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Everything posted by CrazyMew

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dancer in the dark, the songs are so pretty and it is so sad. I just love it! :D[/COLOR]
  2. There is 6 books at the moment but there is another to come.
  3. I'm going to get it today in the library. :) I'm like that too. Stupid as it is, I just cant go without harry potter
  4. [color=yellowgreen]For any manson fans here. I got these off Nachtkabarett[/color]. [font=Verdana][color=blue]Pictures removed. Please add some content and link to the pictures instead of inserting them into your post.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font] EDIT: What do you think of the dress's?It looks like they kept the good pictures for themselves and gave vogue the bad ones. :rolleyes: The minister person's hat is so freaky. I think it's from the film 'the holy mountain.Dita must have about 7 dresses or something. Trust manson to wear more makeup then the bride [URL=http://www.nachtkabarett.com/grotesk/]Pictures[/URL]
  5. [COLOR=YellowGreen]How do I make the jukebox play? I launch it and then I pick a song but nothing happens. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thank you! :D How do I do hands and feet? Doing a proper manga story would be fun,but I would have no idea as to how to go about it.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. CrazyMew


    [COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Nancy Boy is good,although after seeing it a million times on tv it can get very annoying. I don't really like special needs. I absolutley hate something rotten.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. CrazyMew


    Yes,sleeping with ghosts was good,but I can't listen to it anymore as it so scratched it looks like I've sand papering it.
  9. [COLOR=Orange][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]The second poem was very interesting. I couldn't understand the first one as a whole but the way you phrased it is good. This line: [I]"harbors all the illness a person made to write and sing a song"[/I] is a very nice line,I can relate to it completely. The vocabulary in the first poem is excellent. Its a very good poem.Well done. :D[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]Hmm There are a few... I really enjoyed Memoirs of A Geisha by Arthur Golden But I really like Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote Fight Club and Invisible Monsters. I'm yet to read Survivor, even though I have it. There's just not enough time sometimes. I enjoyed Michael Moore's books Stupid White Men and Dude Where's My Country also. ooo and Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner, as well as the CSI original novels. Hahahah it's hard to pick a favorite. I like reading all sorts of books.[/QUOTE] I'm planning on getting memoirs of a geisha soon.I have stupid white men,its so funny.
  11. What is your favorite book? I love the book Feed by M.T Anderson.I've read it 18 times. Its about the world in the future and every one has an internet uplink chip in their head and everyones illiterate because no-one needs to be able read or write but there is one girl whose chip breaks and she is reduced to a vegtable state by the end of the book. The style of writing is good as it shows how this chip (the feed) has destroyed the english language as the word 'like' comes up every 5 seconds and there is only a very limited range of words they use. All in all a fabulas book.
  12. My friends claim to hate emos but quite obviously they are emos themselves. My 11year old friend's 13 year old 'boyfriend' dumped her 2 months ago after they went out for one week and I have yet to stop hearing about him. Funny song:[URL=http://emosong.ytmnd.com/]the emo song[/URL]
  13. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Red]I love the color red. I have so many red things. My room is red, all my posters have red on them and my homework journal is red.I don't know why I like red though I just do[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. CrazyMew


    Does anyone here like Placebo? I absolutley love them. Brians voice is so pretty and their songs are beautiful. Brian is hot too which helps. I can't wait until their new album 'Meds' is out, the song 'Because I want you' has been stuck in my head for days. What is your faveorite album and why? I love 'Without you I'm nothing' because the lyrics and melodies are so beautiful.My faveorite song is ask for answers.
  15. . Pick a Band or Artist:Placebo 2.Are you male or female:slacker ***** 3.Describe yourself: scared of girls 4. How do some people feel about you:something rotten 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: allergic 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: my sweet prince 7.Describe where you want to be:days before you came 8.Describe how you love: ??? 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: ask for answers 10.Share a few words of wisdome: hang on to your IQ 11.Now say goodbye: hk farewell
  16. I love Spirited away,I've watched it like 50 times.Its such a good story but whenever I try to explain to my friends who don't even know what anime is they think I'm totally mad. Pokemon is alright as well,my little brother got me into it.
  17. Corpse Bride,The Lizzie McGuire movie and those stupid bethoven films,theones about the dog.
  18. I think manga is the written kind you get in books,correct me if I'm wrong
  19. This a photograph of one of my characters for a story I never finished,and I can't finish it now because I lost the page. I know its not too creative but its the first one I've created myself.I have better fan art of 'Princess Ai' but thats in school.[IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c327/vampire76/CIMG0435.jpg[/IMG] excuse the quality of the photo. EDIT: Here are my Princess Ai things:[IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c327/vampire76/CIMG0453.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c327/vampire76/CIMG0451.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c327/vampire76/CIMG0452.jpg[/IMG] Thephoto quality is awful I know [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please use the Edit button to add things to posts. Double-posting is usually not allowed on OB, unless you go over the character limit. ^^ -Lady K[/color][/size][/b]
  20. I can't seem to find anything past volume3 in the book shops.Its so annoying.Where can I download the japenese shows? They don't seem be on any of the channels I have on my TV.
  21. When I was nine i was on a swing (the ones that are just a plank and chains) i went high and caught hold of the bottom of the swing and totally flipped over onto the tarmac. I passed out.Then when I was three i caught my finger in an extremely heay door and had to get stiches.Then my earing back went into my ear and i had to get it taken out. Ow ow and ow again!
  22. I like most rock,but not greenday,dance and classical chinese music,I first heard that in a film but I can't remember what it was called. I absolutley hate rap because the lyrics areusually really stupid and i don't know what genre Puffy Ami Yumi belong in but I like them too.
  23. I learnt how to do hair off this: [URL=http://www.howtodrawmanga.com/tutorial.html]link[/URL] Still cant do hands to save my life though
  24. [COLOR=Magenta][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I love Tokyo Mew Mew!! I have never seen the show but I have the manga books.Are they called different names in the cartoons? My faveorites are Kish and Ichigo,mainly because shes got my faveorite costume. :D [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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