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    I am nothing!
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  1. I'll Join. ((By the way, Sin. What ever happened to the "Fighting with Shadows" topic; any idea? P.M. me))) Name: Iceer Relment Age: 27 Gender: Male Allegiance: Neutral (With this character... I'll probably need the luck... Fun Fun!) Weapon: Though he carries no weapons on him, he is far from unarmed. Being able to controll water, he mearly freezes water vaper to create what ever type of weapon strikes his fancey. He is skilled with many weapons, though he's not particularly adapt at anything. (Doesn't specialize) He's studied multiple forms of smithing allowing him to form almost any structure, from ice. Gift: He can controll water and all it's forms. Appearence: - Hair: Very short, jet white (frozen). - Eyes: Dead Black. - Skin: V. Pale; resolting from his lack of exposure to the sun. - Height: 4'3" - Weight: 187lbs - Clothing: -- Hat: Black, straw, crouching hat. Mostly worne during the day. -- Mask: Black mask designed to tightly cover his entire face, apparently the fabric is specially designed because, while you can't see his face, he can see everything very clearly. -- Scarf: Black scarf that he wrappes around his neck and the lower half of his head. The excess falls down to his lower back on the right. -- Shirt: Loose fitting, black, long-sleeve, cloth shirt with a tear on the right shoulder -- Gauntlets: Thin, black, leather gauntlets. Suposedly designed more for looks than for combat, though they offer small amounts of protection. -- Belt: Black, cloth strap tied together at his right side. -- Pants: Tight fitting, large around the legs, black cloth, run down to knees. -- Pants: A 2ed pair whorn under the 1st. Long, black, tight fitting. -- Foot ware: Thin cloth lined with feathers to dampen sound. - Other: -- steam: Since he is allways keeping water vaper directly near him cooled, you can allways see a light steam riseing off him. Bio.: [color=red](I'll make the changes when I get the time, so that it fits the plot)[/color] Little is known about Iceer Relment apart from his race and the fact that he's a traveling assassin. He most often travels in or near colder climates wear he is most confortable. Even when he was young, he showed great potenchle. Exelling in his studies, though he had the greatest improvement in combat, he was quickly turned into an outcast. His anti-social attitude and natural stubborness wear allways quick to get on others' nerves. Once he had finnished learning marshol arts he left his village. Though he was still considered young, they allowed him anyways beleaving that he whouldn't be able to ruff it out and returne only after a few days. Unfortunatly they where wrong. He never again returned to his home village, and he never once regretted it. Soon after leaving his village, he came apone a camp of Gypsys. Interested in learning the trade for him self he managed to "convince" one of them to teach him the art. Despite the their complaint that he should be well rounded, he only every studied stealth and pick-pocketing, rather than other comman traits. And there he remained for the next few years advancing his skills. After only a few years though, he was kicked out of the camp for dangerously using his "unique talents". Not wanting to be the ones to suffer the consiquences of his carelessness twords others, they informed him that he should either be more cautious with his tricks or leave... He chose to leave. Ever since he has continued to advance his power till he was good enough with it that he was considered to be an elemental. Also from that point on he started his profesion as an assassin taking money for the other's heads. Personality: Iceer Relment is A travaler by nature and an assassin by trade. Though he's easily capable of all out combat, he prefers to eliminate his enamy before they have a chance to react. As such, he trains in the art of manipulating water. He doesn't like to be weighted down to much so what ever he can create from ice He doesn't normaly carry with him; such itoms include weapons and armor. He doesn't like to be around other people to much so he tends to stray away from crowds and most all conversations with him are kept short. He doesn't beleave in relying on others (People or things). To him, the greatest resolts come from one's self without the aid of others. That is not to say he will not aid others or accept help; though tipicaly he has own agenda when doing so. Dealing with him, however, is another matter entirely. Even those who know him have found that he's rather uncontrollable, unpredictable, and untrust worthy; although, if nothing els, he is reliable. Character Snippet: [color=red](I'll add when I get the time)[/color] The smell of the ocean was strong, drowned only by the humidity, due to the recent rain. People swarmed the docks hoping to get on the departing ships. The small village was in a panick. Not only had the local leader been assassinated, but so had the two richest inhabitents; all over the course of 1 week. Even with the government's soldiers offering protection to the village, the assassin couldn't be caught. The only simularities between them was the lack of clues. The first attack fell apone the mayer on Sunday. The timing couldn't have been better; nearly 1/5 of the servents
  2. My character [i]does[/i] have an allegiance. It's just unknown... [center] :D [/center] Although, you could require that you have an allegiance. Then you might get some villions... [center] :animeknow[/center]
