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Everything posted by Renate

  1. I've never dated anyone so my ideas are probably highly idealistic, but here it goes: -Just going to the cinema and hit a pub afterwards, or the other way around. The other way around would probably be better because you'd get to know more about him and if he's really as cool as you think he is. -Go and drink something hot after school/shopping/something random and talk a bit. -Go roller skating, since I'm absolutely terrible at it which could end us up in some romantic situation one way or the other. XD Preferably on a sunny day!
  2. I'm going to get slapped by every movie critic in the nation over this. >> [B]Munich[/B] In my opinion, the worst of Spielberg's movies. That is purely personal since I know it's most likely a great movie and other people adored it. I have reasons! It was too long, the story was definitely not the type I liked, I didn't have any bonding with the characters... So these are merely the aspects of the story and purely personal!!! The lead actor was sexy though... ^^; Erm yes...
  3. [B]X/1999[/B] The characters are extremely loveable and realistic, the fanstuff is endless (like pairings etc.), the animation is wonderful,... *-* But especially because of the pairings! [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B] I could mostly watch the Kyoto Arc again and again, more so then the rest of the series which I'd probably get bored with eventually. x3 Kyoto Arc was so awsome, it had the greatest characters, storyline and cliffhangers. [B]Gundam Wing[/B] Watched and rewatched countless time, and still a top favourite of mine. I don't even have an idea why, but my theories on Gundam Wing are my religion.
  4. Renate


    But Eyes has white hair, ice blue eyes, an angsty past and a best friend turned rival who might just as well be his lover. ^.~ Now THAT'S a turn-on! I also liked Kousuke a lot! His hair and glasses are to die for! *-*
  5. [quote name='Ramen_Mido][COLOR=Red]Samurai X is before and after Rurouni Kenshin[/COLOR']. Im not sure what you saw thoguh you sure it was Samurai X? Im not saying your wrong but I dont think it was aired on television. Unless you saw the DVD somewhere. Hope that helps[/quote] I'm completely sure it was called that way, and has aired on Belgium TV. I remember well that Kenshin and the gang were in it! O.o But perhaps I was mistaking anyway and it was another anime after all. I remember an episode in which Kenshin was wandering again I think and saved an entire village (Which was not in the Kyoto saga because he was on his own.). I also remember one scene from another episode (probably earlier) in which the whole gang is standing by a river. ^^; I don't know if that's of much help, but I'm quite sure it aired here.
  6. Renate


    [QUOTE=Dagger]And it was the cherry on top during my favorite moment in the entire show: the scene during which [spoiler]Hiyono threw the key down to Ayumu from the train.[/spoiler] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Yup that scene was completely class! You kept wondering how Ayumu would get out of it this time and those episodes might have just been my favourite from the bunch! x3
  7. This short story was written for a contest at the forum I help moderating. It was inspired by the song Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones. English isn't my first language, so please keep that in mind while reading this! ^^ All rights belong to me, of course! [CENTER]*-*-*[/CENTER] It was one of these very fine Summer days, I remember it well. The wind blew softly through the green leaves of the few trees in the city and lifted the short skirts of the schoolgirls, earning itself giggles. The sun was shining down on their slightly tanned skins. So many girls in one city, and yet I was picked out by Mr. Fiore. I myself was wearing a thin summer dress too, swaying my hips from one side to the other. Strangely enough my seductive side always flowers in the Summer because of the good weather. I was planning to meet up with my mother that day after she told me a week earlier that ?it was about time her Netta visited her again!?. Of course I agreed. Before I?d visit my mother, I wanted to enjoy a cappuccino and some cake, and thus I entered that faithful café shop holding my favourite history book. I had just gotten my cappuccino and brought the cup to my lips distractedly, leafing trough the book and stopping at the pages about Alexander the Great, when I heard the door open and felt a cool breeze blowing against my bare legs. I had a sudden urge to look away from what I considered one of the most interesting parts of history, and turn my attention to the door instead. My eyes travelled upwards, ignoring the black tiles on the floor. There was a handsome man standing in the doorway, well dressed and radiating an air of confidence and power. His right hand was casually tucked away in the pocket of his suit?s trousers. I was immediately reminded of Sean Connery acting out the role of James Bond. The man had the same charm, even though I had never been a fan of the Bond films. He suddenly looked straight at me, his eyes penetrating, and a smile started playing around his lips. His dark-brown eyes started twinkling in delight. I didn?t realise why, I had never been considered the most extraordinary of women, but it seemed he was truly appealed to me. So this peculiar young man walked over to my table, smiling down at me while I was taken aback by his incredible charm. ?Good day, Miss. I would like to ask you if the seat next to you is taken and, if I?m allowed to be so bold, ask if I can take it if it isn?t.? A blush started creeping up my cheeks. His tone had been amused, his voice musical and hypnotising, everything spoken calmly and politely. ?The seat isn?t