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Everything posted by Matt.D

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] You must mean the pic that used to be on rotten.com...my dad told me about that one it was rather nasty. As for motorcycles...I got one when I was 14 and then when it was legal for me to get a bigger one I got a new one. BUt they are sitting in my parents garage because I got a car 4 months ago... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] Yeah, that's the one. If u have a weak stomach, I advise you, don't look at it...:eek: [/color]
  2. [color=rainbow] I don't have one, but I play my friend's ALL the time. Oh, and his GBA is [/color][color=white]white.[/color];)
  3. [color=rainbow] Uhhh..okay.. Normal:Smeargle Fire:Ho-oh Water:Feraligatr Grass:Celebi Electric:Raikou Ice:Sneasel Fighting:Hitmontop Poison:Crobat Ground:Sandslash Flying:Noctowel Phsychic:Mewtwo Bug:Araidos Rock:Onix Ghost:Misdrevas Dragon:Dragonite Dark:Tyranitar Steel:*Steelix*:D There, my favorites of each type.:) [size=1] 800th post![/size][/color]
  4. [color=rainbow] I will never go on a Motorbike in my life! I saw this picture on a site, and this guy got half his face ripped off in a Moterbike accedent. It was sooo gory I threw up. Anyways, i'm glad that didn't happen to you, Safer.[/color];)
  5. [color=rainbow] Wow! Those are some pretty fine avatars you made there!:) Nice job!:D [/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SodaFUBU [/i] [B]: HOW DO U DO "SIMULATED BATTLES"??? [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] I've pondered that for months...[/color]
  7. [color=rainbow] I watch it. I really like Carnage. He's cool....I like Venom too...I liked that episode when they both fused together...that was pure genious!:) [/color]
  8. [color=rainbow] Cool picture DS!:) I like it!:D [/color]
  9. [color=rainbow]Cool, but very fake indeed...[/color]
  10. [color=rainbow] Carjaking? Bah, I have better things to do, like come and post here [/color]:)
  11. [color=rainbow] I was very little at the time, but yeah, I think I remember....Ididn't understand the storyline though....I was only 4....[/color]
  12. [color=rainbow] As of now, I am using correct English.[/color]
  13. Matt.D

    pokemon yellow

    [color=rainbow] I never like Pokemon Yellow.....I dunno why, I jes never did...[/color]
  14. [color=rainbow]I never tried drugs, and I never will..I actually WANT a future...[/color]
  15. [color=rainbow] I know, I hate it too, but think of this, if it comes out here in 2 months, they still have time to edit the games 4 it, making the games better.....[/color]
  16. [color=rainbow] All signs point to Raikou.;) [/color]
  17. [color=rainbow] Agood 'ol N64 my friend. Oh, and i'm not quite sure if this would belong in the nintendo forum...[/color]
  18. [color=rainbow] Poor u.:( I hate getting sick....urp![/color]
  19. Matt.D


    [color=rainbow] Those are the dumbest questins i've heard in years....[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]If you are reding this, i hope you will join P.O.O.P., or Pyromaniacs Opposing Oppressive Presidents. Catchy, isnt it? Anyway, if you like :flaming: fire:flaming: , and hate George Duh-bya, then please, join!! If you join, i promise 100% of the procedes will go to me.:D [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] How 'bout, no.[/color]
  21. [color=rainbow] I love my avatar. It's one of Final_Flashes limited time avalible speacial custom avatars.:) [/color]
  22. [color=rainbow] I hate that stupid useless Pokemon Magicarp.....ugghhhh...:flaming: [/color]
  23. [color=rainbow] Virtual Pool 4 N64. Is there anything more boring?[/color]
  24. [color=rainbow] Ugghh..I can't stand s club 7....although Rachel is hot...:love: [/color]
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