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Everything posted by The13thMan
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I personally think you should break it off with the guy. It's absurd to get into a serious relationship so early in life. If he is the one then he will wait. There are way too many things that can go wrong with a relationship that starts out so early in a person's life. People change a lot through their highschool/college years. What if you get pregnant? What if you grow tired of each other after making a serious comitment? What if you go on so far that you can't break it up simply because you don't want to hurt the other? It's a dangerous road. I'm not saying it's impossible, just improbable. You might just be in love with the thought of being in love. Maybe you don't love the guy, maybe just you just love the though of being with a guy. I think you should at least take a break from the guy. I understand it'll be tough to break it to him, but it's better now than later. Also if he really cares about you then he'll understand. I hope everything works out for you, later. ^L^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I hope to get a job and get a car. And maybe some extra cash for a new guitar. I'd really love a Les Paul. This'll be my last summer before college so i just hope it's a good one. Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]My heart goes out to you and i wish you the best for the time that you remaining in this life. My advice to you is to settle any unfinished business you might have and just try to live out the rest of your life the best way you know how. And maybe go to Disney World for the heck of it. ^L^ Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
Say something nice about the person above you.
The13thMan replied to safetyjedigirl's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=CoLoR_Me_EviL][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Smells very good. *laughs* I'm suuuch a creep. ^__^;[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Nice butt. How i know this you may ask? I got a hunch. ^L^ [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[QUOTE=Ver2.0]Congratulations you now only have to pay 100 dollors for any car you want. Unfortunatley for you whatever car you get will blow up on your way out of the lot and you will die in the explosion:( I wish "The World" really existed :animesmil[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The world poofs into existence. Unfortunately for you for this to happen you don't exist any longer. In place of you is a 14 year old girl named Jennifer. I wish i was the world's greatest and sexiest secret agent for MI6. Better and cooler than James Bond, 0013. That's double-o thirteen. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[quote name='Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna']I'd be one of those lazy fat angles who floats around on a cloud all day, eating cheetos and Philly Cream Cheese, watching college girls take showers with my Angle-Vision while telling god to 'Chill the **** out once in a while.' [/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Hahahaha. That was my second choice. Just as long as i don't have to eat the cheetos with philly cream cheese on it. That doesn't sound too great. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?
The13thMan replied to PaganAngel's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Probably something explicit that isn't appropriate for this post. Haha. But besides that i saw a zelda parody on Google video before. It was hilarious. [URL=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2967926040995072267&q=zelda+parody]Zelda Parody[/URL] Go check it out, you won't regret it. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[QUOTE=Leon Fury][COLOR=Red] i would hate someone to death because love + Mr. Fury = *something drastically horrible happens to Mr. Fury* my turn. i know this one'll sound recycled but..... if you had to lose one of these senses which would it be? your sight or your hearing ? thank you for your time. Leon Fury [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I would have to lose my hearing. I have a couple reasons for this. Without sight i wouldn't be able to read. Without sight i wouldn't be able to see where i'm going. Without sight i wouldn't be able to see anything beautiful. Without hearing, on the other hand, i wouldn't be able to listen to music...GAH!! I love music....maybe i'll lose sight.....no, i'd lose hearing. There are ways around some things when you lose your hearing. I just think overall sight would be harder to deal with losing. Choose: Destroy the sun (always night) or destroy the moon (always day)? Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Say something nice about the person above you.
