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[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Let me start off by addressing the dealy with the Golden Compass. Now, like Rachmaninoff, i don't know a whole lot about it. My understanding is that some christians are protesting the movie and pushing for a ban of the movie because of some atheistic themes. I think in one of the later novels God dies. Now, i absolutely think this is ridiculous, both on grounds that churches should push for bans of movies or control the flow of new ideas to its members and because i generally disagree with a lot of christianity. Obviously since this is not a thread on religion i won't go into any of the latter bit here. But for the former i will. Churches pushing to ban movies is just plain out silly. Don't these churches have enough faith in their own members and their own faiths not to let some works of fiction shake them? Anybody that tries to control anything that directly contradicts them gives me the impression that they are insecure of their own beliefs and the validity of them. I mean... if you knew with all your heart 2+2=4 then why would you care if there were people out there saying it was 5 to the point of trying to get them not to say it? Instead, you should show how they are wrong. Same goes for churches banning movies. My other problem is the control on the "flow of new ideas" as i awkwardly put it. I'm very pro-knowledge. I think that there shouldn't be restricted knowledge... to an extent. By that i basically mean there are some things that not everybody needs to know, such as private matters. If i went to the doctors for shoving a light bulb up my *** and don't want people knowing about it then i think it's my right. But uh... i just want you guys to know that's only happened once.... i mean, never! ...Back to my point! It's like the phrase, the truth shall set you free. If you try to control people by hiding things and controlling thought you are doing nobody any good. If instead you try to educate people and convince them to your point you are doing them some good. Whenever i think of this i think of the novel 1984 and V for Vendetta. I recommend both. Now for censorship! I generally really dislike censorship, and even more so i hate being censored (****ing otakuboards! jk). But i do think it has its place. ...but that place is quite small. Instead of censorship i believe warning would be more effective. Just like ESRB warnings on video games and on tv and in movies. I like this system. It gives people that want to stay away from that sort of thing the deserved opportunity to. I don't consider this censorsihp as Rachmaninoff seems to. Censorship, to me, is the altering of art, literature, whatever on some grounds, be them moral, political, or anything. ESRB does not change anything in the movie or video game, only warn of it, which is perfectly acceptable to me. Haha, or in some cases preferable. As i recall the parental advisory warning sticker on CDs often times have adverse effects and actually end up increasing sells. ;D I actually really would prefer OB not to be censored. I understand quite well why it is not - because of the younger audience - i just wish it wasn't so. Do what the ESRB did, OB, slap a sticker on the front of the site for parents to look at for their kids. I don't mind you guys censoring us if it gets out of hand. But i really do think most of us can use it responsibly. After all, we can be mean to each other with or without the use of cuss words. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Heaven's Cloud'][color=indigo]My horse is higher than your horse is, so you are going to have a horrible time trying to kick me off. First, if you reread the part of my post that you quoted you?ll notice that I never once generalized people with addictions as horrible folks. I specifically stated that if you have an addiction (to drugs or alcohol) [b]and start a family[/b] or start a family and then [b]become an addict[/b] you are a horrible person. You can write that these people are just weak willed saps that landed in a bad circumstance, but I think that is a load of bull. If your well being dictates the well being of your sons and/or daughters then it is your responsibility to avoid those vices which lead to addiction. If you don?t, to quote my shameful vice LC, ?you are a sucky person?. Also, if you have made it through elementary school in the United States or have watched a healthy dose of Saturday morning cartoons, you are not ignorant to the ill effects of drugs and alcohol. Therefore, I don?t have to hold the ignorant responsible. Being ignorant implies that they have no knowledge of the ill effects of drugs or alcohol. People that become addicted to a particular drug usually know the risks, they just chose to ignore applying said risks to themselves. That makes them stupid, not ignorant. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm sure your horse is very [B]high[/B]. ;D Yes... i just made a pun. I'm not proud of it, but what's done is done. I actually did notice that as i read it. I don't recall why i didn't make that more clear back when i wrote it, i guess i didn't figure it important, or perhaps i figured you thought those who get addicted as horrible people as well. So then, to be straight, you believe people who are addicted to a drug and start or have started a family are horrible people? Ok, i agree with half of the argument there (more like a quarter). The people who are already addicted, realize it, and still decide to start a family are horrible people. Anybody that would willfully start a family knowing full and well that their addiction will hurt those people that love him/her are horrible people so long as they don't try to get over it. But the ones that start a family without an addiction and then get one are not necessarily horrible people. I think this because i also think that people make mistakes. There are people out there that start families and start drinking without the intention