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Everything posted by The13thMan
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
The13thMan replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Politics it is! I guess i'll start by voicing my opinion on 9/11. I think it was great! -___- ....of course that was a joke. 9/11 was a horrible day for Americans. The terrorists responsible should be held responsible and punsished accordingly. I can understand them having problems with our ways of life and i'm absolutely fine with them voicing their problems. It's when the killed people over the manner that everything turned around. Osama's a complete moron in my opinion. He didn't help his cause at all, if anything it made true muslims feels ashamed even be held in the same catagorey as those terrorists. 9/11 was a horrible thing, but i think that people over react to it a little in America. These sort of terrorists attacks happen all the time in many different countries. In some countries terrorist attacks are almost a daily occurance. And yet the American people seem unconcerned with those terrorist attacks and act like 9/11 was the worst thing ever. While i agree it's horrible, i also believe some people over reacted to it. It's because it happened to us and has never happened to us before that it was such a huge deal. That's all i'll say for now. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Many things inspire me to be me, i shall list the most important ones: 1. Music - Playing music, listening to music, it's all good. I play the guitar, alto sax, clarinet, and bassoon. And i listen to all kinds of music....mainly rock. I hate rap...and not a big fan of country. Really though, rap is the devil. 2. Beauty - I aspire to it, i wish to become as much like it as possible. Not only in the physical sense of the word but also in the mental sense. 3. Logic and rationality - These should probably have been listed first, they are the most important and valued to me. I believe with logic and rationality nothing can ever go wrong. 4. Passion - This sorta goes against #3, but i still believe in it. I believe in both, one cannot exist without the other. 5. Love - Everybody needs love to live, bottom line. Alright, i think 5's enough. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]Well, err, this isn't really my area, but I'll see if I can clear up the discussion a little. First of all, its crucial that yin and yang should [I]not [/I] be understood as energy types or substances of a certain kind, at least as far as something like a "substance" is usually thought of. It's totally missing the idea to think of taking a certain amount of each, mixing them together as if following a cookbook, and getting a particular thing as a result. Rather, the interaction of yin and yang (and it always has to be an interaction - neither is complete without the second) is understood as a [I]precondition[/I] for anything to exist at all, in the same way as you couldn't have any particular object without it being situated in time and space. Yang and yin together ground the complimentary movements of heaven and earth, man and woman, hot and cold, etc. - again, it's not that everything that is is a "mix" of them, but that [I]to exist at all[/I] means existing in the field created by the interaction between the two. I say again: they are not substances or objects, they are preconditions for [I]any[/I] substances or objects to appear, and also ways of measuring and understanding those things. Properly understood, it makes no more sense to say that yin and yang don't "exist" than it does to say that centimeters or hours don't exist - it's just the wrong kind of question to ask. Well, this is inaccurate in two ways. First, yin and yang are not always "balanced," although even using this word is to fall back into the idea of a "mix" which can either be equal or unequal. It's not a question of whether something is balanced or imbalanced (the gods are [I]supposed[/I] to be yang-heavy, for instance), it's whether how the forces in play on a thing (or, if you like, "how it acts") accord in a stable way with that thing's own nature and the nature of the world around it. How Hitler is "structured" by yin, yang, and various other forces (which I won't get into) is only "good" or "bad" in terms of whether that structure is basically unstable and dangerous in the context of where it's placed. In Hitler's case, "danger" and "instability" are understatements. Second, and maybe I should've mentioned this earlier, the absolute [I]last[/I] thing that yin and yang are are "evil" and "good." Again, this would be like assigning a moral category to a yardstick. And no, "good" isn't balance and "evil" imbalance, as if the people concerned with yin and yang were AD&D-style druids; absolute moral judgments of that kind just don't enter into this. Rather, the purpose of keeping track of yin and yang is stability, harmony, everyday reliability, and keeping things running for the purposes of keeping a healthy community (think Miyazaki). When you get instability, mismatches, and other screw-ups, on the other hand, bad things happen. The idea is similar to what happened to the Mars Climate Orbiter when it crashed because no one remembered to convert one little English measurement to metric: this isn't "evil," it's just unfortunate, a poor miscalculation, and a complete waste. Well, I hope that helps a little, anyways![/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I'm not really sure what the hell you just said. And because of that i still kinda believe that i'm right...or rather i wasn't wrong. But then again i will admit to ignorance. I definitely haven't studied yin and yang, and i'm no philosophy expert.... Anyways, as i understood it yin and yang balanced each other out. Like water and fire. Water puts out the fire and the fire evapporates the water causing balance. If you use too much water you put out the fire and