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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]As ironic as this might be i started watching anime through peer pressure. My friends would always talk about DBZ and i wouldn't be included because i didn't watch it. So because of it i started to watch it and was introduced to my frist anime, probably back in like 6th grade. And from there it took off. I think next i watched pokemon. Then i watched trigun, cowboy bebop, and a bunch of others. Now i'm a huge anime fan without enough time or coordination to watch any regularly unless i torrent the hell out of some. I feel a bit anime deprived right now since i'm not watching any right now. My last anime was Eureka Seven last year and i didn't even see all of those.. =( Somebody recommend me some totally awesome anime, plz. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I sometimes have trouble finding a reason to keep on trying. Things often times seem pointless... or shallow at best. Why do we do what we do? Usually the answer to this question isn't anything deep at all. Why do i brush my teeth? So i don't get cavities. Why do i go to school? To get a cushy job and make money. Why do i eat? I'm hungry, darn it! Of course, for many people (i imagine), this isn't enough. There has to be some greater goal in mind. Something that has some meaning. When i was young and believed in Santa (and God) i stayed motivated by the promise of gifts on Christmas. Now, what greater goal am i trying to achieve? I don't know. Most of the time i simply convince myself that the immediate goal is enough. So, my question is simply how you feel on the matter. Do you have some great goal that you're always trying to achieve? Are you drifting along lifeless without motivation? Does something like this even matter to you? Or are the immediate rewards sufficient? Personally, i'm usually fine with things. I work for secular rewards and this is usually just dandy. But every now and then i get a little down when i realize i can't imagine any reason greater than that. I guess most things i do come down to the desires to make money and have sex. There's also the L word that comes to play sometimes, but that's only on occasion. I go to college to get a nice job and make money. I brush my teeth because i know yellow teeth are unnatractive. I work out to lose weight and become more attractive. There are other motivators out there though. Sometimes i learn for the sake of learning. I read for the sake of knowledge. I argue to gain understanding. I be nice for the sake of good morals. It changes from day to day, task to task. All in all, i'm content. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I would have a ceiling made of diamonds... and then sell it for billions. SUPER SCORE! My second choice would be a giant tv like thing that had magical powers and can change instantly to anything i want. It could show tv, spy on my neighbors, emulate the night sky, watch super pr0n (sorry Boo), turn into some sort of upside down trampoline/gravity reverser, anything. =D That'd be big pimpin'. Within the realm of reality i'd honestly do what my sister did. She put a lot of random stuff on it, posters, band pics, drawings from friends, pictures, random figurines.... a purple backpack. It's totally crowded, and fairly cool. Her walls are similar. When i walk in her room i kinda just stand in the middle and look around. It's quite "neat." [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I have absolutely no idea. I do know that being in 160,000 dollars worth of debt is suicide worthy. I highly recommend consulting a guidance counselor at your school. I'd also recommend talking to some staff at the expensive school and visit it. Feel it out. And ****! Find yo self some scholarships if you do decide to go there. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It'd be great if you could give us a link to an in-depth article or something of the sort. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even know who this person is. All i can tell is from what you said. Why would you want to eat a dolphin? They're so cute! Plus they're the only other species besides humans that has sex for pleasure... and there ain't nuthin' cute about that. ;D Honestly though, link it up, brudda. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]10 miles wide, one inch deep (You get boosted an extra 9 miles, congratulations). Your opinion is best applied to mainstream rap, and according to most people 'in the know' and who are 'crazy cool to the max' mainstream music usually consists of what is marketable to the broadest audience possible. The independent, underground rappers that exist in the United States and the United Kingdom (primarily) rap on a wide variety of issues that touch political, religious, socioeconomic, and philosophical topics. Rap music is a very broad field of sounds and messages. What is popular is unfortunate, but it is simply popular. So asterisk yourself and make the necessary addition of "mainstream" before "rap". [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I get yo point (hah, i'm already talkin' ghetto), but i was just repeating what i heard from the other rap artist, so i don't really need to add the little asterisk. As for my own opinion that preceded his, sure i'll throw in the asterisk there, slightly modified. I don't know that there is or isn't good rap out there today but do find it hard to believe there's nobody out there doing it right. So, i should say, to my experience all rap is crap, especially today's. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, it's never good to judge people based on appearance, including what group they may be a part of. But, in my book, it's perfectly fine to judge the group, or rather, the steretype of the group. Of all the groups i dislike most the rappers and the idiots. So, once again, i don't like black people and blonde chicks. No, i'm kidding, haha! o_0 Rap today is complete trash. I was listening to a rap artist the other day talking about how the rap of today is complete trash and how the rap of yesterday was real stuff. It had a message, it wasn't just derogatory bullshet about women, sex, and drugs. His basic theory was that the old school rappers didn't hold the new ones accountable for what their messages. So, to sum up (or rap up), rap is crap. And of course i hate stupid people. Uhm... it doesn't matter what group you're a part of, if you have a perfectly capable brain and just decide not to use it i'll generally look down on you. I'd say i was probably part of the geek sort of group. We played video games, magic, super smash bros.. We liked comics, comic movies, and all o' that jazz. And at the same time i was part of the band geek clique as well. I also talked to some goth kids, and even some jocks. So yeah, i mingled. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"] if a guy is pretty good looking, that can and does lead to other thoughts as well as actions if we get along well enough. I most definitely like the guys. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Feel free to further describe these "actions." =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I've got a new one that you chubsters out there might like. Recent studies suggest that overweight people actually have the longest life expectancies among the groups: underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese. By overweight the study means people who would have around 10-20 pounds extra weight from the "norm." I think this is measured using the body mass index. Now, this in no way is definitive data, there's still lots of testing to do and interpretations to be made. But there is definitely something going on here. It's interesting. And seeing as i'm right in that overweight group i'd just like to say to everybody else... SUCK IT BETCHES! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I most certainly am a heterosexual. But i'm in no way a manly man. I don't have a problem acknowledging that i think another man is attractive, outloud or to myself. The reason i know that it's just an appreciation and not an attraction is because i could never see myself doing anything even remotely sexual with any man ever. That grosses me out. I only like one cock, and that's my own. Feel free to quote me on that one. I've never really been in any awkward situations because of sexual orientation. If someone calls me gay i kinda just reply unexpectedly with a nod and a sexual advance. Then the guy freaks and i laugh. It's all in good fun. Of course, when the serious question arises of my sexual orientation i always give a straight answer... pun intended. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, buddy, i'd first like to say that it is absolutely grueling reading your posts. There are way too many grammar and spelling errors in it, so much so that it affects the meaning of your message. I highly recommend you either do some proofreading or write your post in a word editing program like Microsoft Word. I recommend both for you. Don't take offense to this, though, i'm just trying to help. Now, i don't have the greatest understanding of the situation, so i'll comment to my understanding of it. It seems to me that you have a rather high opinion of yourself. I don't personally know if this is justified or not. But i would say that you should definitely make sure that you put a lot of thought into your actions when dealing in such emotional matters. Not everybody has the same ideals and morals as you, you must remember to respect that. I believe you said that your brother is dating a woman who is cheating on him. And then your brother had sex with another girl to get even somehow? I guess this means he knows his girlfriend is cheating on him? If this is so, then i totally disagree with the logic there. I don't see how that makes the situation even. But if he thinks it's so then i (and you) have no right to intervene. Uhm...if your brother doesn't know that his gf is cheating on him then i think you should confront his gf first. Talk to her and tell her that she needs to tell him what she's doing otherwise you will. I do think either way he should be alerted of it. I just think it would be better if the gf is the one to do it, and not you. It'd probably be embarrassing to your brother when he finds out other people knew about it when he didn't. Anyways, i hope my advice helps, and uh... welcome to OB. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']This from someone who has never met any of my friends. Nice.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Wanna bet money on it? =D Jeeze Odin, for a million you'd do anything besides the illegal and marriage? How about... have sex with a pig in antartica while naked and....no protection. Would you do that for a million? I don't think that's illegal... but if it is then change antartica to wherever it wouldn't be illegal. Would you eat a years supply of laxatives after stapling your butt hole shut? ...I'm kinda messed up. BUT WOULD YOU!? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Anyway, some of the discussions I've had produced the declaration that one would perhaps be willing to sell their body but unwilling to harm someone else or commit murder. Or the statement that nothing could entice them to go against their moral code or do something that they are normally opposed to. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ahahaha, yeah right. I'm sure there's a lot i'd do for a ton of money. I think i draw the line at anything that would have a strong and lasting effect on me. That includes lasting psychological damage, AIDS, losing a limb, losing someone else's limb, an STD, etc. Oh... and i wouldn't do nasty stuff. I couldn't drink a cup of spit... or whatever other bodily fluid. I wouldn't murder someone i loved. I couldn't kill a billion puppies.... or maybe i could. Watch out, puppies, i'm comin' for ya. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]While it is a little Hollywood to think that every advanced sentient species outside our planet are going to do an Independence Day on us, I don't think that advancing technology will have any effect on a species morally. Hell morals are an entirely human contrived thing, so applying them to anything else is a complete waste of time. I think in the future we're going to have a sort of Star Wars situation, where sure we can travel between stars, but we're still in pretty much the same place morally.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I disagree, i don't think morals are purely human. I think any creature that has evolved rational and logical thought will also have to develop morals alongside. I wouldn't expect them to develop exactly the same as us, though, i would expect them to have a few of the basic principles. Mainly i'm talking about the philosophy of ethics. Now, i'm not a philosopher, and i don't have any grand understanding of ethics philosophy, but to my knowledge it's basically stating firstly that as a rational being we (and they) value our own lives. Then next we see that by taking another's life we are endangering our own. This is true because if everybody's taking other people's lives then nobody's is safe. So, as a society, we do not harm others for at least the reason that we value our own lives. I highly doubt any advanced civilization could get around this. Of course, i could be wrong, but these are my thoughts. Haha, Star Wars. I don't have a huge problem with that. I get to be a Jedi though, i called it! Plus, i want to have double wielding abilities and force stasis field. That's wicked sweet. Oh yeah. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]No kick to the balls? Aw... Well, i suppose that's ok. I was kidding anyways. =P In all seriousness it seems to me that you're in a real **** situation here. There's not much you can do to not make you look like a wimp. I think if i were you i'd get pretty real with her. I'd say something like... Ok, beach, quit effing with me, i'm serious, it's not funny, you're making us both look like little dumb sheets. Just be cool about it and back off. I don't want to have to resort to other things, you're my friends gf, and a woman. Yep... that of course was editted for language. If that doesn't work then i really think you're boned. You'll have to resort to either telling or kicking. Or hell, you could just leave. Whatever. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh snap-izzle!!! Deus ex is getting picked on by the captain of the butch girl's team! The dark and twisted goth chicky is jizzin' potatoes in Machina's hair! Cat fight!!! Dude, kick her in the balls. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm not exactly buying some of these "facts" and would like some proof. The rubber, glass, and steal ball thing... i dunno. I guess it depends on the density of the materials. And the guy naming off the moons before they were discovered. Perhaps the moons were named after the book? Who wrote Gulliver's Travels? Anyways... let's see here... fun facts. Rumor has it that Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin. And as he died he was quite proud of his "achievment." This is a rumor, and not at all a fact: The MMR vaccine causes autism. This, on the other hand, is a fact: I'm about "to die." OMG! LOL!! ROFL! STFU!!!1!!1!!one! A recent study suggested that people who describe themselves as moral are often times more immoral than those who do not. Researchers estimate that one human language goes extinct every two weeks. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It always seems that aliens get this bad rap of being these evil super advanced guys that are just out to get rid of us. This seems silly to me. I personally think if a race has evolved to the point of space travel then they probably have evolved in all other places as well, including morally. I don't see any reason to think that these creatures would be violent. If they were then it seems like the probably wouldn't have gotten so advanced, they'd just keep killing each other off. I think it would be much more likely that if we ever do come in contact with an alien species it will be a peaceful one. Especially if they make contact with us. I do think the existence of intelligent beings besides our own would have interesting implications in religion, though. Europa? Thankya. Why would you say they're slim? Is that what NASA is speculating? How is it compared to the earth like planet? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [quote name='Korey']I All we have now is pure speculation, which I believe is the basis of all religion and scientific discovery [/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Religion might be considered pure speculation, but certainly not science. I think the main difference here is religion's pure lack of testable theories. You can't prove or disprove god. You can, on the other hand, prove or disprove gravity... or the existence of nitrogen in our atmosphere... or really anything scientific. You can't consider something to be science unless there is a testable hypothesis. That's why science isn't [I]just [/I]speculation. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Kam']I doubt there's sentient life. Simply because it is better to doubt until information is available than to believe based on nothing.[/quote][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It's not better or worse to doubt one way or another with a lack of evidence. Doubting the existence of sentience on a planet is almost the same as saying you believe there is no life. Instead it's better simply to admit that you don't know one way or the other because of the lack of evidence. It's fine to speculate though. My guess is that there isn't any. But it's just a speculation. I actually heard about this planet over a month ago. It was pretty interesting to hear about back then, but i don't think it's that huge of a discovery. Probability dictates that we'd eventually find an earth like planet, we knew it was coming. Now... if we found life on the planet, that would be a big deal. That would be a huge deal. I don't remember which, but there's speculation that there might be life in one of the moons of Jupiter. Or... i think it was Jupiter... this is just off the top of my head, don't quote me on it. But yeah, the moon's supposed to be a giant ball of ice and some scientists think that if you bore down deep enough you'll hit water, and where there's water there can very easily be life. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Aw... no booze? I guess you'll just have to stick to good ol' fashion crack. It's actually somewhat funny that this thread should appear when it did. I woke up yesterday morning with a soar throat and an underlying sick feeling. Unfortunately i had stuff to do and tests to study for. =/ And today i've got a bunch of class. I also only got like 2 hours of sleep last night. I guess i was stressed out about the test i've got in an hour... Still studying! :animesigh: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Being sick is a real annoyance, isn't it? Back in grade school i used to hope to get sick just so i could stay home from school. Usually my classes weren't worth attending and i had a number of sick days i could use up anyways. But now that i'm attending a university i actually want and need to go to class. So when i end up sick i usually go and spread my good fortune. Hah. Luckily it's only happened once or twice so far, and it took up weekends too (which is a good thing when the counter is considered). I think most everybody has already mentioned anything i might try doing. Really, it depends on how sick you're feeling and in what way. If you're just tired and got a runny nose but still have an apetitie i'd say indulge. Eat soup, bread with butter, all that feel good stuff. I personally love white chocolate, the white chocolate toblerones are pretty damn good. If you're sick to the stomach, then play video games or watch tv by the toilet... Aha! Reading a good book is a great idea too. Oh...maybe you could booze it up. =D Anyways, i hope you feel better. As one of my favorite comedians once said, "I hate it when people say get well soon, eff that, get well now." [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom'] Also, how a parent would be okay with not treating their own child is beyond me. No religion is more important in my opinion. If staying true to my beliefs meant allowing my daughter to die, then I guess those beliefs aren't something I should be supporting in the first place.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It either takes extreme devotion and faith in the religion or some brainwashing... actually, i think it's a little of both. I could never sacrafice someone i love for the sake of anything. Even if it means hurting others, unfortunately. It may be illogical, but that's (in a way) the beauty of it. Of course, i'd be willing to sacrafice myself for one of them, just not sacrafice one of them for myself - that's how i see the choice those parents made. Though, i'm fairly certain they at least thought they were doing what was best. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Jehovah's Witnesses do not. They have contributed a great deal to a growing area of medical science called "bloodless surgery" due to their peculiar take on Biblical commands regarding the consumption and transfusion of blood.[/color][/QUOTE] [quote name='Andrew']Moving on, I had a JW in my first year of college with me and I regularly questioned him on various things to do with the relgion and its ideals. From what I gather, whatever put them in that state (whether it be disease, accident, whatever) is God's doing, and therefore God's will that they should die. So, interfearing with that is like directly defying God or something.