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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [QUOTE=NIKI12345]Well in my social studies we learned about philosophers and what they did so I decided to ask a question myself. What is happiness or what would be the perfect world. It?s on your opinion so don?t worry what others are going to say. Now to answer my question the perfect world for me would be a world without drama or pain. Without drama it cuts out a lot of problems and people would be more cheerful. Without pain no one would go through a broken heart lies and so forth, but it might lead to other problem. You guys can go against my word and that?s okay that?s what I?m looking for. That is my opinion.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]In my opinion perfection is different for everybody. In my perfect world sushi falls from the heavens and we all play guitar hero 24/7, but i know many people that hate sushi and have never heard of guitar hero. So, is perfection possible? Perhaps, as long as one's idea of perfection does not interfere with another's. Unfortunately we know that this is not true. If we all thought the same and had the same vision of utopia in our minds surely we would be there by now. Of course, that's debatable because of other characteristics in human nature, say the imp of the perverse. =D Silly Poe. Therefore i'd like to say that...maybe perfection is possible for certain individuals. How lucky can a guy get to live a life where perfection is possible! Aw hell, nevermind. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Damn, Boss, that really sucks. I really hate those kinds of people. I mean....screaming out n-lover just because of your appearance is absolutely ridiculous. It disgusts me. Those kinds of people have no useful place in society. When i was in highschool my friend was the one that got me into philosophy the most. Perhaps instead of looking for a person already versed in philosophy you should look for somebody that's always up for a good conversation or debate and try to get him/her into it like you have. Then you'll always have that person as an outlet. If you do this, i recommend finding somebody with fairly conservative views so that you two always have some good conversations. It's no fun if you both agree with each other always. =D Of course...you gotta make sure this person isn't easily offended, as it seems most conservatives get offended easily because they believe their views are synonymous with their religion, and you know how people get when their religion starts getting flamed. Other than that...either wait for college or continue doing your thing online. I would slightly disagree with Adahn's opinion that you should go to a college far far away. College's are filled with many many types of people, nothing like highschool. I mean, i'm sure whatever college you go to will have a decent philosophy club and of course courses offered in philosophy. Unless of course you end up in some tiny public college....then maybe not. But it seems to me like you're smart enough to go to a nice college. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm an engineer major with a philosophy major as my roommate. He's a christian conservative, i'm an agnostic liberal. Luckily we're both ridiculously messy, otherwise we'd be considered the odd couple. Also, we have generally the same sense of humor. But every now and again we get into some philosophical debates, and they're always quite fun for me. Being an engineer major, i don't really know much about the specifics in philosophy, such as these schools of thought. I don't know which i would fit under or what any of them are. So i'll just try to describe my own personal philosophies and the points i usually take. I'm a realist and i don't believe in absolutes...which is a paradox, because i can't absolutely believe in no absolutes, for that is an absolute. So, i do believe in some absolutes, but very few, and i believe that an absolute can only be found by a single person. In other words, there are no absolute absolutes? I just confused myself. Anyways, i'm usually the one to argue that all things are relative and it depends on the situation. There is no supreme right, only a relative one. In religion, i am an agnostic, as i have already mentioned. I'm agnostic because i need more proof that god exists or does not exist. And because of my previous religion i didn't exactly have time to gather that proof and remain in the religion without affecting the life of another person, possibly quite negatively. So i declared myself agnostic... Uhm, it's rahter hard for me to settle on any specific opinion because i usually tend to see the arguments on both sides as valid (which you might already have been able to tell by reading my previous paragraph). But even though i have trouble choosing a side i have already seen that i lean towards liberal politics. Pro gay, pro choice, anti war, blah blah blah. For your second question, Boss, i think you should take a practical approach. When you are to make a decision consider your philosophies and let that guide you. If you find another person interested in philosophy engage in debate. If you don't find another person interested, then oh well, don't sweat over it. I don't know whether you're in college or not, but if you are you should join a philosophy club or class, just for fun. I think philosophy should be a guide to living your life, not a main focus. Besides... philosophers have crappy senses of humor and talk weird. =P Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, i'm sitting here in my english class, waiting for it to get started so i figured i'd write something. Gee, Adahn, start any threads recently? How have i changed... well, i have a new haircut! =D It's spiked up all