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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [quote name='Aceburner']AAH! That's the kind of joke [U]I[/U] would make! Trust me, you don't want my sense of humor.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It seems to me that it's already too late. Have you ever checked out xkcd.com? If you have my sense of humor i highly recommend it. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/2001819576783355739_rs.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Because pictures of kitties and little bits of text are funnier than kids with down syndrome. I hope that wasn't insensitive. You know i kid. I'm glad this thread didn't die. There were some really funny pictures! I divided by zero! God i love math humor! Remember kids, don't drink and derive. Bahahaha! I know i'm lame... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Funny that this thread would start today seeing as i had my first smoke yesterday night. Some friends offered me some and i figured why not? Well, obviously there are plenty of reasons as to why i shouldn't, but that's only if i continue smoking. I don't plan to continue. I only wanted to give it a shot. It was interesting, not quite what i was hoping for though. I don't have a problem with people smoking. I mean sure, it's very unhealthy, but there are worse things you can do and worse ways you can kill yourself. At least smoking is relaxing and whatever else. Most smokers seem pretty cool and sensitive to people who don't smoke so it's all good. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, not a lot of people got into it. Buuuuut, the people that did posted some really hilarious pics. I also totally forgot to post a winner, but whatev. I'm going to have to say, congrats to you [B]Ikillion[/B]! Dinosaurs in jetfighters! That's incredible! And to thre rest of ya, awesome pics. You guys made it really tough choosin' a winner. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [IMG]http://publications.mediapost.com/publications/articles/images/20/6-28SourPatchKids.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] Sour patch kids are incredible. Now, i'm a pretty big guy, i've tried most mainstream candies out there and i've come to the conclusion that these are basically the best. But, as my brother once said, you have to balance out the sweet with the savory. So, here's another favorite of the savory type. [IMG]http://www.cybercandy.co.uk/acatalog/819.jpg[/IMG] You can't go wrong with those two candies. Actually, if you mix one of those white fudge pretzels with a lemon flavored sour patch kid... i mean d***! It's like an orgasm in your mouth! A creamy orgasm! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, i'm bored, so i decided to make up a new game. This is fairly similar to the picture caption game. The difference is that you're not making funny captions for pictures, instead you're going to find funny pictures and leave the caption out. I'll start us out with a picture and after a day i will come back here and choose a winner. That winner will then post a pic to start the next round and after a day will choose a new winner and so on and so on. There are tons of funny pictures out there on the internet, i think this has the potential to be quite fun. Of course, you're not limited to pictures on the internet, you can always take some from your own life. Or heck you can even photoshop some stuff together. Alrighty! First picture! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/HolyCrap.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, where I live people like that are called 'back-up friends' and are usually just aquantinces. So don't think anything special of it. Good friends bail you out of jail, better friends are in that cell with you, I always say. And back-up friends are usually sitting at home eating oreos and watching Naruto, because no one asked them for help. Don't be a back-up freind, it's not worth it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Haha, because it's much better to be in jail with a friend than at home watching Naruto with oreos. Personally, i'll take the oreos. =P Starfire, can ya give us some specific examples of what your friend has done so that we can know it's not all in your head? Cuz... in my opinion at this point it is. Please don't take any offense to that. =D I personally really dislike it when people are so fixed on the labels of relationships. So your friends? Does that mean she's required to spend a certain amount of time with her? No, of course not. Labels are too general and people, once labels are attached, seem to change relationships and put extra expectancies into them which often hurts the relationship. Just take it for what it is and enjoy the time you do spend with her! Of course, i know it's not always that simple. My advice is that if you can't get over it then talk to her about it. Don't just mention it, don't be polite. Tell her exactly how you feel, cite examples that made you feel that way. Convince her that it bothers you. If she's a true friend she'll understand and try to make things better. If she continues to ignore your pleas... then let it go. I'm not saying don't spend time with her at that point, but you don't owe her the politeness of feeling obligated to spending time with her if she asks after ignoring your feelings. And, in all honesty, if she does ignore your feelings that might be enough to warrant you ignoring her all together. Use your best judgment. Anyways, i always say let bygones be bygones. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Abstinence has its up-sides, without a doubt. You lessen the chances of contracting an STD or an unwanted pregnancy. And there are a good amount of other things to take into account. That said, no i don't really care about abstinence. I think if a person wants to have sex he/she should totally go for it. It's just important that you're smart about it. Use protection, mainly. I don't recommend f-ing everything that moves, but if you want to have sex then by golly gosh, have sex! I don't like it when the only reason a person abstanes from sex is because of religious reasons. Religion shouldn't be something that controls your life and makes all the decisions for you. Religion should work with you. Live the life you want to live. Honestly, i believe if God is going to send you to hell for having premarital sex then he is a truly sick and twisted god to be sure. What kinda guy gives us all these sexual feelings and then tells us not to have sex? Ah, but now i'm getting off topic. =D Anyways, anybody want to have sex? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]I hear about hate crimes, but hearing the specifics of the kidnappers' torture is just sickening. [/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Yes, yes it is very sickening. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. Of course this is horrible... the only thing we can do is, as individuals, go about our lives trying to make whatever small positive differences we can. Actually, i should say that's the only practical thing we can do. There are plenty of things that would take us really going out of our ways to help out, but i don't think anybody's up for that. It's unfortunate. I think it's just important to treat people well and try your best to educate people of their ignorances whenever you can to make this world a better place. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='ForestCrusader']It's true that we don't have many minorities up there but it doesn't mean we are all racist inbred hicks, and that stereotype is getting really ****ing old.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hey buddy, chill out. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Lt.Zero'][COLOR="Navy"]No doubt about that in my mind, Retribution. However, there are still alot of people who find ways to justify his actions.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]There are always way to justify actions... or almost always. I personally know very little about Columbus other than what my elementary school teachers told me. I think the word genocide is probably a bit harsh though. This is purely based on the fact that i never hear about Columbus and his genocide. I take the word to be a bit more serious, along the lines of Hitler. But i very easily could be wrong about this. I honestly don't know. Even in discovering North America i don't see how that would qualify him hero status. I mean... it's a pretty big f-ing continent, you'd have to be a real dope to miss it if you were heading in the right direction. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]As Andrew stated, a large part of the battle is in your mind. I'd even say the majority of it is mental. You have to be determined to make it work and not give up. I also wanted to make another point. The body actually wasn't built (or evolved) to eat 3 moderate sized to large sized meals a day, it's actually much much better to eat 5-7 smaller sized meals throughout the day including small snacks like fruit. So i highly recommend eating an apple or some carrots or whatever fruit/veggie/healthy sorta snack you can get your hands on whenever you get hungry. The last thing you want to do is get super hungry then go to one of those college style buffets and just gorge yourself. So eat regurlarly throughout the day in healthy portions and you'll be golden. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Farto the Magic'][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Dude, this is stupid, but I can predict what song will play next on my MP3 player when its on random. But only if I listen to Queen. I'm serious. I had it going to the point where I was correct with the next song 6 times in a row, then I started trying hard to be right and lost it. But it was creepy...and stupid.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It sure is a good thing that psychic powers come in completely useless forms, otherwise people might actually be able to put them to good use like preventing major world catastrophes (9/11?) or playing the lotto! Lolz! One time i prayed for it to snow really hard the next day because i didn't want to take my weekly spelling test. I promised god to study my spelling words all day instead of playing in the snow if he helped me out. I woke up the next morning and everything was white with snow and school was cancelled. My 7 year old self was amazed. Needless to say, i ended up watching sonic the hedgehog and playing in the snow. Maybe that's why god has abandoned me! =P [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Lethargy'][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Just don't eat[/B]. Seriously. [B]Christian Bale[/B] did it for his role in [B]The Machinist[/B]:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]It worked for him, it could work for you.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]That's a horrible horrible idea, even if it was just a joke. =P One thing you need to know is that fad diets typically don't work. Atkins, i dunno, whatever else there is that everybody talks about, it's all crap. There is no scientific evidence that any of them work. Actually there is a good amount of statistical data showing that they have adverse effects. These diets start out working, people can initially lose a good amount of weight, but then they usually rebound and often times end up worse than before. So if you are going to take this seriously, don't try some bull crap diet. Instead you need to try to change your lifestyles. This isn't something that you do for a couple weeks/months/years, this is something you do for the rest of your life... if you want it to work, that is. The only scientifically proven way to lose weight... or i should say, the only one that i know of is simply to burn more calories in a day than you take in. So instead of going on a diet just