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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Ok, the first couple of posts talked about abstinence not being a cure for STDs in this world. I don't feel like reading any more posts, so maybe this has already been argued out, maybe not. Anyways here's my two cents. If people only had sex they were married to then STDs and AIDS would be a lot lot less abundant in our population. Sure, you can get AIDS through dirty needles or blood transplants....or hell, you can drink a couple gallons of another person's saliva, but the most common way anybody gets AIDS is through sex. If people would stop having sex with everybody then STDs and AIDS would eventually almost disapear, bottom line. Of course i don't believe it'll totally go away, it'll just get close. Actually it's kinda scary to think about, half of the people have STDs....that's crazy. And the way our culture is, and how people look at sex...it'll only multiply, it'll only get worse. Ohhhhhhhhh well, good thing i'm still a virgin and going to remain one till marriage. ^L^ Or so that's the plan, tee hee. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  2. The13thMan


    [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] A feeling of ecstacy. An overwhelming desire to be with another person. The greatest and worst feeling in the world. Everything. Passion. A willingness to sacrifice anything and everything for another person. The word i use around those i'm closest to. ^L^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Well, right off the bat i'd wish for an infinite amount of wishes. ^L^ Then my first 3 wishes would be: 1. I'd wish to meet my perfect love and to fall in love with her and live happily with her forever and ever....and maybe even ever. 2. I'd wish for happiness to all those that i love and/or care about in my life. I wouldn't wish for happiness for everyone because then happiness wouldn't exist. Happiness only exists if you have sadness. If you were happy all the time, then it would become normal and it would not exist. To experience the great things in life you must also experience the horrible things in life. Love and pain. 3. I?d wish to discover the truth, religiously speaking. Who?s right, who?s wrong? Is someone right or wrong? Does god exist? All of those important questions. Well, those are what I?d wish for if I were being mature. If I wasn?t being mature I?d control time, be rich, and be super smart. ^J^ Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I was talking with one of my friends earlier today about existence and what is real and what can be considered real. My friend says that just because you can feel and observe something doesn't make it real since your senses can be deceived. Take this situation for example: Let's say that there's a brain in a vat hooked up to a machine. The machine allows the brain and the consciousness of the person to exist. The machine, which obviously doesn?t exist, creates images for the mind and creates a reality for the brain. It?s a lot like the matrix, if you guys can relate to that better. Anyways, what the brain perceives to be real is NOT real. It does not exist in reality. So what we perceive to be real isn?t necessarily real. Just because we see that the cat is dead or alive (or neither by not observing) doesn?t make it so (or not so). The cat, if it?s real, does exist and is either dead or alive regardless of whether it is observed or not. That?s what my friend says, and I sort of agree with him, but I sort of don?t. To me, real is a man made word and can only be defined by the sense that man has. So by sensing something to be real it becomes or is real. The keyboard under my fingers is real to me because I feel and see it. But I suppose I?m a little hypocritical in the sense that I also think that something exists whether or not we sense it. Just because we cannot feel something doesn?t mean it?s not real or doesn?t exist. But it?s not so for the other way around. If I do feel it, then it does exist, to me anyways. I guess it exists, but not in an ?absolute? way. Well, I'm done talking, not necessarily because i have no more to say, simply because i'm tired of talking. ^J^ Later. PS: I'd love to talk about this to someone, so if anyone wants to IM me on yahoo messenger, my screenname is attimus331. Or if you want to IM me on aim, you'll have to tell me, because i don't use it much anymore. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm not sure which is my strongest emotion, i'd like to say love, but anger is up there too. I love my family, and i'd die for them...i suppose the reason i can't say it's definitely love is because i haven't had to die for them. I haven't felt that extreme of love, the extreme of self sacrifice, it's always, "ah, i love you". I guess what i mean is that my love hasn't been "tested". As for my anger, it has been tested. I've been very angry before, and it makes me do horrible things. Once i punched a hole through a door because i was angry at my brother. Luckily i'm usually a calm guy so that extreme of anger rarely shows itself. I'm usually very peaceful. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  6. Well, physically what i get the most when any girl compliments my appearance is my awesome hair. But other than that i'm not anything special physically speaking. Girls seem to like that i'm funny and smart. Well, that's about all that i can think of. A girl friend once told me that the most important things about a guy physically are his eyes and hair. So ladies....is that true??? ^J^ Later.
  7. Insanity is defined by the majority. The majority of people don't think the walls are always closing in, therefore people who do think that are insane. The majority of people don't have voices in their heads that tell them to burn things, therefore people who do are insane. That's pretty much all there is to it. There are also chemical imbalances in the brain that can cause insanity. I think insanity is a point of view in some cases. In some cases insanity is simply who's got more on their team thinking the same way in a society. In other cases it is a chemical imbalance in a person's brain.
