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Everything posted by wayofthewarrior

  1. Does anyone know where I can find a good patch of alucard posing with his gun such as when you search alucard in Google Image. If anyone knows where I can, please send me the info.
  2. [QUOTE=GTK]Because they are hard to find, 200-somethign really is a reasonable price. I doubt you'll really find them any cheaper ^^; they only get more expensive, since they are sorta hard to find (and the silver one is no longer being produced). I also live in the US, and I know [url=http://www.crescent-shop.com/] Crescent Shop[/url] can get you any of the kits off of that website (that aren't sold out, of course). They charge you a fee for getting the item, which I think is 2000 for 10000 yen. This all depends on how hard the item is to find for them also. I don't think they can get complete model guns though... but I think they can send you kits (they told me it was okay when I asked about one anyway). If you want a cheap alternative, you could buy toy guns and paint them (both to look like Alucard's guns and to hide the orange plug). You can also probably find cosplay places around online that can make the guns for you (this is probably also on the pricey side though... but I can't currently think of anyone who does this).[/QUOTE] Thanks, but i need to know, is it 2000 yen per 10000 yen? Also, which state is this shoop in? And furthermore, which state are you in!? And if you have the number for the place, could you give it to me? I might want to buy it from them.
  3. THANK YOU :animesigh. I was looking for some help. I just kave one question; do you know of a distibutor willing to sell them to me for a reasonable price? I REALL NEED THEM, and mabye you could even help, if you live out of the states and are willing to get a check in the mail for shipping, handling, and purchase of the said materials ;) . It's a fairly simple altercation
  4. I am most sorry for creating spam, but I just need to know. It is imperative, but if nobody knows, ill stop puting this request out, kay?
  5. I NEED INFO ON ALUCARD'S WEAPONRY. I AMGOING TO COSPLAY HIM, AND I NEED THE INFO. :mad: :mad: . GIVE ME THE INFO. one problem, i live in the u.s, and I cna't get the real guns for they are illegal due to gun control laws.
  6. OMG OMG OMG!!! i luvs FMA :animenose. I have every Manga in english out so far and have seen every episode in both japanese and up to every episode on Adult swim. You can say I have no life, but my FMA silver pocketwatch says different. At least I haven't Cosplayed as Ed (yet). :moron: Can anyone send me a picture of the Grand Arcanum from FMA. I plan to paint it on my bedroom wall, So I need it.
  7. I say you are a smart man. If you didn't like Hellsing, I would stab you in the jaw like a rabid animal, jaw-stabbing thingy :animeangr . I NEED THE HELLSING GUNS, SO GIVES US THE WEBSITES PRECIOUS, PLEASE!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: . Once more, OOOGA-BOOGA jaw stabbing thingy!!! :animesmil
  8. I am thinking of cosplaying as Alucard this year at AnimeNext. i have almost everything, I just need the creepy red contacts, the cool hat, and the Jackal and Casull. I need info on how to get the gun replicas. I live in the U.S, so trying to buy the real thing is difficult. If you have any sites that may be helpful to me, please send the sites name to [email]wayofthewarrior@comcast.net[/email]. As for the walter thing, He's human, theres no getting around that. The thing is ttat he has amazing reflexes and has some issues. In the manga, he's still human, until he gets altered by the mad Doctor, in which he's still human, but he's subjected to mind control.
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