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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Uhm... i don't think my life is too interesting. Certainly not at the moment anyways. I'm pretty much just waiting to go back to college on the 20th. Uh.. i'm a biomedical engineer major...but i'm considering switching over to some science field, not sure which. I want to be either a scientist or an engineer... or a musician or an artist or a business man or a psychologist or a philosopher or a.... shet, i'll stop. Anyways, yeah, i have lots of interests and loads of uncertainty. Deadly bloody combo if ya ask me. I play guitar, i play video games, i get online. Those are my days minus the eating and pooping. ;D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think this brings up an interesting question: would you rather be smart or have lots of sex? I think for most men the answer would be obvious, but what about the ladies? Haha, i'm just kidding guys. Not really... I'd give up a bit of my intelligence for some tail. =P Oh, and Gavin, i saw Idiocracy. It's a hilarious movie! I love that even after i got to the point of thinking beavis and butthead was too immature for me Judd can still make me laugh with his movies. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]You took the paragraph ("A woman is choosing, if she aborts, to revoke the man's right to fatherhood at the same time...") as a rebuttal to something you've said when that was not the case. It was a statement on a set of views on the paternal/maternal rights regarding abortion debate. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Uh... ok. @_@ Either way, i don't think either person should have all the say. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=DeathKnight] [color=crimson]We're not, you're still feeling the need to defend yourself although I've stopped being antagonistic and sarcastic towards you. Chill, I'm not messing with you in these last two posts.[/color][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh... i took the ratboy thing as an awkward insult. I didn't quite get it. Now i see you thought i was someone else. That aside you were still being a bit jerky. And yes, i'm defensive, that's how a debate works. ;D I'm defensive of my opinion... even though it's more of a question that formed into an opinion for the sake of argument, but whatever. Also, i'm usually quite chill. I thought the poop head thing would've gave that away.... that was a joke. =/ Who says poop head these days? Oh wait... i think i saw someone say that in a movie recently. Anchorman? [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I have to admit, you've confused me, but how is a woman not supportive? If anything the whole decision revolves around a high level of being supportive should she end up keeping the kid. That decision is far more important to her than it ever will be to the father. As far as carrying the child to term and giving birth that is. And the implication that '[I]if she's thinking straight she should really see what the guy wants[/I]' is equally as puzzling. Like if she sees differently then she's somehow screwy and not seeing straight? Having a different opinon in regards to keeping a child or not does not make the woman hormonal and instantly not '[I]seeing straight[/I]' I'd be careful with saying that, you won't be gaining any popularity with the women if you really think that. In the end, unless things change so the father can be the one to take all the risks involved in pregnancy, there is no sacrifice on his part. Sure he may have wanted to be a father, but in the end, his part in this whole deal is long since over and done with.I don't agree, regardless of someone else's wishes, it is still her choice and so long as she faces the potential dangers associated with it, she should have the final say in the matter. Also DeathKnight... I thought 2007DigitalBoy was Rat Boy, not The13thMan. XP[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Yikes! I read over what i said and i can defniitely see how you guys can get that out of it. I didn't mean that at all. Of course a woman has the right to get an abortion and disagree with the potential father. She's not crazy is she disagrees. The deal with the woman supportive thing... i just meant that a woman should be supportive to the father as well as the father should be supportive of the mother. Both should be equally supportive about the whole issue. Now.. as far as pregnancy, i consider that different than the fact that she's actually pregnant... as in the physical repercussions of pregnancy. Obviously the man doesn't have to go through that and should be extra supportive. That might be a bit confusing. ::shrug:: And in response to your last paragraph, i disagree. I think it's a huge sacrafice for both of them! I mean... if a woman gets an abortion when the father wants the child she's taking away the man's ability to pass on his genes and have his name live on. That can be a huge deal. Of course, this is all assuming the woman doesn't or seems like she won't go through any medical complications during pregnancy. If the mother's at risk then i value her life over the "life" of the unborn child. