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Everything posted by ~San~

  1. And you point is? You shouldn't just not buy a gamecube because it doesn't have a DVD player.....
  2. Yeah, if he doesn't pay he will kill her.....I would kill him anyways....
  3. Garnet- Maybe I should go visit my old friends in Gaia...... *flys up and lands in Gaia*
  4. Garnet-*walks around bored at Zeal Kingdom* Theres nothing to do..... *sits by fountain looking into the sky*
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]uhh... i don't think you should use the word "gay" as an insult around here. [/B][/QUOTE] :o I hate being a newbie.....
  6. ~San~


    Yes DBZ and Pokemon do that a lot. Don't forget about GOku, GOten, and GOhan. Also; ArticUNO, ZapDOS, and MoltRES.
  7. I thought the whole "Sayaman" thing was really dumb. Once he get rid of the "helmet" and "cape" he'll look cool. :love:
  8. Charactor- Princess Garnet(who else?)from FF9 Beginning Weapon- Crystal Sword Magic- Sommuning,White Magic, and Black Magic(can use GFs, Materia, AND sommuning gems) Level- 1 Armor- None(don't need any)
  9. Princess Garnet, she's my all-time favorite character and can sommun.
  10. Sephiroht appears out of nowere.... :p your turn
  11. San-*looks up at ceiling and sighs* I don't know why I'm here.....what did I do? *looks around* Guess I better find a way out.... (I'm not very good at this kind of stuff)
  12. *turns on Princess Mononoke* :love: Ashi-Taka....
  13. Is it to late to join? Name- San Speices- Android/Mage/Zeal
  14. *looks at clock* AH! your right!*leaves*
  15. :laugh: *powers up into trance and curse self again* :smirk: *uses 10 onimi slashes,meteors, and ultima the uses a death* Oh, and i am not immortal.
  16. *kicks him in the head* your kidding, right?
  17. :sleep: *cures herself again* :laugh: this is very funny.... *sommuns bahamut,uses ultima, and omni-slsh*
  18. *cures her self and uses an ultima and sommuns knights of the round* :smirk: Nothing has EVER survived against this(if you die and can bring you to life again with my life spell :angel: )
  19. :laugh: :laugh: *uses curaga on self and sommuns meteor*
  20. :laugh: Ok..time to get serious... *sommuns knights of the round and shiva* :smirk:
  21. *dodges* I'm not gonna loose... *draws sword and uses an omni-slash*
  22. I'm bored, anyone wanna fight?
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