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Everything posted by The13thMan
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, I know that one thing people like to talk about is funny life experiences that they've had. I've heard some good ones and have experienced some good ones as well. I was thinking and i figured i'd sure love to hear some from the members here at Otaku Boards. I also know that when i post something on OB i like it when i get some comments on what i said so i'd like to make 1 simple rule: comment on the person's anecdote before you. So here's mine: I remember one time i went to the acquarium with my family. We had a lot of fun. We got to a lower part of the acquarium and were looking at some sharks, it was a little dark in the walkway. I got seperated from the majority of my family, but it was no big deal, i could see them just a bit up ahead. After a little while i figured i should really catch up to them. So i was walking a bit faster and luckily my sister and mother stopped to look at some tiger sharks. I decided, since it was dark, to frighten them a little bit. I snuck up behind them and grabbed 'em and screamed! They freaked out, it was awesome....until they turned around and i realized i had made a HUGE mistake. It wasn't my sister and it certainly was not my mother that i had just scared. I was soooo embarassed and they were a little freaked out and disturbed. But looking back it was quite funny. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I believe the main idea is to value your own opinion and don't let the opinions of others affect it. Realize your own self worth and you will have much more opportunity for knowledge and personal growth. I think Emerson was a non-conformist, i don't exactly remember. But that's what i got from it. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I don't really have too much advice as far as marriage goes. You have the internet, it's jam packed with info, just google something and you'll probably find everything you need. I just wanted to congratulate you and wish you luck. So congrats and good luck!!! ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Cold for colors and warm for whites, gotcha. No, i'm not in college, yet. I'm still at the parent's house and they're the ones without the dryer. We hang 'em to dry 'em which is really annoying, but oh well. Thanx for the help. ^L^ Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I don't really know that much about amps and i have a couple questions. What's a tube amp? How does it differ from a normal amp? What'd be a good amp to buy for a reasonable price? A reasonable price being around the 500 dollar mark. How do you get good effects out of the amp? I'm talking about foot panels and stuff like that. Thanx, later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Whenever i do the laundry all of my black shirts always end up with tiny pieces of white lint all all over it. It's soooo annoying. My shirts also always fade and i hate it. So i was wondering how the heck are you supposed to do the laundry without fading out the shirts and getting that crappy black lint all over it? By the way i only have a washer, no dryer. And uh, so this topic doesn't get locked, tell me some stories about your laundry experiences. I imagine there are plenty of college students out there that had to deal with laundry for the first time. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna] I fail to see the logic behind your arguement againts gay marriage. Murder is wrong because, well, murder involves KILLING PEOPLE. Ending lives! It's not even comprable. Homosexuality is the result of various changes in the balance of horomones (Just like everything else these days) that happens at birth. Why shouldn't they recieve the benifts that heterosexual cuples get? There simply is no reason - ****, you don't even have to call it marriage if you feel like, just give them the same benifits of a union. Make up a new name and a new procedure if your of that mind, but there is no reason to deny homosexual couples the benifts that heterosexual couples receive. And now, I shall finish on a qoute from a Van Halen song, Why Can't This be Love [CENTER] [B] Its got what it takes So tell me why cant this be love Straight from my heart oh tell me why Cant this be love[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I said i do believe they should be given the rights as everyone else. What i didn't say is that homosexuality is alright. Pretty much my point was that things are made into laws because we, as a people, believe that it is wrong. If we believe homosexuality is wrong, then there should be laws placed against it. I personally don't like your tone, mister. All those capital letters and exclamation points, veeeery threatening. YOU BETTER WISEN UP MISTER!!! See, see how that felt?? Didn't like it didya? Ooooo, and i see some asterisks too, i wonder wonder what you said. Four letters....was it buck? Duck? Muck?? I'm at a loss...You completely misunderstood what i said. I even said that i wasn't comparing murder to homosexuality. Did you even read my entire post? Or were you too enraged to even get that far? [/COLOR] [/FONT] [quote name='Retribution][size=1']The only choice that matters as far as it being 'absolute' is yours, and I believe that it is possible for one to believe it an absolute truth that homosexuality is wrong/right. 'Absolute,' in this context, is a completely internal thing. For me, it is an absolute truth that homosexuals are equal to me and deserve equal rights. For me, we are both entitled to human dignity, and the denying of civil unions for homosexuals is denying them of their dignity as humans.