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About mystic-chick

  • Birthday 01/08/1990

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    I`m just a young girl just trying to survive in a world where I don`t fit in.
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  1. After Hatsumi talks to him about Ryoki and he tells her it`s love as quote: [spolier]"I know because I love you", She thinks it`s just brotherly love of course. He moves out as he can`t be close to her and keep his promise to god and not tell anyone about his feelings.(that`s the reason he has so many jobs so he can afford to live on his own) He also starts working with Azusa to work out some stuff.[/spolier] If u need more info just ask!! [SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Bye Bye![/COLOR][/SIZE] :wave: [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please use spoiler tags to hide spoilers from people who may not have read as far as you have. ^_~ -Lady Katana[/b][/color][/size]
  2. Shinogu isn`t really Hatsumi`s brother! He was adopted!!! :animeknow He luvs Hatsumi so much but it`s bad as Hatsumi doesn`t know the truth, that`s why I feel sorry for him!! Hatsumi finds out though in volume 7 when she find annulment papers, after he`s moved out. :animestun It`s all very complicated!! [QUOTE]My problem is that I don't believe there's much re-read value with the series[/QUOTE] I have got to disagree as I`ve read them a good few times but I guess it depends on who`s reading them. Hope I`ve helped!! :catgirl: [SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta][CENTER]Bye Bye![/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] :wave:
  3. Before I would have said that I looked liked Nana from Seven of Seven but I`ve recently had my hair dyed red, so now I would say Miaka from Fushigi Yugi, when she has her hair down. For personality I would have to say Himeno from Pretear as we can stand up to anyone and be serious but we`re still able goof off and make fun of ourselfs! :catgirl: [SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta]Bye Bye![/COLOR][/SIZE] :wave:
  4. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]KYO!! [/COLOR] [/B] I luv Kyo in Fruits Basket, he`s cute and I luv that he has a troubled past that still haunts him!! :catgirl: Probaly for a date we`d go to see an action film, it`s all I can really picture. Besides Kyo I like [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Souske[/COLOR][/B] from Full Metal Panic, again he`s cute and his hair is wild. To go on a date with him would be hard as he doesn`t understand things like that! I guess I like guys who can fight!! :love: [CENTER][SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta]Bye Bye![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  5. Hot Gimmick is one of my fave mangas! :D I know what you mean about the brother but in a way I feel sorry for him. :animecry: Can`t say that i can help you on the final one as I only have as far as 8. I can`t wait to see what happens! :catgirl: [SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta]Bye Bye[/COLOR] :wave: [/SIZE]
  6. Wow it`s been a while since I`ve been on here!! :animeblus I`ve been doing character drawing(or at least trying). I`m still trying to get my on stlye now I`m just taking different aspects from different artists. I`ve been thinking do the organasation need uniforms or not? Would that be to military or too much like hellsing? [COLOR=Magenta]Hope to hear from you!! [/COLOR] :catgirl:
  7. Oops! :animeblus Forgot to tell more about the actually demons. They like in so many other stories feed off human flesh but the way they come into this world is kind of different. When someone is hinding something- true feelings, doubt, guilt, etc- it gives the demons an oppurtunity to enter their minds. The demon demon plagues their mind till they succumb to them and the demons take over. So the demons can walk unknown amongst humans, of course once they take over they stop ageing. When a person suffers from multipal personality it means more then one demon has taken over and are battling eachother and the human`s mind all at once. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]That`s all for now.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2]Thanks for your feedback on my story.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2]Bye[/SIZE] [/COLOR] :wave:
  8. Okay lets see for an character anime I would be[SIZE=2] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Nana[/COLOR][/SIZE] from [U][COLOR=Red]Seven of Seven[/COLOR][/U] as it would be so handy to have another six of me. And for a manga character I would be [SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta]Alice[/COLOR][/SIZE] from [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U]Alice 19th[/U][/COLOR] as she`s so sweet and cool. :animesmil Okay bye! :wave:
  9. My favourite soundtrack has to for the [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]Queen of the Damned[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]. It has some of the best artists on it. The funniest but no less good has to be for the[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2]Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT] show. Also the most the most recent one I got was the soundtrack to the musical episode of Buffy-[I][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Once More With Feeling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I]- totally corny but somehow good. Well that`s all I have to say so I`ll say good day! :p
  10. This proberly sounds like another anime or manga but I enjoyed working on it so here goes nothing! `Demonic Struggle` It opens with a girl Anita (or if can think of a better name tell me) being stalked by a demon ( big surprise ). The demon thinks he`s hunting her but of course it`s the other way around. Little does the demon know but this is the girl he has heard whispers about, she`s the boogieman(or woman) of demons- a human with demonic powers. Anita lost her hand and her family to an upper level demon- the prince of demons to be exact and when the prince took her hand he left behind some of his abilities. She is rescued by an organisation which protects humans from demons and they give her a iron hand. This is the sign the sign of who she is. After years at the headquarters (need name for organisation) she leaves as she thinks they`re too slow to kill all the demons that plague the world. So she travels on her own to kill demons and to find her parents` muderer. This manga mainly follows Anita but it sometimes looks at it from the demons`point of view and also the other main character-Sign. the reformed demon who saved Anita`s life and who follows her in the shadows to make sure she is safe. The thing that Anita doesn`t know about Sigh is that he is the older brother of the demon that killed her family. A line from the manga `I wear red to symbolise the blood that has been spilled, is being spillrd and will always be spilled. I also wear red as it means to be captured and that is what I am- captured by a destiny I didn`t choose` Her symbol is a white lily- the flower and colour of death. Any opinions on it would be gratefully appreciated. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hope to here from you![/COLOR] :p
  11. Hi I`m new here so this is my first reply :animesmil .], so if this comes out wrong you know why. I really enjoyed your manga idea, i love stories like that. I`m not a very good artist but i love writing stories. All i really wanted to say is that I really enjoyed your idea and since i said that I`ll now say goodbye. Keep up the excellent writing! :D
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