyone has the occassional bad-mood-day. My opinions generally don't benefit the majority of the human race when I'm angry either, so... Though I do hold "morals, self-sacrifice and empathy" in relatively high regard, I see them on a more personal level. My friends matter. The people I see and know matter. Even with the welfare of the entire world relying on my decision, there is no way on Earth I would be able to go through with killing a person, whether I knew them or not - not even if they wanted to sacrifice themselves. In my opinion, saving the world is all well and good, but it wouldn't feel anywhere near as 'real' as the memories of taking someone's life with your own hands. Now, this isn't because of any 'Oh no, I'm going to hell!' views on my part, more of a psychological thing. Face it, there's a hell of a difference between killing one person, and letting nature take its course with billions of people as it has done with humans, and all life, since... well... forever. On the whole population debate, the only reason that the population keeps increasing is because we've purposefully disconnected ourselves from most of the factors that would stop other animal populations from exceeding certain limits. We've overcome our physical frailty and moved up to the top of the food chain, we've fought anything that opposes us, whether it's disease, physical barriers, or eachother. Heck, we've even fiddled around with our food sources to make them more efficient. It's only [strike]un[/strike]natural that we keep on growing if we make it easier to grow. -On a side note, who brought war and world peace into this? The original situation was 'disease and hunger'..[/SIZE]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Dodeca replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][B]Dummies Guide to Sphere-Hunting, Page 172;[/B] [I]"...if you remember nothing else about sphere-hunting, remember this - for the love of Spira, don't forget to lock your airship."[/I] [B]Rikku:[/B] Oh crud... [I]*Escape*[/I][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]Simple. For some reason, at some point, I thought... 12. 12 was then accompanied by shape, and the two came together to make 'twelve-sided shape', a dodecahedron. I naturally decided that I didn't want it that long, so simply cut out the '-hedron' to make 'Dodeca'. An altogether pointless and mundane process, I'm sure you'll agree.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hmm... last night I was exploring an abandoned McDonalds depot in the middle of a barren desert, looking at strange cloud formations in the sky and interpreting them as signs of some great apocalyptic event. Naturally, there was a 'cutscene' with some of my friends explaining that the depot was, for some reason, linked to this event and therefore very dangerous. Odd. Two years ago I was being chased across the dunes of a desert by the hooded creatures from Star Wars (I've forgotten the name for now), until I locked myself inside a small courtyard and killed a tentacled thing with a lightsaber. I've had dreams where I can breathe underwater, where I've jumped/fallen from great heights without a scratch, and dreams where I've been transformed into a monster. I've had dreams where I've been shot at, stabbed, killed, and come back to life. I've explored cities based on my hometown, and ones completely of my own creation - and visited them time and time again. I've had a dream where I existed in three times and places at the same time, apparently, and a dream later where I tried to do it again. I've investigated alien abductions, guarded a bag of gold with my life, and been set upon by a friend with a flamethrower just for beating him in a bizarre game of pirate football. Oddly enough, many of my most recent bizarre dreams seem to have a very gloomy/sinister feel about them, and I can recall two in the last week that had some sort of pre-apocalyptic tone. Oh... and they're not all wierd, sometimes I just have a normal everyday conversation with a friend or go shopping. [/SIZE] :animesigh
[SIZE=1]Woo. We Brits just got this last Friday, and when I went to get a copy on Tuesday it turned out to be the last in stock, heh. It took me a little while to get used to the camera and grabbing/climbing, but overall I've found it very, very satisfying so far. I, for one, love travelling to each Colossus. The scenery is so varied and detailed, obviously having taken a lot of work, that I just can't help being drawn in by it. As for the Colossi themselves, I just whacked the seventh last night, despite it almost killing me twice. The visual effects as you're trying to hold on to them are superb, as in every other part of the game, and they do give a very believable performance as 'living things'. Once you figure out which part to grab, and how to get there, it's pretty easy, but until then I'll admit it can be quite frustrating. I also find it quite amusing how Agro runs away from you if you start aiming/firing arrows at him. Quite entertaining. Two questions though: Is there actually a point to killing the little lizards and picking up their tails, or is it just for the hell of it? And can one shoot down the hawk that occasionally flies overhead as you're riding around? ...What? ...No, of course I don't like killing defenceless creatures! I... just want to know, yes?[/SIZE]
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']So I guess not many people know about the Underwater materia in FFVII, then? It removes the twenty minute timer from the Emerald WEAPON battle. Which, of course, lets you W-Summon/Mime Knights of the Round in order to chain cast it all to hell. Then it's just a matter of having a Final Attack/Phoenix or Final Attack/Revive combo so you can survive Aire-Tam Storm without having to equip less than nine materia.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]Yes... I only learnt about that after I'd beaten him. Still, I probably wouldn't have found it quite as satisfying without the time limit anyway. I don't think I had the Final Attack materia, but I didn't have a problem with Aire-Tam Storm overall. I only ever got attacked with it once (naturally, killing me), but in my later attempts I made sure to wear down the crystals as soon as possible after they recharged. It meant diverting a few more attacks away from the main body, but it kept me alive, so meh. Another memorable moment, including big things 'n' swords, was probably killing my first wyvern in Monster Hunter (PS2). Fighting it with more advanced equipment later on, and with a second character, made me realise that it's actually a total push-over. But that first sweet victory... Oh, pure joy[/SIZE].