of becoming an addict and hurting their family. But it does happen. And those people that do not intend to hurt their families through their addiction are not horrible people... stupid naive ones, perhaps, but not horrible. Though, if they continue with their addiction and don't get help, they are horrible. For me, when i judge a person (not blame) on his morals, it comes down to intent. It is the intentions behind the actions and not the actions themselves that matter when it comes to judging upon morals. Someone who means well but still makes bad choices and screw up are not horrible people... just dumb. My point really in starting all this with you is to point this out. I still maintain that not everybody fully understands the dangers of addiction. I don't think anybody can fully understand it without actually being the one to experience it themselves. Nobody can really understand how many drinks it will be before they can't control themselves. Nobody can fully understand how dependent they'll become to these substances. There's no amount of second hand knowledge that can ever truly reveal what addiction is like. But people certainly can learn a lot. Have you ever heard of drug dealers giving drugs to first timers for free because they know that once is all it takes for a person to get addicted to some drugs? I'm not sure which drugs... i'm thinking crack, but that's besides the point. Do you think those people that accepted the free drugs all knew that it would only take one time for them to become addicts? Have your saturday morning cartoons and elementary school classes ever warned you against those drugs and drug dealers? My point is not everybody out there knows all the facts behind addiction. Not all of us realize how little it can take. I personally even think it's counter-intuitive to think that my body will become hoplessly dependent upon a substance after consuming it x number of times. Luckily i do know that it is possible. Sorry if my argument's a bit scattered or incomplete, i'm a bit tired. Plus i don't feel like going back and refining it. =D Ah, and welcome back person that i recognize from a few posts in the archives i've looked at. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Heaven's Cloud'][color=indigo] And while I am ranting, I am sick of people using the ?but it ruins families? argument. Drugs and alcohol don?t ruin families. Horrible people ruin families. If you are a crack head, a heroin addict, or a drunk and you start a family and you still let that addiction rule your life you are a horrible person. If you have a family and you pick up one of those said addictions you are a horrible person. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You scold this poor kid for making an oversimplification on the marijuana matter and continue to make one for yourself. I don't know where all the prejudice and hate is coming from in this paragraph, but it's quite obvious. Perhaps it's justified, but at the same time it's not really fair. Don't get me wrong, people that let alcohol or any other substance mess up their lives have obviously made huge mistakes, but it's not fair to classify them as horrible people. Addiction is a powerful thing. Worst of all is how suddenly it can appear, without any warning signs. There are people that have genetic predispositions to addiction that don't even know it. Having a few drinks with friends from time to time can quickly lead some people down the road of addiction. It's quite horrible. And it takes an unbelievable amount of willpower to break that addiction. And let's face it, people are weak. So don't be so quick to classify everybody that lets their personal lives get away from them because of addiction a "horrible person." Can you hold the ignorant responsible? I actually don't know how i feel on this, it's not a rhetorical question. I'm asking straight out what you think. I doubt many people that get addicted to any substance really know what they're getting themselves into. And on the same note, do you blame a person for his actions or his intentions? Aaaanyways. Besides that last paragraph of your argument i pretty much agree. I'm no history buff and reading all that on prohibition was quite interesting and definitely not something i've considered before in the argument for or against the legalization of marijuana. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I like it because of the post quality. Other boards i've been to have crappy post quality and it's just a waste of time. Why even post something if all your saying is, "omg, lol, i fel teh same!" I'm also complacent. I like the feel and look of OB. The people that post here aren't all morons either. Though.... i do find me some from time to time! ::glare:: Nah, i'm kidding. And there are decent debates from time to time. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Sign Up Name: Kolson (pronounced Cole-son) Rott Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'11'' Normal body type. Short brown hair and a stubble. Kolson wears a dark brown cloak with a hood over his entire body to conceal his self anytime he's not in battle. Underneath he wears a brown leather vest with six throwing knives attached, 3 on his left rib and 3 on his right. Underneath the vest is a dirty white shirt, long-sleeved. He wears brown leather pants. He also carries a sword around his waist that hangs over his left side, a dagger across his back, and a small silenced pistol on his right. Sample: Silence. Kolson stared at the wall, dimly lit red from his alarm clock opposite him, tired. He always had trouble sleeping. Thoughts scattered across the back of his eyelids as they came closing down. They won't let him get the sleep he needs, relentlessly assaulting the peacefulness of his room. Time sliding by as he lays there, shifting about uncomfortably. Seconds feel like minutes to him, unbearably. "Fuck this," he breathed out-loud as he sat up in his bed, frustrated. He sighs, it's only 2:01am. He grabs a bottle of whiskey on his nightstool and takes a big gulp of it, finishing the bottle he bought only two days ago. "I guess it's another night wasted..." He thinks to himself. As he stands up and glares around his messy room, searching for his clothes, he drops the empty bottle to the stained carpet floor. He walks over to the only window in his entire apartment to stare out at the city of Ramsey. The pale yellow street lights illuminate the alleys below. Few were out at these hours, very little activity. Perfect for those that can't sleep. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm glad to say i have not noticed such a trend. That just seems lame to me. You Canadians are silly. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well... i remember there being some scientist around that believed in super doses of vitamin C. Of course, there's no scientific data to support his theory. Though... i do think he lived to a ripe old age. Don't quote me on it though. I doubt getting 2000% of anything is really good for you. Energy drinks aren't good for you anyways. Ridiculous amounts of sugar and a bunch of other bad stuff. I try to stay away from 'em. That said, i do like the green monster energy drinks. They're quite tasty. The diet Amp is also pretty good. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I typically don't like starting these types of threads. They rarely warrant any real good back and forth debate over anything. But i just recently realized i've yet to decide upon anything to get for Christmas. So i figured i'd see what everybody else was getting. So far the only thing i can think of to get is a Zune. My 4th gen iPod just broke on me and i don't really care to get it replaced. It's really outdated. So i was looking at the Zunes today. They look pretty awesome. 80gb for $249, that's pretty good. Plus i love the Zune Originals they have out. It's basically just a Zune with art lasered onto the back, good art too! [URL="https://zuneoriginals.net/BSTSite/Flash/ZuneFlashSite.aspx"]https://zuneoriginals.net/BSTSite/Flash/ZuneFlashSite.aspx[/URL] [IMG]http://www.zune.net/NR/rdonlyres/E7084538-E17B-4924-AEA9-D99673E68492/0/216x180ZuneOriginal.png[/IMG] I'd love to hear what other people have to say about the Zune though. So, what does everybody else want on the J-man's birthday? [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]The Temple returning in Brawl is cool, yeah. But, you know, I've already played it to death. So it's hard for me to get excited about it. Hit and run usually only works well if you're good at evading and your character is faster than your opponent's. (But then, why aren't you comboing them?) Or if you're decently fast and have projectiles. Though against less experienced players you can make them chase you and let their guard down, at which point you can turn around and pwn them when they're not expecting it. People tend to get annoyed when you run from them and become reckless in trying to hit you. I use that run and bait strategy a lot when I'm playing in groups where there's one or two okay players and at least one beginner in the match. I evade the decent players (they're usually after me 'cause I'm usually the best one in the group), only taking opportune shots when they leave themselves open, while I pick off the beginner. Then I turn around and fight full on all of a sudden to KO my pursuers. They never end up getting many KOs because they're always after me and I get KOs off of both them and the beginner.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I actually employed that exact strategy with a girl i played the other day. She was Sheik and i was Jigglypuff. Now... this may seem a bit insulting right off the bat to any experienced player - to choose Jigglypuff against Sheik in a 1v1 - but i already faced her with fox the match before and when i chose Jiggly i somewhat expected her to change and she did not. Anyways, it was really funny. I would walk away at about 60% of full speed and she'd come at me when i would just turn and give her a good forward smash in the face. I swear, i did that same thing about 20 times without exageration that match. She just could not figure out another strategy. But then again... i guess i'd chase Jigglypuff too if i saw it walking away from me. She was a decent player, but i'm a seasoned veteran. I won. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]I'm not beneath you so don't act above me. I'm looking at things in Annie's prospective. It doesn't matter if it's legal or illegal because people are going to do it regardless. There is underage drinking everywhere, teens smoking, doing whatever. It's illegal but does it stop them? Nah. I skate places that say I shouldn't skate there but do I let some sign tell me no? Nah. I'll keep on not smoking illegal substances while other people can continue while on the other side of the spectrum the people who abuse marijuana can keep on keepin' on while I continue to break the law by skating places I shouldn't. Jesus. Start something and everyone jumps down your throat. It's like everyone is deprived. The OB is all uptight and sterile now.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I actually probably am above you. I'm about 6'1''. So beat that, punk. =P I called you a moron because of the way you generalized everyone that smokes pot as "douchebags." That's not any worse or better than what i said to you. People won't do it regardless. There are still those people out there that would like to try it that don't because it's against the law. There are those that don't smoke it nearly as often because it's illegal. So yes, the legality of the substance does have bearing on its use. But it's totally irrelevant. I'm tired of the subject though... And the OB has always been uptight and sterile. You can thank the mods for that. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]Honestly? Legalize it. Who cares? I don't do it, my friends don't do it, the people I find interesting and alright in books don't do it. Only douchebags do marijuana so I guess I'm pointing fingers around here. Seriously. Legalize it. I'll still stay away from it like I have been and it'll just be another thing I can beat the piss out of my children for if they try it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You're a moron. There's nothing else worth saying to you besides that. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think Retribution has pretty much got it figured out. When it comes to a choice of either a lie or the truth i only consider the consequences. There is nothing else that should be considered. If you feel bound by some moral code (possibly one enforced by religion) then you can very easily find yourself in a very difficult position. So be it the truth or a lie i simply choose whichever one has the better outcome. The trick, of course, is being smart enough to see those outcomes. I think anybody out there that always tells the truth (or a lie) because of some moral code is foolish. It's so easy to find yourself in a position where the truth can only do harm. Even with the best of intentions. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Well seeing as neither of us is going to change our opinions on the subject, continually debating it really isn't going to do any good. I feel, as I've said already that when a particular activity threatens the health of many citizens of a country then the government has a right to intervene with a certain level of control, the particular level of which is up to the ministers themselves to decide. You disagree with that, and that's fair enough as we're just having a discussion and not anarchists planning to bring down governments. As for the possibility of a 1984 style world, I think people are smart enough to realise that's happening before we get to that point of government control. Case in point, Hugo Chavez's recent political defeat.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think realistically speaking you're right, we probably won't change our opinions and we probably won't end up in an Orwellian type government as in 1984. But that to me isn't reason enough to stop debating. I like to think that people are still open minded and rational enough to change our opinions when logic dictates. Besides, my goal in debating isn't necessarily to change others opinions as much as it is to strengthen my own. I don't think we'll end up in a 1984 style world either, but it certainly is possible. I think Germany and the rise of Hitler as a similar example and a lesson to be learned. I'm no history major, so i could be mistaken. But Hitler came about in a time of depression in Germany and promised great things in exchange for giving up some personal freedoms. This to me tells me that we may be heading in a direction as we give up more freedoms but it will still take something drastic to put us is in that sort of situation. But, as history shows, something drastic isn't any sort of impossibility. I do think we're smart enough... but take away our food, safety, and economic security then maybe intelligence won't be enough. Holy crap did i get off subject. How did it go from marijuana to Orwell? My bad. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I live in a very small hick-town where very little goes on. So the only local things i attend during Christmas times are the ones i make for myself and my friends. Mainly just hanging out having a good time. This year one of my good friends will be getting Rock Band for the Xbox 360. I'm looking forward to this. So far we have 3 people, myself, my friend, and one of his female friends. She will be on bass, he's on drums, and i'm on guitar. We've been trying to think of a sweet-a punk band name for us, but it's been difficult. If anybody's got some good suggestions i'd love to hear 'em. And of course on Christmas day our family gets together and plays with our new toys, eats, and just enjoy each other. I'm really really looking forward to going home. It's been a stressful semester for me, it's time to relax. I effin' deserve it. =D [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Boo'][size=1]She called you stupid. Pushing your opinion is stupid. You pushed your opinion. She called you stupid. That was as inappropriate as putting your dirty clothing in a washing machine. There are enough members here on OtakuBoards who can be much more inappropriate for you if you want. And seriously, nobody is going to convince another of anything in this thread. Facts are: [list][*]Marijuana is legal in the Netherlands and the Netherlands are cool + if marijuana were legal in the Unites States of America they would never be as cool as the Netherlands = The USA won't be cool regardless of what they do with marijuana. [*]Marijuana stinks. [*]Your mom doesn't want you to smoke marijuana.[/list] All the reasons necessary to stop trying. I'd recommend you to move to the Netherlands to smoke your pot here, but I won't.[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ooo, ok. Thanks for the recap. Haha. I was saying i didn't appreciate it. Certainly she has the right to say it, i just don't like it. Besiiiides, you're [I]stupid[/I]. :smirk:;) And we've (USA, USA!) been trying to be cool ever since the whole war thingy... ya know, the one with Britain back in the day. =P [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Perhaps when you admit that you contradict yourself on a regular basis, I'll consider it. Until then, there's nothing to apologize for since your stance changes even more than the weather as to what you are saying or actually said. :animesigh[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, even though i'd typically disagree with your opinion of my constant contradictions, i do see why you'd think that. I don't exactly contradict myself, but my opinions do often grow as a result of debating. I really don't think my contradictory personality should have anything to do with the way you reacted. I still feel it was extremely innapropriate. I mean.... really though. Is it your habit to call people names and ridicule so openly for expressing an opinion? Even one that's pushed and that you feel strongly against? Please don't say that you do, i don't want to lose my respect for you. I don't really care if you apologize so much, to demand one is a dick move. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Gavin'] [size=1]Personally though, I see it as the government?s duty to do all it can to protect the welfare of it?s citizens, something which we agree on, but apparently disagree to the extent of which a government should go in order to do so. I accept that you believe that as long as it is only the personal safety of the person involved, then there is no need for strict government intervention, but honestly when it?s the personal safety of potentially tens of thousands of people I think it does fall into the government?s authority. I don?t know if I?d say I?m ?alright? with the government making decisions for me, I simply accept that they can and there really isn?t anything I can do to stop them doing so.[/size] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]How much control a person should have and a government should have when it comes to safety is a fairly tricky game to play. It's quite complex and to claim you're either for or against the government having control is a false dichotomy. You're basically arguing that if a lot of people are in harm of a substance from a personal choice that the government should intervene. I, like Retribution, have to disagree with you here. I believe very strongly that people should be able to make the decisions for themselves. It's part of having freedom, the choice to do good or bad. The smart people make the smart choices and the dumb make the dumb ones. And through natural selection and the spreading of good information we can grow as a species. Controlling us does nothing to help us. I can't help but to compare people who deal with too much government control to house cats spoiled by the security of the house. When they face the real world they both suffer. Neither grow for the better. One could argue that if you're going to make marijuana illegal because of how harmful it is that you'd also ban fatty foods. But, i won't do that now. Not really any need to. I keep thinking to the book of 1984. There government wasn't formed over night, it was a long and slow process. I can't help but think that maybe we're going down the wrong path. I hope to god we aren't. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] I was calling you stupid for continuing to push that without the other disclaimers that you added this time around. Not for having an opinion. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]My opinion was that people should try it. And you called me stupid for it. You could apologize, i think it would be appropriate, but really it's your call. I was man enough to recognize and admit that i failed to realize that some people at OB were young and impressionable and could potentially take my advice without using the ol' noggin'. That's why i added the disclaimer. Perhaps you should go back and reread your post claiming how stupid and idiotic i was. It was very threatening and offensive. In reality you were the one making the presumption that i was suggesting people go out and try marijuana illegally. I only made the suggestion to try it, i made no implication whatsoever about the means of which one should try it. There's no denying this point. Certainly marijuana is illegal in a lot of places, but can i be held accountable for that? Really i think the bottom line is regardless of what your opinion was of me and my opinion it was totally uncalled for you to call me both stupid and idiotic the way you did. It was rude and i wouldn't ever do something like that to a fellow OBer. And i especially expect more from an actual moderator. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] That?s the whole point, you don?t know where someone lives and the use of Marijuana is illegal in quite a few countries so really, common sense would have been to lay off the insistence to give it a try for the experience. You kept coming back and insisting on that and calling us squares instead of seeing that others were simply saying, hey, don?t recommend something that is illegal, you even at one point said you weren?t recommending it illegally. But really if it is illegal? then you can?t suggest it and that means it?s somehow legal. Surely you can see the contradiction there. If it?s illegal, there is no way I can try it legally. XP Not that I want to anyway.[/COLOR][/FONT] [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]This logic is rubbage. I don't know where someone lives so i should restrict my comment when it has absolutely no bearing on where a person lives? I suppose if i suggest people to play with pandas i should hold my tongue because not everybody lives in Asia? Now, i do hope you see the sarcasm in there because i'm quite certain you did not when i called everybody squares. When i said that i was just joking around, i was teasing. I meant no ill will towards it. I can understand you getting on my case if i suggested doing something that's illegal everywhere, like murder, but marijuana is far from it. It's legal in plenty of countries, and really, it's only a misdemeanor so long as you're not carrying a ton of the stuff. It's also legal for medicinal use. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]>_> um yeah, no comment there, that speaks volumes about how you work when it comes to debating. That statement certainly explains a lot. [/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I was actually being extremely sarcastic when i made that comment. I'll try to make it more obvious next time around. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Don't be stupid. You can't tell someone to only use it without it being illegal if they live in a country like the US were it [B]actually is illegal.