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=DeathKnight]My bad person who uses same color and font of 2k7 Digital Boy.. and talks like him. I hope he hasn't cloned himself or something. O_O[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well... i suppose that clears up some things. But whatev man, it's cool. Hey, i started using that font and color before he did! Or at least i think i did. I've been on otaku for a very long time. When i chose the font and color i thought nobody had used it before.... but i haven't been posting lately so i can see how you'd think that. When i first saw him use the font/color combination i was like, what the hell!? Ah, unfortunately i can't own it. I'm sticking to this color, regardless. Get used to it. =P [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='DeathKnight'][/color][/font] [color=crimson]Grinning at your responses to my crud isn't much of a waste of time to me. I guess it's your time of the month though so I'll seriously respond to you rat-boy. [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Once again i'm greatly dissapointed by the quality of your post. You show very little understanding of what i said and what my point was/is. And also... You're a poop head. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=DeathKnight(poophead)] You said that you think it's off that a man has to be supportive of anything a woman chooses and you've arrived at a fun juncture in the abortion debate.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]No, you left out an important part. I said that it's not fair for the man to be supportive if the woman doesn't have to be or isn't. I mean... i can understand if the lady's being harmonal from the baby, but if she's thinking straight she should really see what the guy wants. I do think this happens in most healthy relationships, but once again that's not my point. My point is society is more expecting of the father to sacrafice himself and what he wants and just be supportive of the woman. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=DeathKnight] A woman is choosing, if she aborts, to revoke the man's right to fatherhood at the same time. Likewise, if she has it when the father does not want her to she is forcing the father into fatherhood which can get icky with child support (You aren't ready to be a dad? Too bad, here's the bill). Give the father all the say and the trend will be reversed. It's straightforward to say "The fetus is now growing within your body and it is now your responsibility", so that is what they say.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Never said anything about giving anybody all the say... actually my entire point is the exact opposite. You simply misunderstood what i said. Oh well. (>'-')b [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=DeathKnight] Trying to meet in the middle would be ideal but it's hard to work out some kind of middle ground between those two. Some countries and U.S. states require the father's consent to abort (usually having a provision that if the mother is in medical danger it can be overridden). Until this need for consent spreads or otherwise the best thing to do is wrap it before you tap it unless you want a bunch of little rat-children.[/color][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]If meeting in the middle is ideal in your opinion then we agree. What the freck are we arguing about? [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Sirius'][COLOR=#354253] Ah, but a woman CAN get through those 9 months without the child's father. There might be tears shed and letters burnt, but the fact is that after fertilization, [i]the man simply becomes useless[/i]. We're more like black widows than penguins, in this sense. Support can't take away morning nausea, support can't keep stretch marks from appearing, support can't take away the risks of birthing, support can't heal C-section and episiotomy lacerations. And because of that, I believe that the father's decision has no leverage on the issue. After all, it's not his body that gets exposed to the risks involved before, during and after birthing. A tremendous amount of stress put on a woman's body during pregnancy. The chemicals in her body go haywire and she has to be extra-careful not to do anything that might trigger miscarriage. It's almost like being a grounded adolescent with hyperactive hormones. Then there's the birthing itself. Not all women are fortunate enough to have easy deliveries. Procedures like C-section and episiotomy require surgery and exposes mothers to the risk of uncontrolled bleeding and infection, among others. Add to that side-effects like post-partum depression, sexual dysfunction and perineal trauma and you've got yourself a cocktail for a changed woman. You can't say "Oh, she can just put the baby up for adoption." Birthing is nothing like your daily ten minutes in the crapper. So there you go. More reasons to hug your mom more often. ;)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Yes, there is a lot of stress put on the woman during childhood. It should definitely be considered if the idea of abortion is brought up by either person. But this is still a potential human being we're talking about. A potential son or daughter. A woman going through the pain of childbirth shouldn't be more important than a person getting a child if he/she wants one, unless of course the woman is sickly or some other reason. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Awww... no fair! *pouts* >_< I'd still be stuck with my title of [B]Moderator[/B] of[B] Otaku Lounge[/B]. XP Hehe I kid. ^_~ Still I'd be curious to see just what those titles were. Just for fun that is. And for the most part I'm betting people wouldn't care. :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'd care, i'd care!! I'd love to have some sort of nifty rank by my name to let people know i'm not a complete otaku-noob. Something like... awesome-commander-sexy-guy. That's actually very fitting for me. I am all of those things!:bdance: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Oooooo burn.