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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Popular dolls, like bratz, really disgust me nowadays. They're all about sex appeal aimed towards little girls! They impose this fake bs image onto these little impressionable girls that it's ok to dress like a slut and act like a ditzy retard. Barbie did this as well, but not nearly to the same extent (it seems). At least barbie did become a doctor or an astronaut from time to time. If i ever have a daughter i will never buy her a doll that puts those sort of images into her head. Seriously though... have you seen those baby bratz? [IMG]http://www.mgae.com/awards/images/_awards/baby_bratz.jpg[/IMG] I am literally disgusted at this image! What the hell are these people thinking? Do they actually have babies that look like this? They're wearing all kinds of makeup, tiny shirts,...what seems to be a mix between diapers and underwear. I hope i answered your question...[/FONT]
  2. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Effect smoke and fire smoke are distinctly different. Smoke caused by fire tends to be very acrid-smelling, and rides on the heat of the air, close to the ceiling. Effect smoke is generated from dry ice sublimating (changing straight from ice to vapor) in the presence of water, typically hugs the ground like fog, and has a borderline dank smell. Also, people who have just learned their houses are on fire tend not to react like anime characters.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Took the words out of my mouth. Actually you knew a bit more about it than i did. Go you. In all honesty, the idea of the smoke came from watching an episode of home improvement. They had a halloween party that looked pretty kick-a. Of course... you may be going for something a bit more mature. Depends on your husband's sense of humor (or lack of). Either way, good luck. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I would say you're going for some sort of creepy ambiance. So perhaps get a smoke machine or some dry ice? I think that would just be awesome. If i opened my door and smoke piled out i'd probably freak out then think it's really cool. Also make sure the music you select sets the mood. Whatever mood that might be, wink. And it's always a good idea to throw humor into the design. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I would be the villain who started out good and meant well but somewhere along the line turned evil. I would be pretty smart, always justifying my actions with some sort of seemingly valid logic. I wouldn't fight the hero of the story with shear force, but through manipulation, deception, and general trickery. I'd be like Knives from Trigun or Magneto from X-men. Of course that means that i'll eventually have to face my antagonist in a one on one battle to the end. Which is fine, because i won't lose. I'd have short cut spikey black hair. My eyes would have a sort of angry sadness to them, and i'd always wear a sardonic grin. My clothing won't be anything too flashy, but it will be unique. Dark colors, maybe some overcoat. I'd also carry around a small sidearm in that off chance that i would have to get down and dirty myself. [/FONT]
  5. [quote name='Shinmaru']This character becomes a prince to find a prince but instead wins a bride via luck and wicked fencing skillz.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]My only guess for this one is... [spoiler]jesus[/spoiler]. And don't you dare say [spoiler]jesus[/spoiler] is the wrong answer! ... [spoiler]supercalifragilatisticexpialadoscious[/spoiler] This is the kind of word you think of when you get super high or if you were tripping balls on lsd. Which makes me wonder what was that chick thinking? She must've really thought she could fly with that umbrella. In reality i bet she was just some acid head. Which makes her story rather frightening...[/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]So i've got a game i've seen done in other places before. I'm curious to see how the fine people here at OB take this. So here it is. Start off by thinking of something and putting spoilers around it. It can be whatever you want. Then you continue to describe it. It can be as brief as a sentence or as long as... well, however long you want it. Not important. Though it's usually funnier if it's more vague. Then the next person guesses what the thing is by reading the description. Now sometimes people require you to guess correctly before the game can continue, othertimes they just let the person guess and then describe their own thing. I think we should try the latter as it will keep it going more smoothly. But everybody's welcome to guess any one of the previous posts, just try to make sure you guess the most recent one as well. It wouldn't be nice if somebody got skipped. And that's about it! [spoiler]Naruto[/spoiler] This person is extremely annoying. He's got blonde hair and an annoying squint. He's always off causing trouble. He's also a bit of a crossdresser, sort of. But in a good way, cuz damn does he make a fine woman. [/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] 3. This is practically identical to question two. Still the same answer? Music. [/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I honestly do not understand why people keep saying that. Question 2 was: [B]What's [/B]your favorite subject, or if you're in college, what's your major? Where question 3 was: [B]Why [/B]is it your favorite subject or field of choice? Do you not see how the question of "what?" and "why?" are different? Question 3 is asking why it is your favorite subject. Did you have an idol who liked the same thing and that's why you liked it? Or perhaps you like it because you love listening to music? It's either people don't understand that difference, it was just a mistake that happened to happen more than once, or i'm a crazy nutter. [/FONT]
