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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]The pencil to me signifies creativity and possibility. You can write or draw anything with those little guys. What starts out as simple pencil lead can turn out to be bestselling novel, a mathematic break through, or an artistic masterpiece. The possibilities are limitless. And by that...i guess the pencil sharpener is what allows this all to happen, like...god! Pencil sharpener=god! I knew it! Then the eraser is your second chance? Yeah... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I choose being a circus clown because I know I'm not smart enough to be an astronaut. Plus I'd rather make people laugh than suddenly up and decide that some planet may not be a planet at all and completely mess up my favorite anime so SailorPluto doesn't have a home.... Uh yeah random. Being a clown would be fun... as long as it isn't for a rodeo. Okay I'm really in a silly mood right now and I just burned a sheet full of Christmas/Yule/Holiday cookies. would you rather lose a fight with a chipmunk and have your friend video tape it and not only show it at parties but put it on youtube as well. [center]or[/center] Would you rather lose a wrestling match with your grandma and have your family tape it and not only show it at family functions, but your brother put it on youtube as well. Either way you have a sad fight on youtube.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'd really have to go with the chipmunk, hands down. I'd be proud to lose the fight against the chipmunk, that's just hilarious. I'd play it off like i was doing it for a good laugh....^L^ Freegin' chipmunks... Would you rather sell your soul to the devil for a plate of cookies or sell your soul to god for a plate of death? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=Sojiro47]Well...I'm not fond of random voices saying "Welcome to the Hotel California", so...I'll go with the horse with no name. Besides, you can't kill anything in the Hotel California, so if they double-cross you, you're screwed. ^_^ Would you rather be an amazing chef who everybody hated? Or... Would you rather be a quadrapledic (SP?) who anly has a care-taker for company? To Allamorph: I have no idea where the word nightmare comes from, but I get bad ones often now-an-days, too.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm going to have to be the chef. I couldn't imagine being paralyzed for the rest of my life, that would be horrible. And it's quadriplegic. Plus, if i were a chef i'd be able to make some kick-a food for myself... And just because people hate me doesn't mean they have to hate my cooking. I'll just change my name! Plus there are always prostitutes, baha! o_o As for nightmare...i know that nightmare used to be a female demon creature that attacked people when they were sleeping. Would you rather ride a roller coaster with a 50/50 shot of the coaster going off the tracks and crashing to your death or eat really yucky ice cream? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']Yeah we all really want to find out just how funny/interesting/cool of a guy you are, 13thMan.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh shoot. My bad. I totally forget i set that thing on private most of the time. Ok, it's now public. [URL=http://www.myspace.com/nick331]Myspace[/URL] Oh, and by the way, Jakehammeran, i saw the video on your profile of Scorpion's cooking show. That's hilarious. It's been forever since i've seen that! Ah...i laughed my bum off when i unlocked it. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Charles] 2) Sony doesn't necessarily "have" Metal Gear Solid 4. Most industry insiders predict that the game will be ported to the Xbox 360 as well. Why? Konami seems to like money. 3) The remote idea obviously isn't so "stupid" considering how Sony has tried its best to steal the basic idea. Furthermore, the Wii has outsold the Playstation 3 by a fair margin thus far. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hahaha, number two made me laugh. "Why? Konami seems to like money." ^L^ Those guys sure do, and i'm quite thankful for it. I've bought metal gear solid 2 substance and metal gear solid twin snakes, i had to play the 3rd one from a friend's ps2. Ahh...thank you konami for importing the mgs series to some decent consoles. I'm not sure what i think about the wii and ps3 as they've barely been out long enough and i haven't played either of them. I'm going to have to wait till the 3 big games come out before i put my money down on anything. Those 3 games being, Halo 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metal Gear Solid 4. Luckily my brother has a 360, and let me tell you, Gears of War is incredible. I'm still waiting for the PS3 to blow me away with some serious graphics. I want to see its potential. And as for the Wii....bleh, wiimote? Bleh... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Luigi! Well, i like it, but i think the background is a bit too bare. Also the fact that you crossed snes luigi with the nes mario world is a bit strange, but still pretty cool. I like it. Hahaha, poor turtle got his head smashed in! I love it man, very cool. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Charles']The idea that it's best to tell one's parents about something that's going to piss them off once one reaches 18 years of age is really flawed to say the least. I mean, if you're financially independent, it's one thing. If you're still reliant on them, being 18 only means they can legally throw you out.