cool like, plus it's short. Short > Long My religion has changed over the past year. I was once a member of the unification church, i am now an agnostic. That's quite a large jump. It hasn't really changed my personality too much, as i think i was always unsure about my faith, i only recently accepted and acknowledged it. I'm also in college now, this is the beginning of my second semester. I'm used to it by now and really starting to get the hang of it. College days go by much faster than high school days, though i definitely miss my friends. Back in high school i had quite a few friends, it took a while to get so many. I mean... i've been there for 13 years! Of course i got some friends! And last semester i had to start over, which was quite strange. I figure it'll take a bit of time, but there are people i feel comfortable around. It's still strange though, cuz i barely know these people. Unfortunately i don't drink either. =D Too bad it's such a big party school, eh? I also have a girlfriend now. We're in love. That's quite a change. The only downer to this is that i miss her dearly. She lives back in my hometown, about 3 hours away. The couple of days i'm back in college after seeing her are usually pretty rough, but it usually gets better. Ah...i don't know how long i can keep this up. Uh...and that's all i can think of for now. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Vincent Love97][font=Arial][color=mediumturquoise]I'd probably rather be forced to play guitar for days on end because I don't feel like dying right now, especially from a combustion [I dont even know what that is!][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc]Would you rather[/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc]Bungee jump off a bridge with perilous rocks underneath it[/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc]or[/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#48d1cc]Bungee jump off a cliff with perilous rocks underneath it[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'll jump off the bridge. The way i see it either way you're dead or in a great deal of pain. One seems to be more instant than the other, especially if you hit the wall of the cliff. =D Wow, somebody brought back my old thread! Yayness. Would you rather drink way too much coffee and become a hyper active pissing machine or take some sleeping pills at the beginning of the day? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'd say i post a decent amount, though i don't know how much. But there are some times in my life that i rarely get online and there are some times when i get on nearly every day. I also know some people are perfectly content in simply reading what others have to say instead of writing. Either because they feel what they had to say has already been said or because they're afraid their opinion will be shot down. I'm sure there are more reasons. Also, some threads are completely lame. I won't name names....but i haven't seen any particularly interesting ones in a while. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess][size=1][font=arial]I don't see the point in it being illegal to begin with. If you're not gay, then gay people getting married isn't going to affect [b]you[/b], Christian or not. I don't understand why people always feel the need to step in when they have no business there. I could understand if they were going to ban homosexuals from Christian churches or something, but to take that a step further and just outright ban them from having legal benefits as a couple is BS.[/font'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think the main reason people don't leave other people alone when they're not being hurt by it is because of another Christian ideology. And that is to love thy neighbor, or something like that. Basically they want to help people. They want to spread their faith and convert the nonbelievers. It's obvious they do. Missionaries, and those door to door christians, Jehova's witness? I think that's what they're called. They think being gay is wrong and that if you're gay you'll go to hell, so they step in and try to help. Which, if they're right and gays go to hell...then i don't even know if it'll help or not. I think it'll become more likely that a person will move away from god instead of homosexuality. I mean, i even hold love over god, though i am straight. =D Anyways, Adahn, i don't think you really wrote anything too eyeopening. I've heard the like before, it was a good point then and is a good point now. I think as a whole our nation is becomming more and more open minded and liberal, so perhaps in a century gays will be allowed to do what they want. I also think there's too much religion in politics, but what can ya do? Politics needs morals and most people draw their morals from religion... I sure as hell don't know the solution. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Clurr][FONT=Arial] I have two cats; one is a goldish furred boy who lounges around in the chairs and whatnot. Sometimes I happen across a grocery bag and I automatically think it's the cat. So, I go to pet it, and it turns out to be just a grocery bag. I guess that sort of thing happens all the time.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Haha, that made me laugh out loud! You should just go ahead and pet the grocery bag...they need love too. I mistake things for other things sometimes, though not as often as you make it sound, Adahn. Mostly i'd say it happens when i see things off in the distance or when i see it in my peripheral vision. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Although you are quite strange. And also, would you say it's happening a lot more than usual or something? Perhaps you're going crazy? Heh, there's wishful thinking for ya. =D JK. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]My valentine will be my girlfriend, Nicole. Of course, that's assuming we're still dating, which i'm 99% certain we will be. Uhm, i have no idea what i'm going to do for her, especially since i'm not going to be anywhere near her. I'm stuck here in college, and she's stuck back in my hometown. It's kind of a downer, but i'll probably do something. Make her an ecard perhaps? Somehow get some roses sent to her? Ah, i'll do something. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]There are a couple things i like to do. I play guitar, that's always fun. Especially when i'm really feeling the music flow through me and....you know, the energy drink i just guzzled. Sometimes i like to draw. My drawings are cartoony, animey, and realy. Yeah... I have lots of fun. The internet's a great place to look up stuff and things...>_> Otakuboards for one, email, myspace, webcomics, random stuff. I like to listen to music, that's always great. Recently i got the new shins cd and i love it. And i got some radiohead too, pretty sweet. Of course i like to play video games. I recently bought the new Zelda and beat it. Now i'm just kinda going through getting heart pieces and exploring more than i have before. Hanging out with friends is always great. That's all i can think of, later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]My oh my Adahn...at first i just thought the way you thought was annoying as hell, now i know you as a person are a little off too. Congrats on the being smart thing, that's pretty cool...and uh...i'm sorry about you being socially retarded. The whole pissing on a picnic table thing, oh my. I think maybe you should elaborate as to why you pissed on the table. Cuz right now i'm just thinking you were passing by and had to piss so you aimed at the nearest thing.... Yeah ok, enough about you, now for me! I'll try my best to be honest. Ok...my good qualities. Well, i suppose i'm pretty smart too, though not [B]that[/B] smart. I got a 30 composite on my ACT, and i got a 4 on an AP calculus exam, but that's about it for that. Most of my college is paid for, even though it's a state university. Uhm...i can play the guitar, the alto saxophone, and the bassoon. I'm an above average artist. My social skills aren't in the toilet, i'd even say they're pretty good when i'm around people i like. Usually in a group of friends i'm the one cracking the jokes. I'm not bad with the ladies (i hope), i do have a girlfriend. Physically i'm alright too, though not great. I'm more of a math person, though i'm an above average writer as well. I'd say most things come to my quite naturally. I'm a pretty lazy person, probably due to the fact that most things come to me naturally so i've grown used to not putting much effort into things. Don't tell my parents, but i barely went to class at all last semester (my freshman year of college) and i managed to get an A, 3 Bs, and a D. Obviously the D was a rough class (^^)'. I'm overweight, and everytime i try to lose that weight i fail. I can be a real *** sometimes, my friends tell me so on often occasions. When i argue i usually take the stance of "i don't know, but if so and so was true then i'd believe in blah blah blah" in other words, i have no faith. Which brings up another thing, i'm agnostic. In no way do i see that as a good thing. I basically have no faith that god exists or doesn't exist, because i'm too afraid to commit one way or another. I have lots and lots of self doubt. I constantly second guess myself. I'm also a liar. I lie to my parents, friends, everybody it seems. Usually they are small lies, but other times they're pretty big. What's funny is most people consider me an honest person...but in reality i'm just a good liar. The way i see it, if it doesn't bring a person any harm, then what the hell does it matter if they know the truth or not? And lastly, i'm too sarcastic at times. I bring people down with my sarcasm sometimes and i see it. Yeah, i'm not very interesting. But i figured i should post for the heck of it anyways. =D Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']The trick to the rooms with the masses of ChuChus is to kill one of the red or blue ones before they get absorbed by the purple ones. If you can get a bottle of red or blue chu jelly it's like a free potion mid-way through the cave.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh shoot! I didn't know the purple could do that! ...that explains where the red and blue guys went....i was wondering. Gee, yudd think those purple guys would be a little better for ya after absorbing all that red and blue goodness. Too bad there's not a white...then it'd be red white and blue! Get it!? ... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I have a slightly amusing story to tell about my experience in the [spoiler]cave of ordeals[/spoiler]. I pretty much wasn't sure what i was doing, i was just going along, room to room, then i realized where i was. It was just a huge endurance test that i hand't prepared for at all. Luckily i had some soup and some fairy tears. Well, as i worked my way through i used up pretty much all of it. And i'd say at about the 45th room i encountered some archers and a bunch of ground enemies, including some purple chus. Well, i was getting pummeled by fire arrows and most of the enemies, about to die. So i decide to slice up the purple chu and drink some of the chu jelly. At that point i thought that it replenished like 3 hearts every time, cuz that's what happened the first and only time i had done it before. So i slice the guy up, scoop the stuff, and take a drink. I lost all of my hearts down to a quarter heart!!! I screamed at the top of my lungs, as a fire arrow happened to be in midair, right in front of me as i drank the damn thing....i couldn't do anything. I was stunned, shocked, and thoroughly pissed. But now i'm better. Blasted Chu... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]In my mind whenever a question of absolutes comes up you must also delve into religion, unfortunately. You see, the way i see it is that with a god there is an absolute, that being his word; without a god there can be no absolutes. So without divine influence there is no such thing as an absolute. I'm agnostic so whenever the question of absolutes come up i can never take an absolute side, which is a little funny sometimes. I used to think if anything was absolute it was math...but there are ways around that. Math is only a representation of our world, a means to understand it, like science. But if our world changes then so does our math. So if you say math is absolute you must also state that our world is absolute, in a sense. Uhm...yeah, that's a bit confusing to me even though it makes perfect sense? Yeeaaah, nevermind. Anyways, i usually take the side of relatives. I don't believe in absolutes, for the most part. I simply believe that absolutes are a possibility. I just lean away from it. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Allamorph']Yes, but it's not this one.[/quote][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, then which one is it? Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I don't use pickup lines. I prefer to charm a girl with my sense of humor and overwhelming sex appeal. =D But i do have a favorite pickup line i use for jokes. Do you know what the key difference is between sex and conversation? No Do you want to go upstairs and talk? Ahhh, gets me everytime. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I think I'd rather not be able to hear. There are some people whose voices I'd just like never to hear again and I use my hands enough when I talk so using sign language wouldn't be anything new to me. But I cannot go without Headlines on Jay Leno and Avatar the last Airbender. Anyway, getting into the holiday spirit. [center]Would you rather have to drink a gallon of Egg Nog or Would you rather eat three dozen latkes?[/center] Look at how PC I am! I integrated two main holiday foods from two main religions! I am so cool![/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I would rather dring the gallon of egg nog. I never had latke before and i have no idea what it is beyond the little picture i saw at wikipedia and the fact that it's potato-y. So yeah, definitely the nog. It's yummy. And possibly alcoholic! Would you rather be lower middle class and have good health or be rich and sick most of the time? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] What on earth should i get my girlfriend for christmas!? Agh! I don't know what to do!! I pretty much never had a gf around christmas time before. I rarely ever get anybody gifts and i...i just don't know. So i figured i'd ask all you savvy fellows. What have you gotten for your significant others? What did you get for them this year? If you're a girl what do you want from you guy and vice versa? Ok well...i don't really want anything in particular from my girlfriend except to spend time with her. I go to college about 3 hours away and we don't often get to see each other. This christmas break i have nearly a month off, and i just want to be with her for most of it. But past that, i suppose she could get me something for my guitar. ^L^ Nothing too expensive though. Ah, and of course, she could always get me something like sexy lingre. Haha, but that's just a joke...for now. o_o (hopefully she doesn't read this, as she knows i go to this message board(oh and so you know, she'd be the one wearing it)). Anything she gets me would be great though, cuz it'll be from her and it'll remind me of her, whatever it is. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Millie: I don't get it. How do these things work? Vash: I heard you try to look past it and then you can see it. Meryl: You guys can't see it? It's a rocket ship! Wolfwood: I hate these damn magic eye pictures... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna] Simple. First, I'd use my hatchet to make a hole in the truck's gasoline tank. I'd then toss a grenade into said tank with some form of delay device I'd rigg together; then I'd jam the truck in drive and send it screaming towards said wee beasties. If my timing is right, the truck will explode just as it reaches the thickest section of lions and blow the bastards to smithereens. Then I'd calmly walk out, just because I can. [B]THE SITUATION![/B] Egad! You wake up in total darkness, with a throbing headache and a pain in your lower back. Getting up, you strike a match (You have a pack of them!) and discover you've been walled up inside a... MORGUE! Looking around frantically, you spot several things that might be useful; a large lead pipe, a group of rotting corpses, a pair of shurikans, and a broken beer bottle. QUICKLY! Time is of the essence! As the corpses rot, the air you need to breath is being replaced by fowl, extremely flammable corpse-gas! [B]GET OUT OF IT![/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] Well...first off i'd just like to say wow. It's amazing that you managed to do all of that to the truck when it was outside the exit... First thing's first, i gotta poke the dead bodies with the lead pipe. After probably a good 2 hours of morbid entertainment i realize i've got two minutes left before i choke to death on corpse fumes, er, i mean extremely flammable corpse-gas! I quickly start moving all of the corpses to one of the walls of the morgue. I pour a tiny bit of the remaining hooch left in the beer bottle on the pack of matches, making sure i keep one for myself. I place the matches on top of the corpses, and walk to the