have a puddle of mud. If you don't use enough water you still have fire. I know water and fire are good examples because it's in the South Korean flag. Haha. ^L^ Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]One thing about AA that bothers me is that it discriminates by race. I can totally understand you wanting to give the kid who was born in inner Detroit, because he obviously had disadvantages. But what if that kid was a white male? Ok, in the scenario where both of the kids are competing for the same job i have a problem how the underqualified kid still has a shot against the qualified kid. Qualifications are the only things that should matter, race shouldn't even be a question in the hiring process. Partly due to AA it is. And what if the underqualified kid does get the job? Then what about the qualified kid? He worked just as hard! His only flaw was not being a minority. I totally understand that America isn't the perfect land of opportunity. I just have problem believing that AA is the answer. I believe that instead of having AA we shoud just spend money to better those school systems that are really sh***y. That's another thing that bothers me. I believe that all public schools should be equal throughout the nation. I think we need to spend more money in education, give teachers higher salaries, buy new books, buy computers, buy a lot of stuff. AA is only ignoring the wound that is our public education system. Yes, AA helps make sex and race not be negative factors, instead they are now positive factors. I believe they shouldn't be factors at all. It's just ridiculous to me. Ok, that's all i can think of for the moment, later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]My quote is this: The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass. by Martin Hull And this is why i don't jog. ^L^ Haha, of course that's not it. I just don't think there is one quote i can think of that really motivates me in one direction or another. Of course there's the quote in my signature that's pretty good. I guess the only quote i live by is the ever changing quote in my mind. If that makes any sense to anybody. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Do You Think About Your Generation's Future?
The13thMan replied to Touchstone's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Derald, i personally think people like you are largly the problem of our generation. I'm assuming from your statement you don't or wouldn't vote. People that don't care don't affect change and are useless to our society except for that you spend money and make it (i assume). I'm glad you're happy, i just wish you cared. I wish more people cared. I'm glad i do care. Personally i'm optimistic about my generation's future. I'm 18 by the way, just so you know which generation i'm talking about. I think there are enough smart people in my generation that care about politics and our world that will make a better tomorrow. I also believe that all of the people that don't care in my generation will go on to have nothing to do with politics, which is good. Good that they won't be involved, not that they don't care. I suppose in a way it's like natural selection. I'm worried about the problems, not our capability of handling those problems. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Alright, i'm sure we'll get a decent "debate" out of such a controversial topic. The question is pretty straight forward. What do you think about Affirmative Action? I personally dislike it for a number of reasons but i won't get into them yet. I want a few other people to voice their opinions first before i bring out my points against it. Also i'm kinda tired and don't have the time to type all of it. ^L^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I don't have any problem with the stores or brands of clothing. I'll probably even end up buying some from those places sooner or later. The reason those places are expensive is because of the name. If nobody knew the name Old Navy it wouldn't matter how nice their clothes are, nobody would want them. Well, except for those of us who have good fashion sense and don't care about brand names. Also, people who wear those clothes aren't always preppy. Just because somebody decides to wear those clothes don't make them preppy either. And that's why i don't have a problem with the clothes themselves. I do, however, have a problem with some people that happen to wear those same clothes. But then again, i have a problem with people who happen to wear really trashy clothes too. Anyways, bottom line, judge on character not on appearance. I have friends that wear those kinds of clothes. My sister wears those kinds of clothes. They're all good people. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]No, i don't think it is at all. Yin and yang balance each other out making things neutral. Are you saying that Hitler was nuetral? Or was he mostly evil? Sure, there could have been some good in the guy, but not enough to make up for all of his acts of evil. You should back up your statement a little more, i really don't have much to say to you other than i disagree. Haha, like in family guy, the drive by arguments. I disagree!! ::drives off:: Funny stuff. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