[/B] Keep your stupid recommendations about using it to yourself. That's the point, telling someone to try it is encouraging them to do something[B] ILLEGAL[/B]. And OtakuBoards is [B]not[/B] the place for that, period. Don't continue to be such an idiot with your presumptions that one has to have tried something before they can disagree with it. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Shoot, you didn't have to go and be so mean about it. =( That kinda hurt my feelings. It bothers me that i'm not allowed to have this opinion here. ::scratches head:: I recommended people try things before they judge them, and i also recommended them to try marijuana specifically. Now, yes, i do realize it's illegal in the US and people shouldn't do illegal things (or that's my official statement, anyways). But c'mon! If i'm late for class, i'll speed. If i'm pissed at a guy for threatening my family i'll beat the pulp out of 'im. Things are illegal for reasons, and if you can do something without messing those "reasons" up then i say go for it (this is an opinion, not a suggestion). But i'm not here to argue that. And you can disagree all you want with it. But be civil! Don't call me stupid for having an opinion. That [B]is [/B]stupid. Another thing, how the heck am i supposed to know where somebody lives? I'm pretty sure there are a good amount of international OBers here. And shoot, if somebody's dumb enough to listen to me and do something illegal then it's their own fault if they get caught. Use your brain, kids. I actually didn't ever say that you have to try something to be against it. Or at least i don't think i did. ...::shrug:: I can't be held accountable for what i say! Haha. But let me clarify. I think that you shouldn't have a finite opinion on something when you don't have all the facts. There's information gained from experiencing something first hand that no amount of second hand information can ever give you. Marijuana is a good example of this actually. But don't get me wrong, i realize people will have opinions with less than all the facts, and that's fine! I have plenty of opinions that are based on less than the optimal amount of information. And when given the chance i will try to learn more to further refine my opinion. This is why i suggest those that have not tried marijuana to try it. I won't restrict it to marijuana either. But at the same time, i don't condone doing anything illegal. Yes, i can do that. It's called a disclaimer. =D After reading James's post i feel somewhat bad for suggesting the use of marijuana. I typically forget we've got such a young audience here at OB (until i read some posts). So, kids, don't do illegal things. It's...uh, illegal. There are very serious consequences. But, most important, use your better judgment. To Rachmaninoff... uh, i don't actually see anything worth replying to in your post beyond this. Don't take that as an insult, i don't mean it that way. I just mean that if there was anything i already addressed it with my response to Aaryanna. And, Odin, first hand experience trumps second and third hand any day. In science when an experiment is carried out the data is observed and written down. Everyone is very capable of reading what the scientists involved in the experiment wrote down, and that's fine. But then they carry out the experiments for themselves. Then they do it again and again. Then college students come to chem 101 and carry them out, then high school students and anybody interested in science do as well. This is because first hand experience is invaluable. I take that same stance on a lot of things, marijuana (and other illegal drugs) are some of those things. So how's my argument stand up now? Another thing, care to back up your claims with some [B]relevant [/B]research? And finally i just want to state again for the young and impressionable. Doing illegal things is illegal. And if you get caught...then you'll probably be in a good amount of trouble. So, be smart. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]There's a difference between discussing the negative and positive effects of the drug and telling people they should go and 'try' it. Regardless of what anyone thinks it's illegal and encouraging others to 'try' it once, is really not appropriate here at all. It is not important to try things before having an opinion on them or making a claim. So lets drop the you should try it bit since pushing for others to try illegal drugs isn't what this discussion is about. OtakuBoards is [B]not[/B] a place for encouraging people to check out illegal drugs just so they can have an opinion on them. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I don't appreciate the lecture. Keep it to yourself next time. Also, you're mistaken. I'm not encouraging people use marijuana illegally, only use it. Go fly to Amsterdam if you're so concerned with the law. Don't make presumptions on my statements and continue to scold me for them. Once again, Y'all a bunch a squares. Ooo, i'm mean. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Now that i think about it there's a movie coming out soon that's about this crazy guy that kills people on the internet. What he does is connect the hit counter of the website airing the live killing and torturing of the poor victim to some sort of device that increases the amount of pain that the victim feels until his/her death. I imagine you'd be quite interested in this. =D I did not realize you were a girl, Konata. That's extremely disturbing to me as i still see women as being very pure and innocent. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Haha, i'm just kidding. It's good that you can be so frank with yourself though. I think most people tend to deny their curiosity with torture and death whereas you embrace it. But maybe we deny it for good reason? I'm also glad you don't get sexual gratification from watching that sort of stuff....cuz then i'd probably be too afraid to talk to you. I'm a good lookin' guy and would rather not be harmed for your sexual pleasure! o__0 ;D [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Sandy']The13thMan apparently has a successful career as a drug dealer. "Just try it once, you'll like it. It's not as dangerous as they claim..." That's what they all say. ;P I have to add that when something is illegal, it's not that simple to just go and try it. Well, maybe not in my country, luckily... You'd have to mess with a ruthless business to get it here, which in my opinion is only positive in that it keeps most kids away from the stuff. Even if the gate theory wouldn't work in reality, there's always a good chance that the guy who sells you the stuff will start urging you to try some harder drugs. And that's really not the path anyone wants to walk...[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Y'all a bunch a squares. =P I live in the US of A. Where do you live? There are plenty of college kids walking around selling pot. There are plenty of perfectly cool people around that sell marijuana. They might suggest you try a drop of acid or some other harder drug (maybe), but there's really no problem with saying no. They don't care. They just want your money. I don't know what experience you have with drug dealers, but i'd say marijuana dealers are usually pretty relaxed. And perhaps there's a reason "we" all say that. Though i do appreciate you grouping me with a negative stereotype. That's very generous of you. I hope you just as equally appreciate my sarcasm. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Oh, [I]that[/I] makes sense. Perhaps I should try self-injury as well. Never done that before. The steak analogy holds no water. However, since I like steak, I'll shift to eggplant. :p I know the purpose of eggplant: it is to provide nutrition. I also know the purpose of marijuana: it is to mellow one out, so to speak. I need neither item to accomplish either task, since I have other means of mellowing and/or "nutritioning" at my disposal. Actually, I think eggplant should be declared illegal. It alters the sense of taste in ways I don't care to experience. Works for marijuana....[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I find this absolutely hilarious. You complain that my analogy of steak to marijuana is a false analogy by stating another false analogy - the self-injury analogy. Touche! Now now, i do realize you were being quite sarcastic here, but perhaps i was as well to a smaller degree with the steak analogy? I believe i was. Oh my! The steak analogy isn't so bad. Both steak and marijuana can have positive and negative consequences. Whereas self-injury is much more negative than positive. Anyways, thanks for missing my point. =D As for the eggplant dealy... i'm going to go ahead and guess you've never tried marijuana either. It's just a guess though. And an irrelevant one at that! I second the illegalization of eggplant. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']There we go, lets do something illegal just so we can say we tried it once! Big difference between steak and drugs, there's just no comparison. There are plenty of things that don't require one to actually 'try' it in order to be against it. Like Allamorph mentioned, I'm not about to try self-injury just to justify saying I'm against it. XP[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Way to diss one false analogy and use another equally (actually, in my opinion, more false) false analogy. My point wasn't to do something illegal just so we can say we tried it. Nowhere did i even imply it. I was looking at it more scientifically and experience-oriented. I think it's important to try things before you go making claims about them. You claimed that you would never be interested in doing marijuana when you have no idea what it would be like. This, to me, is foolish. The self-injury analogy breaks down here. With self-injury the end result is to be injured, which all of us have been before. Therefore we have both experienced the end result of self-injury. Whereas with marijuana only one of us has experienced the end result. I won't say who. =o Of course... that may be a false presumption on my part. Let me ask this question, have you ever been high? If so then i take back what i said. And i do mean this sincerely. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']And for some people that kind of fun appeals about as much as the idea of going to the dentist and having a tooth pulled without any painkiller. Some of us don't want drunken fun or being high fun. Besides there are activities that are relaxing and fun and yet don't involve getting wasted or high. lol[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]In my opinion, those "some people" are arrogant to assume that sort of fun does not appeal to them when they have little to no idea what that fun is like. If those people do know what being high or getting drunk is like and decide it's not for them then there is no arrogance to be observed. I say that purely to clarify. I've tried both and have realized that they're only good on occasion. I would never want to get high or drunk regularly. Once every few weeks is plenty for me. Surely there are activities that are both relaxing and fun that don't involve getting drunk or high... but you don't get drunk or high! That's sorta the whole point here. I'm surprised you missed that... =/ [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']You can try new things without ever touching something like drugs or alcohol. There's so many experiences out there to be had so one hardly needs pot for that. I think it goes without saying that I can 'live a little' without ever doing drugs. