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Everything posted by ilovekyonkichi

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]I always like guys who I can easily argue with, who won't take it personaly. I also like guys who are smart(but not smarter than me of course. haha) and who know what their talking about. I like talking alot and I need someone who can listen to my opnions. Someone who will take me seriously. I can't stand idiots(except Kyo, of course^_^) Oh, and they need to have a good sence of humor. I know it's kinda weird, but I also like guys with short tempers,lol. And the most important thing is that he needs to be a christian. I want someone with whom I can talk to about my faith.[/COLOR]
  2. Yukina123, I love you, your great. Thanks for the support ^_^ I geuss it might be hard for someone to relate to this problem if they themselves have not ever really liked someone who doesn't exist. At least now I know that I'm not the only one(that gives me lots of comfort^^) Now, Nomad Tical, as for finding someone that I love more than Kyo? I'm not sure that that's possible. And I think that If I did meet Kyo*sigh* I think that we'd get along great(honestly), but of course, I can only imagine . . .
  3. [COLOR=Green]I'm so happy that some of you actually have the same problem as me!!! And I can actually feel my sanity returning! anyways, keep posting, this is fun!!![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]*sigh* I feel that I am never gonna get over Kyo, but I did meet a [I]real[/I] guy that I kinda like... ...but, HE HATES MY CATS!!!!(grrrrrrr nobody messes with my kittys!) arigatou![/COLOR]
  5. :catgirl: (do I even have to say it?)[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Kyo[/B] [/COLOR] from Fruits Basket!!!:luv:i also like Haru and Ayame!
  6. I think that the prettiest song ever is [U]Become The Wind[/U] , the theme song from [U]The Cat Returns[/U] . I also Love the Stargate SG-1 theme :animesmil .and that DDR song[U] Butterfly[/U].
  7. i'm getting depressed [COLOR=DarkOrange]:animedepr [/COLOR] by my own post . . . I really think i [I]am[/I] going insane. at least i get to go to the science museum to day:excited: i love the science museum!!!! it will be good to take my mind off of stressful things like[COLOR=Indigo] [B]Latin Homework[/B] [/COLOR]. keep replying! :catgirl:(i hope i'm not being to demanding :animeswea )
  8. Hello! :catgirl: just as i suspected . . . i thought that green would be popular. . . you [I]can [/I] have more than one fave color, i have many! but my all time most [I]favorite[/I] color is[COLOR=DarkOrange] ORANGE[/COLOR]! it's a very bright, lively color! like the sun(although the sun is technically [COLOR=Yellow]yellow[/COLOR]).i also like [COLOR=Indigo]purple[/COLOR], but it really depends on the shade.blue is nice to . . .
  9. :animesigh hmm . . .thanks 4 all the replys people. it was all very good advice, and i think that i'm starting to get over it . . . . . .well, not really, but i [I]am[/I] starting to realize that i can never have my beloved kyo :animesigh i'd better stop, i'm begining to sound like kagura. keep replying! :p
  10. Hello! :) i think that colors are very important, and your favorite color reflects your personality. so i would like to know what your's is and why. :catgirl:
  11. well, my name pretty much speaks for itself . . .i usually use the name stargategirl17 but i was getting tired of that . . .i just really [COLOR=Red]LOVE [/COLOR] Fruits Basket&i truly am in [COLOR=Red]LOVE[/COLOR] with [COLOR=DarkOrange]KYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR](my fave color is orange(becha can't guess why!)) :catgirl: :p
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]:animecry: i need help because i'm in love with a fictional character by the name of kyonkichi and i cant get over the fact that he's not real and i know that it must seem really desprit 2 b looking 4 comfort on the internet but i don't care i want to know if anyone out there also has the same problem as me so please reply[/COLOR] :catgirl:
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