The13thMan replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I personally have a problem with people butting in on one of my conversations with useless points that are supposed to end our arguments. It's rude. Touchstone, i'm talking to you. KatanaViolet, thanx for the history lesson. No seriously, no sarcasm. Papasmurf....so let me ask you a question. On your list of things to do in your life is kill Ben Affleck on it? All you managed to do was denounce Affleck's acting talents, which weren't even being discussed to begin with. Just saying. Derald: Yeah, i think people are trying to cash in on people's sympathy towards 9/11. But it doesn't mean the movie can't be made as a tribute to the people that lost their lives in the event. It's good and bad, what can ya do about it? Ziggy: Haha, cheesy chick flick with guns and explosions stapled on to it. Yeeeep! That's what it is! I personally rate it as a mediocore movie. Not bad but not good either. Anyways, let me clarify things for myself, the reason i started arguing with you was that you said it was exaggerated, and all i wanted to say was that you can't possibly know that unless you were there when the Japs attacked. Tha's all! Oh, and i also had a problem with you bad mouthing the movie when i'm sure there are some survivors or families of survivors/victims that the movie meant a lot to. You mine as well make fun of any monuments put up in honor of our soldiers that died in Vietnam too. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
The13thMan replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna] For the record, the movie Pearl Harbour was never made to be about Pearl Harbour, the director even said it was a love story that just happened to be taking place during the attack on Pearl Harbour. If I recall correctly it even says that at the start of the movie, but I havn't seen it in a while so I may be wrong. And I do have relatives who were in the war; one of my grandfathers faught in both WWI and WWII, and the other was a subhunter in the English Channel during WWII. And The13thMan, please... your telling me a movie where, essentially, 2 American pilots fight off the entire Japanese air force isn't an over-exaggerated excuse for Americans to toot their own horn? I could have made a more realistic war movie if I was stoned. Sorry, I have nothing againts Americans, but this movie was just like National Treasure or Windtalkers; a chance to show as many closeups of the American flag as humanly possible. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It wasn't 2 vs the entire japanese air force, that's an exageration. There were other planes in the movie, just not any involving main characters. I don't think the movie was made for the purpose of promoting America at all. I think it was a work of fiction based on an actual event. Ultimately i believe what most people were worried about in the making of the movie was their salaries. They wanted to make something that people would want to see, hence the love story, and kinda wanted to make it in tribute to Pearl Harbor which will also attract customers, hence the battle scenes. If they were truly promoting America then they wouldn't have portrayed the Japanese as the humble and respectful men they were. Instead they would have made it out that they were blood thirsty brutes. As i remember the movie made it out so that the japanese pretty much had to implicate a suprise attack on America to even stand a chance in the war. Movies are ultimately made to make money. Somebody else said something about the A-bombs which reminded me of another thing that bothers me. The bombs were originally going to be planted on military bases which would have minimized civilian casualties, but for some reason at the last second the president decided to drop it on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It personally bothers me that our president decided to do that, there was no reason to. The bombs were mainly planted as a scare tactic to scare Japan into surrender. It would have been just as effective with no casualties. As long as people saw the big mushroom cloud and the destructive force i'm pretty sure Japan would have gave up. And Retribution, yeah i was pretty much saying that. 9/11 was an act of terrorism, Pearl Harbor was an act of war. Innocent people dieing vs soldiers dieing. The intent of the terrorists to inflict pain among the American people vs the intent of the Japanese to win the war and preserve their way of life. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
The13thMan replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna] I'm allowed to say the movie sucked, because it did. It was not realistic at all, it was just some tripe love story under the guise of a bad war movie. T!T!T! is a great, realistic and powerful movie, but Pearl Harbour is just crap. It was just another of those movies where a handful Americans take on the entire Japanese/German army and win (I'm looking your way, Windtalkers!) and should not be taken seriously. T!T!T! is a different story, though, which was actually the point of me saying that; was she crying during Pearl Harbour or T!T!T!? Oh, and I'm not American.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I don't understand what part you see as unrealistic. Are you saying the love story was unrealistic? Or are you saying the battle scenes were? You didn't say the movie sucked, you said it was over-patriotic exagerated garbage. And what i said was how can you know if it was exagerated if you weren't actually there? Of course i'm only assuming you weren't there, i guess it's possible that you were one of the survivors, let me know if you are. I'm fine with you saying the movie sucked, i just have a problem if you're saying the movie was unrealistic when you don't actually know what it was like. Besides, i personally didin't care for the movie too much either. And about the American thing, i shouldn't have just assumed you were American. What i meant was that you have freedom of opinion and you should value that. I suppose the main reason i brought that up though was because i had just got done reading 1984. If you had said something like that to an event that happened in Oceania you probably would have disappeared. XP [/COLOR] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna] Speaking of which... imagine if they made a 9/11 movie and, instead of focusing on the human tragedy and the impact it had on the world, they focus on some sappy, unrealistic and just generally stupid love-story? It would be a travesty and an insult. It would be Pearl Harbour *gaspshockamazed* Wait, why are we discussing Pearl Harbour again?[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] What makes a love story unrealistic??? It sounds to me like you've had some bad experiences with love and you just generally frown upon the whole concept of it. But that's just my personal opinion. Don't compare 9/11 to Pearl Harbor. They're nothing alike except for that people died. Also, i personally think saying it would be a travesty and an insult is overkill. Can a movie not focus on "the human tragedy and the impact it had on the world" and not also have a love story in it? I've seen it happen plenty of times before. Besides, if you don't like having a little fiction in a movie then you can turn on the History channel and watch that instead. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