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hah. I see your point. Though personally that thought hadn't occured to me as my parents would never throw me out. They're the loving accepting kind of parents....and maybe a bit too trusting ^L^'. So really our advice is only worth anything if we guessed your parent's reaction accurately. I'd say telling them after 18 is more for the parents that would punish you by like grounding you or something like that, at which point you would be out of the house, college perhaps? Though of course i wouldn't tell 'em after 18 if you thought they'd kick you our or stop paying for your stuff. So really you just gotta figure it out on your own, ask yourself how your parents will react. Of course...you could always stop smoking. It's gonna kill ya man, there's no doubt in it. If you quit now then at least you won't have too much signs of a long time smoker. It was cool while you were in highschool, but trust me, adults that smoke outside in the cold, by themselves is not cool at all. It's just depressing. But whatev, your call. (Didn't mean to lecture you, if you felt like i did.) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Yes, it is. I'll take the Mint Chocolate phone. And then I'll eat it. Yum. Speaking of chocolate, would you rather have.... ...white chocolate? or ...dark chocolate?[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Definitely going to have to go with dark chocolate....cuz you know, i feel like eating really bitter tree bark. White chocolate all the way. I only like dark chocolate when there's a lot of other stuff involved, like midnight milky ways. Those are really good. And white chocolate is always delish. I had a white chocolate mocha today at Starbucks, very yum. Would you rather master the electric guitar or master guitar hero? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkOrange]I wonder if i'm the first actual guitar player to comment on the game. I believe so...unless someone's not saying so. Personally i think the game is total bollocks. It's an insult to real guitarists out there everywhere. If you want to rock out then get a freegin' guitar and learn the gadang song! Nah, i'm kidding. ^L^ I think the game's awesome. I really am a guitar player though. And in all honesty i'd say playing the guitar has only made me that much more interested in playing guitar hero 2...unfortunately i'm poor and i spent my gaming money on DDR Supernova already this year. I've played the game in stores before. What's funny is that by no means does playing guitar in real life mean you'll be good at guitar hero. I can effin' wail on the guitar on some of the songs, but give me the plastic guitar with those 5 little colored buttons on the neck and i won't be able to do the most basic skill set. I always get a laugh out of that. One thing i do like about guitar hero though is that it makes it easy to play some really kick *** songs without little practice. If you want to really sound awesome on a real guitar you gotta get some nice equipment and practice a lot. Very expensive and time consuming if all you're looking for is a chance to rock out. ^J^ So...if you have guitar hero and you live in the Knoxville, TN area then give me a ring cuz i'd love to play the game. Later. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Heh, that second one kind of came out of nowhere. I'm going with the stuck in a tree for three days, I'd rather have all my digits left intact for the forseeable future. [B]Doritos with a movie ?[/B] Or [B]Popcorn with a movie ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Definitely going to have to be the popcorn. Doritos are too damn noisy to be eating with a movie, and a bit out of the ordinary. Plus movies put me in the popcorn mood. ....also if you're on a date and you have a handy dandy pocket knife you can cut out a hole in the bottom of the popcorn and.....nevermind. ^L^ Would you rather wrestle an alligator or eat a cucumber? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]1st one: It's pretty good except for the arm extending out of her face. It looks awkward and unreal. Also her eyes are off, it seems. Besides that it's good, i like the hair. 2nd one: My favorite, well done. 3rd one: Pretty good, but that big things that extends from her chin, what is that? A part of her shirt or something? I think it's ugly. 4th one: I dislike this one. The green in the back is ugly. The girl isn't my type at all. Her smile seems unnatural. I don't like it. 5th one: It's ok, her eyes and eyelashes look "painted on." I suppose some people actually look like that though. ::shrug:: 6th one: This one's alright. I don't like her eyes or the rainbow in the back. The eyes stick out too much. 7th one: Myspace? Yeah... other than that i like it. Pretty much all the rest are goth and are not my style. So i don't particularly like them, but it's more a matter of preference and not quality. Overall they're pretty good. ^J^ [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm sorry but i fail to see any real interesting conversation coming from the question of whether sex is big in our culture today or not. I think most anybody with half a brain or even just two eyes can tell you that it is. Instead i think a more interesting conversation can come from asking the question of morals. Is it ok to have all this sex in our culture? Should we hide it from our kids or embrace the reality of it? Censorship comes into play in asking these questions. Fortunately i'm doing a paper on it as we speak! Hurray!