[/size][/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]When i say absolute i mean it through the eyes of god, basically. In some cases there are absolute rights and wrongs, i just thought it was a shame that there's no way to tell unless God himself came from heaven and told us. I wasn't talking about absolute in the internal sense, not at all. I'm for gay marriage, it's just that i still appose homosexuality. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=PaganAngel][sarcasm]Thanks for, y'know, listing reasons and stuff. Really speaks strongly about how opened minded you are.[/sarcasm] I think this is so ridiculous. Love is love, and the government has no right to interfere with that. If I'm not much mistaken, we are all "endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and [b]the pursuit of happiness[/b]." Ah, but I guess it's not the first time our country's been hypocritical about that. Slavery rings a bell.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I don?t think that?s a plausible argument, stating the unalienable rights. What if killing people made somebody happy? So is it alright now? Of course not, there are laws against it because we believe killing is wrong. If we believe homosexuality is wrong, we should have a law against it. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [quote name='PaganAngel']If it were up to me, I would leave it for the states to decide. There's absolutely no reason for Congress to step in because, simply put, gay marriage isn't hurting anyone. Bush is just diverting all the hate over Iraq and such somewhere else, trying a last-ditch effort to be a hero... but with 47% of Americans supporting gay marriage, don't you think he'd reconsider?[/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]How do you know gay marriage isn?t hurting anyone? I guess it matters mostly on your religious beliefs. If gays go to hell, then yes indeed it is hurting people. Of course there?s no way to determine rather they actually go to hell or not. I personally don?t know whether they do or not. I?m just saying. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Caine]On the judgement day, the Lord will judge us by what standards? How we treat the lesast of his people, or whether or not we are gay? God tells us not to judge, so you condemn a group of people. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, an many more do not believe in the same religion you do. Will you condemn them for not following God's word as well? If you claim homosexuality is an affliction, the why do you crusade against it? Shouldn't you care for the ill?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I think the first step in caring for the ?ill? in this case is raising awareness of the ?disease? to begin with, which is exactly what he?s doing. And, you ask sarcastically whether you think God will judge us based on our sexual preference or not, that?s ridiculous. There?s no way for you to know what God will say, and who?s to say both aren?t absolutely wrong and evil? Ultimately there can only be one absolutely right religion. Others can come close, but not right on. Whether God decides to punish the people who are not of the right faith is something we won?t know until He tells us. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [quote name='Prons']I also think most people hate Bush just because they love bandwagoning. Music, mvoies, pretty much the entire media is saying "Oh that Bush is a moron hick" and the masses say "Yeah? YEAH! That Bush is so stupid!" I don't really care about politics, but I think anti-bush is just a big bandwagon.[/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It might be a bandwagon, but it?s not like it started from nothing. If you?ve ever seen Bush deliver a speech then it should be very easy to see why everybody is on the bandwagon. I myself am on it because of what I saw, not because I?m conforming to the masses. Now, I do think there are people that are jumping on the ?bandwagon? just because everybody else is, but who the hell cares about those ignorant losers? I sure don?t. And I seriously doubt any of those people would post on THIS site. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]It's not even a matter of being homophobic or not, it's a matter of equality and tolerance. Those two words are tossed around a lot these days, and a lot of the time they're not used properly, but basically we could use both of those right now. Even if you don't like gay people, why should they have less rights than you? It's illogical. It's exactly what happened with Women and what happened with Blacks. Havn't we learned yet that everyone deserves equal rights? I know a lot of Christians don't like gays by default - but who gave you the right to decide what other people should believe, or how they should act, or what they should be allowed to do? Everyone should have equal rights, no matter what you think of them individually.kthnxbi.)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]We should all start out with equal rights until we do something wrong, like killing people. The argument is whether we believe homosexuality is alright or not. Oh, and by the way, I?m not comparing murder to homosexuality; I?m simply stating it as an example. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson]Again, you're [i]almost[/i'] understanding but not quite. Black people and homosexuals were/are both persecuted for matters that are pretty much irrelevant- skin color for one and sexual preference for the other.