  8. I'm of an interesting religion that i believe very few of you have heard of. It's sorta christianity. It's called Unificationism, the Unification Church. Let me give you a basic breakdown of how this thing goes, also just so you guys know i'm not a true believer of this religion and in all honesty i might get something backwards. I don't think i will, but i might: Christians believe that Jesus came down to die for our sins. We do not believe that. We believe that Jesus came down to start a family, a pure family that can connect with god. I'm not saying Jesus wasn't our messiah, he was, it's just that his initial mission was a failure. He did die for our sins, and that's great, but it was a sort of plan B. Having multiple sexual partners is unforgiveable, and you will go to hell, bottom line. Sex is a sacred thing that a person should only have with one and only one other person. In our church we usually have arranged marriages. It's common that an American would marry an Asian. And also we have mass marriages. Of course this is all a bit more ocmplicated than i'm saying, but i'd rather not go into it. These arranged marriages have always been the biggest thing i disagree with in the religion, and if i were to leave it it'd probably be because of that. Also we have a blessing. I suppose it's kinda like getting baptised. A married couple will get blessed, and we will be closer to god. I'm part of the 2nd generation, which means my parents were both blessed so i was born connected to God as apose to everybody else who was born connected to Satan. We also believe that Satan works through a lot of dirty ways to corrupt everybody, like our culture. It's not a big deal to have multiple sexual partners in our culture, which is a big no no in our religion. Ooooookaaaaaay. If you guys wanna learn more, then you've got the internet, go find something. Those are my parent's beliefs and not necessarily my own, although i was raised that way so they are partially my own. I still have to decide whether it's my religion or not...and it's a very tough decision. I deal with it everyday unfortunately. Well, that's all i got to say, later.
  9. Do you know the essential difference between sex and conversation? (No.) Do you wanna go upstairs and talk?
  10. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]No one answered my second riddle, so I thought I'd post it again: Yeah, I really want someone to try it. [SIZE=20][FONT=Arial][U]XXll[/U] = ll Vlll [/FONT][/SIZE] Move one line to make the above equation correct.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I was thinking about it but it's kinda confusing. By line what exactly do you mean? What constitutes as a line? And is it roman numerals? As in 22/8=2??? Well i have a riddle. What can you put into a barrel that will make it lighter that you can see? (You can only put one thing in it. For example, a baloon is not only a balloon. It's rubber and helium.)
  11. As for choosing your guitar i recommend going to zzounds.com and reading a bunch of reviews by different people. You can read reviews for guitars in your price range and get an idea of what a lot of other people think of the guitars. I personally eventually settled on an epiphone sg special. I've heard different things from different people about epiphones, but most people were positive about them. I personally like 'em, and have had no problem with them. Then for an amp i got the roland micro cube....which is awesome. The thing's tiny, but it's got great sound and lots of effects. It's a good starter amp. Of course i didn't have much money so both the amp and guitar i mentioned are for those people with small budgets. And i don't recommend buying any starter packs, those are usually lame. Just hear what other people think about guitars and so on. I also recommend going to the store and actually playing a guitar for a bit to see how they feel. Good luck
  12. Ok, Sui Generis, first off, why were you being so sarcastic? That?s not very nice, you really shouldn?t start your post off with something that could possibly offend the reader, it?s just asking for trouble. By choosing to sacrifice one person, you yourself murders that person, but by not doing anything, you murder no one. Letting someone die and actually taking action to kill a person are two different things that you fail to realize. It?s not simple math here being that human population > 1 person. Every person has a right to life, and no one person has the right to take away that right. It does matter who the person is, it matters a lot. It affects the answer completely. What if the question were, would you sacrifice the life of, oh let?s say, Hitler to end world hunger, cure all diseases, etc.? Most people?s answers would have changed. Oh?.so we exist to exist?.so that?s the meaning of life! I never knew! C?mon man, don?t oversimplify our existence just to further your point. It?s not very nice. Though, you?re not the first one I?ve seen to act that way, a couple of the posts were somewhat cruel. It makes me sad that people can be so uncaring. But it?s understandable in the world that we live in today, oh well. The question of overpopulation is irrelevant. And besides, we can always go and live on mars, or in the ocean! Haha. And also, the whole deal with the one person being considered a hero doesn?t matter. If someone truly loved a person, that would not matter. The only thing the person would know is that the one he/she loved isn?t around anymore. That?s devastating for anybody. Have you ever experienced the feeling? To Katana Violet: Haha, so you watched the movie too, eh? I did get the version of the question I used from Swordfish, but the essence of the question itself has been posed to me a number of times before, just in a different format. I believe the last time it was asked to me went like this: Let?s say there was a button in front of you that killed off 1/3 of the human population, would you press it? And by not pressing the button, the other 2/3 of the human population would cease to be. To fasteriskhead: Ok, you obviously know a good deal about philosophy. I personally don?t know much about it, and would like it better if you went further into who those people are and their philosophies. Or maybe provide a link? And another thing, you never answered the question. What would you do? I don?t particularly understand the question that you have: "Why are we morally concerned at all?" Can you not simply answer the question? Do you have to question your incentive to answer the question first? Or maybe I just don?t understand what you mean at all. ::shrug:: To Derald and Retribution: No need to fight you two. Try not to be so harsh, ok? Respect one another?s opinions. No reason to shoot them down. No reason to name call. Grow up and act mature. Haha, this is hilarious. I?ve got a 7 page report in English due in two days, and here I am typing up this ridiculous response for a message board I rarely ever visit. I sure do love to procrastinate! I feel like I meant to say more, but I had so much to say I know I had to have left something out, oh well.