  8. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson] [img]http://fasthugs.typepad.com/blog/images/2007/04/10/corgis.jpg[/img] [/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I freakin' love corgis. I think it started with Cowboy Bebop, Ein. Remember that little fella? A-freakin-dorable. Visualkei, it's not like i have to read everybody's response. =D Especially not yours! Bwaha![/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]This thread was created because i needed a break from my electrical engineering homework... I have a question all along the same lines for you guys. 1. What level of education are you at? Highschool, college? 2. What's your favorite subject, or if you're in college, what's your major? 3. Why is it your favorite subject or field of choice? 4. What's your ideal job along the field you are studying? I'm looking for more realistic answers. If anybody says they want to be a candy man when they grow up i will be uber pissed! 5. Talk about whatever it is that interests you! Why is it so damn interesting? Why'd you choose it, blah blah blah. And if you're already out of college/highschool and have a job or whatever then you can answer your question as if you were younger or whatever, i don't care. Here are my answers. 1. This is my 3rd year at the University of Tennessee. 2. I'm studying biomedical engineering. If i had known when i started out i would probably be minoring in physics too. But for me to do that now would require me to stay on for longer than 4 years. And most of my scholarships expire at that point, so i'm trying to graduate in 4 years. 3. I chose bme because i liked math back when i was a senior in highschool. I chose biomedical engineering instead of any other type of engineering simply on a whim. I needed to choose a discipline of engineering from a list of choices and biomedical appealed to me the most. I think it was because i have an interest in the anatomy of the human body and how it works. 4. My ideal job would be someone that develops new technologies along the field of bme or physics. I want to be on the cutting edge, making crazy new stuff to help people out. 5. I love it because it has so much to do with science and the understanding of the world around us. I have to take lots of science and engineering classes and it's really interesting. I like knowing how things work. [/FONT]
  10. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]Hahaha! I would say I derive pleasure from rhetorical flourish, not just conflict. :p I'm starting to love my newfound online personality.[/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]What? That's it for the amazing Retribution?? ...psh, what a jiff. [/FONT]
  11. [quote name='chibi-master']WOW! Well, good luck finding a form of martial arts to enjoy while you slave away in college!:animesmil[/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I was thinking about learning the one that Spike from Cowboy Bebop does. But... that seems a little silly to me - picking a martial arts because of an anime. That sounds like something one of my friends would do, and i'm better than them. Hah.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I did tae kwon do for 9 years. I started when i started kindergarten and stopped when i started highschool. I know exactly the Tekken character you're talking about! He was my favorite! Partially because he did tae kwon do. I once took a tae kwon do class while anoter karate class was going. I gotta be honest with ya, tae kwon looked like more fun. The karate guys just kept going over forms and running drills while we were sparring and doing weird exercises. I'm actually planning on starting a new martial art soon. I don't know what's offered by my college's rec center so i don't yet know which one i'll choose, but i was planning on going down there monday to look into it. I'm pretty excited about it. [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]If you like to skate then you should definitely continue. And skating is great practice for keeping your balance. I'm sure if you keep at it you'll be less clumsy. But maybe not... i'm not clumsy so i don't really understand it. But being clumsy's not that bad. Guys think it's cute. =D[/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]As the title suggests, i'm asking the question of what responsibility an individual or group has towards the public as a result of our freedom of the press. I'm asking this question in light of Jenny McCarthy's