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About NinjaGirlSango

  • Birthday 03/15/1990

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  • Biography
    A college student with a taste for the macabre
  • Occupation
    Martial arts instructor
  • theOtaku User Name

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  1. Kai loves her hat~ [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/v6u51e.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted a Jeep. A doorless one. With enormous wheels. [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/2zpob3k.jpg[/IMG] Unfortunately now my wallet screams no.
  3. It's so ridiculously stupid, disgusting, and occasionally offensive that it's something that I'd be better off watching something with a little more substance (or better yet, sleeping). But some of the stunts are just too damn funny.
  4. (Broomstick is fairly old news) [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="1"]Watching the Jackass movies is my guilty pleasure.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]A little of everything. *a complete car slob* xD Everyday clothes Work clothes Martial Arts uniform Sparring gear CDs Books/manga CDs and iPod Gameboy Spraypaint Food bags and bottles Snow emergency equipment Strange odds and ends for crafts (string, bolts, wire, etc)[/FONT]
  6. Well my first "job" was at a petshop, and only lasted a couple months. In short, it was a complete and utter nightmare. I took it when I was the legal age here to get a work license: 16. My first REAL job was working at the local public library for 2 years. I loved working there, but unfortunately the newest manager didn't feel the same way for me. But I just started working the front desk and as a teaching assistant at the taekwondo studio that I attend. Not my dream job, but it's money in my pocket, especially when nowhere else around here is hiring. And I get to occasionally boss kids around, and if they backtalk, I get to watch them do 50 push-ups.
  7. "Singles Awareness Day". I've never been a fan of the holiday. People have always only used it to show off their SOs or just how many friends they have measured by how much they give or receive. This year will be even worse than previous ones though, having been recently dumped by my gf of two years. Still got her on the mind and don't want to even think about relationships yet, let alone watch everyone else flaunt theirs. *bitter* D< I may just see if one of my single friends is free and maybe go out to lunch or dinner or something. Because I'm that ****en exciting.
  8. I live in Maryland, about 15 minutes from Annapolis, which is a fairly large tourist attraction in itself. Lots of old buildings, Naval Academy, State House, all that fun stuff. So a good enough place to come to look at historical stuff. And Baltimore's not too far either, and has a few cool art museums and of course the burial site of Edgar Allen Poe. I'm not sure if DC even qualifies, since it's about 1.5 horus away, but the cherry blossom festival there in the spring is just gorgeous, and quite a bit of fun. All the usual festivity events and food. And there's also several museums of art, history, and science which are fantastic.
  9. RPGs: -EVERY item, regardless of its size or material, is collapsible and will fit in your pocket. -You will always have pockets, even if your outfit shows none.
  10. I'm going to have to go the complete nerd route and say one/any of the Pokemon games. What can I say, since I was a kid I always wanted my own Pokemon. My second choice would have to be Final Fantasy 10. I love the Al Bhed, the synthesis of magic and technology. While living in a magical land would be pretty darn exciting, I still like physical weapons. Like grenades. :3
  11. I think my very first was Naruto, when it was first being published in Shounen Jump. My friend who had a subscription let me borrow it back in middle school. I'd seen Sailor Moon, DBZ, Tenchi, etc. on Toonami, but I hadn't really heard of manga. So that was an interesting experience. I also got into One Piece around that time. But series like that I just have a hard time keeping up on, especially if it doesn't keep me entertained the entire way through.
  12. In my physical collection? Not much. I'm an internet junkie. And what I have is primarily from gifts. The first couple volumes of [B]Naruto[/B] (before the fansplosion) A couple volumes of [B]Fushigi Yuugi[/B] [B]FLCL[/B] [B]Q.ko-chan[/B] First volume of [B]Battle Royale[/B] Half of the [B]Kenshin[/B] series First volume of [B]Shaman King[/B] A volume of [B]Detective Conan[/B] and a volume of one of the [B].hack[/B] series [B]Uzumaki[/B] And I'm waiting for Borders to get more copies of Gyo in. And that's pretty much it.
  13. Finally a comment! xD Thank you~ I didn't find Elfen Lied particularly gory. It was kinda typical dismemberment, which is rather unexciting after a while. I felt like most of the gore in Ito's manga were much more creative and disturbing.
  14. I have to say egg, though my view is similar to chibi-master's. If evolution is true, and chickens evolved from prehistoric reptiles or aquatic creatures, chances are those creatures laid eggs. Through natural selection and genetics, the modern chicken would eventually come to be, but it would have been born from the egg to which the genetics were passed on to from whatever the parents may have been considered.
  15. Snow... is not my scene. It sticks to everything (clothes, hair, shoes) only to melt and get everything soggy. But I love the cold, and ice is nice so long as it's not covering the roads. Bad experiences there. I don't like hot, muggy days either. They make everything so sticky and gross. Unfortunately where I live, that's the kind of weather we get a lot. My favorite type of weather is overcast, very windy, and cool with showers- what most people would consider a dreary day. But it seems to lighten my spirits. Love to run around in it and it's not bad to drive in. And pouring rain/thunder storms come in a close second, but they're a pain to drive in, usually end in power outages, and not something I like to run through when I'm trying to get somewhere by foot. But if I'm home or somewhere I can dry off and be comfortable afterwards or just sit and watch, I'm game.
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