be smart about it. Watch what you eat, exercise, you should be good. If you can then it's a good idea to look at how many calories you usually consume within a day and record it. That way when you go to the gym you can know how much you need to work out to lose weight. Hopefully you can find a treadmill or something that approximates the amount of calories you've burned. Don't starve yourself too! This is quite important. You need to eat. The whole point is to eat healthy, not to not eat. Even if you think not eating will help, and even if it does at first, it will eventually come back to bite you in the butt. Just eat healthy and in moderation. Remember, knowledge is power... and knowing is half the battle? I never watched GI Joe... My point is, you have the internet at your fingertips, do research, be incredulous (even of me), and learn things. You're already off to a good start by posting a topic on a message board and asking for advice. I wish you the best of luck. And just so ya know, i'm going through the same thing =D So if you ever want some encouragement, send me a message or hit me up on AIM. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='DeathKnight'][/color][/font] [color=crimson]Skeptics are necessary. I specifically refer to the more sardonic and acidic skepticism that borders on derision - "The [b]overbearing enthusiasm[/b]..." of supporters in either camp, not the entire group of supporters or skeptics. Individuals who are so certain that anomalies that arise in studies are concrete, factual proof of psychics are also within that. I am touched by your empathy and advice to be smart. I will take it into firm consideration the next time I have to repeat my points in a post due to poor reading comprehension on the part of others.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Indeed, skeptics are necessary. It seems there are too few, though. Extremes in any group, be it skeptical or gullible, republican or democrat, are always a bad thing. Hah...or perhaps almost always (trying not to be too extreme here). Those so skeptical to the point that they are actually condescending upon those that do believe are cocky arrogant jerks that need to lighten up. Spiritualists that whole-heartedly believe in psychics and other pseudosciences to the point of putting their lives in danger need to lighten up as well. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Derald'][FONT="Lucida Console"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Teal"] P.S. - The13thMan, a tarantula is an arachnid. I just thought I should clear that up.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I didn't realize there was any confusion that needed to be cleared up. You did say you wanted some arthropods, didn't you? I don't know a lot about bugs/insects/spiders and whatnot, so please do educate me. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]The problem with parapsychology is that the two camps are so heavily divided any evidence of psychic phenomena is lauded by supporters and grilled openly by skeptics. This overbearing enthusiasm trickles down to supporters in either camp (The13thMan is proper evidence for this). Skilled con men abuse the enigmatic nature of parapsychology and take advantage of people. It's a bad show all around. Personally I can't really predict much in an unusual way. I plan but that's very mundane.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Are you taking the so-called "grilling" of skeptics as a negative? It's very important for those skeptical to critically analyze the psychic phenomena. It needs to go through the scientific method and peer-review before it can be rightfully accepted. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, as Carl Sagan was once quoted. If someone's going to claim psychic abilities they better have some proof of it, otherwise nobody can take them seriously... or shouldn't. I'm not saying don't look at it with a level of interest, but take it for what it is, be smart. I would love it if psychics were real, i really would. There's just no proof or even anything remotely resembling proof out there. Nothing but vague predictions interpreted to mean what believers want them to. In a life full of limitless possibilities some of these predictions have to come true somewhere and sometime. It's the probability of random chance. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Your link is broken, The13thMan. It should be pointing to [url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061027-tarantula-video.html]http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061027-tarantula-video.html[/url]. Speaking of arthropods eating small rodents and birds, I found this [url=http://www.birdwatchersdigest.com/site/backyardbirds/hummingbirds/mantis-hummer.aspx][u]article[/u][/url] about a praying mantis eating a hummingbird. It's got pics, too: [center][img]http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/8349/mantiscatcheshummingbirmi4.jpg[/img][/center] I'm torn between feeling sorry for the hummingbird and cheering on the mantis. I think it's pretty awesome that the mantis could catch something that big.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Dad-gurn-et! Well, thank ya very much for alerting me of the problem... and ousting me in my own game! That mantis is pretty incredible. I actually recalled a picture of a goliath tarantula taking down a bird but couldn't ever find it on the web. Haha, get it? Anyways, that's just awesome. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061027-tarantula-video.html]http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061027-tarantula-video.html[/url]. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] The goliath tarantula is arguably the biggest spider in the world. This thing can eat small mammals! It's known for taking down birds! o_0 To me, this is the most bad *** of all insects. I mean... dang! Watch the video, you'll see what i'm talkin' about. This picture makes my skin crawl....[/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.kingsnake.com/suncoastherpsociety/images/tarantula1.jpg[/IMG]