taken.? I could?ve hit myself for replying so idiotically. Despite trying to be incredibly seductive in summer, I immediately start stuttering as soon as a handsome young man starts talking to me. It?s a comical sight to be seen, honestly. The man seated himself elegantly and introduced himself as Luc Fiore. Figuring it was probably an Italian name, I introduced myself as Netta Tyler. Luc started staring at my history book curiously, which made me wonder if he was interested in the subject too. I was studying it at University, but I had never seen him around before. I slid closer to him. ?Do you have any interest in history?? He grinned and nodded furiously, exclaiming an ?Of course.? A waitress came by to serve him his café, and as soon as she had gone away, we bent over the history book together. ?I-I simply adore the history of Alexander the Great.? I stuttered, hoping he would think of the blush as caused by the heat. However, he kept looking at the book, pondering, ignoring what I said. ?What do you find the most interesting situation in history?? he asked me, while skipping trough the pages and stopping at the Middle Ages. ?The European Wars around the 16th, 17th and 18th century. Or the Russian Revolution.? ?Most interesting!? he said enthusiastically, an excited glitter in his eyes. By then I should?ve realised something was wrong, he acted almost greedily. But I didn?t. ?I?m very interested in the figure of Louis XIV. In what drove him to do what he did. He was a magnificent man, no doubt, but why did he leave France behind in debts?? Fiore said passionately, still not looking at me but staring into space. ?Of course he was power-hungry.? I told him matter-of-factly, keeping in mind everything I had learned at University. ?That?s a thing many people believe. I believe he was motivated by someone else, toyed with by someone else. A higher power.? He gave me a mysterious yet seductive look. I quickly changed the subject, a feeling of doubt clouding my thoughts, finally starting to think of him as strange. Plus, I didn?t exactly believe in any higher powers. To test him, I decided to ask another question. ?What about the World Wars?? ?Ah, also most interesting.? Mr. Fiore repeated himself, nodding fervently. ?How WWI, in the end, was caused by one man murdering a king.? Again that look, as if he were confiding me with secrets, now followed by a chuckle. ?And about WWII: I always wondered who it was that influenced Hitler so much. Who was really behind the change of areas in Japan, that was the base of Japan?s cruel behaviour.? Funnily enough, his behaviour was probably even stranger. I couldn?t find a theory for it, he kept asking me those questions he didn?t expect an answer on, like he had been there and influenced it. It was weird, I had the feeling he had only come to sit at my table to discuss the history behind history. For the last time that day, I decided to change the subject. ?What about the discovery of the New World?? It was supposed to be my last question, and it would be. Luc Fiore was the most complex man I had ever met, both charming and frightening at the same time. ?Who was the cause of the terrible things happening to the Natives?? he asked me. I felt like answering this time. ?Cortez of course. Or Columbus, if you want to look beyond.? I was smiling to myself, I felt like I had finally beat him in reasoning. I forgot that he had the most strange way of reasoning though. ?Wrong. Issabella of Castilia asked Columbus to discover a new way to India.? ?Okay, so she was responsible, what?s the big deal!? I retorted, almost childishly and annoyed at the same time, accepting defeat. I started wondering if he had really been there, because it so awfully seemed so. But it wasn?t possible, those things happened hundreds of years ago. ?Again, you are wrong. For who gave Issabella the idea?? Luc had an all-knowing smile playing around his lips. I was finally starting to become really freaked out, my rational side loosing control as I really began to believe Fiore had been there, and had chosen me for his revelation. I think he sensed it, because an ?Ah? escaped his lips and he stood up hastily, a surprised look plastered on his face. ?Look at the time! I finished my café and now I see I must leave you. If you?d excuse me.? He slid his chair back in place. ?I had a lovely time though,? he added, walking away, then suddenly stopping dead in his tracks. ?I hope you can guess my real name now.? Mr. Luc Fiore gave me a mischievous smile and turned, walking to the door in an almost jumpy manner. I continued to stare at him, this strange man, my mind working at full speed. It seemed to stop working as soon as Luc had exited, for I saw something trough the glass of the window I?ll never forget. I can swear I saw this on the grave of my now-dead mother. As he walked past the large window, I swear I saw the vague outlines of horns on his head an the clear view of hooves tapping on the pavement as he suddenly disappeared?
  8. x3 More Ang Lee worshipping! Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon still remains one of my favourite movies up till date. X.x I'm so obsessing over this movie, already since Christmas. Due stupid release dates we only get it here in mid-February though, which I absolutely despise (O.O And Memoirs of a Geisha is even worse, we get it in March!!!). Anyway, I'm currently reading the short story to warm me up for the movie and I have high expectations of it. We got good-looking actors, check (Come on girls, it's a plus when they're gay AND pretty ^.~), they're obviously very open-minded since so many other actors turned down the role, they are supposedly very good, the soundtrack shouldn't be bad either, Empire gave it 5 stars, it got 4 Golden Globes of which 3 major ones,... Enough reasons to watch this I'd say!