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You're absolutely right here. If you don't want to get high or drunk then i commend you for staying above the influence. It really is great for you. But i'm just going to say, from a person that has tried those things, go ahead and give it a shot at least once. It's worth the experience. And afterwards you can go and do your other super fun activities that don't involve getting high or drunk. But at least you will have the experience for later use. =D _____________________________ Shoot... i just went back and read your first post on this subject. I missed it the first time through. I can see now why you wouldn't be interested in trying it. Now, that's not to say my points are now invalid, they're still quite valid with the premises i were aware of at the time of writing them. I still think you should try it. But given your previous experience with your friends and pot i would say just try it once. Try it to understand better what was going on. Don't try it a second time because of your experience with your friends. Believe me, one time won't get you hooked. Especially with all of the negative experience you've had with your friends. That said, i've had negative experience with friends and family abusing drugs too. This is why i see it as such a huge responsibility when i partake in such forms of...intoxication. I do not under any circumstances go driving while drunk or high. I don't do a lot of things. I make sure somebody knows what i'm doing and to have my back while i'm doing it. I make sure not to get too high or too drunk. Basically, i do everything in my power not to abuse these drugs. This is what i recommend to anyone who's interested. Well... i wrote a lot and now i'm sleepy. Gooooodnight. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh my, Konata... those spoilers are there for good reason. You must be either brave or proud to admit those things openly the way you just did. I must say, it is a bit disturbing. You're one sick individual. =P (I say that jokingly) Actually.... have you ever heard of this one dude who [SPOILER]looked for somebody on the internet to murder and cannibalize? The guy found some other guy, they both got liquored up and ate the dude's penis.[/SPOILER] I think the man was later arrested. I don't know any names or specific details, i only heard about this in passing a while back. Anyways... i'd say i don't have any real philias. I do constantly listen to music, and i really enjoy anything pleasing in any sense...sex, candy, sex and candy....::shrug:: Though i would say i have a pretty strong fear of death. I had, or at least i thought i had at the time, a near death experience a while back. I realized how utterly frightened i was of death. I don't have a belief or disbelief in god or the afterlife. I don't know whether heaven or hell exists, i don't know if i'll go to one or the other, i don't know if i'll just die and be done with it. I was also really very afraid of how everybody that loved me would react to my death. I didn't want to cause them any pain. Plus, i'm young, i want to live! So yeah... i'm afraid of death. You could say i'm deathly afraid of death. LOL, OMGROFL! ...=P [/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Don't be silly. I simply have no intention of attempting to make it legal or supporting the fight for it. If it happens fine, if it doesn't fine. I think it shouldn't be legal, and that is personal opinion only, I'm not out there actively trying to stop the efforts either. One thing I do know is I sure as hell am not going to go out and try it. :rolleyes: Responsible or not, I have no interest in it, or smoking or drinking either. I don't need to be high or wasted to have fun. lol[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Haha. You're no fun, man. I can totally understand you being against the use of it if you at least tried it once. It's like saying steak sucks without ever trying it and only seeing people moaning about how stuffed they are from their big fat steak dinners. Try it before you diss it. Nobody needs to be intoxicated to any level to have fun, unless of course you're hooked on the stuff and are literally going through withdrawal without it. But it doesn't mean it isn't fun. It's also a different type of fun. You can't have drunken fun without drinking alcohol. You can't have a high time without some pot. And even smoking can give you that nice cool relaxing buzz that no other activity can. Not even Monopoly or Battleships! =D Anyways, i'm not here to argue your opinion on the legalization of pot (in this post), i'm just trying to get ya to live a little. And you gotta try new things from time to time to do that. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I read the majority of the posts and haven't really heard much logic on either side of the argument. Some of you are saying that since alcohol and tobacco are so bad that marijuana should be legalized because it's just as bad. This is faulty logic. It's like saying two wrongs make a right. A lot of people here seem to have bad experience with marijuana. Probably a friend or something that's abused the drug. I personally think most anything can be abused and have a negative light put on it. Food is a great example. Obesity in this nation is... well, obese. It's gotten quite ridiculous. But that's totally irrelevant. My point here is that the potential for abuse should be measured and taken into account. I have very little experience with marijuana so i really can't say anything beyond that. I personally think it should be made legal, at least in an attempt to better understand what would happen. So many of the arguments for and against the legalization of it can't be seen until we observe the effects of both legalizing and illegalizing it. And since we already know what it'd be like if it were illegal i think we should give legalizing it a chance. It's a little like prohibition. We saw what it was like to have it both legal and illegal here and found out quickly which was worse. Since then i doubt we'll ever illegalize alcohol again. I think you anti-pot'rs oughta go out and smoke some. It's actually quite enjoyable when done so responsibly, just like drinking and (probably to a smaller degree) smoking. Go get some friends together and watch a movie and each some junk food. It'll be fun, trust me. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]