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Everything posted by Lord_Hadez

  1. I listen to music for allot of reasons. Lately its because I need inspiartion, cuz im a writer. I have no muse and that is waht I need the most right now. Or becuase I need to wake up or just simply becuase the mood I'm in. I mostly listen to heavy metal. But I also listen to all differnt kinds of music.
  2. the worst movies I've ever seen are the ones based on something that completely kill the oringnal story here are some examples. 1. War of the worlds- the one with Tom Cruise in it 2. Hichicker guide to the Galaxy 3. A series of unfortunate mistakes
  3. I listen to pretty much any kinda music. Manly im a Metal Head I totally hate Emo
  4. I would meet Wufei Chan (Gundam Wing). And ask him lots of things. Jazz (Gen1 Transformers). Ask him how he stay's so koo(cool) with the war going on?
  5. Yeah I can watch al most every anime I've seen over again. But my favorites to do that to is 1. Gen1. Transformers 2. Gundam Wing including endless waltz 3. the orginal G.I.Joe yes it's anime it was made but the same people that made Gen1 Transformers
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