  3. Name: Iceer Relment Age: 27 Gender: Male Allegiance: Unknown Race: Chaon - Description: Choan are a unique and rare race. They tend to be naturaly drawn to locations in chaos but don't allways support it. Wear exactly it is that they hail from remains a mistery that none of them ever seem to reveal. Their physical faetures don't give away any clues either, as with most other races. They are often reconized by their dark skin, eyes, and their even darker aura. They're most adapt for the night as their eyes naturaly absorb more light and their dark colors, while blending in with the night sky, can stick out in broad daylight. Class: Water/Ice Elemental Weapon: Though he carries no weapons on him, he is far from unarmed. Being able to controll water, he mearly freezes water vaper to create what ever type of weapon strikes his fancey. Skills: He can controll water and all it's forms. - Skilled marshol-artist - Adapt at many weapons (doesn't specialize) Magic: [i]-none-[/i] Appearence: - Hair: Very short, jet white (frozen) - Eyes: Dead Black, as commonly portrayed by his race. - Skin: light black, as commanly portrayed by his race. - Height: 4'3" - Weight: 187lbs - Clothing: -- Hat: Black, straw, crouching hat. Mostly worne during the day. -- Mask: Black mask designed to tightly cover his entire face, apparently the fabric is specially designed because, while you can't see his face, he can see everything very clearly. -- Scarf: Black scarf that he wrappes around his neck and the lower half of his head. The excess falls down to his lower back on the right. -- Shirt: Loose fitting, black, long-sleeve, cloth shirt with a tear on the right shoulder -- Gauntlets: Thin, black, leather gauntlets. Suposedly designed more for looks than for combat, though they offer small amounts of protection. -- Belt: Black, cloth strap tied together at his right side. -- Pants: Tight fitting, large around the legs, black cloth, run down to knees. -- Pants: A 2ed pair whorn under the 1st. Long, black, tight fitting. -- Foot ware: Thin cloth lined with feathers to dampen sound. - Other: -- Aura: He has a very dark aura around him as comman to his race, though his rather small, almost unoticable. -- steam: Since he is allways keeping water vaper directly near him cooled, you can allways see a light steam riseing off him. Bio.: Little is known about Iceer Relment apart from his race and the fact that he's a traveling assassin. He most often travels in or near colder climates wear he is most confortable. Even when he was young, he showed great potenchle. Exelling in his studies, though he had the greatest improvement in combat, he was quickly turned into an outcast. His anti-social attitude and natural stubborness wear allways quick to get on others' nerves. Once he had finnished learning marshol arts he left his village. Though he was still considered young, they allowed him anyways beleaving that he whouldn't be able to ruff it out and returne only after a few days. Unfortunatly they where wrong. He never again returned to his home village, and he never once regretted it. Soon after leaving his village, he came apone a camp of rouge mages. Interested in learning magic for him self he managed to "convince" one of the mages to teach him the art. Despite the mage's complaint that he should be well rounded, he only every studied water and ice magic, finding it to be the most versitile. And there he remained for the next few years advancing his ice and water magic. After only a few years though, he was kicked out of the camp for dangerously using spells. Not wanting to be the ones to suffer the consiquences of his carelessness twords others, they informed him that he should either be more cautious with his spells or leave... He chose to leave. Ever since he has continued to advance his power till he was good enough with it that he was considered to be an elemental. Also from that point on he started his profesion as an assassin taking money for the other's heads. Many years later he heard rumers of an entire empire that was being taken over by a single powerfull ruller. Interested, he set out for the distant kingdom. Sadly, by the time he got there, the battle was allready over. None the less he entered the empire. It's unknown exactly what he did there but it wasen't long before he left. Traveling East on the rumers of a rebellion forming, he quickly found it. For reasons that remain unclear he has been with the rebellion ever since. Even so, questions still rise as to wear his loyalties lie. He has many a time been seen traveling into questionable locations, but allways on the excuse that he was performing an assassination. And he allways returned with some news of the locations he went to since most people in the resistance most often avoided the areas. Personality: Iceer Relment is A travaler by nature and an assassin by trade. Though he's easily capable of all out combat, he prefers to eliminate his enamy before they have a chance to react. As such, he trains in the art of manipulating water. He doesn't like to be weighted down to much so what ever he can create from ice He doesn't normaly carry with him; such itoms include weapons and armor. He doesn't like to be around other people to much so he tends to stray away from crowds and most all conversations with him are kept short. Even those who know him have found that he's rather uncontrollable and unpredictable; although, if nothing els, he is reliable. ((P.M. me if anything needs to be changed)))
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