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Everything posted by The13thMan

  1. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]While I understand where you're coming from Justin, I have to disagree with you speaking specifically in regard to banning protests at funerals. People deserve to be able to grieve for their dead with dignity, regardless of what they did in life, without having to deal with people camped outside the Church protesting. Yes, even for people who did utterly evil things in life, their family deserve that last goodbye to be private.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'd have to agree with Gavin on this one. I couldn't imagine how furious i would be if someone protested at my dad's funeral, or anybody in my immediate family that i would gladly die for. That said, i don't think it's a good thing to promote violence against these people while at the same time if they did do it at a funeral for someone i loved i would probably take a shotgun and blow them all away. Ok, maybe not that, i wouldn't kill 'em. But i do think i would walk up to 'em casually, maybe even smiling a little for what i knew i was about to do, and just start beating the crap out of them. I know this is slightly hypocritical, but what can i do? Humans are hypocritical by nature because of the way emotion conflicts so easily with logic. So yeah, no violence unless they're protesting at your funeral. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, after reading the news article i have two starting comments i want to make: 1. Oh no! He sued God! and 2. Not Sweden! And now for the serious. Their logic in all of this is so flawed and pathetic that it's a wonder any of them can dress themselves in the morning [B]and [/B]make picketing signs, much less organize a protest. Obviously there isn't any flawed logic in the belief in god (debateable?) but there is just so much in assuming that he hates homosexuals to the point of killing totally innocent soldiers in Iraq. There seems to be virtually no connection. It just doesn't follow. It both angers and saddens me... mostly anger. I'm no law student, but i was under the impression that freedom of speech didn't protect freedom of hate speech. Especially the speech that elicits violence, like the KKK. Now, i don't know where i got this idea or if it's valid. Can someone look it up for me? I'm quite lazy and tired. I'm not a christian, and i've certainly had my differences with christians and their beliefs in the past, but i'm no moron. I know that these guys are complete radicals and (in my opinion) shouldn't even be considered christian. What bothers me is that i know people out there will look at these guys and get a bad idea about the christian religion. By being associated with the church they are representatives of it and in my honest opinion are spitting on some of christianity's most valued ideals. I say we all get together and burn their houses down! Yeah!!! ::riot:: No, that last part was a joke. Unfortunately, i don't think there is a realistic solution to changing these peoples' minds or stopping them from protesting, unless of course this court case bankrupts them and leave's 'em so dirt poor they can't even afford the cardboard and markers to picket. And i don't wish that upon anybody, even these guys. This whole matter is depressing. I wish there was a way to fix it. :bash: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]My roommates, and myself, are all ridiculously messy. We leave crap everywhere. The floor is riddled with crumbs and fallen debris. Our sink is filled with dishes and dirty water that the dishes soak in for whatever reason. The toilet hasn't been cleaned since we moved in. And there are beer cans everywhere, partly for the beer pyramid. There's even blue stuff on the walls! But we do clean every now and then. Almost weekly. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Would i ever want to be a mod? Uh... no effing way. Hahaha. God, i don't know why anybody would ever ask me, it seems i'm usually on the trouble end of moderation. I try often times to get around the censorship around here and i'm always going off topic. 'Tis my nature, i can't help it. I have gotten better though. I even apologize when i start dickin' off, back in the day i would've gave the person a good shove off and left it at that. ****, i'm getting off topic. Let's see... if i did mod i'd probably like to mod the lounge. That's the only place i ever frequent. Haha, unfortunately i'd probably end up manipulating my position and just start letting people get away with all kinds of stuff, so long as i thought it was either justified or funny. I also seem to be an on and off kinda poster. Sometimes i post a bunch in a given week, then i stop for a few and get back on for a few more. I couldn't keep it consistent. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hm... don't forget about the shitter. That needs to stay nice and tidy. Well, last year i had a roommate who both didn't like my music and didn't like loud music where i did. So perhaps some regulation on the noise level. This is something i think you'd have to discuss with them. No reason to keep things quiet when everybody likes it loud, right? I don't know how crime is in your area, but locking doors might be an issue when nobody's around. Windows too if you're on the first floor. That's all i can think of. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I saw me some slutty chicks around the campus while getting some Krystals with a buddy of mine. I think my favorite was super cleavage nurse... or maybe butt-cheeks peter pan. It's a close one, i'll tell ya that much. As for trick or treating, i did get myself a butterfingers from the vending machine! That was a special treat for me! I didn't get drunk and party... it was a Wednesday after all, sheesh. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']That's got nothing to do with this thread though. [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well... i know you started this thread so it really is rather arrogant for me to disagree with you here. But you did say this was a thread about your beliefs and superstitions. Well, one of my beliefs is that Oujia is bogus. At the least you could see how i failed to realize how far off a tangent i was going. Though i did figure i was at least starting to. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] No, very moot. You've missed the point, this is not about arguing in circles over whether or not something can be disproved. You're taking this far more seriously than is necessary and going off on a tangent while you're at it. If you really want to argue the point of proving whether or not a superstition can be disproved or not, then start a thread on it please, instead of insisting on telling someone they are wrong in a thread that isn't about that to begin with.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]There's actually no circles to be seen here. It can be disproven, period. No loop, not even an ellipse! As for the mootness, it can get quite circular there (and even though i have no problem going in circles for the sake of clarity and better understanding) so i won't go on any further there. I'm actually not so much telling the person that he/she's wrong as i am trying to explain an easy way to figure out for yourself if it's right or wrong. My appoligies if i've offended anybody. Oh, and as a side note: Oh no! I'm being modded!!! =0 [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]Kay. You believe that and I'll believe in the fact that it's a bad idea to use Oujia boards at a seance in a haunted place. =) I already know you're not superstitious, so why do you have to attack [b]me[/b] and no one else who's said they believe in things? [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I apologize if i came off as personally attacking you, sincerely i do. I thought i was attacking Oujia boards... perhaps i could've used a saw? Aha! I made a funny! Ok.... Listen, it's my personal opinion that people should not be offended when their beliefs are "attacked." I use quotation marks here because i don't actually believe i was mean or offensive about it at all. I was blunt and honest, but not at all insulting. If i were insulting then i would certainly be a jerk-off. I wasn't attacking you in any way, unless of course you define yourself through your beliefs and i hope that you do not. I certainly don't judge you on your beliefs! =D The reason i started on about the Oujia boards is simply because there's an easy way to disprove it. It's a bit more tricky to disprove ghosts. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff] It's kind of like arguing with a Catholic that there is no God. It's moot; don't be a brat.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]This is a false analogy. Arguing against Oujia boards is nothing like arguing the existence of God to a Catholic. Oujia boards can be disproven (or proven) experimentally, in the manner that i described. There is nothing one can do to prove or disprove the existence of God (Which is why ID is not science, btw). I don't believe it is moot beyond what we already discussed. Of course, you can disprove me by carrying out the experiment and proving positive results. Otherwise, no, very un-moot. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff] don't be a brat.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I know you are, but what am i!? =P [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]13th man - I completely see what you're saying; I should have been more specific. I think doing a [i]seance[/i] with a oujia board, or using one in a place that is *known* to be haunted is a bad idea. And when I say Oujia, I'm not just talking about the parker brothers version (not very creepy anyway), but any form of Oujia (homemade, whatever). >>[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You can still perform the experiment in a seance setting or in a haunted area. Oujia boards are just made to read on subconscious desires of the people involved. I have a problem believing in things that have been thoroughly debunked in science. Don't you think if Oujia boards were legit there would be wider use of them? I know the military would try to channel the spirits to help 'em with the ded gurn terrorists and find that thur Osama! And by the way, what would you consider as being "known" haunted? There's no place proven scientifically to be haunted... or at least that i've heard of. Actually, i was listening to a bit about haunted places today on my weekly podcast. A skeptic went and checked out one of these places that are "known" to be haunted and found absolutely nothing. It seems that those that want to believe believe and those that don't don't. Would that be possible if the place were actually haunted? ::shrug:: I'm not claiming to know how these things work, but i (and others) have gotta ask these questions. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=The Skeptic's Dictionary][U]Ouija board[/U] [I]If there really is an afterlife, I'll bet the best way to contact it is through a plastic, mass-produced board game from Milton Bradley! --Mad Magazine[/I] A Ouija board is commonly used in divination and spiritualism, often by friends out to have some fun. Sometimes users become convinced they've been contacted by the spirit world. The board usually has the letters of the alphabet inscribed on it, along with words such as 'yes,' 'no,' 'good-bye' and 'maybe.' A planchette, a small 3-legged device with a hole in the middle or a pointer of some sort, is manipulated by those using the board. However, users often feel the planchette is moving of its own accord rather than responding to their own unconscious muscle movements (ideomotor action). The users ask a "spirit" a question and the pointer slides until it stops over "yes" or "no" or a letter on the board. Sometimes the selections "spell out" an answer to a question asked. Some users believe that paranormal or supernatural forces are at work in spelling out Ouija board answers. Skeptics believe that those using the board either consciously or unconsciously move the pointer to what is selected. To prove this, simply try it blindfolded for some time, having an innocent bystander take notes on what words or letters are selected. Usually, the results will be unintelligible. The movement of the planchette is not due to spirits but to unconscious movements by those controlling the pointer. The same kind of unconscious movement is at work in such things as dowsing and facilitated communication. [/QUOTE]