shenanigans. Let me start off by providing a link or two. This first one is by a random blog i just found on google that gives a brief sum up of what she did on the side of pro-vaccine. [URL="http://scrubnotes.blogspot.com/2008/04/jenny-mccarthys-anti-vaccine-autism.html"]http://scrubnotes.blogspot.com/2008/04/jenny-mccarthys-anti-vaccine-autism.html[/URL] This one is a the search results from a blog that frequently blogs about Jenny McCarthy and her anti-vaccine hoo-blah. It's written by the Yale nuerologist, Steven Novella MD. [URL="http://www.theness.com/neurologicablog/?s=jenny+mccarthy"]http://www.theness.com/neurologicablog/?s=jenny+mccarthy[/URL] I believe, though not with 100% certainty, that she was on Oprah once. Oprah, of course, backed up McCarthy. I bring up Oprah for this discussion and not Larry King because i know that Oprah supported McCarthy and i have no idea whether Larry King did, though i doubt he would have. Should Oprah also be held accounted for what the people say that she brings onto her show? Oi, that's not quite all of it, but i got distracted (I just unexpectedly found out i got another scholarship for 2 grand a semester, sweet). So, i'll let you guys discuss, and i'll jump in with more later. [/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Wait 'till college. =D [/FONT]
  16. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I admire the sheer degree of blitheness with which you just spoke. Actually, these kinds of 'debates' are exactly why such topics can never be discussed seriously anymore. No one wants to learn at all; they just want to argue, to point-and-counterpoint endlessly, without ever reaching the Truth on one side or the other. To wit: Judging from your motives, I'm truly surprised [COLOR=DarkRed]Retribution[/COLOR] didn't make an appearance. He loves conflict.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I was sitting there trying to figure out whether "blitheness" was the word to use or not and what word to use if it wasn't... but i couldn't think of anything. How dissapointing. He might be a bit too smart for this conversation in this setting. Though, if he does ever read this, i'd love to get a good debate on this subject or any other on a different forum. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Oh c'mon guys! Quit pretending Otaku Boards is a serious place! Have you noticed that the two most popular threads at the moment is one with a bunch of cat pictures and another where we throw funny things at each other? [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Living comes to mind....[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I will punch you in the belly, good sir! :bash:[/FONT] In spite of what i just said i will now attempt to honestly answer the question at hand. I believe the goal of being remembered is one that most all humans share and one that i've pondered upon quite frequently. I've come to the conlusion that the quest is one that can often times be self destructive and really isn't worth my while. I have shed those desires in light of better goals. And the main goal is simply to be happy with the people that i love. Let me clarify a bit. The goal of being remembered as i stated in the previous paragraph was on a grand scale. Remembered in the sense that, say, Isaac Newton is remembered. That goal is what i see as unworthy of my effort. The more personal goal of simply having those that care about you remember you once you pass is a much more worth while and admirable goal, and one that i pursue. So, do i think people that care about me will remember me? I certainly do. And what do i think they'll remember me for? Hm... i rarely get angry and usuall try to calm intense situations. I'm a very logical and cool headed person (most of the time). I have a dry wit sense of humor (off of these boards, anyways), and i love my kitty cat. I'm a big enthusiast of science, i'm agnostic. I'm a little weird. Also i'm a big fella! I'm about 6'1'' and 220lbf. Beyond that, i don't know, it's anyone's guess. [/FONT]
  18. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Just say it. I already consider the discussion over anyway. =P [spoiler]I considered it that from the very beginning btw[/spoiler][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Don't worry, you're not special, i too foresaw this thread veering wildly off course. I also knew that more touchy subjects such as these have a tendency to go wrong because people aren't able to look at things from an objective and unbiased standpoint. Not to say that i did... I just think it's fun to debate this sort of stuff. Besides.... the only other thing going on in the lounge at the time was a thread where people posted cat pictures.... so you can hardly blame me for starting this thing. I love cats, but c'mon! [/FONT]
  19. Oh and to stay on topic (at least somewhere) i think people will also remember me for my two giant balls.... [IMG]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3165/2414207204_39358aae4a_o.jpg[/IMG] I would have editted this into my previous post but i kept getting some weird error. Also... i don't know what that picture has to do with giant balls... i just thought it was funny as hell.