[/color] [color=crimson]It becomes a part of her body. You have the air of "how dare you take away father's rights". A woman's right to what goes on with her body seems difficult to equalize to the gender that does not have anything growing in their body and affecting it. [/color] [/color] [color=crimson]Commonly important issues are brought up in healthy relationships, which is pretty much a repeat of what I said. In unhealthy relationships, rape, abuse, other circumstances than that then it's either not applicable to have a father's consent or probably not done. I attained these studies about the "communication phenomenon" within healthy relationships from the Encyclopedia Dramatica.[/color] [/COLOR] [color=crimson]Do you have any studies regarding the ratio of coolness between mothers and fathers? I've never really looked at those figures, I'd need to see that to really think about what you're saying here.[/color] [color=crimson]I'll grow to accept your disappointment with time.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Congratulations. You are now wasting my time with your stupidity. There are too many things wrong with what you said. You didn't comprehend anything that i said because you basically just repeated yourself without addressing anything i brought up. So yeah... you're a waste of time. Have a nice day! =D [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]In cases that involve rape, many states already have laws that give the father no rights whatsoever. [INDENT]When a child is conceived and born as the result of an unlawful sexual intercourse as defined in the code, the biological father shall not be permitted visitation. This does not violate constitutional principles. “No court has held that the mere fact of biological fatherhood that was the result of a conception during a criminal act and that is unaccompanied by a relationship with the child, creates an interest that the United States Constitution protects in the name of liberty.”[/INDENT] This mainly applies to the woman actually having the child of course, but in the end, even if she choose abortion, the rapist has no say whatsoever in regards to the kid. Whether she aborts it, keeps it, puts it up for adoption, etc. And in my opinion, in that situation the only thing he has a right to, is to remain silent.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I totally agree with this law. I wonder if Tennessee has it... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='DeathKnight']whateveryourstupidSNisthesedays[/quote][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok... i thought we were having a mature conversation. What's up with this random insult? I'm not going to accuse you of being childish or incredibly lame... that would be below me. ;D I won't mention it past this. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]It's not a matter of "ownership". The contribution of the sperm to creating the child is accepted, it's the fact that past that point it becomes a literal PART of the woman's body that will eventually, if it is allowed and luck graces it, be born as a human infant. The father's wishes are commonly [i]discussed[/i] and known in most healthy relationships. In cases of rape or abuse I'm not sure where you're coming from. Rarely a falling out could occur between the father and the mother but I would defer to the mother over the father.[/color] [/color][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You claim that it isn't a matter of "ownership" then you contradict yourself by saying the reason the woman has more of a say is that it is part of the woman's body. You realize you made the assumption that we have ownership over our own selves here, don't you? Perhaps i've mistaken you... I'm not actually so much talking about the actuality of the situation as i am society's viewpoint of it. Although, i don't know how you can make such a claim without some sort of study to back it up. Do you have a study to back it up that states the father's wishes are commonly discussed? I'm not saying it's not so, i'm only saying that i don't know if it is or not. Regardless, it is irrelevant. Why would you refer to the mother over the father? That seems ridiculous to me. Doesn't it matter what the two individual people are like? The mother could be a loser and the father could be really cool. It's not fair that you've already made up your mind beforehand. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=DeathKnight] [color=crimson]Yes.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]::sigh:: I expected more from you. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]What about in cases of domestic abuse? Should that woman have to consult a man who is harming her over the fate of his child? And would not that mandatory consultation be perilous for that mother? I mean it'd be ideal to have a joint decision about it, and that the parents would give equal weight to one another's words, but that's not the case.[/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hm... i'd say the father should still have some say. He should be recognized for his abuse though and seek help. I'm not actually talking about making anything mandatory here. I'm just saying that society should see it more as a decision that needs to be made by both parents. It's not fair to give the woman more right over it than the father. It is a human being we are talking about after all. Or is it? Dum dum duuuum! So, you agree in the ideal scenario both would have equal weight in the decision? Shouldn't we always strive for ideals? I think so. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]... because it's her body. The guy's "little trooper" making it through isn't really that taxing on the man, he's can be asleep and happily dreaming when his soldiers get through the defensive lines. You know, the rocket's red glare and bombs bursting in air? He isn't involved in that past the euphoria of dropping them off at the front gate to the castle. The entire siege he can't control one way or the other, it's in the hands of his little army. I think that is a sufficient number of war analogies for reproduction at the moment. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Yes, i get that point. I mentioned it. Though i think the main point should be that the unborn child is as much the man's as it is the woman's. Take this case for example: The woman wants an abortion and the man does not. What should happen? Who should have the say? It is her body... she would have to go through the months of bearing the child. Is that enough to give her the right to terminate the child's "life" when the father says otherwise? The fact that society expects a man to be supportive of whatever the women wants is a little off in my opinion. But only a tiny bit. Don't get me wrong. =D I just think instead of society expecting cooperation it should expect deliberation in this case. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You shave down there because it gets sweaty? ... Gosh, i guess i'm just lucky i don't have sweaty balls. I didn't know anybody's did... How strange. And, haha. I had a friend that shaved his *** hairs once. He said about the same thing. Good for a day, but then it itches like a mother. It was quite funny when he told me and my friends.... then i kinda just thought he was crazy for doing it anyways. I mean... was somebody fiddling with his... nevermind. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Identity']I think that, as long as it makes you feel better about yourself, or, improves your physical well-being, as with Japan_86's Breast reduction, or if you really, really need it, such as the cyst thing, then it's completely cool. However, if the only reason you get it is too fit into soceital norms or to be more attractive to other people, and it dosent acually improve your general opinion of yourself, then, it's completely [I]not[/I] cool. As for the toe shortening thing, is it really [B]THAT[/B] necessary? I mean wtf....:animesigh[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I agree with the first half of your paragraph. I think a lot of the people that get plastic surgery have opinions of themselves that are highly dependent upon what other people and society thinks of them. For the most part i think all people see themselves, at least a little bit, through the eyes of another or society. It can't really be helped. Looks are subjective and relative. Also... why is it not cool if other people like the way you look but you don't really care for it one way or another? I'm all for plastic surgery. If i had the money and i wanted to go through with it there wouldn't be much hesitation. Although personally i'd rather do it the hard way with exercise and good diet... which probably means i'll never do it. =P I'm alright with the way i look. If i could choose i'd change it, but in no way is it necessary. I just see plastic surgery as another way people can improve themselves through the help of science and technology. Yay science! I don't like it when people say they're fake if they get cosmetic surgery. I mean... what constitutes a person as being fake? The composition of your breasts? That just seems silly to me. Who cares if you got a little blob of goo in your boobies? I sure don't. Besides, there are many people out there much faker without plastic surgery than those with it. And i think if you have a problem with cosmetic surgery you should have a problem with make up or even clothing and jewelry. The only difference is the price and the payoff. My big problem with it all is the society that makes people feel like they need to go through these potentialy painful surgeries just to make them feel acceptable and comfortable in their own skin. It's a shame... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Bleh... i really dislike this whole abortion deal. I personally am pro choice. There is no way this will ever be definitively settled because it would require there to be some proof that a fetus has a right to live in the same sense a fully matured person does. No one can ever answer this question because to answer it would require you to be god... to put it plainly. There is no right and wrong unless there is a god. If god does exist then right is whatever the heck the ol' guy says. So... i guess the abortion issue won't be settled until god takes a step on to this earth and tells us personally... but even then i can still see some nonbelievers tell him He's wrong. =D I'd probably be one of 'em. Haha. I've got more opinions... but after saying all of that i really don't feel like it'd do any good. So F it... Actually... i do have something else i'd like to bring up. Why is it the woman's right to choose? I mean... i know it's her body and all, but it's still the man's little trooper that made his way through! Should a man have as much say in the matter or less? ...More? That's all i got. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]First off i want to say... dang, what a bunch of ugos! Nah, i'm kidding. You guys are great. Anyways, here's me. Please do make fun. [IMG]http://a493.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/24/l_5acf5b9d54ead8a89b275ff4dd409204.jpg[/IMG] And here's me after drinking way too many red bulls... or maybe it was after doing way too much coke? [IMG]http://a272.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/37/l_d4ac0d908aafc58bec2299209782cb6f.jpg[/IMG] This is me with my family. [IMG]http://a444.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/28/l_7bf87d68cf11c365e98c12cba617c683.jpg[/IMG] And finally me with a bunch of yellow ducks. [IMG]http://a439.