  13. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Ice-cream for me, I've never had ramen, and in reality I have no idea what it even is. [B]Live a long life without ever fulfilling your potential ?[/B] Or [B]Reach your potential and live only a short life ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]That's a sort of paradox right there, it seems. How can you fulfil your potential if you only life a short life? Is not living a long life a part of your potential? Eh, but whatev. =D I would choose to live the long life. You can still be happy without filling your full potential. And the way i see it, what makes life worth living is the time you have with those you love. Would you rather restart your life with the knowledge you have now but in different circumstances decided at random or restart your life with no knowledge at all, in the circumstances of your choosing? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic][URL=http://www.myspace.com/nick331]MySpace[/URL] If you laugh at this and know where it's from, i will love you forever. It sorta fits my personality as i'm kinda a strange/funny guy. Eh, usually anyways, i've been feeling pretty down lately because of school and whatev, but that's besides the point. Besides, if you can't rock out to the sanford and sons theme then you really can't rock out to anything, can ya? =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'd want to be a teenager right around '69. Why? Woodstock. I love the whole hippy deal. Awesome music, promiscuous sex, drugs a plenty, no known consequences, weed. C'moooon! That sounds freggin' awesome! Some of my favorites bands of all time were around back then. Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Eric Clapton, Judas Priest, Metallica, Iron Maiden, and a bunch of others. Plus then right now i'd be one of those old hippies with like the long white hair and the tie die shirts. I'm sorry, but that's much better than being a traditional old person. Besides that period of time i wouldn't mind living in the period of time where we learn things by taking pills and the world is in peace...and technology is so advanced that every person can pretty much live out their life in complete happiness. Or maybe a time where there's a lot of chaos, but i would be born into a situation where i would learn how to fight incredibly early on, like Vash the Stampede in Trigun or the way Gene and Mougen fight in Samurai Champloo. I think it'd be fun to get into some gun/sword fights. Plus the chicks'd dig me. Oh baby, oh baby. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Smoking is bad, blah blah blah. Ok, besides that i'd say....don't tell them? It depends on if you're cool with them reacting negatively. I seriously doubt there's anything you can do to have them take it easier...it's not good news to hear. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you like it if your kid one day told you that they were addicted to a drug that kills people every day? Not too good... I'd wait till you're out of the house before you told them...that way they can't punish you, only react. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=Heero yuy] Would you rather... Shave your head then wear your friend's pubic hair as a toupe? Or... Having Dr. Phil and Oprah council you on sexual techniques as your parents watch? Oh, it's getting tricky.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I've said this once and i'll say it again, I will never wear another man's pubic hair as a toupe! Besides, maybe Oprah will give me a car... She seems charitable, i'll just say something like...wow, i really wish i could have sex with a girl in a [B]Brand New Car!![/B]... You think it'll work? Would you rather eat a delicious (food of your choice) and acquire a parasite that will make you ill for a week or eat something disgusting that'll make you sick for 4 days. (A week is 7 days) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna']And porno DVDs. Can't forget porno DVDs.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You are so right... and to think, i almost forgot the porno dvds! Urgh...i feel like less of a man... This reminds me of the zombie plan from red vs blue. It was hilarious, you guys should check it out at redvsblue.com. I'm not sure which video it is...it's probably pretty obvious though. I would first get a mallet, the same same one from shaun of the dead, and go hunting zombies possibly with my fat best friend and super attractive girl friend. And i guess she can bring her annoying friends/couple too. Oh, and my mother would have to come along as well seeing as my dad would've already been turned into a zombie. Anyways, we would slowly make our way to disney world...or disney land, i always forget. I'm sure my girlfriend can correct me on that one as she usually does... Once at disney land/world we would hide at the top of the tower of doom cuz everybody knows zombies can't climb...or is that wolves? I dunno. Anywho, that's my plan. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]When I go shopping with my mom, she has the urge to pay everything. And fishing is recognized as a sport, reason enough not to do it for both my dad and myself. Okay then. [b]Would you rather have game threads banned from OtakuBoards forever[/b] or [b]burn your mother alive, put her ashes in a bottle, pee in the bottle and then drink everything[/b]? I know it's a toughy for some of you.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh gosh...what a hard one. I visit the game section of OB once every couple of months! And i only love my mom.... Mmmm.... this is rough! Rough with a capital R! R like a pirate! Arrrrrrr! Arrrrrough!!! ...so bye bye mommy dearest... Would you rather make out with a cactus or with a dead attractive woman. She's been dead for 4 hours and is non contagious... Wouldn't want you catchin' the death... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I want to go home and spend time with my girlfriend. I don't know if my parents are going to get me anything for christmas this year as i'm now a college student and they spend enough money on me. I'm not going to ask for anything either. So i'm just looking forward to going home and spending time with the people that i love. But...if i could get something i'd love 1 of 3 things. 