[SIZE=1]Mmm... FFVII Weapons... total gits, eh? I can quite proudly say that I killed Emerald with Level 70-ish characters, though I never did get the hang of Ruby. To be honest, I'm not sure if I ever got any significant damage done to him. But yes, Emerald... [SPOILER]before I went in, I'd set Cloud, Yuffie and Vincent up with Fury status, then I'd bombard it with Ultima's(Linked to MP Absorb), 4xCut and Omnislash's from Cloud, 4xMagic - Comet2 from Yuffie (Co-healer along with Cloud), and let Vincent do his thing with his Chaos form.[/SPOILER] It took me two tries with this strategy. Quite annoyingly, he died about 6 seconds before the time limit ran out the first time, and so I got a Game Over in the whole 'red shaky fade' thing the bosses do Dangit. Luckily, the second time I got him with 5 minutes to spare. An equally satisfying Weapon moment was against Ultima Weapon. Heh, the fool used Shadow Flare on Vincent, equipped with Reflect Ring, got hit by the rebound and died. That gave me a really fuzzy feeling. Exceptionally fuzzy. And warm, too. I have other moments, naturally, but I'm going to see what other's talk about first. Bleh.[/SIZE]
If you could have a store of your own..
Dodeca replied to animeaddict2's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]If I could open my own store... ...I'd probably open one that sells all sorts of random bits and bobs that don't seem to have any point to them, but still get bought by people with an unexplainable urge to buy things. I'd let my eccentric side run free, rambling on about odd things, singing to myself, and pulling faces and talking to customers in obscure accents. Thus, the part of me that usually only comes out in a tedious card/board-game or a bizarre conversation would be free to roam the world! Well... maybe not the world... but definitely within my Little Shop of Thingy-Bobs. Five weeks later, I'd be bankrupt and labelled as a freak for life, but it'd be worth it. More realistically, I'd probably want to run a games and movies store, but I don't think I'd find that quite as satisfying. Heh.[/SIZE] -
[B]Name:[/B] Juylan Hael [I](Joo-ee-lan Heel)[/I] [B] Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B] Race:[/B] Guado [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. Juylan was originally right handed, but badly injured his right arm back in his Blitzball-wanabee days. Now he rarely moves it from its 'resting place' on the Spectra's scabbard. Also, his sword is used as a forehand weapon, not back-hand. I just did it like that for the sake of it. : P [B]Weapon:[/B] [B]Viper Spectra[/B], a single-handed sword of very basic appearance. The blade is thin yet relatively strong, excellent for stabbing whilst holding its own as a slashing weapon, and has supposedly been treated with a number of toxins. As such, it may poison and weaken an opponent from time to time. [I](Basically, a sword with Piercing and Poisontouch abilities)[/I] [B]Techniques:[/B] Juylan generally uses the Viper Spectra to strike the enemy with status attacks - ie. [B]Dark Attack[/B], [B]Silence Attack[/B] and [B]Sleep Attack[/B]. He is also fairly competent with the [B]Delay Attack[/B] technique, but has yet to master the more advanced Buster techniques. [B] Overdrives:[/B] [B]Deadweight[/B] - One of the rare occasions in which Juylan uses his right arm. Lunges at his target, striking it several times, finishing with a powerful downwards thrusting attack. May not be as deadly as other Overdrives, but inflicts a number of status effects and Armour Break status. [B]Biography/Writing Sample:[/B] Juylan lost all feeling in his body as the lightning bolt struck him, his left shoulder blackened by the heat. Falling to his