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About YellowBarchetta

  • Birthday 03/15/1991

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    Eh, get to know me by talking to me.
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  1. With all do respect I don't see myself as a "[I]dim, 'white-boy-gangsta' skater kid[/I]" everything you said I really found interesting. Hence why I said "Cool" I don't know, whatever. It's too late to do anything now. I really would like to be friends with you, I haven't talked to you in forever and I've only seen you once since you broke up with me in june of '06. I didn't know that's how you saw me for the whole time we went out. -Andrew-
  2. In a way.. I wish you would've told me all this back in the day. It doesn't really matter now but hey, I sort of wasted 8 or so months on a girl who didn't feel the same towards me. If you didn't "Love" me than why did you tell me you did? -Andrew-
  3. [B]sakurasuka[/B] First, I love that you used Ayumi again. The vector on each sides is great with the spatter all around. The water color efect is awesome! especially since you used a scanner? Thats insane! and the frame around the edges were subtle but I like them. [B]Ezekiel[/B] I really like your piece, I'm not really that into the stock picture all that much. I agree with [B]Retribution[/B] the Text kind of weakened the piece. I loved the backround as well. I vote for [B]sakurasuka[/B]
  4. I vote for [B]sakurasuka[/B] because it's way better.
  5. Wow... they're all really awesome!
  6. [B][COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]sakurasuka[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B], [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]I like the contrasting of the Black & White and in a way I think it looks better Black & White than it would if it did have colors just overall I think yours is better. Also the textured stripes pwn! Ayumi!!![/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2]Kune[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1], I liked yours alot as well, but the Black & White and then the blue flowers just doesn't apeal very much too me other than that I think you did a very good job.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1] I vote for [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Orange][B]sakurasuka[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Because[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=2][COLOR=Orange][B]sakurasuka[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1] is just overall the best.[/SIZE]
  7. YellowBarchetta


    You are not the only Rush fanboy I also am in love with Geddy, Alex and Neil they are literally the best band in the WORLD I have every album exept Caress Of Steel Rush> Everyone Rush = the best band in the world![color=navy]*[/color] -Andrew- [color=navy]*I merged the two Rush threads together, and your two posts ended up looking like a double-post. So I merged your replies together. -Manic W.[/color]
  8. Yes YYZ is deffinitly a great instramental song, maybe the best. Rush is my favorite band. -Andrew-
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