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Everything posted by Matt.D

  1. [color=rainbow] Actually, I quite enjoyed myself....hee hee;) Anyway, yeah..I didn't know TV can get that good...heh heh heh....[/color]
  2. [color=rainbow] I like the legendary birds alot better. The dogs have never prevailed in battle for me, plus the birds just look cooler. Oh, and by the way, you left out Ho-oh(my favorite legendary bird;)) and Lugia.[/color]
  3. [color=rainbow] I don't watch the show much anymore, but from the game, Jigglypuff is pretty weak..I know no one who uses it. But from what I saw from the show, Jigglypuff is pretty annoying, although it's pretty funny when he draws on Ash and the others with that black marker, lol.:laugh: [/color]
  4. [color=rainbow] Heh, here's my team. My old one sucked, so I made a new one. -Mewtwo-L.100 @ Bright Powder/Twisted Spoon Blizzard Phsychic Amnesia Recover Seph, I know why you like that move set. It can wipe out intire teams by itslef. Defintetly valubale to a team. -Charizard-L.100 @ Charcoal/Leftovers Flamethrower Wing Attack Earthquake Double Team It's a pretty well-rounded Charizard, with two attacks that get STAB (Same Type Ability Boost), and Earthquake I find is a really good move to have on something like Charizard, and the annoyence attack, Double Team. Hee hee.:smirk: -Zapdos-L.100 @ Magnet/Sharp Beak Thunderbolt Thunderwave Drill Peck Double Team Ahh, my precious Zapdos. He (or she, it doesn't specify gender) has been on every taem I ever had, and has been modifyed many times. I start with Thunder Wave and paralyze the opponent, making me faster than it (as if I already wasn't) and reduces attacking ability. Then, depending what it is, I use either Thunder Bolt or Drill Peck. I perfer Thunder Bolt over Thunder for it's accuracy, and I like the good solid attack of Drill Peck. Of course, if things aren't looking too good, (or if they are and I want to bug them :p) I use Double Team. Some people like to use Light Screen, but I don't think it's nessecary. -Tyranitar-L.100 @ Black Glasses Earthquake Crunch Double Team Explosion I like using Tyranitar because of his sheer brute strength. His moves are okay I guess...I'm not sure though, so I'm open to changes. -Starmie-L.100 @ Mystic Water/ Bright Powder Surf/Blizzard Thunderwave Phsychic Recover Starmie is a really good water type, it can learn alot of good moves and is really fast. I'm not sure if I should use Surf or Blizzard..right now it's with Surf and it's doing okay. I love Phsychic on my Starmie...it's the main move I use. Recover is there for obvious reasons, and nothing like paralyzing the other Pokêmon with an annoying move. -Magneton-L.100 @ Magnet Explosion Thunderwave Double Team Thunder Bolt I know, I already have a Zapdos almost exactly like it, but c'mon, it's Magneton. It's my fastes Pokêmon along with Zapdos and Mewtwo, and it's really good. Thunderwave for obvious reasons, Double Team for super annoyence, Thunderbolt for it's accuracy, and if thing's aren't looking good, BOOM! And with Magneton's Steel-type characteristic, it can survive and Explosion. That's my team...not really good, but not really bad either...I've had alot of success with it. :ball: [/color]
  5. Matt.D


    [color=rainbow] Eggnog...ehh it's ok I guess...although I do remember getting sick from it one Christmas...but it's my fault, I drank too much, and 23 glasses would make anyone sick.:cross: :p [/color]
  6. [color=rainbow] Some people are a little more dense than others...hehe..i'm pretty dense...not always but sometimes...it differs in how the wind blows. :confused: Sometimes I don't understand myself (like what I said a few seconds ago), I guess I am pretty dense then lol. Look! A doggy! heeheeheehee![/color]:excited: :hippy:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B][size=1]Close this if you must, but I want an answer aswell[/size] Err, what's wrong with the smileys?! My beloved smileys?! the bluelaugh smiley doesn't work properly, and the shifty and blushift are the same!?!?.....and you have to blushift smileys on the panel?!?! and the peurplelau last time I checked?!?!? ...I do hope the're going to be fixed!:confused: :( :( :( [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] Don't worry about it. James or Adam will get the problem fixed, it's not like it's the first time something like this happened. Remember the :ball: thing? [/color]