knees, he winced as another struck the charred ground a few meters away from him, practically blinding him. Instinctively, he reached out with his right arm to help lift himself to his feet, stifling a scream as he shifted his weight on to it. Struggling to keep his balance he turned to face his homeland, Gaudosalam, than spat at the ground before it before turning away again. He grasped his right arm tightly, ignoring the pain that it brought forth, scowling. "It's not like I needed you anyway... I should've left long ago..." ...But he hadn't, he'd kept holding onto his naive dreams, and all they'd given him was pain. His dreams had cost him everything, and now he needed something new. He sighed, propping his injured arm back on his scabbard, and continued his feeble march to 'freedom'. He'd show them that he didn't need his old dreams anymore, nor his old friends. He'd show them alright. All he needed was to get through to the Calm Lands, then he'd be free. He could hunt fiends, he could train his own Chocobo. He could do whatever the hell he wanted to. "Heh... I bet I could even become a guardian if I wanted to... that'd do it for sure..." Smiling for the first time since sneaking out of Guadosalam, he threw his head back and laughed. Laughed like a man, like a guardian - like a hero, even. They'd probably laugh at him if they saw him, but he'd just laugh on back. He could do anything, everything he wanted. "Hahahah! All hail Juylan! Prodigy of Guadosalam! Saviour of Spira! Slayer of the dreaded Si-" At that point, Spira seemed to have had enough of him, and with another bolt of lightning, silenced him.
[I]'...Err... Euston, we have a problem...'[/I] [quote name='Prick Wizard']This would give the website a more mystical feel and I feel that it would imrpove the experience as a whole. It would also attract attention from people searching the internet for wands who might have an interest in the community.[/quote] Do we really want odd people who search for wands on the internet at OB? On that note, why would people want to search for wands in the first place? And - no offence intended here - as an example - I presume - of this target audience, your posts in Adventure Inn/Square make me all the more certain we don't want them here. To be honest, I'm surprised [click][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51975]this one[/URL][/click] hasn't been modded yet, for several reasons.
*Smacks self on forehead* Doh! I just remembered something that I really, [I]really[/I] should have considered before signing up to this! Gah... I'm going up to Scotland on Saturday, spending a week with the family. I completely forget about it (or at least how it matches up with this) until you just mentioned Saturday in your post... I'm really sorry about this guys... it just totally slipped my mind. If someone in my Cell could cover Munemura in their posts while I'm gone I'd be grateful, but either way I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back. Ack!
Well... I can stand both of them, so long as they're of good quality. I've heard a number of badly dubbed anime, aswel as films, but I've also seen one very, very bad attempt at subtitles. A Korean boxset of Neon Genesis Evangelion, which started off nice and legible, but in the last few episodes became a horrifying cocktail of bad spelling and grammar. Truly horrifying. But if I was given a choice of a good dub or a good sub, I'd go for the subtitles. I just prefer to hear it in Japanese, even if I can't understand a word - and the same for French films and the like. I don't personally find it too difficult to read and watch at the same time, and to be honest it's a nice break from the English language.
[QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1]1. [B]When I was a Pirate...[/B] My dad built me this platform thing when I lived in South Africa, because I adored climbing. He hadn't actually finished it, but I managed to clamber up onto this thing and thoroughly enjoyed jumping off of it. So, one day, I put a stick in my mouth and decided to be a pirate. When I jumped off the platform, the stick hit the ground before I did and snapped one of my teeth. >_< Painful stuff, man.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Oh! That vaguely reminded me of another painful experience of mine! ...erm... vaguely in that the only similarity is the involvement of teeth, heh. [B]4. One in a Million[/B] Right. I'm not exactly the best person at looking after my teeth. Never have been, never will be. Way back before my adult molars came through, I had a temporary filling put into one of my baby ones - after all, there's no point putting a permanent filling into a temporary tooth, right? And on the most part I had no problems with it. However, there was one elusive occasion with a tiny sweet, called a [I]'Million'[/I], I think. Somehow, the 'Million' got lodged in the cavity, between the filling and the tooth. How on earth that happened, I haven't a clue. All I know is that it set off all the nerves in my teeth, and gave me the worst tooth-ache in my life. Of course, naturally, that wasn't the end of it. No, not even close. The sweet then got lodged deeper inside the cavity, and eventually [I]shattered[/I] the tooth. That hurt even more than the toothache itself, and the top part of the tooth simply broke apart and came out. The roots, on the other hand, were still quite well acquainted with my somewhat shredded gums, and I had to stick my fingers into the bloody mess and kind of dig them out, while ripping them away from the gums and the nerve endings. One of those rare occasions in my life where I'm surprised that I didn't swear my head off, yet if I remember correctly I actually finished the bag of sweets afterwards. Lol. So yes, a great many blooded tissues were born on that fateful day. And the tooth fairy [I]still[/I] visited! :cross:
[SIZE=1]Just the sight of Akira being set upon by a child less than half his size would have kept Munemura amused all day. So it was only natural that, when he was beaten to the ground by a gang of them, he almost fell over with laughter. It didn't take Sasuke-sensei long to leave with the two infants, and Nari wisely decided to follow him a few minutes later. [B]?I?ll leave you with him, then, if that?s okay???[/B] Munemura nodded. He didn't want to miss out on Akira getting 'better acquainted' with the kids, and he'd be damned if he was going to help with the infants. He'd heard plenty of stories of his own infancy that had made him cringe, and wasn't particularly thrilled at having to experience them firsthand. ?Yeah, I?ll call you if he stops breathing.? She laughed lightly and smiled, and Munemura couldn't help but smile too, especially with Akira fighting a losing battle - rather noisily - in the background. [B]?Alright then; oh, and be careful about your hair ? that was Akira?s downfall, it seems,?[/B] He nodded again, and after one last look at Akira and his new 'friends', Nari wandered into the kitchen to help Sasuke-sensei. Only a few seconds later a high-pitched yelp came through the kitchen door, and both Akira and Munemura turned their heads to find the source - until the former's head was yanked back to the ground with a heavy thud. Though Munemura had been kind of expecting some reaction from Nari, it had certainly came sooner than he expected. He was curious as to what exactly had set her off, and poked his head around the corner to find out. Nari's eyes were wide open, and she pointed reluctantly - and apparently quite nervously - at one of the infants. [B]?There ? there? There?s a worm in the baby?s diaper!?[/B] Sasuke-sensei just stood there, looking completely lost, [B]?What? You?ve got to be kidding me? Are you telling me that you?ve never seen?a boy?s?uh?male?genitalia?umm?a guy?s private parts??[/B] Nari shook her head,[B] ?No, why would I??[/B] Munemura allowed himself a little giggle, but lost control of it almost as soon as it started. He leant down to try and catch his breath, when one of the kids screamed and hurled a well-aimed woodblock straight into the back of his skull. Rubbing his head, he turned around only to be struck by an even larger block - which would have been considerably more painful if it hadn't glanced off of his forehead protector. [B]"Argh!!"[/B] Akira yelled, as all four of them pounced on him, beating him with anything that they could get their hands on. [B]"No, that - Oww! - don't do that it's not - Argh!!"[/B] With his free hand he started slapping the floor frantically, while the children experimented in a similiar way with his face.[B] "Munemura-a!"