  9. [QUOTE=Shi no Tenshi] What do you think about the worlds current treatment of the ocean and its creatures? Do you think more should be done to 'save the whale' or that perhaps there are bigger issues at hand in todays world?[/QUOTE] Okay, I admit I didn't read the other posts but bear with me! XDD I think there are so many big issues in this world that even the governments don't know what to do. One day, you feel like solving the social problems. The next day, you want to solve the nature problems. And so on! We really made a mess of it! O.o
  10. I watched Hellsing almost two years ago via winamp, but I remember I loved it. XD I was watching the second episode and wondering if Integra was male or female. In the end, it all didn't matter! I got smitten with her even though she's female! I should rewatch it now I have the chance... x3
  11. Renate


    [QUOTE=anjiri]sorry to say but eyes is not all that i belive ayumu is the best espicially his hair a spent 3 weeks drawing my character with ayumus hair it went well anyways AYUMU RULEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE] I really like Ayumu as well but he has too little confidence for my liking. ^^; I often tend to get annoyed easily with people or characters who think they're good for nothing. Did anyone else love the music theme that appeared whenever Ayumu would solve a mystery. I
  12. The only two series that were on tv when I was young were Sailor Moon and Samurai X. I never watched Sailor Moon because I just wasn't interested in it, but I did watch Samurai X a few times! I didn't know it was anime back then, but I remember one episode up until this day. Once I found out that Samurai X was actually an anime, I wanted the TV station to show it again. Of course this was impossible, so I started to buy the Rurouni Kenshin DVD's. I was once or twice told there's a difference between Samurai X and Rurouni Kenshin, but I haven't found out yet. I still haven't seen that episode from the past however, and I only have 30 more episodes to go...
  13. I prefer anime over manga, because everything's much more alive in it. Manga are kind of static, like western comic books as well. In anime, everything is in motion and you have much more goodies. You get to see the characters and background in colour, you get opening songs, ending songs, musical pieces,...
  14. I just saw Reflection/Seiho Hen yesterday evening. It was so sad! Although I found Trust and Betrayal better as a flowing story and with characters. The characters here are less worked out but that's probably because most of the things shown are already known thanks to the TV series. It was really strange though, it seemed like this OVA and the TV series were two different products. I had a hard time getting past the differences between the two. The last half hour was devestating though. And I enjoyed Sanosuke a lot too, his new looks are so grungy! XD [B]Is there a difference between Samurai X and Rurouni Kenshin? Because I could swear I saw a Samurai X episode when I was young, but now I'm rewatching the series I still haven't found it.[/B]
  15. [quote name='rainbowphoenix']whats the big deal with the blair witch project, how is it that scary, I understand that a bunch of people get lost in the woods and then what happens? can somebody plese tell me.[/quote] Reasons I found the Blair Witch to be scary: 1. The use of a handheld camera gave the movie a more realistic and eery (sp?) feeling. 2. Because the actors didn't have an idea what would happen one they'd enter the forest, the emotions and especially the scare are much bigger. 3. I still believe that the things you can't see scare you the most. We never get to see 'who' really does this thing. It's more like what you can't see that scares you. Take a curtain for example. When it's open it's plain obvious there's nothing in the neigborhood. But once it's closed, anything can be on the other side. It's actually a really phsycological movie! XD
  16. Somehow I'm really imune to horror movies. O.o They usually don't scare me very much. Take the exorcist, it was a good movie and a decent scare, but it didn't give me nightmares or anything O.o. Nor did Friday the 13th. Wasn't the Shining supposed to be elected the scariest movie ever? I watched it when I was like, 11, and it didn't manage to scare me whatsoever! Horror movies that managed to scare me: -Blair Witch Project - The whole 'it's real thing' was scary, I really believed it! x3 It still makes me scared! Very effictive in waking scared emotions. -The original Japanese Ring - There was a feeling of tension troughout the whole move that I really liked. -Nightmare on Elmstreet - Very good modern-day horror movie. The rhyme still lingers in my head. -The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre - It was very scary and gruesome at some parts, although one part was especially laughable.
