[QUOTE=Hazencruz]Your ideas will grow as you reach true Manga Writer stages. And eventually, you may give up this one for something better you think of later, or this may be your first one that doesn't do so great and then you amke something cool and up under your name it says "The Creator of King of Kenod" and everyones all like, "Whats king of kendo?"
Trust me, I speak from experience, writing stories is like drawing, you suck when you start, but you'll get better, and eventually become great if you stick with it.[/QUOTE]
So far i've let one person read some of the chapter ideas and they loved it so i may not give it up but that doesn't mean i won't have another idea. Also what you said about how at first you suck at something and then you get better is true that happens with my art and my writing abilities have grown as well.
Well any way King of kindo is the name of the manga i'm writing. It about a boy who wants to be the best at kendo(in other words king of kendo). But while on his way to do this he's has to deal with problems such as people making sure he doesn't reach that goal, crazy stalker twins, and searching for a girl whose face was burned into his memory without not a name. But as he does this he realizes that he's torn between the girl he searches for and a close friend. Does that clear it up?