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/52/l_ffe0923e10c72faeba9a7cf084139dc6.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]This brings back bad memories... One time i was ya know, playing the skin flute... visiting the mayor of happy town... charming the snake... petting the zebra... dancing with boba fett... swimming with a moose... flying high on a rainbow of dirty giggles... I was jerkin' it, christ you're thick. And then i hadoukened all over the place. Ohhhhh shoot! Then after that i actually hadoukened and lost my manhood. Blew it to smithereeens. Oh well, live and learn! They should really make some educational videos about this and show it to 3rd graders.... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, sometimes i know i think it'd be easier if i were gay. That way i wouldn't have to deal with the occasional crazziness of women. Also i wouldn't have to worry about gettin' a guy pregnant... Yeah, that's not fun. Anyways, i'm not. Oh well, haha. I sometimes look at other guys and i think, hey that's a good looking guy. Brad Pitt for example is a good lookin' guy. I'm not afraid to admit that. But then i think of anything even remotely sexual with any male and i start feeling sick. Not literally of course, but no, man sex is icky- sticky. So... ask yourself if you look at other men and see if you can imagine yourself doing all of those down right dirty things adults do. If you can, you're gay or bi, if not, then you're not. Or... maybe you're not old enough to be thinking about sex yet. This is just how i settled it in my mind in that one moment of doubt long long ago. =D Anyways, i hope you figure things out! But whatever you do, don't stress over it. It's cool man, you'll figure things out. Trust me. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Yeah, we sort of tend to not care about people who aren't white.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It's sad that a comment like that can even be made, ever the less it is mostly true. I would clarify it and say that the media doesn't care about anybody not white and maybe even the general public. How sad. I got a text from my girlfriend back at home, she was worried about me. I go to a university, i thought it was a bit silly of her to worry about me because of a shooting at a different university. I understand her though, i probably would have done the same thing. Silly people do silly things when in love... or not, haha. Uh... i don't know too much about the whole incident, but i do have an uneducated opinion on the whole matter. It boggles my mind that there can be a shooting on campus where two people die where the cops don't have the killer in custody and not alert the entire campus. A tip or reason to believe he fled is not nearly enough to not at least immediately send out an email or something! Thirty-two people died because of somebody's decision not to act with haste. I do give them the benefit of a doubt though. Surely they deal with cases like that at a regular basis and it's definitely hard to alert an entire campus. Though i feel that just because something grows common doesn't make it right to accept it as normal. When making a choice involving a human life it's always better to error on the side of safety. Oh well... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Both of you missed my point. >_< Not offended, but surprised by a simile that was so wildly inaccurate. Because there really is no comparison, now if you were to say it was like sticking a bar in a Mormon town that would have made sense as people here have a cow over the few that do exist. My point is that your simile implied Mormons were so uptight they felt threated by a store that sold movies, games, electronic equipment, etc. And that was a fallacy not a simile. As for the electricity bit, don't you know? My computer and internet is powered by a gerbil running in it's wheel. Shhh! Don't tell the neighbors! :p As for am I Mormon? I was when I was a kid, no avoiding the parents dragging me whether or not I wanted to go, but church is something I haven't gone to since I moved out. So right now, I'm not a Mormon or part of any religion. ^_~ [B]Edit:[/B] Oh and by the way, I think you are confusing Mormons with the Amish. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh shoot! You're right, i was confusing mormon with amish. It's all coming back to me now! Amish Paradise! Gah, i feel dumb. Oh well... sorry 'bout all of that. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't know where you got that idea since I live in a Mormon town and we do have a Best Buy. :therock: I pick up anime dvd's along with video games on a regular basis at Best Buy. Honestly there's just no comparison between Best Buy and a brothel. I can guarantee you that no Mormon is going to object to Best Buy being built or run in their town. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Wow, way to get offended by a simile. Nice one. My point was, there's not going to be a brothel in an area that has no need for brothels. The best buy mormon deal was simply that mormons don't use electricity, or at least that's what people think. I don't really know, i'm not mormon. And, are you mormon? [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Boo] Eh, no. You'd just give them one less problem when it comes to forcing girls into prostitution. The decrease of slave trade would very likely not go down "a lot", if you ask me. But you're not asking me, because I come from a country where prostitution is rather ... normal.