  17. [list] [*]Rock - Evanescence, Green Day, Nirvana, Linkin Park and Nickelback [*]Pop - Gwen Stefani and James Blunt [*]Dance & co. - DJ Tiesto and seperate songs [*]Anime songs and soundtracks [*]Movie soundtracks - Lord of the Rings, Alexander, The Chronicles of Narnia: LWW, American Beauty and Titanic. [/list]
  18. I haven't gone to a lot of concerts in my life yet, but the best one definitely was Howard Shore (composer of the LOTR music) giving a LOTR concert in Antwerp. It was the first one in Europe I believe and it was really enchanting. Howard had to keep coming back because the public kept claping while standing. My brother said he had tears in his eyes! =^^=
  19. I'm one who's more into the alternative rock scene, but I can appreciate other rock too. My favourite bands are [B]Franz Ferdinand, the Killers[/B] and [B]Bloc Party[/B]. I also like some songs of the [B]Kaiser Chiefs[/B] and [B]Depeche Mode[/B]. Other rock groups I like are Greenday, Nickelback, Evanescence and Linkin Park.
  20. I'm currently reading the first book now after seeing the movie, and at the moment I still find the movie better (perhaps this is because I'm not very far into the book yet). It's very likely because it's a children's book I find the movie better? I don't know, the story was one of the reasons why I liked the film so much in the first place, but the writing style is slightly disappointing in the book... I really loved the film, and it's my favourite of 2005 (My favourite does change with my mood though XD). I really loved the storyline of course, it's a real story for me. It has so magic in it, and I don't mean the inside the story. I mean the story has this aura of magic about it... If that makes sense. The music is simply wonderful and the soundtrack immediately became one of my favourites! I especially liked the musical pieces named 'Evacuating London' and 'The Battle'. The songs were nice too, especially Wunderkind. The scenery and clothes and weaponary was very well done as well, but this was to be expected. It was done by Weta Workshop who did these things for the LOTR movies as well.
  21. One movie I really didn't enjoy was Lost in Translation. Although obviously a good film, the story didn't attract me at all, nor did the characters. I also hated the way they made fun of the Japanese. Or perhaps I'm just too young to understand it! XD I didn't enjoy Empire of the Sun very much either. Although the end was moving it was disappointing as a Spielberg movie. I didn't particulary like the theme of Saving Private Ryan either, but it managed to move me much more than this one and even ended up on my respect list. I also must add I don't like most romantic comedies. Most of them are completely unoriginal.
  22. Renate


    I really do like Digimon, it was the first anime I was really obsessed about! ^^ Every morning I'd wake up earlier to record today's episode on VHS and I'd watch it when I'd return from school. x3 My favourite season were 1 and 2, since I never got to see the others. ^^ I just really enjoyed everything in it. My favourite characters are Hikari, Yamato and Ken. And I prefer the most crack of pairings in the second season: Ken x Hikari. I've loved it ever since I stumbled across a fansite of them. They make a really good couple!
  23. I am absolutely in love with X/1999. I purchased it almost 2 years ago without knowing much about the storyline. I only bought it because I fell in love with the art on the boxset and because it wasn't that expensive. I'm glad I did buy it! ^.^ It's still my favourite anime series from all I've seen! I find the storyline to be simply amazing. There were a few blank spots if I remember well (I haven't watched it for a year since I promised myself after having watching it too much in one year.) but they really don't bother you much in my opinion. ^^ The story about the end of the world and all the epic drama in it was a real turn-on for me. Of course the characters were great too. My favourite would be Kamui, Arashi, Subaru, Karen, Satsuki, Yuuto and Seishiro. ^^ I also really liked it that they didn't let everyone live, nor did they kill everyone (like in the movie if I'm correct). My favourite pairings in the series are Subaru x Seishiro (I think it's safe to say Seishiro told Subaru he loved him in the end), Subaru x Kamui (the angsting, really!), Arashi x Sorata (It's really kawaii and canon!), Satsuki x Yuuto and Yuzuriha x Kusanagi (I don't care about age differences, mind you). I also have vol. 1,2 and 16 (For special Subaru x Kamui angsting and Seishiro x Subaru signs) of the manga in my possession and know quite a few things of what happens in the manga as well. I find it so annoying that CLAMP doesn't finish it! There are only two more volumes after volume 18 after all! ><
  24. I watched the 20 first episodes of the first anime season, but never got around watching the last 6. ^^ I found the series to be really good, especially after a few episodes of it. I loved the side appearances of characters from other CLAMP stories, it's just so much fun to pick them out! x3 My favourite character is Fye/Fai, although I wonder if there's any girl who doesn't like him! XD My favourite pairings is Fye x Kurogane.
  25. Renate


    I watched the whole of Spiral and I can definitely advise it to you if you're into the mystery stuff. Not like detectives, but more like slightly supernatural mysteries. I really loved Spiral myself, even the ending which many people didn't like because it didn't answer every question. I don't think they need to be answered and they fit the show's air well. My favourite characters are Eyes, Kousuke and Rio. My favourite pairings are Ayumu x Hiyono and Kanone x Eyes.
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