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  1. Dragon Quest is a great game! I had gotten it for Chistmas and have played about 46hrs on it so far.... I have gotten to the monster teams part and it is a great thing... but, the monsters work better in groups in which they are complemented.... For example, have monsters with swords in a group and it gives you a new type of move for the team. It's very good! Also, try to get some items to make the female character to look different. [SPOILER]You really need to get her to look like a play boy bunny! You need a bunny suit, bunny ears, fishnet sockings, and a bunny tail. I think it's pretty smexy![/SPOILER] I would definetly get it!
  2. [quote name='DragonRuler2008']Yo i loved FMP and i'm sad it over.....i wish they would keep making it so people like us can still be happy u know?[/quote] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I agree! I wish that it was still on!!!!!!! :animecry: :animecry: [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Book Antiqua]I have only read the first two volumes, and I really like the series (the manga of course). The difference in comedy and action really help this b/c of the seriousness of the plot.... I think that some of the scenes where Kyo is a pervert are very funny! But, alot of the action is very good.... I think that the only thing I don't like in the manga is the way it's set up when Kyo is Kyoshiro, the way it's very dark, you really can't absorb a lot of the detail... but that's the only thing I don't like about the mangas.... I really love this series! ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. Anime: I like D.N. angel b/c of it's story and how it has more that one plot.... I also, like Full Metal Alchemist also b/c of the story line. Just about how it shows how someone(s) can be so dertermined to get something, they end up getting in trouble.... Manga: I like Pychic Achademy b/c it's funny!!! I love how the main character gets into some very funny situations... [spoiler]like always ending up touching some girls breasts! LOL[/spoiler]. I really like it b/c of it's addictive story line also!!!!!!
  5. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hi! I have watched the first 12 episods of FUMMOFU and the last half of a season of FMP, from what I see, they aren't really related, because of the plot of FMP.... FMP is more of a action type show while Fummofu, is a romantic-comedy.... I'm not saying not to watch it, but what I am saying is that if you want to see some of the story line played out from FMP, you won't see alot of it... b/c fummofu is more funny than serious.... ((I'm sry if I spoiled anything... I'm new :animeswea So, sry ^_^))[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [font=bookantiqua][color=royalblue]Hi! ^_^ My favorite movie is Spirited Away. I believe it's directed by Meusaki (that's how it's pronounced anyway...). I really like it! ^_^ My favorite manga is Decendants of Darkness....[/color][/font]
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