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ah, seems to me like somebody's never heard of supply and demand. Let me break it down for you. There is an inverse relationship between the two, as in, if one goes up the other goes down. If the amount of prostitutes go up the need for them will go down. And if there is less of a need of prostitutes there will be a less of a need of the slave trade of prostitutes. It's fairly simple logic, my friend. Of course, i'm only speaking within the united states. I'm sure it'll continue in third world contries and all that crap. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Prostitution is conducive to that environment. There is a strong correlation between prostitution and drugs/blue collar crime. Which causes the other is up for debate, but there is a strong link between the two. I'm not talking about within a brothel, I'm talking about in an area that has legal prostitution. Fair point, but like Raiyuu kind of was getting at, brothels probably won't be able to stay open using volunteers (like signing up for a job). Therefore it is a fair assumption to make that human trafficking would continue to occur to support the industry. Homicide, mugging, robbery, selling drugs... all of those have a strong correlation with prostitution. Well, they exacerbate the problem, but human trafficking can still happen if people aren't walking around. I fail to see how keeping them in a building would make them any less susceptible "slavery," since trafficking gets them into the business, not on the corner necessarily. Agreed, and you're right here. But I think it's ridiculously difficult to regulate prostitution so that very little trafficking, STDs, or walkers are found. Like you said earlier, it'd need to be closer regulated than our water systems, which is quite a task. I can't help but feel it's easier to make it illegal rather than risk an increased number of human rights abuses, greater number of STD infections, and worrying about keeping walkers off the street. The big thing here is regulation. You're right, assuming prostitutes practice safe sex and everyone's tested. But the odds of that happening are slim unless a very powerful overseeing system is in place, and people will most of the time pay more for unprotected sex. So I could see it being legalized if and only if the industry were subjected to very strict regulations that could be enforced quickly and efficiently. But the odds of that happening, at this point in time anyway, are pretty low.[/size][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think your argument that brothels won't be able to stay open with only volunteers is flawed. Have you any idea of how many people already willingly have sex for money in pornography? And hell, guys are sex crazy fiends, i'm sure we'll be able to get some horny dudes to sign up in brothels for the ladies. I honestly don't think it'll be a problem, except for in "nice" neighborhoods. But that won't be a problem. Who would stick a brothel there? It's like sticking a best buy in a mormon town! Everybody else has already said most of what i thought of. Oh, the problem about the customers having an std, check them too! I never said having sex with a prostitute should be cheap! And hell, if you've got an std, then maybe you can have sex with a prostitute that has that same std. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, it's just an idea. I don't really know how stds work too well. As for the slave trade of prostitutes, i think that'll go down as well. I mean...the only reason there is a slave trade of prostitutes is because there is a need of prostitutes. If you take care of that need, you'll take care of the slave trade. Maybe it won't be completely abolished, but it'll certainly go down a lot. Hah, leave it up to the people at OB to mostly want to legalize prostitution! =D I thought most of you would be morally objected to the point of not wanting to legalize it! Haha, later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, so i noticed there wasn't a single interesting thread in the OBLounge. So i figured it was time i make one, or at least attempt... I'll probably fail! =D So, what do you guys think about prostitution? Like it, dislike it? Should it be legalized? (Somebody please say you want to legalize it at least for the sake of discussion, i know most are probably against it.) So yeah, i'll leave it at that! I'll add my opinion once some others have posted theirs. I'm outtie. (When was the last time you heard that one, eh?) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ah...binge drinking. I personally look down on people that abuse alcohol in such a manner. But whatever. You have a good time doing it, so who cares if you look like a moron in the process? I don't drink. Partly because i don't hang out with that crowd, partly because my family has a history of abusing alcohol so it makes me more likely to become an alcoholic. But, i do go to college and i do see drunks on a regular basis. Just yesterday was kind of funny. I go to take a piss and i see these guys hanging around this pathetically fat dude laying on the floor, sick from all the drinking. I hear him talking and he's like: Dude....i'm gonna get n-naked! Yeah...yeah, thenwait! No... i'm gonna get in the.... take a shower naked... yeah. Then-then i'm gonna throw up all over dis place, dude. God... Then after...yeah, then i'm going to smoke some weed. Man, weed, no madder wut i'm d-doing weeeed makes me feel better. Yeah... You dun' want me ta get violent! ::starts banging on the walls:: Then his friends, who are drunk as well, say: Hahahahaha, this is focking ri-did-q-lust! Hahaha, ****, he's like, whoa, like, so drunk! Haha... Guys, let's we shud like poor cocoa puffs all over him! (no joke) Yeah, i get a good laugh out of some of the binge drinkers in my dorm. Haha. So, more power to ya! ;) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]This is good adivce, and its helpful, but if I talk to him, it will obviously alert him and spur him to action. In such a scenario, I probably lose a friend, and definately the girl. So, talking to him is out of the picture. He and I were loosely associated before, and he's been increasingly hostile (and annoying). He only ever talks to me when he wants to have me add on to one of his inane jokes. Somehow though, she new sees either of the two traits.