The13thMan replied to safetyjedigirl's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, i don't really know who Angelus_Necare is....but i bet you're a really nice guy/girl. If not then i like your hair. ::wink:: Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'd be an angel. Not one of those p***y angels that sit around on clouds all day singing or some crap. I'd be one of the ones with the sword protecting the innocent. I'd be one of god's soldiers. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]D***....it's no fun when everybody agrees. ^J^ Well....uhhhh.....i agree with you guys. And yes, our national anthem is a drinking song. If you go to a pub in England and hear the national anthem you'll probably get a bunch of drunk brits raising their mugs and singing along. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I was watching the Daily Show last night and it showed a bit where some hispanics were singing the national anthem in Spanish. It then showed president Bush commenting on it. He said that he believed the national anthem should be sung in English. I saw this on the Daily Show so of course the truth could be a little off from the way it was presented. So if what actually happened was a little off from that then please tell me. I actually mentioned it to a friend this morning and he said that he might've heard that they were changing the words up a bit when they sang it. So anyways, here's the question. Do you think the national anthem should be sung exclusively in English? My opinion is a big no. But i'll keep my reasoning to myself until a couple of other people voice their opinions first. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Race shouldn't be a problem, but it is. The sad fact is that the black guy doesn't get the interview -- he doesn't make it that far if he has an obviously black name. I think I posted the study conducted and the findings. I'm not bothering with further back-and-forth fruitless argument with neither side gaining any ground. However, I'm curious -- if AA isn't the answer, what is? Will colorblindness help minorities (since that is the primary point of AA) more than Affirmative Action?[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I agree with what you said about the further back and forth fruitless argument with neither side gaining any ground. Of course that's how it usually is when two people feel strongly about a subject. And there's nothing wrong with that, as a matter of fact i'm glad that i can find people like that. I think that AA should make it so that he gets the interview instead of the job. Or maybe make it so that the person who hires people is a 3rd party who isn't racist. Maybe we could make a new job for people like that? ::shrug:: I do think colorblindness would help minorities. That way it'll solely depend on who the person is as far as personality and qualification goes. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
12 AM 24 hour flu on the weekend (Saturday Night Fever)
The13thMan replied to Anqueetus's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]That's odd....the mod didn't close the topic. Ohhhhh well, i guess i'll just leave a little comment. ^L^ Glad to have ya back! Wow, sounds like you had a good time ::nudge nudge:: haha, i'm kidding. I'd love to see your artwork and comics. Are you planning on doing an online comic? Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
Do You Think About Your Generation's Future?
The13thMan replied to Touchstone's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=DeathKnight] [color=crimson]Eh, not so much. I'm sure there are bigger problems than people who are content with their existence, hm?[/color] [color=crimson]And someone like you going into politics is barely better.[/color] [/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Uhm, of course there are bigger problems. But to say that there are bigger problems isn't justification for ignoring a big problem. It's like saying...well there are terrorists and people that want to generally do harm to the people of the US.....but one o' these days the sun's gonna blow up! We better start doing something about that and ignore the terrorists! -__- Actually someone like me who does care about politics and the well being of our society is a lot lot lot better than some random kid who doesn't care about anything except for his own self. He's content with the world because he lives in his own little world where life is fine and dandy. I realize the world needs to be fixed. I'm pretty sure i'd be a lot better in politics than him. Actually i'm 100% certain. And the fact that you said that is completely moronic and biased. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Derald][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Since many of you continue to pick at me, I feel that I need to do something. Now...what was such a feeling called? Oh, right, [B]motivation[/B]. I know how everyone feels that they can make a big difference in this world, and don't get me wrong, I am entirely capable of realizing the power of an individual, but nothing will happen if the other people around you do not feel motivated. Nothing will get accomplished, and everything will continue on the current track. I feel many of you are becoming somewhat egotistical, and, in the process, becoming more "ignorant" than me, as many have labeled me. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Yeah, you're absolutely right. I'm so glad we agree. If there were less people like you then the world would be a lot better off! Yaaaay! We agree! Yaaaaay! I'm pretty sure an informed ego maniac will be less ignorant than the content uninformed modest kid. And i'm not being egotistical, just real. I know i'm not all that, and if someone's smarter than me then i'll bow down to his superior intelligence. If someone's point of view makes more sense than my own i shall change sides and agree with him even if i didn't at first. I have no problem with these things. How do i know? Because i do it all the freegin' time. All people are different, that's fine. I'm okay with you not caring about the world. I'm even okay if you don't do anything to better society. I just have a problem when that sort of mindset becomes the mindset of the majority of people. That's when it gets scary. I hope that you can benefit society in one way or another. Heck...working at mcdonalds would even do. I'm not suggesting you're that kind of person, hell you might be really smart, i'm just saying. I also don't mean to attack you personally. You're probably a pretty cool guy. Heck, we'd probably even be friends if we met in real life. We both found this site, we share something in common. I apologize if any of what i said hurt your feelings. It may or may not have been my intention. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I don't approve of letting someone severly underqualified beating out a white guy simply because of their race. I believe that if there are to people with about the same credentials, [i]that's[/i] when AA comes into the picture. I'm sorry your blind to the socioeconomic cycle. It is [i]much, much[/i] harder for a minority to rise up to the level of most whites, and I'm saying they should have help to get there, as they'd have to work harder just to be on the same playing field. It's possible for minorities to escape the life they were born into, but it's highly improbable, and the government should be there to help the people who are trying to get out of the ditch. I honestly don't see what's so wrong about this except for your whole "But it'd make them feel bad!" argument. Very few minorities feel as if their pride has been hurt when they get a job due to AA. I understood what he said. I also don't honestly believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. Humans are finite beings with limitation, and unfortunately, bias still holds minorities down from achieving as much as a white man. This is the simple truth. I'm also saying that when you write off minorities as not trying hard enough, you're being completely foolish and blind to the factors that keep them chained to the lives they lead. Not everyone can become an Andrew Carnegie -- he was an isolated case in the sea of millions. This is how it should be? That some people are less fortunate than others and are forced to work much harder just to get to the starting line of success? It's the way it should be when an "trashy" child is born? I guess I'm mostly objecting to your diction here. You're right -- we should all be working harder to become better, and these are the people I'd like to help. If they're making the conscious effort to become better and rise out of poverty, I want to help them through the glass ceiling. A public school in the area got one million dollars from none other than Michael Jordan. This particular school has some of the lowest scores in the area. The one million dollars did nothing to change things. Sure, it [i]helped[/i], but throwing money to a school and doing nothing else isn't helping anyone. We can throw money at impoverished countries in Africa, and we have been doing that for decades. However, there is no improvement in standard of living over there. It's the exact same dynamic. I agree that teachers should be paid more, and that offering increased salary would help, and that newer learning materials would help too, but the first thing you must change is the minds of the students. If they still don't care, and now they go to a ritzy school, nothing willl change. AA is giving people a shot at things they thought they'd never have, not making them slack off. No black person I know is slacking off because they know they can make it into colllege on AA. If anything, AA is motivating the students who are already academically-oriented to keep going, and that's what I want it to do. I don't want it giving some 2.3 GPA kid a Harvard acceptance letter just because he's black. I want a 3.7 GPA kid getting that benefit. I know I'm working my *** off even though AA will help me. I could get into Princeton without it, and I'm not slacking off because of it. Because they are black and have been (and still are) discriminated against and need a way helping hand out of the rut they're in. I sort of want everyone to meet on the same level playing field, and we can do away with AA. I think that's the entire point of it.