[/B] As much fun as it was to watch, Munemura resigned himself to finally at least make some effort to intervene. On his first step forward all four of the children stopped attacking Akira - much to his relief, understandably - and stared at him. A few seconds later he decided that it was safe to keep walking, and kneeled down in front of the smallest - and presumably the youngest - of the children. They didn't seem quite so bad up close, and they looked quite cute when they weren't screaming. Bringing himself down to the same height as the child, Munemura leaned forward slightly and smiled. After all, everyone knows you should always smile around kids. [B]"Hey there little guy! Say... how about we play nice with Mr. Akira now, okay?"[/B] The child stared blankly at Munemura for a moment afterwards, and he almost thought he'd gotten through to the kid until he suddenly yelled and pulled Munemura's forehead protector down over his eyes. Both shocked and confused, he stumbled backwards while the child and one of his brothers tugged on his trouser leg, causing him to lose his balance completely. Munemura was even more surprised by the speed at which they managed to get his trousers around his knees, and then by the dull pain in the back of his head as he fell back into the wall. As Munemura struggled to dignify himself, all he could hear was the relentless screaming and yelling of the children, and Akira's panicked voice as he shuffled around on all fours trying to get away from them - until all of a sudden he heard footsteps rushing into the room from the kitchen. Nudging his protector back up to a comfortable height, he caught a glance of Sasuke-sensei, who was looking down into the group of... [B]"Wha-?!"[/B] Munemura quickly clasped his hands over his mouth, wincing as he knocked his head against the wall a second time. It wasn't every day you saw a group of children, even very irritating ones, frozen on the spot. [B]"Akira...who've you been watching?"[/B] [B]"I-I don't know. I got annoyed at them pulling my hair and I don't know, they just became like that."[/B] Munemura grumbled to himself miserably as Sasuke-sensei went on to lecture Akira on the importance of staying calm and self-control, too busy moaning about his groggy head to pay attention to the details. When he finally let his attention wander back on course Sasuke-sensei was looking down at him, indicating towards the kitchen. [B]"Munemura, go and give Nari a hand. I'll take over in here."[/B] Clambering to his feet, he nodded clumsily and walked into the kitchen, where Nari was trying to feed the infants. But judging by the mush splattered across her outfit and all over the floor, things hadn't been going too well. Turning briefly, she smiled weakly and pointed towards an open jar on the table. [B]"Take that one to Taisuke, I don't think Sasuke-sensei finished with him."[/B] Munemura looked down at the jar and its contents with a fairly even mixture of intrigue and disgust, which settled closer to disgust once he caught the pungent smell it gave off. [B]"Ugh... Taisuke?"[/B] Nari turned around again and sighed. [B]"The one I'm [I]not[/I] feeding, maybe?"[/B] [B] "Oh... right... I knew that."[/B] Regardless of how many times he tried to feed the infant, every attempt ended up in more of the food being splattered into his own mouth than Taisuke's. The taste of it on his tongue made him want to heave, but the only way he could deal with it politely was to swallow it, and let it fight it out with his stomach. After a good seven spoonfuls went to waste, he finally gave up, and picked Taisuke up, propping him gently on his shoulder. [B]"Uh.. what do we do now? Burp 'em?"[/B] Munemura asked, as the infant pulled itself a little higher, tugging gently on his cheek. Nari simply shrugged, so he decided he might as well give it a go. [B]"OK, just hold tight little buddy."[/B] Munemura looked up aimlessly as he tapped the child on the back,[B] "Ah! There you go. Isn't that better-"[/B] Munemura froze mid-sentence, and the colour began to drain from his face as he felt something warm slowly ooze down the back of his neck.[B] "Ugh.. I... I think I'm gonna puke..."[/B] The baby babbled and waved his arms cheerfully after being placed back in his seat, while Munemura quickly rushed outside through the nearest door. Nari burst out laughing as he fell to his knees outside, while the other infant happily amused itself by mashing food between its palms and pasting it onto her clothing.[/SIZE]
How do you feel when it comes to the oppsite or same sex
Dodeca replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=elfpirate]Just to spite ignorant pricks such as yourself, I'm sure. I've a better question: Why are there still so many ignorant, intolerant bastards?[/QUOTE] Ouch... I know that it was a bit (understatement) of an uncivilised question, but did it really need such an uncivilised answer? -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Dodeca replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[B]Unknown:[/B] Hey! Hey! Hey Sora! Look at my coat! It's all big and black and mysterious! Hey, hey Sora, look at it! [B]Sora:[/B] Shut up already! [B]Unknown:[/B] But Sora, look, look! It trails behind me as I run and everythi- [I] *smack!*[/I] [B]Unknown:[/B] (muffled) Arghh! Lockjaw! -