1. A DDR game, whichever is the newest, supernova i believe. 2. Twilight Princess on the GCN. I heard the Wii aspects of the game were a bit lame and i also don't own nor wish to ask for a Wii. 3. A leather jacket. Cuz those are sexy. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]For the longest time i used to want this laboratory play set thingy that made gummy worms and other types of candy. I wanted it so bad! But i could never remember what the thing was called so i could never really tell santa what i wanted, it was always a vague 6-year-old's description, which wasn't enough for good ol' santa to ever deliver. :'( Yes, cry for me. Anyways, i think i found what i wanted. [IMG]http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/B0007WX1ES.01-AJQTG9J4M7YF8._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V1131487514_.jpg[/IMG] Still looks good to me now. And i'm a college student. ^L^ [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]*looks at the post above* Apparently no one can handle sarcasm anymore. Pity.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hey bud, it's hard as hell to tell a sarcastic comment from a serious one on a message board. It's all text, baby. And the only way people can know are with the hints you give 'em. Also if somebody knows you from being sarcastic in previous posts. A little "jk" at the end of a sarcastic comment does wonders, though it's not the most graceful. This is all from experience, too often have people not caught my sarcasm. :animeswea Anyways, just be careful. ^L^ [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]Oh, wow. Looks like I?ve got some catching up to do. First, clarification time. [FONT=Arial]Ehh, actually, you mean [U]contradictory[/U]. You seem to know, from your following post, how to demonstrate a hypocrite, but a hypocrite by definition is a person whose [I]actions[/I] are in opposition to their stated beliefs. What I said was not inconsistent from what I believe, it was inconsistent with what [I]you[/I] believe.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, i'm a bit tired right now. I stayed up late last night finishing an essay. So i'm not all here right now. But i'll try to explain as best i can. In my head you're still a bit hypocritical, though it's hard to explain what i mean as i don't think you quite understand. You said the love of money is the root of evil and to make that statement you....urrrrgggh, i can't think. Maybe you're right? ::scratches head:: If you're contradictory you're often times also hypocritical. Aren't those words synonymous? ::shrug:: It doesn't matter, it's an irrelovant tangent to this argument, lets not go any further in it. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] Love ? the action ? is [I]what[/I] we actually feel towards some object, whether it be siblings, parents, boy/girlfriends, husbands/wives, pets, ourselves, or inanimate objects, and in spite of the fact that said object may not be able to return that love. As a feeling, or dormant action if you will, love can (please note: not does, [B]can[/B]) breed covetousness, lust, greed, anger, despair, and a myriad of other sinful emotions and thoughts. And yes, despair, along with depression (not necessarily hormonal, mind you) are counted as sins. That has an explanation and proof, but they have no place or bearing in this thread. As an outward action, love can beget hoarding, murder, bribery, blackmail ? again, the list can go on. This is what the proverb is referring to. Does that help?[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I didn't really need help understanding the "love of money is the root of evil" proverb. I pretty much get it. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] Oh, and in regard to your metaphor, there, I think you either misunderstood the original ?root? metaphor or else just decided to twist it to your purposes. I?m a good guy, so I?ll assume the former. The dirt has absolutely nothing to do with the root metaphor; it?s simply the surrounding environment. As for the root itself, you seem to be thinking of [I]any[/I] root, while, taken in context (again with the context), the word ?taproot? would help elucidate a few things. I know that is not what the proverb uses, but the meaning of ?root? there is ?source?, and ?taproot? proffers that image readily. Have you eve tried to get rid of those pesky dandelion weeds (or any weeds ? spearmint, for that matter) in your yard? Actually, I think I [U]will[/U] use spearmint plants here. My mother started growing spearmint plants in our front garden a few summers ago. Interestingly enough, spearmint seems to thrive in our soil; at one count, I totaled over 220 different sprouts, and all in a little under 70 square feet, which is a pretty small area. We attempted to pull them out once, but it didn?t work. What I discovered pulling up the hordes of little things was that there were generally ten to thirteen spearmint shoots on one root, and the root that I?d pulled up had severed somewhere underground. This meant that the parent root, or taproot, was still entrenched down there, capable of producing more plants. Which it did.[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I don't believe i misunderstood the metaphor. Though if the root was originally a tree root or not, i don't know. I just made it into one for simplicity's sake. To say it's a root means that there are a things that branch off from it as a direct and indirect result. And the dirt thing was sorta just me kidding around. Though i do like the dirt being the environment, that works. Not exactly sure what a taproot is. Is it like a main root or something? Is it the omega root!? o_o [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] The point of that blithering was to illustrate the whole ?source? point. The evil ?grows? outward from the ?root?, the (action) love of money. Direction is irrelevant. Up, down, sideways, above ground, in the dirt, it doesn?t matter. The point is that evil originates from the love of money, which is a [I]human[/I] action. True, it is man that makes the choice to love money, but man also possesses the ability to choose otherwise; the evil is rooted in the chosen action.