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Everything posted by Matt.D

  1. Matt.D


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]no i haven't..i heard it hurts like hell..sssssssss...sorry that happend matt..btw..how'd you broke it? [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] I was playing soccer, then I triped and my 145lb body fell on top of my wrist...:( :( :( This is the third accedent this week....on monday I put my right hand through a window, and on tuesday I smashed my nose and got a huge nose bleed...and they all happened at school... :( :( [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i] [B]The Amount Of Stupidide is Incredible. Man why are u all making fun of blondes. Some of them are HOT and smart. [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] The jokes don't make fun of all blondes, jes the dumb ones.[/color]
  3. [color=rainbow] It's not the quanity of ur posts, it's the quality. Nuff said.;) [/color]
  4. Matt.D


    [color=rainbow] It's me, Matt.D, typing slow...Why? Cuz I broke my left arm.:( Man it hurts! But still, I gathered enough strength to post here...I love this place so much that not even injury can stop me. Anywayz, have any of u ever broken any bones? If u did, u know how I feel right now..:( :( [/color]
  5. [color=rainbow] Rrrrggggggg!!! I'm sick of all this death!:mad: :mad: :mad: My deepest sympathy to u.:( :( :( [/color]
  6. [color=rainbow] That'z the exact way I felt on another board...so I left 4 about a month, then found Otaku, my refuge from the storm. Ppl were soo nice to me here, so I SPAMMED at the other boards and got myself banned...Anywayz, i'm glad u had enough dignity not to SPAM with ur departion. If I would have seen u post a bit more, i'd be ur friend 4 sure. Bye.[/color]
  7. [color=rainbow] I'm only like around 13(i'll be 13 next month),but i'm strong 4 my age. I can lift about 145-150 pounds....[/color]
  8. [color=rainbow] Pokèmon Red? It's ok....Gold/Silver/Crystal are better tho...[/color]
  9. [color=rainbow] I remember that. I loved that! I haven't seen that 4 5 years.[/color]
  10. [color=rainbow] Cool. Name: Gabumon Type:.I dunno I think Vaccene. Personality: Very protective. Will protect his friends if they are in any danger. There ya go, DBZman.;) [/color]
  11. [color=rainbow] What's ur favorite character in Mario RPG? I like Geno. Something about a mystical force that inhabit's a dolls body is jes appealing to me....I also enjoy the fact that Bowser is helping Mario.....but we can't forget the main hero, Mario...but Mallow...he jes cool, and Peach...(or Toadstool as called in Mario RPG)a mario game jes wouldn't be the same without her....oh heck, I like all the characters![/color]
  12. [color=rainbow] Mines okay, Cable modem....yah, it's fine.;) [/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B]?}?b?g?A ?N???X, ?W???[???A???b?O?A ?A?_???B matto, kurisu, juuru, meggu, adamu. [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] Thanx man.;) :D [/color]
  14. [color=rainbow] I have a question too..What are the names Matt, Chris, Jewel, Meg and Adam in Japanese, romanized.[/color]
  15. [color=rainbow] My prayer goes out to everyone invovled in some way at all to this tradgedy. Now a moment of silence...............................................................................................[/color]
  16. [color=rainbow] Oh God! That would have been scary. Imagine what it was like 4 the ppl on the planes..:eek: :eek:[/color]
  17. [color=rainbow] We have to be calm, but act fircely..which is kinda hard to do at the smae time.....[/color]
  18. [color=rainbow] lol:laugh: I love blonde jokes! lol:laugh: [/color]
  19. [color=rainbow] I'm sooooooooooo sorry 4 u:( If I ever get my hands on the ppl responsible 4 this whole thing...... :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [/color]
  20. [color=rainbow] Mine are.... G-Steel Marso(I have no clue why:confused:) Matt. "D" I_have_no_problems_man Tiger_Wind Gold_Wind STEELIX MASTER(only on the TPM, the board 4 loseres :mad: )and....I dunno, I think that'z it....[/color]
  21. [color=rainbow] Sorry, I didn't even know there was a nintendo show in the U.K...[/color]
  22. [color=rainbow] *this is jes a bad dream, soon i'll wake up and things will be perfect again* Oh, how I wish that was true!:( :( :( :( [/color]
  23. [color=rainbow] Ugghhh...little kids.....they jes won't stop!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: Uggh..I need my heart pills...[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B]Smart man, that shyguy, a smart man indeed. It's a shame many others don't share our same views. [/B][/QUOTE][color=rainbow] It is....I wish there were more ppl in the world like the ppl here at Otaku....[/color]
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