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Everything posted by The13thMan
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I took the ACT 3 times. I got a 30 on my last try. I used a ACT study book, and i highly recommend going out and getting it. It's the Princeton Review. It has a bunch of tricks to help you do well on the test. Also i'd say the best way to prepare is take a lot of practice tests. And one last thing, don't buy any old study book for the ACT. Some of 'em really really suck and end up hurting you more than helping you. So do some research on the book before you buy it. Though i will vouch for the Princeton Review, it's about the best one you can get. You can find 'em at any major book store. Good Luck ^L^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I recently read Anthem by Ayn Rand and the subject of her politics was brought up. Basically she has a very individualist view in politics. If we have motivation to do well and put a lot of effort into things then we will do well. If we are lazy and don?t want to do well then we won?t and we will perish. If everybody competes to make the same product then the best product will be successful. She really hates the way our society allows slackers to get by. So basically she believes that the government shouldn?t force the people to do anything at all, even if it?s for their own good. So?.. Is it ok to force people to do things? I ask this in the context of the government forcing the people to do things. But you can also answer it out of that context if you wish. I personally think it is ok as long as it doesn?t get out of hand. I also highly recommend the book ?Anthem?. It?s a great read. Later.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, I?ll make the situation a little more specific. The ?55? people are in California. This is during the time of the Great Depression and caused directly by the Dust Bowl Migration. The Dust Bowl Migration happened when a wind blew up all the topsoil in the farmland, mainly Oklahoma, and made the soil unusable. So then the Oklahoma farmers got it in their heads that California was a sort of promise land so they migrated there. Then they got there and realized that there were very few rich people that owned all the farm land and they were hiring the workers that had migrated for insanely low wages. So that?s the situation, 5 rich guys forcing the 50 to work for dirt cheap. The 5 guys still earned their money respectfully, and the 50 were just unlucky. The 50 aren?t stupid or anything, it?s not like they don?t know how to handle money, they only don?t have it. And also, the 55 people are exactly alike in personality and mindset, the only difference being their wealth. Boo, so maybe you can?t fully comprehend their situation, I can understand that. But can you at least empathize with the people and see their motives for stealing? [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[quote name='Manic Webb']It's not about being color-blind, though. We shouldn't ignore one another's races. We have to be accepting, or at the very least, tolerant.[/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I never said ignore their race, only the color of their skin. There's a difference. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Retribution, I think what Boo?s trying to say is that you can?t possibly fully understand how someone in that situation might feel. It?s like saying you understand what it?s like to have someone close to you die when you?ve never experienced yourself. And Boo, c?mon man, you didn?t even attempt to empathize with the poor. At least try and put yourself in their position, here I?ll help. You?re poor, you were born poor, you had very little opportunity to change that, now you?re starving and so is everyone you love and the whole f-ing population to boot. Then you see a couple of rich guys, with more than enough. How can you possibly say you wouldn?t walk up there right then and take whatever you could? Or at least attempt. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Your mom sounds racist. Maybe not, this is just based off of what you just said. I'm sorry for being blunt, that's just what i thought. I'm not saying she's a bad person or anything. Interacial couples are fine by me. Love is blind. Slavery is a thing of the past (mostly....), i think african americans should let it go. America doesn't hate England for the American Revolution, why should blacks still be angry about slavery? Ok, so i'm white, i'm sure you've guessed this by now. I'm not saying that slavery should be forgotten, and i'm not saying it was alright that it happened. It just bothers me when people bring it up, especially like your mother did as an excuse not to date a white girl or "wg". If only we were all color blind... Hah, like Steven Colbert. Has anybody ever seen that picture of him with the black guy? That's hilarious, i crack up every time i see it. The dude looks so miserable and steven is just living it up, oh man that's funny. Well, that was my opinion, i'm sure glad you guys are all open minded and accepting of other people's opinions here on OB. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'd start off my morning with breakfast with my family. There would be anything we could want there, not excluding non-breakfast items. D*** it if i want sushi for breakfast i should get sushi for breakfast. ^L^ Afterwards i would do something really exciting to get my blood really running. Something to get my adrenaline going. Examples: Roller coaster, high speed racing, sky diving, bungee jumping, parasailing (where you're connected to a parachute and speed boat and you go flying up, i don't know if it's called parasailing or not...or if it's spelled correctly XP), etc. And i would do this with my friends, anybody that would want to. After that i'd chill back with a smoothie with whoever i did whatever i did with. Then i think i'd go for a ride in a hot air balloon. Again my friends can join me in other hot air balloons. A certain someone could be in mine, a certain female someone. Oh yeah. ^J^ After that i'd do what my mom and dad want to do until lunch. I mean, if there was anything either of them ever wanted to do, i'd want them to do it, to live their dreams. I love 'em afterall, and it wouldn't be perfect if they weren't happy too. Then i'd do the lunch thing, whatever i eat it shouldn't be too filling. Friends/family would be with me. After lunch i think i'd take the certain someone and just be with her for a while. Maybe we could lay in a big open field with endless sky and a nice breeze. Just lay back and chill. Then after that i'd go to a beach with crystal clear waters. I'd spend the rest of my time there with her and whoever else would want to be with me. I'd go swimming, lay back, go sailing, just whatever you can do at a beach. Hell, maybe even dig a hole in the sand. (^L^ i used to do that when i was a kid). For dinner i'd have a really nice upscale dinner, dressed up and everything. I'd eat fine foods and be entertained. The entertainment can be anything, as long as i love it. Afte dessert i'd spend the rest of the night on the beach. Late at night i'd take a walk along the beach with either my family or the certain someone, maybe both. Oh, and also the day that i'd do this all on would be the longest day of the year. ^___^ Haha, i enjoyed thinking that up. I got to daydream, yay. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Neko, you learned elvish? Is that a whole language? Gee, you should?ve learned a more useful language?.like Spanish or French. Haha. ^J^ Well, this morning during English I got bored so I put on my headphones to my iPod and started drawing. I drew a monster! I also drew an anime version of myself. But I also recommend like writing a story or really doing anything on paper. It?s hard for a teacher to get mad at you for writing on paper, just make sure you cover it up if they pass by if you?re drawing monsters like I was. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=Boo][size=1]One way or another, the fifty are poor. This has nothing to do with the rich five. Be realistic, would those fifty truly be so poor if they'd know how to earn and maintain money? [/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]That?s not necessarily true, my friend. Think of the time of the great depression. The very few rich people were rich before the depression and managed to keep their money when the stock markets crashed. The rich people then pretty much oppressed the poor by offering very very low wages. Have you ever read the book the Grapes of Wrath? The Joads were once successful farmers, but then as a result of the depression and the dust bowl they were pretty screwed. And when they went to Cali they had to work for very low wages because the rich could set whatever price they wanted. There was always people willing to work, and if they didn?t want to work at the super low wage then somebody else could and they could just starve. Some people are lucky while others are unlucky, that?s how things are sometimes. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I think global warming is the bigger threat. Though it isn?t an immediate threat, the potential of the threat is much greater than that of those terrorists. Global warming might take a long time to develop into a serious problem, but when/if it does become a serious problem it will be BIG. It frustrates me that our government doesn?t make more of an effort to protect the very planet we all call home. I mean, if there was a threat on the white house the president would freak out and immediately take action. Global warming is a threat on a much larger scale and yet we take very little action. Also I think it?s a lot easier to deal with terrorists whereas it?d be tough to change what?s necessary to stop global warming. Automobiles for one thing, that?s a huge thing we?d need to change. Well, that?s my opinion. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Of course i don't think cheating is a good thing, and i would never want to be cheated on. I've never had a gf, for religious reasons so far. So i've never cheated, but only because i never could have. But now that i look at myself and my personality...i can see how it would be easy for me to cheat on someone. Also i think with my rational i'd be able to justify it. It'd go like this: Love is blind and i cannot help but to flirt. After all, you'll never meet the love of your life if you're not willing to look. Also, what if you did pass up the love of your life simply because you were in another relationship with someone else? And what if that person you were with ended up being a total b****/a**? Then that'd be a major bummer. Well, that's how i'd be, i think. Maybe not though, who knows? Not I. And as for cheating on tests or whatever, i don't see the big deal. It's my choice not to learn the material and i only hurt myself by not learning the material. I think the fact that i haven't acquired the new knowledge is enough of a punishment and i shouldn't be punished further by getting a low grade. Of course, don't get the wrong idea, i rarely cheat. I'm one of those smart kids and i never have the need to cheat. Nor am i saying i've never cheated before. ^L^ Just being real. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Delta pretty much said what I was going to say to Retribution. The scenario is made up, and I?m the one who made it. Gemini?s opinion is just that, an opinion. It?s one way of looking at the situation I presented to all of you, there?s no right or wrong. And yes, the 5 did work hard to get their money, but now they?re pretty much living the easy life. Think of the self made tycoon. That?s who the 5 people are. So, is stealing alright now that we know that the 5 worked hard to be where they are? Did it change anything? I still think the 50 should steal the money, but I don?t think the 50 should reject the 5 from their new society. In my eyes I still see the best case scenario as them all working together and sharing. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
The13thMan replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[IMG]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/1814/kh45zv.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Ariel think to herself: ....they're going to eat me....[/COLOR] [/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Gemini, that's a very interesting point. I don't know whether i agree with it or not, and i didn't specifically think of the 55 people to represent all of society, but i can see how you'd think that. But the main question i was trying to get answered was this: Can the rights of individuals be sacraficed when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? This whole discussion with my friend started with talking about how the government has too much power nowadays. The government is supposed to protect the people, not control them. We both believe that the government has too much power. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=DeathKnight] [color=crimson]The majority of the things created by man will eventually fall into a state of ruin/decay including ideals, principles, objects and the human body itself. They have to be recreated, repaired, replaced or disposed of. [/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Only people themselves will perish, not the ideals or principles. Only people that believe in those ideals and principles will die, not the ideals/principles themselves. A triangle existed before the first man drew one and will continue to exist after there are no men left to draw it. And about the whole slapping business and whatnot, chill out you guys. I wasn't being serious. And if i offended anybody or hurt someone's feelings then i apologize. 'Twas a joke. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Just because you're valedictorian doesn't mean you're going places in your life. You can still be valedictorian and still be a complete moron; this is a perfect example of this. To me it's unbelievable that someone so smart can also be so pathetically stupid. You kept saying no one got hurt which implies that there was a possibility of someone getting hurt which instantly makes the prank completely absurd and irresponsible. I personally think the people responsible for the prank should be harshly punished. It even angers me. Just because someone is mean doesn't justify pulling off a dangerous prank that has the potential to harm someone. I feel sorry for the teacher. I have no sympathy for the ones responsible for the prank. Of course, i don't know the exact details of the prank itself and i don't know what a dry ice bomb is, so i might be wrong. If a dry ice bomb can't really hurt anybody, then i'd be a little easier on the guy. But if it did have potential to harm someone, then i stand by my opinion. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I don't blame the site at all. I blame the parents of the stupid kids taking pictures of themselves and giving away too much information. It is the jobs of the parents to teach their kids about safety on the internet. Not to give away information, not to take naked pictures of themselves. It's really ridiculous. Parents need to take responsibility and get involved in their kid's lives. It's as simple as that. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm not very klutzy, i'm actually a pretty cool guy. :cool: Though i think i woke up the other night and bumped my head, i sleep on the bottom half of a bunk bed. I recall very faintly waking up and feeling a bump on my head. Though this may have been a dream, i don't have any bump anymore. Being tired is such a strange thing, it messes with your brain so much. You guys know what i mean? Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]NekoSama: Haha, yeah, maybe you're overanalyzing it just a bit. ^L^ But it's ok. It's good stuff. They're good questions. The people broke the law once, sunk down to the level of stealing once, who's to say they won't again? In this situation yes, the five would perish if the fifty steal their money. In the perfect world the fifty and five societies would combine into one society of fifty-five. Everybody would be middle class and things would be dandy. Too bad we don't live in the perfect world. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[quote name='Samurai Mix']Yeah its pretty obivious info but go easy on the poor kid.[/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I did. ^J^ [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I believe it's simply because it's becoming more and more acceptable in today's society. Also to be a homophobe nowadays is frowned upon. So even if somebody didn't like homosexuality they would be a little nervous saying so in today's society. No it's not a fad. I don't know whether i believe it's a biological thing or not, i'm not going to say whether it is or not because i simply don't know. I'm morally against homosexuality, though i'm pro choice. It's your choice to be gay, i just don't believe in being gay. Odd? Maybe. That's all i feel like saying, and i'm not going to argue anything like this...as i've done it before and it never turns out well. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] First off, love is blind. That's all there is to it. Age is directly proportional to maturity. If you're on a different level of maturity than the guy, then it'll eventually bite you in the ***. Trust me, i know. I was on the side of the guy in a relationship like that. She was 3-4 years younger than me and it eventually got to me. I liked her at first, but eventually her childish personality got to me and i gave up. Age does matter in situations when we're younger, luckily age isn't such a big deal when you grow up. But right now, the notices are usually very noticeable. Ultimately it's your choice, maybe you're mature for your age and he's immature for his age. Then you two would be perfect for each other! Haha. Anyways, i wish you the best of luck. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] I'm a senior as well in highschool. I'm going to miss a lot of people, a lot of friends. Hell, i even like a girl, unfortunately she's a sophomore and it wouldn't last more than a couple months anyways because i'm graduating and going off to college, so that's a bummer. I'm going to have to make new friends and say goodbye to old ones. It'll be a sad day. Luckily i'm also excited about going to college and moving on. I'm gonna make new friends! I'm going to be on my own! Blah blah blah, etc. etc.!!!! ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] 1. There are plenty of things that won't die. Such as an ideal or a principle. 2. Don't speak in absolutes, some people do only have one love....also you misspelled "you're" ^L^. 3. Duh 4. I should slap you for making such a pathetically lame post. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, here's a hypothetical situation, i want to know your opinion on it. I'll give arguments for both sides. There are two groups of people, a group of five and a group of fifty. The group of fifty live in poverty, and there's really nothing they can do to escape poverty as trade is non existent and there's no farm land around. The people are starving and will eventually all die. The five are all very rich, they control the land around the fifty and they have more than enough money to help out the fifty, but they refuse to because they are greedy sons of b****s. Is it alright for the fifty to overrun the five and take their money? Against: No, you can?t take the five?s money. It?s immoral. The five did nothing wrong and rightfully acquired their riches, nothing and no one has the right to take it from them. The rights of the five individuals should not be taken away for the sake of the fifty. If you take away the rights of an individual then society breaks down and everybody loses those rights. Just think if you?re in the position of one of the rich people, how would you feel if you worked your life earning the money and saving up to just lose all of it because of a group of greedy people? For: This is very simple, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The five people should not keep the money for themselves and just let the fifty die. The fifty have a right to take the money from them because of necessity. They absolutely need the money to survive, and since there are ten times more of them than the five, their need is much greater than the five?s. In the end fifty are saved and five are lost as a pose to 50 are lost and 5 are saved. My opinion: Well, since sharing isn?t an option in this scenario I?m going to have to side for the ?for? side. But I disagree with the principle. I believe in the individual?s rights, and they should not be broken in most cases, though I believe that certain principles need to be broken in certain cases, such as this. [/COLOR] [/FONT]