  10. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff] As for superstitions, I completely believe in ghosts, think that Oujia boards are a bad idea, and anything else I'm doubtful of/ only marginally superstitious.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]There's actually a very easy way to test the legitimacy of Oujia boards. Put on a blindfold of everybody participating, spin them around some, then spin the Oujia board around some and see what happens. Of course you'll need somebody else to watch that's not participating and is preferably neutral on the Oujia board thing. I guarantee you'll get nothing but giberish. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, i used to go trick or treating and get a giant bag full of candy each year and absolutely loved it. All the candy, going out with my siblings for a night of fun and mischief, throwing up while sleeping and almost choking to death on chewed up bits of candy. It's all good, baby. Unfortunately i don't do that any more. I'm too old for it and i'm in college. Honestly i think i would go trick or treating if i was home right now, i'd love to go along with my brothers. And if somebody looks at me like i'm crazy i'll just bite their heads off and drink their sweet blood. As for superstitions, not only do i not believe in any i actually have a problem with people that do believe in them... Peope think promoting superstition is harmless, and it truly isn't. I won't get into it too deeply here as that's really not the point of this thread. God, i miss my childhood. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I'd either get really drunk, smoke some pot and take a hit or two of acid or i'd **** some chick.... or perhaps i'd spend it with my family and close friends. I dunno. One of those... all if i have the time! =D I would also find a katana sword and recreate that one scene from pulp fiction. You know the one. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Haha! You guys have no idea how much I laughed over the idea of having sex with a robot! *dies laughing* I may be a virgin, but I sure as hell don't intend to eventually do it with something that isn't human. XP Oh so silly! roflmao The thread was at least entertaining to read, I haven't laughed this much in quite a while. Hehehehehe[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]=D Part of the reason i posted this thread was because i knew people would think the idea of it was both funny and absurd. And i'll admit, it is rather funny. ;D I'm going to program a robot that looks and feels exactly like a human to go and hit on you, then when you don't realize its a robot and have sex with it i'm going to jump out of your closet and say, "Ha! He's a robot! Take that!" Then i'll run away laughing histerically. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] I will say this though, and I'm aiming this towards any of you who have yet to have a deep relationship... don't think a robot will be better than something you've never experienced. And yes I know you can argue that until robots are around how would you know? But see, until that actually happens, I think it's pointless to argue that. Fun perhaps, but still lacking in factual basis to build the argument on. Also, there's nothing wrong with stating in advance that you would prefer your own kind. I think that's pretty normal actually. [/QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange] [FONT=Century Gothic]If you're going to state that it's pointless to argue that a robot would be "better" because of a lack of factual evidence then you must say the same about the opposing statement, that is, that robots would be "worse." There is something wrong with stating in advance that you would prefer your own kind. It's a statement out of ignorance. Instead you should just say, well i don't know how i'd feel, i've never experienced a relationship or anything of the sort with a robot. Or you could say that you would think you wouldn't prefer it. I know this is very nitpicky, oh well. I think it's pretty normal to state that though. So i also think it's normal for a normal person to make a statement out of ignorance...perhaps ignorantly? [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] It's not messed up, it's not presumptuous. It's how you feel about the concept of attempting to have a relationship with something that isn't human. It's more presumptuous to assume that robots will better somehow.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Actually, it's no more or less presumptuous. The amount of evidence is the same in both cases, you're only making the opposite statement. And once again, it would be presumptuous. It's not necessarily a bad thing. But it is what it is. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]Why would a robot want to be called human? I imagine that a sentient robot would take pride in being the technological marvel that they are. Calling them human almost seems like an insult. I'm Pro-Choice when it comes to robot sex. As far as I'm concerned people can do whatever they want to a robot as long as it consents (or its' manufacturer does. Hm.) -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hahaha, you is silly. Who the hell would program a robot to not consent? Hm... rapists? If your robot ran out of batteries and you had sex with it would you be considered a necrophiliac? I wander if robots give good head... o_0 Too racy? And what'll be next once we start effin' robots? ...you ever get frisky with a black hole? Giggidy. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, i honestly started out trying to take a decent picture of my room, but i ended up taking pictures of myself playing my guitar. You see... i got this thing about me.... how do i put it? I'm vain. Bwahaha! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Guitar1.jpg[/IMG] I did a little bit of editing on photoshop to make it look cool. And here are a few crappy pictures of my room. This is my messy bed. It has a jacket on it. There also happens to be a pillow. And on the left lower side is my book, The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan! Go read it! [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Picture082.jpg[/IMG] This is my printer, some q-tips, and a small vaccuum cleaner. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Picture099.jpg[/IMG] This is my desk and study area. You might notice a bottle of water, a calculus book, my stereo, a giant vat of hand sanitizer, my calculator, and other assorted objects. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Picture096.jpg[/IMG] This is my Bush vs. Kerry poster i got out of America the book. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Picture087.jpg[/IMG] You can't not have a Jimi Hendrix poster in your room and claim to play the guitar. Dem's da rules. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Picture080.jpg[/IMG] And that's me lugging my laptop and a lamp around to take pictures of my room... ya see, the webcam is connected to my laptop and i don't even have a camera phone. Plus it's about 3 in the morning so there's not a sufficient light source. Plus plus, i'm a complete loser. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/vash331/Picture079.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Define real. After all humans are full of genetic defects. And in the end... they are still people. The very core of what they are is still human, that kind of modification is superficial where the other is talking about being artificial on all levels. [/QUOTE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It's not about defining reality, it's about defining what makes something human or inhuman. What's your definition of a human? What core? What is the core you speak of? If this core is physical then there must be a way to replicate it and manufacture it. And please don't say this core is the soul. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR="Indigo"] Also... You've missed my point, I do not consider them real, it's that simple for me. I am not interested in robots or any other thing that one would consider getting married to. I like people. And I'm not interested in debating the finer points of what may or may not be possible. Because in the end it will be circular, I'll tell you it's [I]theory only[/I] and you'll counter with [I]what if[/I]... and so on. :p[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]They are "real," I think you mean you don't consider them human. I think this statement is a bit presumptuous. You've never met a robot... or a sex-bot! =D How can you know you won't like it? Will you pass or fail the Pepsi challenge? Yes, there are going to be a lot of what if's. And for that reason i think you should at least keep an open mind to the possibility. You can't know you like steak until you try it, right? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, it took me a bit of time to read through it all, but i did! I've got a few things i want to comment on. It seems to me that most of you wouldn't yourself be interested in robots but are totally fine with other people doing it. That's all fine and good, but why aren't you interested? I personally would have to try it before dismissing it as uninteresting to myself. But i suppose that's partly due to my scientific nature. I gotta experiment! =P Somebody said that metal and genital action doesn't sound too appealing. When i think of a robot capable of sex i'm thinking about a robot that looks human, like Chii in Chobits. I guess that would be considered an android, but isn't an android a type of robot? Anywho, i imagine the robot to look and feel exactly like a human. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='Indifference']And you're not taking into account that all of this is still out of the realm of knowing if it actually is possible or not. And your talk of constructing something that looks human proves this out. The materials in such a robot are artificial and man made. It's not human it's simply emulating one. That's my point to begin with. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Actually, i'm fairly sure it is known to be possible. We have robotics, we have materials that can emulate human skin and whatnot. I think it's only a matter of time before we get there. We still have a long way to go, but i do think it's very well within the limits of possibility. And even if it wasn't, it doesn't have any bearing on the argument. And i think when this problem arises in real life there will be a real attempt to define human life. And i'm also sure all of the super religious types out there will state a very arrogant and excluding view on life, just as they have with the whole gay marriage issue. If you look at life in a more objective matter then the line becomes a lot more blurry. If a robot can emulate human life, who's to say it's not "alive?" You can't prove or disprove it or even yourself has a soul. Everybody else seems to prefer real relationships. I think there are a number