  20. [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]Not really. All it did was remind me of some guys I know who's sense of humor is about as exciting as watching the paint dry. ^^ [/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]How uncalled for... what did i ever do to you? :animecry: I like to consider my sense of humor at times as faux-immature. ...It's funny because of how awkwardly and uncharacteristically immature it is! It's not MY fault you didn't get that. :p And yes, whoever that was, i could use some salve. ...from your mom! (note: The your mom joke is another example of my faux-immature sense of humor. ......and the majority of this post, i feel, is a load of BS. And it is intentionally so! Another stab at humor, you see. Oh, and uh... i'm pointing it all out for the world to see. :smirk:) Sheesh, i could use a big manly slab of meat! Have at it![/FONT]
  21. [quote name='Godot']let us come to the foundations, big band theory is in correlation with evolution right? I just want to establish something here[/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Big banD theory??? Did you mean to say big banG theory? [/FONT][quote name='Rachmaninoff']Assumptions are not the way to go. Don't assume that they know it's wrong, that's why I used the "world is flat" example. They had no reason to assume it was wrong.[/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]=/ ...Let me start off by saying that i did not say that they should have assumed it was wrong. Instead i said, they should have allowed for the possibility of it being wrong. For that they had a lot of reason to do. The main reason simply being nobody ever fell off the side of the planet. It's when you say stuff like that that i feel like you don't know what i meant and therefore repeat myself, hence the circle. Sorry if that came off as mean... [/FONT][quote name='Rachmaninoff']You were going more for blaming the teacher instead of the material, when sometimes it's not the teacher at all. It's the mistaken belief that what they are teaching is correct. So blaming them is pointless, they think that they know the facts. [/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]This whole placing of the blame issue is getting very muddled and confusing. ...I almost want to say we should simply agree to disagree... but that's so against my nature. ...Gwah! [/FONT] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']This is what I'm getting at, I explained it already and you have to keep going in circles over the same thing, only you word it slightly different or clarify a tiny bit when the basics of what I or you said is already done. =P[/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I go over things again because i feel that people do not understand what i have said because they often times state irrelevant points. I'm starting to think it's not from a lack of understanding and is instead from a lack of focus towards the point. I've argued with more people recently and i've realized that some people simply cannot stay on subject. They drift and drift and the argument becomes this tired anecdote about faux-tolerance or some bogus crap like that. So, in conclusion, i'd rather go in circles than go off in some random and irrelevant tangent. To Godot: I barely understood what your last post said, if you can call that understanding. ...So i'll just say this, i disagree! Bwaha![/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Oh c'mon! Nobody liked my cock comment? Just look at the picture, it's hillarious! I crack up just thinking about it!That cock is comically large![/FONT]
  23. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I think Lunar was just being sarcastic. Or maybe i'm just being hopeful. Also, i don't think we evolved from monkeys. Allow me to quote pbs.org [/FONT] [QUOTE=PBS]1. Did we evolve from monkeys? Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed 5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. [/QUOTE]
  24. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']What if the teacher doesn't know it's wrong? You're assuming that a person knows what they are teaching is wrong... You missed what I was getting at. Both need to be scrutinized, it's that simple. Placing blame in on only once side fails to take in account a person's upbringing and education and so forth. [/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I'm not assuming that they know what they are teaching is wrong. I'm assuming that they realize the possibility that it is wrong. This is an important thing for people to realize in science. There are many things in science that are taught that can be disproven. I don't know how it was in your highschool but in mine we had some older science texts and every now and then we would come across some out of date information. This is because science is dynamic. If you realize that then you can realize that whatever you're saying might be contingent upon science. As for the placing of the blame, i did actually distribute it between the teacher and the material... and even the student, i think (maybe implicitly). Regardless of whether i said it before, i'll say it now, if the student is of age to have discovered independent thought then even the student should be held partially responsible. As for what you were getting at, do you mind very bluntly saying it in case i missed it yet again? ^^^sincerity^^^ To Kenso: Yep, i went back and reread the part of the post that i had trouble with and you're right. I must've misread something. Unless of course you edited it! ::glare:: Just kidding. Sorry for the confusion. [/FONT]
  25. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']IF it takes millions of years for a species to evolve. WHY did it take so many years after man evolved into man to discover so much. And how have we discovered so much in so little time. And also, HOW is it possible for evolution to be tested and treated as a science, and HOW does that make it any different than religon. When we can't test for CERTAIN how things evolve (I know their are theories to this, but again if there's no way of testing it) how/why should it be treated any differently than intelligent design/divine intervention (Theory that god causes his creations to change) Hope that's disagreement enough for ya 13th man :)[/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I'll try my best to answer your questions. First allow me to isolate them. 1. Why is man so "far behind" evolutionarily speaking? 2. How has man developed so quickly in such short time? 3. How is evolution treated as a science and tested in science? 4. How does the previous question qualify evolution as science and not religion? 