other end of the room with my lead pipe and shurikens. I start striking the shurikens with the lead pipe in an attempt to warm up the shurikens with the friction caused by the striking motion. When i get one hot enough i throw it at the matches which light on fire and cause a huge corpsy explosion. Luckily i manage to survive. I run outside and take a breath of fresh non corpse air. Yeah baby, that plan makes perfect sense. You find yourself in a room on the 2nd level of a whore house. You walk outside into a hallway and into the adjacent room to find a quite attractive prostitute laying in bed, barely clothed. As you walk up to her you notice a rather unpleasant odor. You shrug it off, as you have a burning desire to....yeah. As you place your arm on his/her shoulder you realize that (s)he's dead...or i should say undead! Oh no! Zombie prostitutes! All you have on your body is a wallet full of ones and a flamethrower. Get out of it! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm sorry, but without knowing the purpose of making these clones there's no way you can really choose a side. If these clones were made to replace loved ones or something like that, then maybe it'd be ok. If they were going to be grown for organ transplants and the sort, then it most likely wouldn't be ok. If i were you i would tell your teacher just that. And also, tell him he's a moron if he still says that you have to choose a side without that information. Yeah...that's all i got, especially since i'm distracted by the Simpsons... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I find it difficult to be sincere with anybody unless i've known them forever or if it's ridiculously innapropriate. I'm sarcastic with nearly everybody i meet. If i were to meet you in person i'd probably make some random sarcastic comment, and it might be funny, but then i'd make another and another. I feet at times i'm a bit cynical...oh well. I'm not good at any sports. Never cared enough to get good at any. I'm more of a video game, guitar, artsy, sit on my *** kind of guy. And i'm not good at brushing my teeth twice a day....damn cavaties. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm going to guess that most people are going to say their own antagonist are themselves. I know i'm my own worst enemy. My fears, my reservations, my doubts. I have to get over myself or i'll never get anything done. Shoot, if only i could control myself like in the Sims. I would just click on my book and do my homework, then i'd press 3 and fast forward time till i were done. Easy easy. Then i would also probably work out for 7 hours in the same fashion, and practice guitar till my skill level were 10. ^L^ Life would be much easier. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm typically good at everything. Uhmm...seriously. ^L^ Nah, i'm kidding. I am good at....well, i can't think of anything i'm really great at, just a bunch of things i'm alright at. I'm pretty good with math, i'm an alright writer, most people think i have a decent sense of humor, i'm fairly sarcastic, i'm a decent guitarist, i draw better than most, and i'm good at DDR. Oh...and i guess i play bassoon and alto sax alright. I also love to think and debate. If anybody wants to debate with me then let's get this thing a goin'. ^L^ In my opinion i'm not that good at any of those things, but others seem fairly impressed when i show off with some of them. I just think people are easily impressed. Oh...and i'm arrogant. ^J^ [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='lostvoice']Wow. A teddy bear means alot more than I thought it meant. Ya' know what? I'm kind of glad that I'm not the only one who likes "childish"(as most poeple veiw it) Objects. My love for the carousel horse and music box remains. Acually my love for the Carousel horse has to do with a trip to the mall with a carousel in it, now that I think of it. It was closing and the carousel was dark and beautiful. I fell in love with it then and always seemed fond of it.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I personally really like childish things, and i rarely think badly upon a person for still being attached to childish things. I personally still love my blankey. Although...it's been forever since i've seen the thing, but i still recall it with fond memories. If i could find it i'd probably start using it again. It was ideal for hot summer evenings when you just wanted a little warmth over your mid section. I don't know why, but i can rarely get to sleep unless there's a blanket over me, i think it's a sort of comfort thing. I mean, i can be dead tired, but unless there's a blanket on me i can't get to sleep. I also still love my old SNES system. ^L^ [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Chances of the Wii being pulled off the shelves just two weeks before Christmas is about as likely as George Bush sending Saddam a nice Christmas present.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I wonder what he'd send him.... Maybe a fruit basket? Nah, too cliche. ...hmmm, maybe a strand of the smallpox virus? Nah, Saddam got that on his birthday last year. Gosh, what [B]can[/B] you give a guy like Saddam? Ahhh, ef it, i'd just send him some money, can't go wrong with money. I personally think it's a little silly for a company to sue Nintendo on something like this. I mean c'mon, how stupid would Nintendo have to be to steal an idea so crucial to its system as the controller and then put out there for the entire world to see? Common sense would tell you Nintendo is innocent and Interlink are a bunch of money whores. Oh well...it's a shame in this day and age things like this are common. If only that old lady didn't get burned by some McCoffee... [/FONT][/COLOR]
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