of benefits from having a relationship with a robot. You don't have to put up with a lot of the crap. You'd never fight with the robot, unless of course that's what you wanted. In many ways the robot would be like the perfect spouse. Great sex and no nagging? Yippy! That said, i would still hope to prefer a real human relationship. Overall i feel that most of the responses were fairly typical. C'mon fellas! Think outside of the box! I'd say more but my thoughts are jumbled and i really have to work out and study... so perhaps later. =D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I was listening to my favorite podcast (The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe) during calculus class today and they started to talk about sexual encounters with the robot kind. Needless to say, i turned down the volume on my iPod to make sure nobody overheard it and started to give me funny looks. They talked about how far away from the present they thought sex-bots were and the moral boundaries involved. And that's the question i thought to myself, "Hey! This would make an interesting topic on some message board!" So, naturally, i came here. Where would you draw the line with robot sex? What do you think about marrying a robot? Is sex with a robot just like masturbating or is it closer to bestiality and the like? What do you think of it morally? Would you ever be interested (don't lie, guys)? Have you ever seen the anime Chobits? What was up with that sexual tension between Chii and Hideki? And whatever other questions you feel like answering. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I think it's about time somebody started a thread asking women the question, "circumcision, yay or nay?" I always sorta figured they prefered it. Though, i never really asked. I just figured it'd be silly for anybody non-jewish to ever get circumcised if the majority of women out there didn't prefer it. I actually had no idea i was circumcised for the longest time. It's not like my parents told me, and there certainly weren't a bunch of dicks lying around for me to compare mine to. But i did eventually figure it out. ...i won't say how. o_0 I don't think it poses any medical advantage.... just aesthetics. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Aethon_Liam']I'm sorry, but then again, I should have been doing class work when I found it. Doesn't that make us the least bit even? At any rate, it is still just pointless waist of time really. I mean, who cares which side of the brain you use? I certainly don't care about anyone but mine, and even then only ever so slightly. If it really bothers you guys, all you have to do is stop looking at it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]It makes us a little even, you still owe me a "jelly" donut.... Actually, i think it's pretty cool. I like how everybody says they don't care and don't think this reveals anything about their brain. All of a sudden everybody's experts on neurology (or whatever the hell the study of the brain is), haha. Still though, the picture is not actually rotating. I think a true left-brainer would look at this and be like... it's not rotating at all. I guess that would make them a middle-brainer? I also think both sides of the brain compliment each other really well. It's not like if you were a left brainer you couldn't be an artist, or if you were a right brainer you couldn't be a mathematician. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]If you remember correctly from the Freakazoid opening theme there's a part where they sing, "Freakazoid, chimpanzee!" Therefore chimpanzee beats Freakazoid. [/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.maddogmedia.com/chimp.gif[/IMG]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I got it to spin both ways. At first it was completely by accident and i thought it was either a fake or i was losing it. Then i thought about it for a moment and realized it was all a matter of perspective. The chick is blacked out so you can't actually see depth. If you saw depth you'd instantly know which way she was spinning. Also, she has pointy nipples, that distracted me for a bit. Aha! It's not spinning any one way. It's not spinning at all strictly speaking, it's a 2-D image, there is no rotation in only two dimensions. You have to add a 3rd for rotation (or for the sort of rotation around the y-axis, it's possible to have rotation in 2 dimensions around the z-axis). It's all a mind trick, but totally legit. After a good amount of effort i was able to control it with some precision. It's all a matter of getting out of focus, convincing yourself it's spinning a certain way, then refocusing. ;D Lastly, you're an arse-whole for showing this to me. I probably spent 20 minutes staring at it where i should've been doing homework or getting much needed sleep. =P [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Ok, i don't know who that was in the picture before me so i decided to go with my trump card - NRA proponent baby. [IMG]http://images.google.com/url?q=http://www.teachkidspeace.org/launch/launch39.jpg&usg=AFQjCNEVv3lDKjK88P0mNRx3I09r7EfvWw[/IMG] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Here's a thought. It's a shame that masturbation is so often frowned upon and even exists in our society. It is society's fault that it exists! If we were more open to promiscuity then there would be no need for masturbation! And the reason we're not open to free "love" is because of religious morals. Therefore religion preaches hate (the opposite of love), ipso facto, god doesn't exist. Bwaha! Ok, that was mostly a joke. I realize there were a number of logical fallacies there, nonsensical hoo-bla, and blah blah blah. But, i think there was a point in there somewhere. And lastly, i say eff abstinence. I'm gonna go yank my turtle neck (jk, i was circumcised). [/FONT][/COLOR]
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