5. Why should it be treated differently from intelligent design. Those are your main questions, as i see them. If you feel i misunderstood any of them feel free to say so. I'll try my best to answer these. 1. I would not say man is far behind. I would say we're either right on track or ahead of the curve. Obviously we are the dominant species of the planet, i think that should count for something. You also compared the evolution of man to the evolution of some things taking millions of years. I think you need to be more specific as to what took millions of years. 2. I'm not sure whether you mean how have we devoloped so much physically and evolutionarily speaking or if you meant in the sense of technology and the improvement of the human condition. For the former i would say we haven't devoloped too much, we aren't too horribly different from the first man. Though i do think we are taller, better built, and live longer. But i would say technology has played a huge role in that. Have you ever seen one of those population graphs over the course of human history? Here's one i found via google: [IMG]http://ldolphin.org/poprecent.gif[/IMG] EDIT: In case the graph doesn't work here's a link to the page i took it from: [URL="http://ldolphin.org/popul.html"]http://ldolphin.org/popul.html[/URL] It's the 3rd graph down labeled "Recent-History Population Growth." If you look at the graph it's very obvious that the rate at which our population grew has really took off in the last 100-200 years. So, obviously, the more people we have the more people we have working on ways to improve the quality of life. 3. It's treated as a science because it is one. It's tested in many different ways. They can test it by observing fossil records. They can test it by observing DNA between different species. Have you ever heard that only a percent of our DNA differs from chimpanzees? That's certainly a point for evolution. If you really want to know more then you can always google it or whatever search engine you prefer. 4. One qualification for science and probably the most pertinent one in this situation is the ability to test a theory to confirm or disprove it. Well, not really confirm it. You can never confirm a theory with 100% certainty. You can add evidence too a theory, and in the case of evolution there is a whole lot of evidence, but it only takes one piece of contradicting evidence to completely disprove it. I think i've said this all already in a previous post. Anyways, ID does not have a testable hypothesis, evolution does. Whamo bammo, evolution is science ID is not. 5. Because ID is not science. ID is simply creationist propaganda in the guise of a scientific theory to try to integrate religion into the science classroom. [/FONT] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']It's no fun to change your opinion just to create an argument. =P[/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Sure it is!! ;D[/FONT] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Why? If the material is wrong, then why teach it or be politically correct and not fault it? We use to believe that the world was flat. Was it right to blame the material? Of course it was, since it was wrong. [/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]A few things here that i need to explain/debate. First off when i had initially wrote what you replied to the material that i had in mind wasn't wrong, which isn't to say it was right. In the case of religion, i don't know. But i will say that even if the material is flat out wrong (such as your flat earth theory) i would still blame the teacher and not the material. Well, not exactly. I will place some blame on the material, but majority blame i would still place with the teacher. This is because i truly believe that the person receiving the information should use his critical thinking and logical skills to see the flaw in any material. And in the case of young and impressionable children the teacher should be held responsible for instilling these skills in the child. For instance, if i were to present the flat earth theory at the time in which it was believed i would emphasize that this is a theory based on speculation and has not been tested in any way. This theory is capable of being tested, obviously, but has not been. This sort of basic sentiment is important for presenting most ideas in science (and a lot in life), the difference being that science nowadays carries out those experiments a lot more often than before. [/FONT] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']The whole issue debunking ID in the first place is that the religious aspect of it isn't fact. I could just blame the parents, but that leaves no room to scrutinize the actual material that is being presented as if it were a fact. [/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I don't think that is the issue. I think the issue is that people don't see the real difference between ID and evolution since both of them could technically (but perhaps not correctly) be considered either a theory or a fact. You shouldn't straight up say that ID isn't fact, because it very well could be (although i would agree with you that it probably isn't). And evolution isn't technically a fact in the sense that it hasn't been proven absolutely. The difference here that people need to realize is the amount of evidence supporting either one. ID has no evidence, evolution has a whole crap-ton. Crap-ton is an actual unit of measurement, by the way. 1 crap ton=100 crap loads..... :animeblus[/FONT] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']I'm sure you understand the concept behind science, theory and testing theories and so forth. So I don't see a need to go into if a religion was a fact side of the argument. And you're kind of going in circles as well so I'm pretty much done. I already stated what I think.[/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I'm glad you didn't go into that. It's pretty irrelevant. Although... i think i did mention it back in the hooblah of my post. Yeh, i guess i do go in circles... even though i don't entirely understand what you mean by it. In spite of my circular...ness i hope you don't cop out and stop arguing with me. I dislike that. As for Kenso and Boo's posts i will say that i think i already touched on a number of the points they made and hope they go back and read my posts if they haven't already. I will ask Kenso though what he considers to be "factual basis." I'm guessing loads of scientific evidence gathered over numerous decades doesn't count as "factual basis" if he truly believes evolution has none. [/FONT]
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