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About SinInSpira

  • Birthday 06/21/1992

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  • Occupation
    Regency Windows (Helping in the warehouse)

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  1. I'd either have 2 say Gaara brfore the Chunin exams, Mugen from Samurai Champloo, or Itachi....Garra was just like all hate and stuff...especially when facing Lee in the exams.... Mugen's just a badass in general cuz he's always picking fights he doesnt need to be into and is such a smartass XD...and itachi's just your plain definition of evil...killing pretty much his whole clan? it's self explainitory...lol
  2. i kno it's not anime rlly cuz it's franime...lol...but i had a dream like 2 years ago when i was obsessed w/Code Lyoko...it's a little fuzzy but i remember walking into one of those scanner things and i woke up before i could get to lyoko XD....that was when i was like 12... now i dream mostly about doing "stuff", hanging w/ friends, and getting killed by radom pple like village warriors or the FBI >.> [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]SinInSpira, please try to clean up your post quality, try to actually spell out the word and reduce the use of elipses when you atelast can. Capitalization and some punctuation would work wonders as well ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. I have both systems, and actually i like them the same...i dot use them too much anymore because i am usually listening to my ipod...
  4. OMG I LOVE FFX!!!! It had the BEST ending ever! and it was sooo sad!!!the graphics in the CG scenes were friken amazing!
  5. Hey everyone, i gotvolumes 1 and 2 of Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex (episodes 1-8) and it's AWESOME...i especially like the oe girl that kicks major but...the theme song is sweet 2...yes, and i have seen it on CN
  6. It's not an anime....it's an American Anime, sorta like Teen Titans is American Anime too...
  7. Bleach is AWESOME...me and some other pple saw it with english subs at the Library Anime Club....i've seen up to about episode 20 some...we watched at least 6 episodes in a row... :animestun :animesmil
  8. Hey, does anyone know of any Paranoia Agent BitTorrents? Thanks
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