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Everything posted by DBZM_Brolly

  1. also his cape flew off. that was tyte. but it sucks that and the big muscle dude ( forgot his name yamu and....). I wonder y .... didnt kill Videl.
  2. to say the truth he acts lilke a total jerk and nerd. Also what vegita tells him after he fought Darbura. that was very good and very impacting on Gohan. Kinda felt sad for him. But who cares he needed that.
  3. in carttoon network other than looking like a girl he also talks like one.:laugh: :laugh:
  4. thx to anyone that says that I drew good but I'm sorry to say that around my area there are people that draw just like the creator of DBZ. And believe me its darn hard to draw so perfect. But what can I do. If found really hard to draw the fist in mines. But also the face is kinda messed up. I think to those that traced and actually had the guts of posting it up. I think that it is so dishonorable to trace that the last time I traced was 3 years ago. When I REALLY couldnt draw. But years of practice really make a difference. But I cant match my friends. I wont tell them this site either because they'll start showing off and then everybody will want to talk to them.
  5. U bet. I'm also single but too bad we dont know each others ages.:)
  6. Gohan when he is young fighting cell SSj2 is stronger than at 18. Becuz he didnt train much during those seven years.
  7. maybe its my computer thats not working right.
  8. Pikkon I think you drew better than me... Oh I suck. I've never been a very good artist...hmmm...:( :bawl:
  9. Yo pikeon your extension thing doesnt work.
  10. i think it can be both if you are using English.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B] errm... ok i'm lame... but this is how far i got: i'm at the folder where it saved last and i cant get it out of the folder... i mean i can see it i just can't do anything... help? [/B][/QUOTE] ok ok. Listen if you know where you saved it and its in oneof these file formats gif, jpg, png, txt, zip, bmp, jpeg then just go to attachment and click on it then then while its in blue press open button on the right of the little window that opens. You should see the browse button to access that little window. the just put submit reply. :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]mirai=future chibi=little [/B][/QUOTE] thx. Now I get it.
  13. I dont think those japanese anime ppl have no limit to thier gore. But here in america they control everything. It kinda sucks. The government tries to take control of everything and always puts a rating. It gets boring...
  14. yo shadow dude. The decision is tommmorrow. the 29th. read what the dude said in the beginning. :mad:
  15. first give it a name. then in the bottom of the thing where it says " your reply" (some where on the bottom it says attachment. then choose your picture. TIP: I suggest you save it in jpeg format so it isnt so big. :)
  16. ok this thing said it was 2 big so here I made it smaller let see if it works.
  17. Ok here is mine. But since none of you answered to my question I'll just post it up. Remember mine is in black and white. 10/28/01 one day before the choosing is to be made. Chek it out :cool: :D
  18. Goku's father made that portable moon image so that any sayajin could turn into ozaroo. And gohan didnt destroy the moon, it was piccolo on earth. After piccolo figured out that it was the moon making him turn into a huge monkey.
  19. One question? What does the Mirai in Mirai Trunks mean?
  20. Lady if you love Vegeta and Chika girl loves Gohan then what is the problem? :laugh:
  21. I dont get it!? What is Gohan Mystic? like teenager? Its wierd cuz somebody told me that this piv is Mystic Gohan correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. You are kidding arent you. Sether? I dont think he gave up on making Eps. I doubt it. If he does :mad: I'll go crazy and turn ssj or something.
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