The13thMan replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna]I don't get it... Are you saying you won't be able to cry and feel for the victims in the Twin Towers until they make some soppy movie about it? Are you saying you actually cried during [i]Pearl Harbour[/i], the most notorious piece of over-patriotic exagerated garbage ever made into a feature-length movie? Your post is confuzzling.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Over-patriotic exagerated garbage??? What gives you the right to say that? Did you experience the attack on Pearl Harbor first hand? Did anybody you love die when the japanese attacked??? I think it's absolutely ridiculous to have such a strongly negative opinion on a MOVIE. Movies are meant to entertain. Good thing we live in America and we can express our own opinions, eh? Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
The One Thing in Life You'd Search For
The13thMan replied to Ol' Fighter's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I will search for true love. I believe people need love to live. There's only one letter difference after all. ^L^ I'd sacrafice a lot, but not all. It's insanity to sacrafice it all. For example, i wouldn't sacrafice a person's life for it. I would be tempted, but in the end i would know that i only have a love because of the death of another person, love can't be based on something so grim. Though i would sacrafice my xbox and guitar. ^J^ And maybe my computer, maybe. XP Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]My favorite "real" number is 32. My favorite number is 2pi/bird. That's two pi over bird or two pi divided by bird. It's my favorite number because it's an inside joke between my sister and I. Oh, and by the way, 2pi/bird = 5 ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]....I have AIDS...... Naaaah, i'm kidding. Boy, for a sec there i bet you were just like, oh snap! What am i gonna say to this poor kid???? Ok, my dilemma.....i wish to know my purpose in life. Sometimes it feels like i don't have anything/anyone to live for. Sometimes i'm quite depressed. Ah, but none of it's too bad, i'm definitely not suicidal either. Go for it. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Did anything good actually happen at school today?
The13thMan replied to a topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]1st Period: I finished 1984 by George Orwell. Overall i'd say it was a really awesome book, a lot of elements i liked. Though personally i disliked the end. More so because of personal preference. I wanted to see Winston beat it. I'm trying not to give much away. It was just a bit of a downer. I can see why Orwell ended the book the way he did, i just didn't personally like it. 2nd Period: It just reminded me that i had to really study for the AP Calculus test coming up this wednesday. ::sigh:: 3rd Period: (Art) The class went outside to draw landscapes. I drew a tree. I'm arguably the best artist in the class, so people are always like, "Oooooo, Niiiiiiick, you drew such an awesome treeeeeeeee." And people love praise. ^L^ 4th Period: I got 30 minutes off at the end of band class, i played super smash bros. on the N64. I shoulda spent it with one of my friends....or at least i really wanted to now that i look back on it. Now i won't get to see her until probably tuesday because of the day off tomorrow and senior skip day on Monday. Ohhhh well. So that was my day. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm half Korean. My mom's Korean and my dad's....American? Yeah, i'm gonna go with American. Some say they can see my korean-ness, others don't. I really have no idea. I can see it but i can see how you wouldn't see it. I'm cool. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] My two favorite things in the world are puppies and ice cream. ^L^ Haha Oh, and steaks are good too. Mooooooo. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=LoadedPistol][COLOR=YellowGreen]1. How was your day? My day was fine. How bout yours? ^_^ 2. To save two people you must kill one. If you kill the two then you save the one. If you refuse to act then all three die. All 3 of the people are exactly the same. What do you do? I suppose I'd kill one to save two. I would say I'd kill myself, but that would end up in 4 deaths... 3. What?s your favorite song/band? Fav. band changes a lot, but Metallica is always on the top of the list. As are L'Arc~en~ciel, O-Zone, Rammstein, Do as Infinity, and Uteda Hikaru. 4. Do you play guitar? I'm learning. I'm not that good yet, though. ^_^ Ron White is the shiz, Nick/13thman. I particularly like his "If life gives you lemons" joke. ^_^[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Unfortunately i didn't have the best day ever, but i'll live. ^L^ Metallica, yay! I've always loved metallica too. I play a lot of metallica on the ol' guitar. Rammstein's cool too. I haven't heard of the other bands. Keep playing and i'm sure you'll be great. If life gives ya lemons then make lemonade. Then find someone who's life has given them vodka and have a party. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Name: Nick Age: 18 Description: Vague?.. I?m guessing ya mean how I look. Well, I?ve never been a big fan of my appearance. I?m a biggish guy, 6?0? big. I?m half Korean, so I suppose you can see some asian qualities in me. Uhhhhhhhhh, I?ll post a pic. [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/COPP.jpg][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_COPP.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/MPGCO.jpg][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/th_MPGCO.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Favorite Color: Don?t really have one, I like ?em all. I chose orange for my font because nobody else chose it. Location: Middle Tennessee Personality: I have my ups and downs, right now I?m at a down unfortunately. But I think my ups are usually pretty cool. I?m a smart guy, when compared to the hicks that I live with. Uhm, many people tell me I?m funny. But I gotta be happy to be funny. I usually am in a good mood though. I?m very opinionated. I value rationality and logic. Of course the best way to get to know me is to talk to me or hang out with me. Hobbies: I love meh guitar. I get online daily. I play video games, but not as much as I used to, though I did start playing Kingdom Hearts today. Anime, duh. I also really enjoy fun things. Slight History: Moved into my current house before I started school. Never really moved. I?m a senior in highschool now. I?m looking forward to college. Likes: Chicks who play video games and have good sense of humor. Chinese food. ?.how the hell did my brain go to girls to food? Uhmmmm?.i like my guitar. I love stand up comedy. Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Mike Birbiglia, Eddie Izzard, Nick Swardson, Brian Regan, Demetri Martin, Jim Gaffigan, Kevin James, Ron White, Jeremy Hotz, Ted Alexandro, Todd Barry, Daniel Tosh, and a lot more. If any of you guys know any of those comedians, then talk to me! o_0 I like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. And I like my mommy. Dislikes: Ignorant people, hicks, ?gangstas?, stupid people, the current state of the us government, mud, ugly people, stuck up people, shy people, clingy people, bullies, black comics (comedians). Other: Uhmmm?.other what? Questions: 1. How was your day? 2. To save two people you must kill one. If you kill the two then you save the one. If you refuse to act then all three die. All 3 of the people are exactly the same. What do you do? 3. What?s your favorite song/band? 4. Do you play guitar? [/COLOR] [/FONT]
What things do you look for in a opposite/same sex
The13thMan replied to a topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]There are only two things i care about: 1. They must be drop dead gorgeous. 2. They must be great in bed. ^L^ Naaaaah, i joke. In all honesty i don't know what i particularly look for in a woman. I think they'd have to be smart, but it's not a must. I do care about looks, but a good personality can almost bypass that. I'm sorry but if she's down right ugly, i seriously doubt i could ever like her. And usually ugly girls have some real issues, like self esteem....and they tend to be way too clingy. What i do need though is someone that's funny or at least has the same sense of humor as me. If we can't share a laugh then i can't be with her. If she doesn't laugh at Dane Cook or Mitch Hedberg, then i'm sorry, it won't work. She has to be usually a bright character. I don't like moody goth chicks. I'd like it if she was opinionated. But if she gets angry at me for having certain opinions, then i'd have a problem with her. (grr....) And lastly, she has to be blonde. Bahahaha. Kidding again. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[QUOTE=Amelia][FONT=Arial]I think it's rather obvious! [/FONT] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/ShikyoKasu/duck.png[/IMG] [SIZE=4]+[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/ShikyoKasu/otter.gif[/IMG][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Excellent choice of pictures, they made me crack up. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Derald, i can see what you're saying. But i personally believe that pondering what we perceive as truth is truth or not is a pointless endeavor. What I perceive as truth is truth enough for me for now. If we trouble ourselves worrying about such things then we may never truly be happy. And if I never figure out the absolute truth, then I?ll be fine as long as I lived my life how I wanted to live it. My personal theory on life is that we live to be happy. Everything we do is so that we can be happy. I can even justify that to the most selfless of actions. Why do we go to school? It?s to get a good education, to get a good job, to make a lot of money, and to life comfortably. To be happy! Why do we seek love? Well, duh, so that we can be happy. Why did I give my brother that little piece of candy even though I wanted it? Because I like to see my little brother happy, it makes me happy. Of course I don?t believe the desire to be happy is an absolute desire that surpasses all others. There?s also the desire to do what we consider right or to discover the truth of things. I also think that another purpose for most people is to try to find out what we believe is the next step after life. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Drop the whole go out with me crap for now. You like her, i understand, but she obviously doesn't like you back. Or maybe she does like you back but she can't date for whatever reason. The bottom line is she said no....5 times, and you should respect that. Either respect that or risk losing your friendship with her. She knows how you feel now, so if she ever starts to feel that way you can at least know that she wouldn't be embarrassed about asking you out. I wish you the best of luck. But don't stress over it too much, you're young and you've got plenty of time to figure things out. ^L^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]