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Suicide Jury

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  • Biography
    Normally I hate people but I shall adapt...I am 21, and I am In college studying computers. I draw and write my own anime, And I am a big fan of Blue Gender
  • Occupation
    full time student

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  1. Subtitle all that way. I don't the fact that they use american voices to dub the anime but sometimes they pick the wrong people for the wrong characters...and that is an annoyance. However eventually you will be able to watch whats going on while read whats being said..So don't worry the skill of a true anime fan will come in time
  2. Star Ocean Ex is the anime based off the video game Star Ocean 2- The second story. However there is suposed to be an anime based on Star Ocean 3- Till of the end of time. However the man character is not Fayt Lingod, I belevie it is on Nel Zepher, but I could be wrong. Information you get in Otacon is a little sketchy.. If yoru looking for good information on anime try animecrazy.com They have a pretty good site.
  3. Hikari checked her watch. Her eyes narrowed when she realized she had been in combat with this fool of a man for far to long. Releasing her gun, Hikari backflipped and landed on her right hand. She pivoted on her palm and used her free left hand to shoot the Simulation. The electronic voice emanted over the room. "Simulation Complete Request Another?" Hikari denied and hopped back up to her two legs. She smiled breifly but it was cold and filled with an absence of emotion. "I won Tokuru, seems you shall be alone tonight" Hikari sighed and placed her weaponary back on the holsters leaving the room abruptly. She walked by a few on the training rooms and saw a room with the name "Taikaru" placed above the door. Shaking her head she wandered past the room and shivered. Something bad was happening and she could't tell when or where. She noted that she was near the Mess hall and picked up her pace. She had fought in that room with Toggy at little bit longer than she wanted to. And somehow he had managed to stay on par with her. She walked into the large mess hall and picked out a glass of milk. Straying to the far back she stayed to her self the small grey cat ears twitching. Her eyes narrowed and she supressed a growl. It was almost instinct when she caught sight of the man called "Kain". She could not reason why such an attraction as well as hatred resided withing her but that was no matter. She would wait, eventually they would call for battle and then..she would feel normal again. "Damn how I hate this shit.." She whispered and ate a little piece of tuna she pulled from her pocket as she stared off into space. OOC: Sorry about the short of posts and the non frequency of replies...
  4. There are tears in your eyes Now you know me I'm shaken Inside Bruised and lonely Now you know, know everything So why don't you release me I am lost inside this broken cellar called the mind. Insane sane Psyhcadellic tendices I need help from the asylum Self-mutilated Lies Generated to be created pentrating my insides So look into my eyes Tell me what hate do you see How can this come to pass Why can't you release me How I try to hide the truth Misguided by the legendary god Warranted by arrest Sins done from my tainted blood Give my freedom and release me Look into the demons eyes How god-like can you be You take me just to feel real When all I am Is what you want to be
  5. She was alone. But that was a normal standard for Hikari. Sitting in the far back Hikari almost seemed to be part of the darkness her black hair slightly camoflauged with the dark wall. She sat in darkness for brief moment replaying her orders. She didn't care in the slightest, Nothing frightened her, and Sand Vipers...They were some nasty beasts Hikari had the joy of entertaining one of them before, something she would rather not do again. Leaning her head against the wall she overheard the conversation between the woman known as Taikaru and the Smartass Toggy. Her lips curled into snarl hearing how she was to "pair up with" that man. Sighing she pulled out a small cloth and began to clean the shiny metallic purple and silver metal of the Stinger. When the weapons barrel shone with the exact beauty Hikari was waiting for she heard her name over the intercom. "Hikari this is Red...Traning Room 4 is open, Please rendezvous at this point in 10 minutes...Your partner is waiting." Hikari got up from her seat and tied her long hair into a ponytail. She started walking towards the room in which she was adjacent to. Seeing a large hallway pointing in the direction of Traning room four Hikari cocked her head slightly. Deciding at least to get her enjoyment out of going to the room she did a barrel flip, slipping her foot onto the ground then sliding her palm in a circle as her body fell forwards. For her skill it was naturel, but she quickly shaked off the feeling of arrogance for now she was staring at the door. She could hear the computer sending data to someone, and how each time the user would get angry at the lack of skill the computers Ai was giving him. Hikari smiled, she would have to show this animal a whole different kind of species. She took her right hand and thrusted the door open. As soon as she entered, the computers sequence shut down. Hikari stood face to face was a rather handsome male but that was not her concern. Smiling she took off her jacket allowing a tight leather tank to be seen. It showed her curves, and they were exquisite. Her arms were seen with pale cream color and her eyes, both of them watched the male as if was a delectable prey. Underneathe her hair was two very small grey cat ears but to the naked eye they were hardly noticable. Hikari saw that the male was Toggy and he was definitley liking what he saw. Hikari knew that her demeanor would get his attention, within seconds her prized weapon was pulled the purple black nozzle staring at Toggy. Grinning Hikari said with an innocence masked with animality. "Hello Partner..."
