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About Kuai

  • Birthday 03/31/1982

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I am 23 years old, a vetren and in a long term relationship.
  • Occupation
    Auto Mechanic Trainee

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Kuai

    Adult Swim

    [quote name='Qman1']Some shows were kind of dumb (Super Milk Chan, Tom Goes To The Mayor, etc) But, they do have a good selection of comedy and anime. This September will mark the 5 years that Adult Swim has been on the air. Hard to believe right? Adult Swim is the most watched late night televison. Adult Swim will never die :animesmil[/quote] Aqua Teem Hunger Force instantly springs to mind with a laugh!! Meatwad rules ^_^
  2. My religious beliefs are my own. For the most part, I take what makes since and go with it. This technically makes me Pagan and I happily accept the title since so many of my beliefs come from different Pagan Paths. I have no real god but I do follow Guan Yu who is sort of a Buddhist saint. If anyone is interested in hearing more about my beliefs, please feel free to ask me in PM or by e-mail but try to understand I do not have easy access to the internet so I may take a while to reply. As for correcting someone on there religious beliefs based on the beliefs in question being more Muslim then Christian I believe it is stupid. Islam and Christianity are essentially the same religion based on different time periods and events with different ideas of how to worship. The Jewish religion also fits into Christianity and Islam but not as much as the other two go together. In other words I do not feel it matters what title a person gives there beliefs. It should be the beliefs themselves that matter rite?
  3. I used to watch Full Metal Alchemist when I was back at home but I cannot watch it here. I always liked Edd but I do not think he was my favorite. To be perfectly honest I do not know who my favorite character is.
  4. Hellsing was good but the ending needed a lot of work. The story just ended out of nowhere and the ending had nothing to do with what the anime was originally supposed to be about. That left way to many questions unanswered. I will admit the ending was very well done. I just wish they had finished the story better.
  5. Kuai

    Adult Swim

    I enjoyed watching Adult Swim. There were a few shows that were not worth watching but for the most part the people that run the network have a good taste in comedy and action. I believe that Adult Swim will be around for a very long time but nothing lasts forever so it will eventually die. There is no other network on the air day or night or both that has such a large selection of good shows from such a large group of different genres.
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