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hm... i don't know why there's a difference here. I guess if anything is to be taken from this it is that different Jehovah's Witnesses are different and individual from one another. Apparantly they have different ideas on the matter. So then, i wonder which is the prevailing belief? Is it considered "putting it in God's hand's" or not? [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson] Does it matter if I agree or disagree with their understanding of the Bible? They have an understanding of the Bible that has attracted several million followers worldwide. If they believe they have the truth, then that is what they believe. I'd also like to point out that the entire group of them are rational individuals. The doctrine is ignored by dissenters within the religion, and it is can be either followed or not depending on the JW you are dealing with.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Of course it matters if you agree or disagree with their understanding of the Bible. That's part of the reason we're here discussing it. I asked how you all felt about their belief regarding blood transfusions. How do you feel on the matter? What does it matter how many they've attracted? Yes, the believe they have the truth, but who following any religion doesn't to some extent? I'd hope they're rational. It's just that, in my opinion, a rational person is just a little less rational when they hold irrational beliefs. Not to insult any Jehovah's Witnesses out there. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]It is not put into God's hands. It is perfectly alright for the Doctor to use any methods available other than blood transfusions to prolong the life of the patient. If the only option is a blood transfusion, then Jehovah's Witnesses choose to live in accordance with their understanding of Bible. The secular legality of that is another matter.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Are you saying that you don't believe it is put into God's hands or are you saying the Jehovah's Witnesses don't? Yes of course the docs can do things other than blood transfusions. I don't know if that was or was not the case with the 14 year old girl, i would guess that it wasn't. Would you agree or disagree with their understanding of the Bible? Desertpheonix, i think you have a long way to go with your train of logic where relgion is concerned. In my opinion you've yet to ask the most important questions and have settled where most start. Your post was also very scrambled and unorganized, perhaps you should try to organize your thoughts some. I think the main question you should ask is why you consider yourself a Christian, or what truly makes you a Christian. But i digress. I'd discuss this further but i often get in trouble with the mods for going off on tangents, especially when i challenge one's belief. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I recently read an [URL="http://www.theskepticsguide.org/sgublog/?p=43"]article [/URL](and by recent i mean two minutes ago) about the Jehovah's Witness's [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah%27s_Witnesses_and_blood"]belief that prohibits blood transfusions[/URL]. If you're a Jehovah's Witness in an emergency situation where you need a blood transfusion to stay alive you must (or required to by your religion) not, under any circumstances, go through with it. Instead you're just to die, or perhaps as they put it, put it in God's hands. There was an appeal of this recently in the Manitoba Court of Appeal where a 14 year old girl was forced to have a blood transfusion regardless of her and her parents' wishes not to. [QUOTE]The girl, who was 14 in April, 2006, was in hospital when a Court of Queen?s Bench justice issued an order allowing doctors to give her blood to treat her Crohn?s disease against the wishes of both she and her parents.[/QUOTE] Now this of course brings up the question, how much freedom are we willing to give up for the sake of our own safety? Obviously the odds were good that the girl would have died if she didn't get the transfusion, so who was in the wrong here? Should the bench not have forced the doctors to give her a blood transfusion to save her life or should they have? Where should that line be drawn... or should there even be a line? If there are any Jehovah's Witness out there on the boards i'd like to ask you how you feel about all of this. How do you feel about your (or your churches, as i know some Jehovah's Witness disagree with this specific teaching) beliefs on the matter of blood transfusions? What do you think of the decision made by the Court of Queen's Bench justice? I personally could never see how anybody could let the belief in a personal God affect a life or death decision regarding your own child or loved one. And specifically how anybody could say no to a blood transfusion when scientific evidence supports it so strongly. The child in this situation was a minor, not even legally old enough to make any sort of decision without a parent or legal guardian, and probably not even old enough to make a real educated decision on religion. If you're 14 then chances are you're the religion your parents chose for you. I know when i was 14 i hadn't even started to question the most basic principles and beliefs in my religion (or any other), i just accepted blindly what i was told. The point i'm trying to make is that if you're not old enough to make a decision regarding religion then your parents/legal guardians shouldn't be allowed to make a life or death decision for you based on their religion. How old do you have to be before you're considered old enough to make those sort of decisions? Why, 18 of course! Of course this can differ from person to person, but from a legal standpoint i'm fine with it being 18. That seems to be a good age. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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