  6. I liked it in some way, though I would perfer more colorful words to explain what you are trying to convey. I fully grasp the idea and I like the fact that you chose certain times to break the sentences, overrall it had good flow and explained its main idead throughrly
  7. Name- Hikari Age- 21 Gender- Female Appearence- Hikari is 5'3, with medium build. Her arms are well toned and her legs being quite muscular give way to the thought that she has prior experience with martial arts. Hikari has black hair however two long red bangs cover her cheeks. She has one violet eye and one azure eye and this is a proven fact that she had indeed evolved. She wears a red leather bodysuit that is tightly fitting. It covers most of her body. Personlaity- Hate. Its a common trait of her. Hikari is a cold and hateful person with underlying brutality. She tries hard to show emotion other that pain and hate but in the end all her efforts are futile. Keeping to herself Hikari is not one to be reckoned with or challanged. She fears nothing and wants more than anything to be set free, hoping that something would kill her. Bio- Hikari was hte daughter of a Maester. Her father though she does not remember or know him worked on many technologies for the human race. He optimised travel and wepaonary as well as the defense of the world. Hikari's mother became sick with a diease called " Prophetic Abomniation" and quickly became insane. Her father using the technolgy to his advantage developed a cure through cats blood. At a young age Hikarai showed signs of the virus however hers was more serious resulting in a coma. The Maester had no other choice. He began to mix cats blood and Hikari's dna saving her life but with severe repercussions. following his cure the Maester was assianted leaving 3 year old Hikarai alone since her mother became infected again with the virus and shot herself. Hikari wondered the streets alone until a small underground orgnization took her in based upon her skill with the Bo'staff. Thinking she might be able to uncover the family history and mystry of the virus and her fathers death she joined the orgnization. The org. trained her varius skills using the weapons they uncovered from her families shrine.(( which she has no idea of)). Hikari became a quick assassian and has remained the lethal killer that she is. Weponary- Hikari has one close counters weapon. It is a bamboo rod covered in a thick lining of kevlar, depsite its size the Staff is retractable being carried easily upon her back. Her long range weapon is called the "Stinger" It relies on regular ammo and plasma shooting at 95 MPH, sometimes faster if the shot is pulled off right. It was a prototype of her fathers work and is connected thourgh her blood, The Stinger prototype is the only one in existence as far as the Orgnization knows. Gift- Due to the Virus running rampant in her blood her father mixed cat dna with Hikari's to stop the virus for some time. Her gift is catlike reflex's, she has wonderful vison in the dark, and uncanny sense of direction, very nimble and she can heal her wounds slightly depending on the damage. (( She also has other abilties)) Fear- She has a fear of caring...as well as becoming like her mother because of the virus. Her most known fear is that of water... Hopefully this is alright if you need more info or simply have questions Pm me.
  8. Name- Kaiyukimaru Naikaido Age- 23 Gender- Female Side- Rebel Description- Kaiyuki is 5'4 with a medium build. Her muscular thighs and well toned upper arms proves the fact that she has some skill in martial arts. She wears a Half of Gi that comes to the mid-thigh resting above the knee. The Gi itself is a dark ashen grey matching both her gauntlet covered hands and cloth covered feet. She wears a pair of ancient chinese shoes called (Zansho, looking similar to the wooden sandels samurai wore) Her hair is ject black held high in a feminine like top-knot. Three small bangs fall down her cheeks each a differnt color of ashen grey. Her eyes are quite soft in color usually changing from deep vilolet to a soft lavender. Background- Kaiyuki was born in a small village that consisted of following the ancient laws of Bishudo or the way of the warrior, She was trained in the arts of unamred and armed combat using her body as a weapon in all aspects. Upon the day of her accension to be one of the villages guardians at the age of 15 something terriable occured. Many of the villages small houses alit in flame. Fearing for her people kaiyuki immedietly began to ward of the attackers. But when the village became imursed in flames and adversaries kaiyuki took the small childern of the village under her wing and ran to the nearest town. She met up with a few young men who told her of the man named WALKEN and asked her alligence. Seeing this was the only way to save her peaceful village Kaiyuki accepted with a reluctent yes. She now fights to overthow Walken and to destroy this weapon that caused so many to parish. Weapons- Preferring her fists over anything Kaiyuki relies mainly on a pair of twin black guantlets that cover her fists. However since it has proven most fatal to be unarmed kaiyuki arms herself with an Okinawan(Bo-staff) Of her villages asscenion rites. The bo'staff is made of bamboo making it light however at the end is a blade that is hidden within thesatff.
  9. I understand where you are coming from...and how the anger dwells within you. I have had that same anger and the sad thing is it still encompasses me in all that I do. However with your help through love and growth I shall prosper and you shall be born anew. So take that hate and use it as a source for passion and grow from your writing, to something better that what you are and what you shall be.
  10. Girl- We shall rid this world of evil! Sword boy- Aw man we did that yesterday, can't we play another game? Fat boy- is it me or am I the only UGLY and FAT one outta of you two?...Life is not fair wahhha
  11. The poem itself is pretty good however, it seems to me to be a little long.
  12. My favorite anime movie would be... I have a few I am an all time fan of the Samurai X movies. I would prefer the Reflection over Trust and betrayal but it really does not matter to me which one. I also love Ninja Scroll. Another favorite of mine is the imported, english captions only version of Spriggan. The more death and blood the happier I shall be.
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