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kitsune hime

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About kitsune hime

  • Birthday 04/11/1990

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  • Occupation
    A white fox!

kitsune hime's Achievements

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  1. I love this game! ^^ Turkey: Oh yeah! I survived Thanksgiving! W00t! *Sees Big cat* Oh crap...
  2. I find myself listening to gothic rock. No, I'm not gothic, but I just like this type of music. And I can't stand it when people start saying I cut myself, because I'm very against that. I also enjoy hard rock, techno, jpop and jrock, and trance music. I'm a strange child yes. :animesmil
  3. No I shall sound scary! Ooohh.... 1. Pick a band or artist: Evanescence 2. Are you male or female: Anything for you 3. Describe yourself: Haunted 4. How do some people feel about you: Thoughtless 5. Decsribe youe ex boyfriend/ girlfriend: Everybody's Fool 6. Desribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: My Immortal 7.Describe where you want to be: Away From Me 8. Describe how you love: Even in death 9. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Bring Me to life 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Listen to the rain 11. Now say goodbye: Where will you go?
  4. I give Lindus a 8/10. His sig is very simple, yet effective, which I believe is an important aspect. The colors of the picture matches the lines in the background, and the lighting effects are also very accurate. Very nicely done.
  5. Cool. I like the style of shading you're using. If you want my opinion though, you should try to use a thinner border. It makes the picture neater, and softer. But, that's just me. Keep up the good work! ^^
  6. If I'd have a weapon, I'd use a small mallet that I called the Moon Drop. Pretty self-explanitory. ^_^ I've always wanted to use a mallet because it dosen't require many difficult techniques to use it. You just smash people. Fuuun....
  7. Well, Kitsune Hime means fox princess. My roleplaying character Misako is a white fox that is the daughter of a nine tailed fox so she's basically the fox princess. I'm so brilliant with names... :catgirl:
  8. Mine is Fruits Basket also. It made me cry... I really enjoy both the anime and the manga. Second favorite... Is undecided. I love all anime! Well... Not all... :animeswea
  9. [QUOTE=? Nomad Tical ?] 3) School. Battle. There were three kids on bottom holding up a fourth who come charging in scores and have a humoungous battle with magic and everything. There was some CG thrown in.[/QUOTE] My-Hime? What did the characters look like?
  10. My most painful moment? Well, I've had a lot of painful moments... There have been countless times when I close my hand in doors, or tripped and landed flat on my face. One time when I was young, I was standing on a balcony that was about two stories high. I dropped something, (Forgot what it was though...) And I was too lazy to go down and get it. I think I was drunk or something, so I just jumped. Ouch... I just got a sprained ankle though. I've also gotten burned before... Gawd... That smarts. But the worst thing of all... Paper cuts! How can something so little hurt so much anyway?
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