Hmm... I think I can think of a couple on the spot, though I've probably get others somewhere. [B]1. Children. Plus benches. Equals bad.[/B] OK, I think I was somewhere between 6 and 9 when this happened, but to be honest I don't really have much of a clue. In the shopping centre in my city, there were - well, are - two small wooden benches on the top floor, positioned in what I imagine would be quite a lonely place, if only benches could feel lonely. Anyways, I was doing the usual kiddie stuff, playing around on the bench, when all of a sudden... I fell off. Between the two benches. [I]*crack!*[/I] Blood oozing down my forehead, and all that fun stuff. Luckily, there was a small first-aid place that I can't actually remember entering up there at the time, and presumably still there now. Still, over than a small indent in the upper-centre of my forehead (identically to one my brother got in a similiar incident at home) I have nothing to show for it. [B]2. Falling over backwards for you.. uh-huh-huh...[/B] School trips, the ultimate cause of pain for a 10 year old. On the second to last night, all the boys in the dorm got hyped up about ghosts, and so screamed their heads off when the teacher on 'patrol' passed by the window. And so followed the midnight run, laden in little more than pyjamas and shoes. All goes well (as well as is possible for such a thing that is), and we slowly trudge into the dorms 'sitting area'. Unfortunately, with the group still hyped up about ghosts, the simple dropping of a shoe on a bench led to a lovely little stampede - which I happened to be in the way off. [I]*clonk!*[/I] After lying semi-consciously on the concrete for a brief moment, I was helped to my feet, given a quick check by a first-aider, and sent to bed. Please note - if you ever have a concussion, make sure you have a thoroughly good (intimate meeting with the toilet) [I]before[/I] you go to sleep. [B]3. It's raining balls![/B] This wasn't anywhere near as painful as the other two, but it certainly was more entertaining. First off, you need to understand one thing - I [I]hate[/I] Physical Education lessons. Thank you to the teachers for trying, but I do [I]not[/I] want to spend an hour and a half chasing a football (the true English football) around a muddy pitch trying to figure out when my toes will drop off. Anyway, one day we were playing basketball, a more preferrable sport that can be played away from the British weather, and had to run from one net to the other trying to get the ball in the net - as you do. Unfortunately, I picked a rather bad moment to collect mine from under one of them. I just picked it up in my hands when I heard a ball pass through the net above me. And another one. And another one.. [I] *Wop, pow, kaplunk, doof, zaplozzle!*[/I] How every single one of them managed to fall through and hit me on the same part of my head, I have no idea. Still, once I regained my balance I was able to laugh about it, which is more than can be said for the other two.
[COLOR=Silver]Munemura sighed, barely stopping it from becoming a yawn, and rubbed the sore spot at the base of his back. Regardless of the great relief he felt from passing the exam, he'd need to remind himself [I]never[/I] to collapse onto a solid wooden bench to rest. Well, never again at least. Feeling a little too lazy to get up and look around, he lifted his forehead protector in both hands, trying to get a look at his new teammates with the freshly polished metal plate. He cursed lightly under his breath, having caught the sunlight the moment he raised it, but began to turn it eagerly from left to right once he repositioned it. Kenta Akira... Hyuuga Nariko... he recognised their names and faces, naturally, but he'd never really been in contact with them much outside the classroom before. To be perfectly honest, if someone had asked him to describe them, the best he'd be able to come up with on the spot would be [I]'the Sharingan guy'[/I] and [I]'her, over there'[/I]. Not that he'd admit that to either of them. Munemura sighed again, shaking his head slowly and stretching his arms to either side, forehead protector still in hand. He tried to remind himself that at least he was on relatively good terms with the members of his cell, especially when compared to some of the others. Until their Jounin arrived, he could just sit back and - [B]"Kenta Akira. Hyuuga Nariko. Ii Munemura."[/B] - OK, so he couldn't sit back and relax anymore. Pulling the protector - rather uncomfortably - back over his forehead, he rose to his feet and walked over to the Jounin, who he immediately recognised as the well-renowned Uchiha Sasuke. As much as he didn't want to overstep his bounds around such a respected ninja, he couldn't help but let a slight smirk of satisfaction show through in his face. Fortunately, no-one else seemed to notice, and after what he guessed was a confirmation with Ino-sensei, their new mentor lead the group outside. At first, Munemura felt slightly uncomfortable being so closely observed by the ninja, but felt somewhat relieved - and a tad guilty for taking comfort in such things - once Akira became the subject of his attention. Nevertheless, the moment passed, and Sasuke soon continued to address the three Genin together. [B]"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, you will address me as Sasuke-sensei. I will be your Jounin and it is my duty to further train you and prepare you as a ninja. It is also my duty to take care of you and help you in any way possible. I do not favour people, I expect the best from everyone, and I expect the three of you to work together as one. My speciality is of course, the Sharingan, I am the final member of the Uchiha clan, and thus the only natural user left, and my other speciality is the use of the katana."