  19. [quote name='Momo'][INDENT][COLOR="Pink"][B][FONT="Georgia"] For instance, when my left eye twitches; it means something bad is going to happen and it usually does end up that way. But if I analyze it, then I realize that me thinking that something bad is going to happen...had an affect. So if I believed, then I'm bound to do something to cause it. It may sound confusing to all of you OB members and sorry if it does. First time typing such an explanation on a message board! [/CENTER] [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Not confusing at all. I totally get what you're saying and probably even thought of making the point at least once while writing my previous post. This is actually observed a lot by people. If you get in your mind that something bad happens by a certain uncorrelated occurrence then you'll get it in your mind and therefore make it more likely to happen. Plus you'll also be more aware, you'll actually start actively searching for what you're expecting to happen. And when you find it you'll offer it as proof that whatever gave it away works, like your eye twitching. This was observed in much earlier peoples as well in the form of rain dances. These people that made it up didn't just come up with it out of thin air. What happened is one day these people danced and it rained, they noticed the correlation and remembered it. The next time it happened it validated what they thought of the last time it successfully happened. The keyword here is successfully. It's very likely that they danced a number of times inbetween the two rains, but it's only when it was successful that they took any notice. And at that point they decided that dancing causes rain, therefore they started to dance when they wanted it to rain. This trait can also be observed in dogs! You ring a bell, dog gets a treat! Do it enough and you better have a dang treat the next time the doorbell rings! =D Once again, another place this occurs is in different fields of alternative medicine such as: homeopathy, natural remedies, and chiropractory. People have a disease or something and they get it treated with some sort of bull crap alternative medicine and when they get cured they automatically assume it worked. When in truth a number of reasons could be responsible for this. Also, when it doesn't work they don't determine that the alternative medicine is ineffective, they either ignore it completely or simply incur that they did something wrong or that the alternative medicine is a mysterious thing that doesn't work for everybody or some crap like that. Anyways, sorry I got off topic. I just hate all the pseudosciences. Also… I don’t think I do that great of a job chastising them so I like to practice. ;D[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Psychics and the lot are all huge hoaxes that waste our time and money. They're (at times) artfully skilled conmen/women that take advantage of the weak-minded and sometimes with very harmful results. It greatly frustrates me when this occurs, of course. Here's an example of one that i remember quite well and is particularly infuriating. Sylvia Brown, a popular 'psychic' that appears on some talk shows (the Montel Williams show in this case), one day talked to two parents whose child had been kidnapped and presumed dead. Coming to her, in a weakened and emotionally fragile state, they asked her if she could sense his presence somewhere in the land of the dead (she typically did the 'i see dead people' thing, much like John Edward) and Sylvia Brown reported back that their child was indeed dead. She then continued to describe the alleged murderer and kidnapper...which was quite funny if not very sad. Her description of the man was entirely wrong. This was a huge blow to the parents!! What's debatably worse is that she gave a description of the location as to where they might find their son?s body. The cops took this information and changed their search patterns. This hindered the investigation of the missing child and put him in danger, seeing as the cops were now looking in the wrong place according to a psychic and the wishes of the gullible parents. This caused tax payers money, of course, and took away time from the police involved and so on and so on. Luckily, some time after the Sylvia Brown deal their son actually was found alive and well. Sylvia Brown is a horrible exploiter of the emotionally fragile, and she makes tons of money off of it. This is partly why i dislike psychics so much. James Randi is the founder of the million dollar challenge. Basically he's challenging any psychic (or proponent of any paranormal event) out there to be tested scientifically, and if proven to be legit, will get a million dollars. To this day nobody has claimed the prize. I wonder why. Here?s a link to the site: [URL="http://www.randi.org/research/index.html"]Link[/URL] Psychics and the lot are all fakes and deviants. People that believe in such are gullible and are doing more harm than they realize by perpetuating this harmful hoax. It's a true shame that the world is riddled with such con artists. Also, here's a link to the Sylvia Brown story, the guy who does the site does a much better job than I at revealing her as what she is. [URL="http://www.stopsylviabrowne.com/articles/montel_shawnhornbeck2.shtml"]Link number two[/URL] What gets me is that people who believe in psychics probably won?t be fazed by something like this. They continue believing what they want to believe ignorantly thinking that no harm can come from it. And by the way, astrology is of the same vein, though admittedly less harmful. Sorry if i came off as a bit mean. Most of you out there don't believe in this stuff, but some do and i kinda felt like writing all of this anyways. Gotta contribute to the fight! =D Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I, by no means, am a hot chocolate connoisseur. I rarely drink the stuff and i certainly haven't any of the higher up brands of hot chocolate. That said, i still love the stuff... under the right conditions. I believe hot chocolate is a mood drink. Ya gotta have it when you're freezing you butt off. If yer arse is still connected then ye can't have hot chocolate! You also need good people to huddle around while drinking the hot chocolate, preferably attractive members of the opposite sex. So... probably my best experiences with hot chocolate all have to do with cold days of marching band back in highschool. Go to a marching contest, below freezing, they'd always have hot chocolate for us. It just tasted better! Plus... huddling. Bwaha! Crazy band kids! Bye bye. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Even more lighthearted: You misspelled "misspelled".[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] And even more lighthearted you misspelled "u." Wow, i never knew this stuff happened. How wild... It's a bit silly and unfortunate, in my opinion. Instead of looking at why you did it i think it's better to examine why you felt the need to do it. It's a shame that people can't be judged purely as individuals. Even i judge based on age, i don't play with people under the age of 16 on WOW or Halo 2. I just don't like their company most of the time and if you're under that age mark then you have less of a chance of getting along with me. There are exceptions of course. I get along fantastically well with my younger brother, he's hilarious for his age. I don't think you should feel bad, and i'm pretty sure you said you didn't. It's just the pressures of society, lord knows we all fall to it. Not always a bad thing of course, but at times it is. I think ideally you shouldn't have lied to her. Thinking of how i'd feel if i got close to somebody and then find out that he/she's not nearly the age i thought he/she was. It would be quite difficult to handle, i think. Ah, but i'd eventually get over it and hopefully resume the friendship. That is after all what i would value, not the age of my close friend. Welp, thar's my two cents. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You people are dumb. I can't believe nobody knows the truth! I mean, it's so damn obvious! Gosh!! How could none of you know? Santa is Jesus!!! Just like the wearwolf transforms under the full moon, Jesus transforms into Santa on Christmas Eve! He kinda transforms like optimus prime does. He shoots presents out of his plasma cannon arms and drives around in a big truck... And the easter bunny is actually a ninja turtle... Needless to say, i'm agnostic. I've only been agnostic for a year or two. It was a smooth transition so there isn't a precise date. I'm somewhat of a realist. I used to be more of one then i realized reality doesn't mean **** to me. It's my perception of reality that truly matters to me, not the actuality of it. If i want to believe the easter bunny is a genetically mutated crime fighting turtle then by-golly it is! ::sigh:: I do miss my old naive self though... i was so sure of everything. Life had purpose, i was happier. Oh well. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]When you think of one person complimenting another as 'beautiful' which gender usually gives the comliment and which usually recieves? It's typically the woman that recieves. I know that i certainly would feel strange if a girl called me beautiful... it would just feel off. I think there's a reason for this. Society puts more stress on females to look good, to be beautiful. It's because men are more visual than women. Sexually speaking a man can be aroused by simply looking at a pretty girl. Now... i'm no woman, but from my experience it takes a bit of forplay so they can catch up. ;) To put it simply, it's more important for men that a woman looks good than it is for women that a man looks good. Not to say it's not important for women... just not as much. Women look for older more intelligent and mature men whereas men look for younger and better looking women. It's all about teh sex, ladies and gents. That's my two cents anyways. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok... i'm going to have to admit it right off the bat. I'm a hug Metallica fan. Their guitar licks are just flat out amazing in my opinion. I love listening to seek and destroy, motorhead, enter sandman, fade to black, master of puppets, one, and a whole huge list of their songs.... battery too. Those are the ones that come to mind. I can play seek and destroy minus about 4/5 of the solo. I can play motorhead minus most of the solo. I can play enter sandman including the solo but i haven't got any of the cool effects because i'm poor. Fade to black and master of puppets in their entireties. It's wicked fun to just blast their songs and play along and jump all over the place. My guitar is an epiphone sg special. I have a rolan micro cube or whatever it's called. Extremely inexpensive gear, but it all puts out a sweet sound. You'd definitely be surprised if you saw the amp then heard it in that order. ...actually, you'd be surprised if the order were reversed, i dunno why i said in that order. I want desperately to upgrade. I've been thinking about getting a strat for a long time. Also would love an acoustic nylon string. I need a better amp and some effects... but what i have now is working and is settling my heavy thrash metal needs. Hah... my first guitar, the one i learned all the basics on, was actually a mini-guitar, a mini-acoustic-guitar! It's got maybe... 12+ frets on it and is freckin' tiny. I laugh when i think of it now. When i first got my electric guitar i was like... holy shet! It's huge!!! My favorite guitarists are... kirk hammet, jimi hendrix, and whoever plays guitar on sum 41. I just love their stuff, it sounds good. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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