[/color][/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Skin color is irrelevant, yes, but sexual preference is nothing like skin color. Sexual preference does matter, I believe. The way I see it, if god was alright with homosexuality there would only be one sex. Why make two sexes if one sex is all we need? Ah, but there is no way to tell what God?s thinking, we can only speculate. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [quote name='Amelia][FONT=Arial']It's amazing how hypocritical the whole US system is. People may be free to practice their own religion, or write what they want without fearing execution for their beliefs. The church and state are separate, yet we can't give people their basic rights because of their sexual preference. Crap like this is everywhere, and everyone is subject to it. After the Christians and other people have been banned from saying "Merry Christmas" to people in schools and workplaces, the ultra religious try for a law against gay marriage. I personally don't have any problem with homosexuality anymore...rather, I don't think I ever did. It doesn't make sense how we can be so blind to things like racism and homophobia, which are so constant in society. The government is supposed to grant basic rights to every citizen. So, why doesn't it?[/FONT][/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I totally agree. Ok, I got to the third page of all the posts and was just like: ?poop?? I really didn?t feel like reading and commenting anymore, so I?ll just end my post now with my last thoughts. There is no absolute way to determine whether homosexuality is alright or not. That is why there is such a big argument over it all. That is why I can?t stand on one side of the fence with a 100% of my self. I can see how religious people disapprove of homosexuality and can agree with it, but I can also see how other people are fine with it. The thing is, marriage is just marriage, no big deal nowadays. I think it should be fine for homosexuals to get married, and I think the government should have no say in the matter. But whether I believe homosexuality is alright or not is not determined by my stance in the matter of gay marriage and neither is it up for debate in this topic. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]So, i'm sure you've all heard that Bush is trying to get a new ammendment banning gay marriage. I'd just like to know what you guys think about the whole ordeal. I've heard some people say that they believe that all the attention on gay marriage is just to distract people from issues like the war in Iraq or maybe the energy crisis we're currently in. What do you think? Also i'd like to ask you guys what you think of President Bush. I think he comes off as a real moron when he's on tv, i can barely stand the way he talks. He's always got that ugly smile on his face and he keeps trying to crack lame jokes. My impression is that most of the world really dislikes Bush. By the way, i'm a democrat. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I personally do believe that most of the bible is symbolic, as most of you guys seem to. But one thing i've noticed that nobody was taking as a symbol is Israel. Israel back then was simply the chosen land. I believe that the bible is not refering to the country that is named Israel, rather they're refering to the new chosen land, chosen by God. I personally believe armagedden will be the next world war. Einstein once said: I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.I believe it's obvious now what those weapons will be. I think some people have an idea of an inhuman man as the anti-christ with magical powers given by Satan. I don't believe that at all. The bible makes everything sound so mystical and impossible. I don't think it'll be anything so outrageous. Ya know, there are people out there that believe the the new messiah is already on the Earth. A lot of people think they know who it is. It says somewhere in the bible that he'll come as a theif in the night. Many believe that very few people will recognize the new messiah. ::shrug:: Of course there's a lot of stuff about false prophets too. Well, i can't think of anything else to say. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Gender roles are assigned by the society in which a person grows up in. If, let's say, a girl is raised in an African tribe where it is tradition that the women are the dominant gender and they are the heads of families. Then of course the women there will be much more outspoken and colorful, where as the men will settle down. But i also believe this to only a certain extent. You also have to consider the science in it. Men are naturally more hotheaded because of harmones and testosterone. This is why i believe that most, if not all, societies have decided that men should be the more dominant of the genders. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying girls are inferior in any way. We are equals in mind, i firmly believe that. It's only in body that we are different. Personally i don't even try to guess whether a person is a guy or a girl on a thread, unless it's blatantly obvious. But i'd love to see you guys guess my gender, just don't read my OB screen name. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh man, that was a great story, really it was. She turned out to be a lesbian! Oh man, good stuff. That was the part where me and my friends would shout out "What a twist!!!" If i were in your shoes, i would've said "the offer stands", you could've at least been her friend, but then again, who's to say you aren't? I don't know what i'm talking about, i'll stop. Well, i've never been very socially acceptable until just recently, i'd say. The first 3 years of highschool went with little to no interaction with the opposite sex besides, did you get the answer to number 7??? But then bam, i become a senior and just comfortable with who i was and the way i was which really just let me open up. And when i did, bam again, girls start becomming interested. So now, currently, there's a girl i like that i talk to daily on AIM. She's really great, but there are a few problems, one being that i'm a senior and that she's a sophomore. Another being i don't have a car. I never really cared to have one the past 3 years considering my lack of need. So now i really don't know what to do. Oh well. I'll figure things out. Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] [b][center]find the guy/girl of your dreams but break out into hives whenever there is any physical contact. or Find the guy/girl of your dreams, but he/she kisses like a slobbering labrador retriever and has bad b.o.?[/center][/b] Hey. I told you bored.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, i'm definitely going to havec to say the latter. I can deal with bo, she can wear deoderant or just put up with the smell. And as for the kiss, that too is trainable. Though if those things are unchangeable then i would still choose it. Although, the two choices kinda contradict themselves. The girl of my dreams would not have horrible bo, nor would she cause me to break out into hives. Anyways, hives totally suck and i wouldn't be able to stand that. Choose: Get paid a million bucks to kill a guy or Pay a million bucks to save a guy. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I believe there are many problems in our society that affects our literacy. I think a lot of it has to do with our parents. If parents don't care about education chances are neither will the kids. If they have bad grammar and can't talk worth crap then it'll be the same for their kids. Smart people breed smart kids and vice versa. Another problem is where these kids live. Upper northeast has much smarter kids than people in the south, there's no denying it. I live in tennessee, by the way. If you grow up in a poor neighborhood then you have to deal with poor school systems. The chance of you coming out of a poor school system and being half way intelligent is very small. Another problem is the way our school systems are set up. Poor neighborhoods have poor schools, and that's dumb. Schools should be equal throughout the nation, but to fix this problem we'd have to fix our society, which would take a lot. Another problem is the teachers. There are teachers out there that are just really bad teachers. They don't teach english, they teach methods to know english. Not only that, but a lot of them simply don't care. And the last problem i can really think of is the person him/herself. A lot are just stupid, many don't care, and too many don't need to care. That's just how it is, unfortunately. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I started playing go today on Yahoo games. I was wondering if anybody wanted to kinda be my playing buddy. I'm looking for somebody that only knows the basic basics of the game like i do. We can play on yahoo, if you want to play with me then get a hold of me either on yahoo or aim. My username is attimus331 on both. So this thread won't get locked, let's talk about go!! For me, i was introduced to go maybe a year ago. Actually i sorta knew about it before then too, when i saw Hero. Remember the scene where the guy was playing go and it was raining? That was cool. Anyways, my friends are really into the game and they taught me some stuff, i was surprised how complex the game could go for such a simple concept. Then i heard about all of the different rankings and whatnot. It's all pretty crazy to me. I just played some go maybe 5 minutes ago...it was ugly to say the least. ^L^; Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Freezing cold winter, definitely. I hate hot summers so much, especially when i'm laying in bed and i'm sitting there a** naked with no blankets over me because i'm sweating like a pig. And sunburn....owwie. Choose: 2 super yummy tacos or 1 ultra super awesomely amazing tasting taco that looks absolutely disgusting. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Answering Questions With Questions [Game]
The13thMan replied to cancer's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dooooes everyone understand the rule??? ::raised eyebrow:: Oh yeah, i'm good. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The opposite sex is awesome. If i could choose between having a friend that's a guy or a girl then i'd choose a girl. Of course...that's only saying if the "friend" had the same general personality minus a couple of gender things. On the whole i'm more compatible with a guy as far as a friend would go. Haha, i don't know what i'm talking about. Bottom line: girls are good, especially hot ones. Bahahahaha. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]Bloody Mary? Don't be foolish! Of course it doesn't work! Now Slightly Disgruntled Jack... there's a bugger who's bad side you'd be advised to avoid.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hahaha. That was chucle worthy, my friend. I mean i really laughed out loud. Kudos to you and your sense of humor. As for the bloody mary whatnot, i heard about it when i was a kid. I was always to afraid to try it. It was funny though, my bathroom mirror is a wall, an entire wall full of mirrors. I think that freaked me out even more. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Bam, language has been changed forever by your wish. Unfortunately the day you make your wish, in a moment of anger you tell your mother to **** off. What happens next causes you to get a knife and slice out your eyes and eventually bleed to death. I wish I had the greatest personal library ever. [For those going for the illiteracy route, come on, try harder.][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]BING BANG BOOM. You've now got the greatest personal library ever. The down side is that it also includes adult books. Your mother and other self respecting woman now hates you. Luckily though every straight guy on the planet now wants to be your friend, sorta. ^L^ So long story short, if you like girls then you'll end up alone or start to like boys. (i don't know if you're a guy or girl. ^J^;) I wish i was the DDR champion of the world. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=tanukioh]BOOSH! your god for a week...too bad you mess things up so bad that the real god sends you to a pit of icy fire for 100000000000000000000000 years. I wish I was the Monkey king![/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]ZIZAMBAZOOOOOO!!! You are now the monkey king. After years and years of monkey poverty the monkeyes decide to revolt against the king monkey in a bloody civil war. The main areas of fighting occur in middle and souther Africa with other minor battles in other monkey populated areas. After 3 years of a bloody monkey civil war the monkey rebellion is nearly defeated. They send their last resort, a monkey peace treaty filled with a deadly monkey virus. You, just as in the story of the trojan horse, accept this peace treaty willingly. You open the monkey peace treaty and is immediately taken ill. But what the monkey rebellion failed to realize was that this virus is extremely contagious. Eventually all the monkeys of the world are taken ill. And since humans are so closely related to monkeys genetically they all die too. And now with monkeys and humans out of the picture Tanukis rule the world. That's right, RACCOON-dogs and not fox dogs. ^L^; I wish all meanings of phrases and words were taken literally but none were removed. Example: an eskimo pie is a pie made of a real eskimo. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=tanukioh]O.o POOF! anime is gone, and the worshipers of it experience all the bad things in life. they become thieves and murders. one night they kill you in a blind rage. :( and to think, Anime was keeping them sane. ^_^ I wish I was a tanuki (link to what a tanuki is: [url]http://www.youkaimura.org/tanuki.htm[/url])[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yay, you're now a fox dog demon thingy. Totally sweet, right? But alas, you quickly realize that this whole time you were alergic to foxes and now you are alergic to yourself. You spend the rest of your days coughing and sneezing between every word. You are also obviously alergic to others of your kind so you die alone of old age. Hmmm....don't dogs hunt foxes in some cases? ::shrug:: I wish i had a pet moose named Finnigan. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Congratulations! The Picard vs Kirk argument has been settled. Unfortunately for you a huge number of fans are enraged that you have taken away one of their favorite past times which was arguing over the Picard vs Kirk issue. Needing a new diversion from their mundane lives they are now hunting you down with the intent of inflicting untold bodily harm upon you. You spend a brief amount of time running for your life before they eventually catch you and torture you to death. I wish I lived in a state where it was warm all year long. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It's warm all year long, you lucky bas***d. Not many people get to live in such a nice place. Anyways, it's nice all year long and you love it. You've got a really nice tan and life is awesome. Thirty years later you develop skin cancer and die. By the way, you don't die of the skin cancer, a truck runs you over. I wish Mountain Dew was good for you. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=silver_blade]Your wish is granted; the Force is real. Unfortunately, I can use it and Force-choke everyone on this planet and the galaxy into submission. You are now my slaves. Mwahahahaha!!!! I wish I was the beloved Supreme Empress Overlord of Earth who everyone was faithful to and no one overthrows me.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Scenario #1: Congrats, everyone is now your slave. But being the supreme empress overlord of Earth has one downside, you become very lonely. What does the love of a person mean if that person was forced into loving you? You eventually commit suicide after a decade of extreme depression and drug usage. And while i'm at it, the entire planet goes into chaos once you die because of the lack of your supreme knowledge. ^L^ Scenario #2: A comet hits the planet, specifically it hits you. ^J^ I wish it really did rain skittles under a rainbow. Oh, and i had a rainbow machine of course. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I betya you would never guess that i'm feral. Well, if you would guess that then i'd say you're absolutely crazy. I've never heard of a feral child but after reading Retribution's post i got the idea of the man raised by wolves. All i can say to that is that it really is sad and interesting. I've always thought that environment is what ultimately determines who the person will grow up to be. This only further proves my point. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]