[/B] Sasuke - well, Sasuke-sensei - affectionally patted the sheathed sword as he spoke of it, drawing away Munemura's attention, and promptly regaining it when he went on, [B]"I'm pleased to see that two of the members in this cell have eye conditions..."[/B] Glancing at his two teammates, and, for that matter, his sensei, Munemura realised for the first time since they had sat down as a group that he was, in that way and others, the odd-one-out of the group. No amount of intent to present himself correctly could hold off the uneasy feeling in his stomach, so he resigned to simply ignore it. [B]"...I will teach you how to fully utilize their powers and how to get the best out of it. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me. Let's start with introductions; tell us your name, your speciality, your likes, dislikes, and your ambitions."[/B] And as if Munemura wasn't uncomfortable enough already, Sasuke turned and fixed him with the same look that he had been so relieved to get rid of earlier. For a moment he thought that he was going to be 'volunteered', but Nari spoke up first. He couldn't help but notice that, after her introduction, Nariko looked almost as, if not more, uncomfortable as he felt. He didn't want to speculate as to why, but decided that it was probably best not to let the silence set in again. However, the fact that his body didn't seem to agree with him didn't really help. [B]"Guess I'm up next, right?"[/B] Now, it may have just been Munemura's imagination, but he could've sworn that nothing came out of his mouth other than a dull squeak. Actually, as far as he was concerned, it had [I]better[/I] have been his imagination. [B]"Well, my name's Ii Munemura, and, well, I guess this would be my speciality.."[/B] He lifted his kusarigama free of his belt, the chain and weight tightly wound around it from blade to hilt, and after a few seconds set it back down beside him. However, he decided it felt awkward to not have it in its usual place, and discreetly slipped it back through his belt. [B]"I like... well, err... good food for one. I guess training isn't so bad, so long as I don't mess myself up. Umm... cooking! But just so long as I don't have to eat it - my parents pretend to like the stuff, I guess they haven't realised that I don't care yet. And then dislikes, right? Well, I won't mention any names, but arrogant people can bug the hell out of me."[/B] Munemura paused for a much needed breath, and to try and remember what the last point was. [B]"Oh, and last but not least, corny as it may sound, my ambition is to be the best that I can be."[/B] He was pretty sure that even Sasuke-sensei winced at that, but after a slight nod of the head, his attention drifted away from Munemura. Which he might have been thankful for, had it not returned almost immediately to Nari.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Lol, don't expect me to write quite this much in one post again.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
I used to be not-so-bad at [B]creative writing[/B] and the like when I was a little [I]younger[/I] - though it was a rare occurence outside of English classes. Nowadays I write even less, and when I try to I can't get it to feel quite right. Not entirely sure why though. My main artistic joy is [B]drawing/sketching[/B], which can quite easily drain away 2 or 3 hours of my day if I get in 'the mood'. It's not generally anything realistic though, often just character designs or vehicles which take no account for the forces of the universe, say for example gravity. Still, it keeps me happy. One of my friends asked me, roughly a year ago, to try and do some character designs for something he was writing/making, but I still haven't gotten around to finishing a single one of them. Not good, eh?
1. Pick a Band or Artist: [I]Muse[/I] 2. Are you male or female: [I]Fillip[/I] 3. Describe yourself: [I]Ruled By Secrecy[/I] 4. How do some people feel about you: [I]Stockholm Syndrome[/I] (Indeed... I've had many a hostage in my time. :cross: ) 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [I]Plug In Baby[/I] (Eww... :animedepr ) 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [I]Overdue[/I] 7. Describe where you want to be: [I]Falling Away With You[/I] 8. Describe how you love: [I]Endlessly[/I] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [I]Apocalypse Please[/I] (Heh... maybe not.) 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [I]Hate This & I'll Love You[/I] 11. Now say goodbye: [I]Escape[/I]