  8. [color=rainbow] My 967 pics I drew, and the erotic letter my g/f sent me. :love: :smooch: [/color]
  9. [color=rainbow] Yeah, drunk people do do funny things. At my friends parent's wedding, his two aunts were drunk, and and they were chasing him around the house screaming gibberish and offering him some beer..and the funny thing is, it's caught on tape! :alcohol: [/color]
  10. [color=rainbow] Hmm...I like that logic....yeah...I just might have to steal that book....oh! Ummm...y-you didn't hear anything...:shifty: Hey...why don't you look at this umm...pen...*puts on shades as I erase everyones memory* [/color]:cool:
  11. [color=rainbow] Err..what is it? I havn't heard of it before.:confused: [/color]
  12. [color=rainbow] Umm...My g/f would be puking is she saw my parents kiss...i'd rather kiis her in front of my parents. I'd like to watch them freak out hee hee....:naughty: :demon: :naughty: [/color]
  13. [color=rainbow] Hah cool, first time I heard of that. Do you happen to know the price?[/color]
  14. [color=rainbow] Ahhh a reason to play DK64 again...God that game got old fast.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by safer cloud [/i] [B]Why do people fall in love?You aren't taught to fall in love. [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] Godd question, but answer me this: Why don't people fall in love? Why not? Answer that and you may find your answer.:smirk: ;) [/color]
  16. [color=rainbow] 1)Super Mario Bros. The Movie 2)My favorite Martian 3)Mortal Combat-Anihilation(It was way too predictable) 4)Secret Garden(God, how much more boring can it get?) 5)A kid in King Arthurs Court(Stupid and boring, simple as that.)[/color]
  17. [color=rainbow] Well, i'm not sure...I mean, Gamecube's cheaper, and it has really good well-known characters and was popular right off the start..However...Xbox has good graphics, and it can play DVD's, but it's like, $650.00 or so and people are not really sure if they can trust the Microsoft name...i'm not sure what I would like better, but i'm leaning towards Gamecube.[/color]
  18. [color=rainbow] I'm doing nothing really...I'll probably spend some of my Christmas day here on Otaku. Does anyone else want to join me?[/color]
  19. [color=rainbow] Ahhh...you want to hear about crappy mail? Well, my friend Chris get's like, 300 new junk mail messages every day. He doesn't have the internet so every week or so I check it for him, and you won't believe the stuff that's there...lol.:laugh: I saw an ad for a pill that makes you seem more atractive to other people....geez, the stuff that's goin around today....:purplelau:[/color]
  20. [color=rainbow]Interesting...and how many million will this cost?[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by backspace [/i] [B]:lecture: i know u!!! well of course i do u r the elf that lives across the street!!! heehee i'm so smart and yea to bad your pick got all crammed up especially in front of the friends who this is the first time they have seen u oh well thats life i guess!:wow: [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] ...OOk..0_o....umm..wha?[/color]
  22. [color=rainbow] Ok, we all have or had school...and most of us (the normal people;)) Have hated it. I'm here to ask, what is your worst subject. For me by far it's French...I have a 68% average...although on a recent test I somehow scored an 80. :confused: Anyway, what's your worst subject?[/color]
  23. [color=rainbow] Well, people already know what I look like.(Although it's a messed up pic cause of the size) Anyway, I think my voice sounds like my avatar looks; vey sharp and deep.:smirk: ;) [/color]
  24. [color=rainbow] Err..no. I don't have that much free time...all the frre time I have I spend here anyway.[/color]
  25. [color=rainbow] 1)Remember The Titans 2)Jurrasic Park III 3)Road Trip 4)American Pie 5)Happy Gilmore[/color]
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