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Dude, go for it. And uh... i wish you the best of luck . =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='DaSilva']Its happened before, and it doesn't really bother me, because I've accepted death as it really is. Just another thing that happens.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Just another thing that happens? Ah... that's just silly my friend. I find it hard to believe that anybody can really have that sort of opinion about death. Perhaps you've went through some rough losses in your life and this is your way of dealing with them? To me, death is a very sad thing. The church i was raised in has a very optimistic view of death, because they believe in the afterlife, in heaven. They believe once you die you can be closer to god and you'll get to be with everybody else that has died. So you know ol' Scruffy, the family dog, that died when you were only seven? Yep, he's there! Actually, i don't know what they think about animals that die, but you get the idea. Me on the other hand, i see it more as...never getting to see that person again, or if there is an afterlife, not getting to see that person for a very long undefinite amount of time. I already find it hard enough to be away from the people i love, but if i lost all contact with any one of them for the rest of my life i'd be very sad. As for caring about other people that have experienced these losses, yes i sympathise with them. My heart goes out to those that have lost ones they love. My heart goes out to anybody that is suffering. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it takes more than just sympathy for me to actually make an attempt to help anybody in pain. I think...maybe the main reason i sympathise with them is because i always try to put myself in their positions. Life is hard enough as it is, lord knows sometimes we just need somebody to care. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]If you and Andy are still friends, talk to him. Tell him that since you knew he liked her for a long while that you'll give him a bit more time, and be specific with how long but not harsh. Then if he doesn't do anything, jump on it man. If you two are no longer friends, then go for it and eff Andy. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Adahn][font=Tahoma]So, what scares me as a male? Well, I'm not afraid of too many things, and the things that do scare me don't have much to do with me being a guy. However, I can easily contort my fears to conform with your question. I am afraid of pointy things. Needles are a good example, but I'm also cautious around tacks, knives, and anything else that can put a hole in me, like guns. [b]Masculine contortion:[/b] I am afraid of being penetrated, as this goes against my natural male role as a penetrator. I am ridiculously afraid of spiders. I can be pretty tough if I've got a weapon and the little guy cornered, but if one gets on me, I will freak the hell out. You'd think Death himself had laid his hand on me. [b]Masculine contortion:[/b] I'm afraid of spiders because I think my junk will fall off if one bites me. I am afraid of others noticing my mistakes. It's ok if I make one and nobody knows about it, but if someone finds out, I'll do anything possible to deny it. I don't let others know that I know I'm wrong. [b]Masculine contortion:[/b] Guys never admit that they are wrong, or that they need directions. We don't need your help, and we don't need your bitching. I am incapable of peeing in the same room as someone I don't know. I also can't pee in a urinal, unless I know that the entire building is empty and there is zero chance of someone walking in on me. [b]Masculine contortion:[/b] I'm afraid that if anyone is in the same room [spoiler]with my impressive physical endowments,[/spoiler] they will be overcome with a jealous, murderous rage, and not even [spoiler]my mighty club[/spoiler] will be enough to fight them off. (not really, but it was fun to type anywho) As for fears in relation to women, I have none. Women are all as harmless as kittens :catgirl:
  25. [QUOTE=NIKI12345] Ok here its my turn. What do you fear the most 1. Knowing that you could have anything you want if you killed you best friend 2. Destory each person in your family just because you had self issues 3.Be kidnaped and raped, but later on have your body sold to other people. Hope it doesn't scare you :animesmil[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Number 3. I'm a man, i don't want some fugly lookin' woman kidnapping me and raping me. Ew. Also...with number 2, i'd only kill my family...now, that may be horrible but i'd still have some sort of life after that and have a possibility to live on and create a new family. I'd be devestated, yes, but i could go on. In number 3, if i'm sold to other people i don't really have any way out. My life would be essentially over. And number 1's nothing, knowledge is just knowledge, not action. 1. Always having a bloody nose. You could at least stick a tissue in there to stop it... 2. The only form of music you like for the rest of your life is christina aguilera. I mine as well say, "always having your ears bleed!" 3. Crying every hour for the rest of your waking life for 10 minutes. That's 1/9 of your life spent crying! [/FONT][/COLOR]
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