[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I believe if two people have the same credentials that's where the interview comes in. Not AA. AA just makes it harder for the white man to get the job when the credentials are the same. In an interview a person can determine the person's personality. If the guy's a stereotypical black punk then he shouldn't get the job over a decent white guy. If the guy's a normal black dude and he's cool he should get the job over the white trash loser. It's that simple, race shouldn't matter. I do believe you can do anything you set your mind to. But i also realize that just because you set your mind to it doesn't guarantee success. And that's how it should be, of course. If they don't succeed then they didn't try hard enough, that's all there is to it. I'm not saying that they didn't try as hard or harder than a white guy, i'm simply saying that with a certain amount of extra effort would have gotten them where they wanted to be. Anyone can become an Andrew Carnegie, that's the point. It sure as hell won't be easy, and you'll probably even need luck on your side, but it is possible. People have the potential. When i said that's how it should be i meant something else. I meant that if people are worse off than other people then they should have to work harder than people that are better off. I didn't say that there should be people better off. Although, some people being better off is a good thing to a certain extent. Like...let's say there is a genius to be born into one of two families. Family A is rich and can provide the kid a great education and turn him into somebody that will change the world. Family B can't do any of those things. Which family should the genius be born into? To better benefit society as a whole it should definitely be Family A. There are better ways to help them through the "glass ceiling" other than knocking somebody else under it. Especially if that someone else can better destroy that glass ceiling than the other guy. Yes, i totally agree that we have to change the minds of the students. And what better way to do that than to better the people that will affect those minds for 13 years of their lives? Also, the process where money helps our school systems will take more time than what's been given in the michael jordan case. And hell...i sure would've liked it if jordon gave my school the money, i sure would have done better. Also if you give the schools more money the playing fields equal out a little bit. That way the stupid kids can remain stupid and the smart kids can get smart. AA is not the answer to our problem, it's only a bandaid on a broken leg. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Retribution, we can do anything we set our minds to. You misunderstood the statement, i don't believe he said you can do the same thing any other person can with the same amount of effort. Maybe you should go back and check, you seem awful confused by it. The fact of the matter is that minorities (or anybody for that matter) born in a crappy area is going to have to work harder to get out. That's the way it should be. If you're born trash and grow up trash then your kids are going to be trash because you didn't care. If you're born trash and grow out of it into something better then your kids will be a little better and so on and so forth. This is the only way that we'll ever destroy poverty. If everybody had that mindset then our nation would be much better off. Of course the chances of that ever happening are slim to none and even if it did happen the process would take a very long time. I recall somebody saying earlier that if you put money in the school systems they wouldn't improve. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. That's like saying a hungry man wouldn't buy food if he had money. If schools had more money they would improve. If we made the salaries better for teachers then more people would want to become teachers and we would have better teachers. If we had better teachers our kids would be smarter and we could raise the ridiculously low standards in our education systems. Things WOULD get better. AA is not helping any of this. AA is simply promoting mediocrity. If a black guy was working his a** off and then found out about AA he'd maybe take it a little easier. If a black guy was working his a** off and didn't find out about AA he'd continue working his a** off. It's as simple as that. Discrimination of race or sex is a horrible thing, nobody will argue with ya. The problem is that AA promotes discrimination by saying that black people deserve handouts because they are black. One o' these days discrimination will be non-existent because we'll all be gray. That'll be the day. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Vampire Queen][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black]I guess i would have to go with Naruto because my best friend made me watch Dragonball gt over and pver and over and over till i hated the show. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Choose A P/B and J with pickles :tasty: OR Liver and Fish eyes...............................[/COLOR][/SIZE] :animenose :stupid:[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I think i'll stick with the pb&j with the pickles. Because pb&j with pickles sounds edible while the fish eyes and liver sounds.....unedible? Yeah, i'll go with that. Become an alcoholic or a smoker? [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The only thing for certain about destiny is that it's impossible to figure out rather it's real or not. There's no proof for or against fate. I personally don't like to believe in fate, but if it did exist then i wouldn't mind. The way i see it, it's my destiny to make the choices that i will make. So either way they're my choices. Though i don't personally believe in fate because God gave us free will. If we had a destiny then we wouldn't have free will. And if we didn't have free will then we mine as well be robots that follow God's every word. I also don't believe God would do that, because what does the love of a robot mean? It's not real, so it doesn't mean anything. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I usually don't read the long ones. I also read 'em more often if there's a picture attached to 'em. I remember one that said "drive it like you stole it". I always liked that one. I can't remember who's it is, but i haven't seen her in a while. I wonder how she's doing... Later. PS: I got a new one, i'd love a comment. ^L^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It all depends. Sometimes there are good topics that i post on, sometimes there aren't. I have sayed on OB for an hour at a time before, but usually not any more than that. Also i've recently been coming here daily. But every now and then i take a break from OB. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Definitely tell an adult, teacher, or guidance counselor. She needs help. Even just kidding about suicide is ridiculous and she needs to know that. Because if she's joking about it now, when something really bad happens to her suicide might be the first thing that pops into her head. And also, if you don't want to tell someone think of how much you would regret it if she did do something and you knew that you didn't do everything possible to stop her. I'm not saying it would be your fault, i'm just saying you'll know you could have done a bit more to help her. Anyways, i've dealt with people like that before...and i'm quite sorry for you. It's never easy on the person that has to deal with the suicidal friend. Of course it's not easy on the suicidal friend either....blah, you know what i'm saying. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=PaganAngel]You're right... I'm stumped. :animesigh But seriously, I've known that word since about sixth grade. My teacher had a poster of it up on our wall. To be honest with you, I haven't really gotten that difficult of words... the ones I've faced get no harder than "stygian," "endostracum," "amalgam," and "couchette" (which, by the way, is NOT pronounced like a miniature sofa). But then again, I've never been to a national level before. That should be nice and challenging. Not to mention rewarding. The winner gets 20,000 bucks. Not bad, if I do say so myself.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hahaha, that's great. It's hilarious, i had to look that word up before i even typed it. And of course, as i read your post i was looking for spelling errors hoping to oust a world class speller. Ah...but my attempts were in vain. Your spelling was perfect as far as i could tell. Actually the fact that you're going to the spelling bee is quite impressive. If you tell me what time the thing is on tv i'd really love to watch it. Tell me what number you are so i can see ya spell! And uhhh....all those words......i don't even know what they mean. And i actually didn't pronounce couchette like a mini sofa. Gee i hope i spelled everything correctly.... Later. PS: Sorry about you FFX file, that's a real bummer. I do that kind of crap all the time with my games. Once i erased my FFVIII file, but it was only like 20 hours worth of game. The best thing to do is just let it go and move on. Maybe play a different game. Or you could always play skeet. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Gun Preacher, you shouldn't assume i'm not a member of a minority. I mean...if you can tell i'm caucasian just from my orange font then that's saying something. And by the way, i'm not. Also please work on your grammar, i could barely understand what you said. Ok, if affirmative action only makes it so that race and sex aren't negatives then i'm definitely for it. But if it ever does make it a positive then i'm against it. And i also stand by my statement about the school systems. I think instead of helping the individual person that rises out of the slums of a rotten school you should help the school so that it's not so pathetic anymore. As far as i know AA just ignores the true problem. But then again...i'm not exactly the president of the organization. And as for the deal with RiflesAtRecess, that definitely does suck and it makes me a little angry that that would happen. But just so you guys know, i'm not hypocritical. If those immigrants were the qualified ones then they should have got the job. But if the guy's dad was the qualified one then it's definitely unfair. I read a story a while back in English, it was very interesting. It talked about a society of people where everybody was equal. Anybody who was dumb was made smarter. Anybody that was smart was made dumber. Extraordinary people were given handicaps! The smart guy in the story had a hearing aid in his ear that played a random loud sound every 20 or so seconds so that he could never concentrate. The entire society promoted mediocrity. Of course the idea of this society is absolutely absurd which was the whole point of the story. Equality isn't some great thing that we should all fight for. People cannot all be equal. The only thing that we can and should help is where we start. I believe we should all start equal, not end equal. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I participated in a few small spelling bees when i was in middle school. I never did that well. I mean, i did well enough to represent my school, just not well enough to place. I misspelled a trick word i remember once, it was one of those words that has a twin word that ends in "or" instead of "er" and of course i guessed the wrong one. : - ( Ok PaganAngel, if you're such a great speller then spell onomatopoeia!! Hahahaha! That's right! You can't!!! Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]