[/FONT][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I don't really think evil originates from the love of money. I think you can go much further to find the origin. I see the love of money more as a branch while the "taproot" is something more like....free will, man, or God/Satan. Here's a rough draft of the root i have in mind: God-man-free will-chioce between good and bad-the choice to do bad or lie-evil stuff Or without religion: Man-free will-the action of choosing evil That's just how i see it. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] [FONT=Arial][B]Warning! Sermon Ahead.[/B] You know what happiness I am going to tell to you. It sounds trite, it sounds cheesy, it sounds overused, but it?s still true. Absolute happiness, along with contentment, peace, joy, etc., comes from one source. God (aka YHWH, The I Am), and his Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Know Him (Him meaning the Trinity here ? a paradox to us), believe that Christ?s innocent death paid for your sin and accept that payment, and you will know these that I have listed. [B][I][U]Now[/U][/I][/B], with that said, I am not here to force that off on any of you who read this. This is only my statement of the truth. You may disagree, you may condemn me, but I [I][B]will not[/B][/I] interfere with your choice to do so. Believe what you will, find your own answers. That ability was given to you and is yours to exercise, and I have no right to interfere. Okay, the sermon?s over.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Thank God. Actually...i'm agnostic, so thank god if he exists. @_@ ^L^ [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] [FONT=Arial]Maybe so. However, you failed to produce any competing options, so I cannot agree with you, nor can I disagree. Give me something to work with. Or did you just object to my saying ?absolute?? If so, I will defend my statement to the death, for there are such things as absolutes.[/FONT][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Yeah, i just objected to you saying absolute. I actually smiled when you said you'd defend it to the death. That's one thing i often enjoy arguing about, the existance of absolutes. Though usually this can turn into a religious debate very quickly...and those never go anywhere. It's always, god exists, no he doesn't....and so forth. So we can argue it or not, i'll let you make the call. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] [FONT=Arial]Okay, here I?m going to refer you back to my first post. If man invented money to avoid stealing (and other crimes), then why are we still faced with the existence of stealing (and other crimes?[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I actually thought that same exact thing when i read his statement. I guess i didn't actually post those thoughts though, so you beat me to it. But yeah, i agree. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Allamorph] [FONT=Arial]Oooh, dangerous statement there, buddy. Free will and choice go hand in hand. Without one, we lose the other. Also, as I stated above, free will is [I]not[/I] the root, it only presents the option. (BTW, why the ?So there?? There?s no need for anger here?.)[/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I know free will and choice go hand in hand, that's what i said. I don't really understand what the disagreement is over this. I think maybe we don't have the same definition for the word "root". When i think of it i think the origin that leads to whatever we're talking about, in this case an evil action. That's why i wouldn't really consider the love of money as the root of evil, cuz i think you can go further than that. Hah, i wasn't angry! I even put the little smiley face thingy after i said that! The "^L^". It was sorta like a childish so there, it was meant to be humorous. Ah, but i guess that's harder to catch on a message board. Oh well. I don't feel like i did a really good job explaining myself in this post, but i really don't have time to go any further right now, so i'll leave it at that. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm.....well, to tell you the truth, that one kinda confused me. Considering i'm not entirely sure what the hell a butch is. But I suppose i'll go with being the butch for unknown reason's. Now let's see what I have for you this time. Would you rather be on a cruise ship with Oprah for a week? Or.... Would you rather be in a trash can for a week with a supermodel?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Cruise ship with Oprah. I personally have nothing against oprah. And she's a bajillionaire. I'd become friends with her and try to mooch off of her for the rest of my life. It's never a bad idea to have billionaire friends. ^L^ Also...the supermodel in the trash thing....it's freegin' trash. I'd be too disgusted by my surroundings to even make a move. And even if i did it'd still be nasty if anything happened...it'd be dirty in the wrong sense! Would you rather eat sandpaper or rub sandpaper on your arm till you bled? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I still love Mad World by Gary Jules from the Donnie Darko soundtrack. It's been my favorite song for a while...i don't know how much longer it'll last. It's a great song. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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