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Everything posted by studio_ghibli

  1. i have watched the series up to the end of ep 10, but i cant find 11 with english sub ><
  2. i love my nintendo 64! i just think that consoles like ps2 and x-box just dont cut it. ...ah, well, i think the ninteno 64 has some classic games that arnt the same anyware else! :cool: but, also i think it is sad that some plces, most places, arnt stocking nintendo 64 games anymore. Because other consoles have come in, and the nintendo 64 doesnt bring in as much money, they dont need to stock or make the games! its unfair! :mad: :p
  3. well...i think it was a brilliant movie, a little bit sudden at the end, but it was sweet! very good film!
  4. princess mononoke is a wonderful film! alittle bloody, but it is insprering! hayao miyazaki did a wonderful job! the artwork is fantastic 10/10
  5. i am a christian and i have been since birth, but like queen asuka said, the mormons believe tht there is one god, one jesus and one holy ghost. three different beings and/or spirites. but, everyone is intitled to believe what they want to believe or think is best! but, mabey everyone should get a say at what they believe not "your wrong" and "thats not true!". everyone is entitled to believe what they want, no one has the right to tease or make comments about others beliefes. so, good thought bringing up this post, and say what you believe, but do not comment badly about what other people say or believe.
  6. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]I still love N64... c'mon now, Orcarina of Time and Goldeneye!!!! I've had N64 for years and it's still a classic console for me... Although I am more into my PS2 and GBA as of late :animeswea ...[/QUOTE] games like zelda and goldeneye are not the same on ps2 and xbox. i just started playing it again(suprise) and im actually going good! i do like alot of the ps2 games, but i just thought id give it a break!:)
  7. thats great work! really beautiful! keep it up! :animesmil
  8. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#333333][font=trebuchet ms]I don't think it was boring at all. Slow-paced, but deliberately so. It's a very sweet love story, and it's definitely got a special place in my heart.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] i defenatly agree.. it was slow starting, but a very sweet story, that in away is more realistic then some of the other ghibli films.. but it is a lovely film!!! :cool:
  9. hey, i was thinking, do many people still play the nintendo 64? because it has some really good games! it might not be as good as playstations and x-box's but do many ppl still play it? we should get a vote to see if it is still played much? just thought id bring up the idea :D
  10. i think that the hayao miyazaki movies are the greatest ever! i am a major fan!!! my favourite movie is laputa!!! but in studio ghibli movies not by hayao miyazaki, i loved whisper of the heart
  11. the anime that inspires me to do something is. whispers of the heart, it inspires me to play the violin which i havent done in a long time!!! ;)
  12. well..what i did was fist few times trace from a printed pic. then try to redraw the hair by looking at the picture and your drawing and copying. then by then you sorta have the hang of it. start with a basic one then create your own! :animesmil
  13. WOW!!! fruits basket is the best!! i really love the book bcoz u can imagine it in ur head with the pictures. its the best ever.
  14. my favourite series would have to be bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040! the new one is really good!
  15. :p i wouldnt mind meeting san out of princess mononoke. i would like to meet her because i think that she would be a really good friend once you got to know her better.
  16. i just though of putting up a thread on what is everyones favourite anime movie? we could just cheack to see what movie is known the most.... my favourtie anime movie would have to be the english version of Howls Moving Castle. i dont know if anyone here has seen it befor but its really good! anyway other OB members, whats your favourite? :D
  17. thats so wierd! anyway, there was one time where i had a dream like that. i was in my bedroom and water started coming in through under the door. so i went to jump out the window and i was stuck in the middle of the ocean! so i had to swim to shore because my two best friends were sharks! it was really freaky! :animeblus [quote name='CoLoR_Me_EviL][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hah. Oh man. I always have weird dreams. But this is the one I always remember when this topic comes up. So I was on an island with my whole jr.high school, but suddenly it started sinking! So everyone was climbing onto their little life boats, but me and these couple of older kids I knew didn't have one, so we were supposed to construct our own out of Kleenex boxes. So me and this boy that I like sort of had a crush on from far away worked really hard because suddenly there was a volcano and it was spewing lava and we were in a panic. We finally finished but we had to hold the sides together while we were sitting in it. And then my friend's brother has to come because he has no way of getting off, but as soon as he got on, we started talking on water, so we had to get out and rebuild the boat. It happened every time he got on and finally I started yelling at him about losing weight because he was too fat. And then I woke up. Very very weird. >_>[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]
  18. thats really sweet, iv got very good friends and we always go out together. we dont really have a friend tradition but we do have our own special qualities. its really good that you have friends like that. its sweet :angel: [QUOTE=Simplicity][COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][B]Warning:[/B][/SIZE] If you despise or get sick when it comes to gushy stuff...this is not for you...you have been warned[/COLOR].[COLOR=Pink]xoxo[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Alright I had gone out just yesterday evening with my two best friends and we did something that made me think about things. So I wanted to discuss it with you lovely OB members. My question is do any of you members have a best friend tradition, if so what does it represent to you? Well I'll go first of course. When I usaully just go out with my two girls to the mall (Its a huge place and has the cinemas), we always buy something that represents us and take a picture to remember the moment. Well yesterday was a bit different, we usaully buy three things for each of us...but this time we got one thing. I don't know if you guys heard of, "Build a Bear Workshop". We hard a little trouble choosing a bear...
  19. if theres one anime move i am looking foward to is howls moving castle to come out in english on dvd. :animesmil
  20. the first anime movie i ever watched was bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040. even though i have fallen in love with heaps of others i still have a collection of the series. :animeswea
  21. id have to say id go out with ether yuki from fruits basket or ashitaka from princess mononoke. yuki is so sweet but ashitaka is so cute! :animeswea
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