  13. I agree with Starwind. There are other guys out there and you're still young (i'm assuming). No reason to worry too much about it. No reason to have your heart broken over some loser, not to say he's a loser. Anyways, i wish you luck.
  14. Drix D'Zanth, what about that person that dies? What if it was someone you loved? It will surely be someone that has people that love that person. What if that person were you? And don't be so selfish about it, maybe you have no problem with letting yourself die for the sake of others, but what about anybody that loves you? Are you willing to put them through that hell of losing a loved one? And yes, this does hold philosophical value, but if you don't like it, then you can pose another philosophical question, i really don't mind. Reiku, yep it is murder. I said that the person's life would be taken by whoever answered the question, so yes, it is indeed murder. Murder on your soul. Some believe you go to hell for such a deed, so your own personal beliefs will affect your answer. Retribution, you made me smile when you said, "I also think issues like overcrowding and food shortages aren't a problem in this scenario -- the solution is [quite obviously] a hypothetical and 'magical' one. We all know it's impossible to make a euphoria, but it's supposing there could be one." It's exactly what i meant. I don't particularly like it when people go outside of the boundaries of my question and make it overly complex. I mean, i can understand them doing it, they're only being realistic, i just don't like it. So anyways, when thinking about this question, think of this too: what if that one person we had to sacrafice was someone you truly loved and cared for? Think about that one person. Also, you do not get to choose the person.
  15. My thoughts: You need to ask yourself if you like your guy friend in the way he likes you. If yes, and this is assuming you don't have a bf, you should go out with him. Though, just because you do like him, doesn't mean you should. I guess what i'm trying to say is, ask yourself, do you want to go out with him? If yes, then go for it, if no, then don't. Either way, your friends will still be your friends, he/she/they just need some time. Also, if you do like the guy, don't go jumping on him so fast, wait for your friend to calm down first, and ask her if she's cool with it. If you're not interested in the guy, then let him down gently, just tell him you're not ready for something like that, and you just wanna be friends. Anyways, i wish you luck.
  16. Alrighty, i like to talk about phiolosophy every now and then with my friend. He's really into it, and i'm arrogant, so we can get into some pretty good arguments every once in a while. It's fun. I figured i'd ask ya guys a question, see what you guys would answer. Ok, here's the question: If you had the oppotunity to cure all of the world's diseases and hunger, would you do it? Now here's the kicker, you have to sacrafice one person in order to do it. One person's life, taken by you, to save billions. What would you do? Personally.....i'm not a 100% sure what i'd do. But i'm leaning towards the saving the billions for the one. It's all about, do the ends justify the means, i believe they do.
  17. To put it simply it's a way to get money for college depending on how much money you/your family has.
  18. I went to fafsa.ed.gov to fill out my fafsa today, and it asked for which fafsa i wanted to fill out, the 2005-2006 school year or the 2006-2007 school year. I'm not sure which one i should fill out. I'm a highschool senior that will graduate in '06 and i plan to enroll in college this fall('06). So, which one should i fill out??? I really appreciate any help ^_^
  19. [IMG]http://bigpicture.typepad.com/writing/images/surf5831.jpg[/IMG] Surfer thinking to self: Did i leave the oven on???....
  20. [FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange] Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, but now it seems they're here to stay... (The Beatles, Yesterday) The song somehow seems to fit my current mood. And it inspired me to ask this question. Everybody has regrets in their life, what're yours? Personally, i would've killed my procrastination habit right when i first saw it devoloping. It's really horrible. I've really slacked when it came to applying to colleges, and that's a big regret for me. Then of course i would never have hurt the ones i loved....but that's to be expected in life. Well, that's all i got for now, later everyone. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [FONT=Century Gothic] (with a heavy bush accent) Hey...where's the pretty pictures? For those of you who don't get it: He thinks it's a kaleidoscope. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [FONT=Century Gothic] Sesmae Street: E! True Hollwood Story: Sesame Street, C is for cocaine. Babies: Heinekin tries out a new anti aging elixer on partying frat boys...results turn out better than expected. Ooops, did the wrong picture. Girl: 1 hair...2 hair....3 hair......2 hair.....1 hair....BLASTOFF!!?!! [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [FONT=Century Gothic] I have a question...though i'm pretty sure i know the answer. If a girl's best friend is pushing you to ask her out, does that mean she's interested? By the way, i'm relationship stupid. And uhh...for discussion, have you guys got any stories kinda like that? Maybe some funny ones? Strange things your friends have done behind your back involving you?? [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrange] Both parents and my beliefs. My parents believe very strongly in it...as for me i'd say i have about 30-40% of their faith in it. Though i've been raised up with this religion, so it'd be hard for me to let go. And it'd be tough on my parents too probably. And my parents met through an aranged marriage. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] The Unification church. I never touched her, my gf on the internet. It's against my religion to. But i only believe in the church around....30-45% It's just that my parents are really strict about it. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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