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Everything posted by zoshu

  1. Well, I'm not allowed to really go out and say it, because as far as I know it's against the rules, but if you PM me, I'll be glad to tell you a few places you can find them ^^
  2. I like a lot of colours actually :animeswea But my favourites would have to be Black Red (mainly crimson) Purple/Hunter green (I can't decide between the two :animeswea )
  3. I've never read the manga, sadly (but I have seen how shmexy Pai is XD) but I'm very sure they do. I adore Kisshu, YAY! XD Although, I'm not much of an Ichigo fan, in fact, I don't really like her at all. Although, I don't think she's as much of a "Mary-Sue" (in my opinion) in the manga, because the other mews are more important, as far as I know.
  4. [QUOTE=Dagger]zoshu, it's a bit disingenuous to present 4Kids-style dubs and fandubs as the only options (even if that wasn't your intent, that's how it came out). The vast majority of dubs--like the vast majority of anime releases in general--are uncut, uncensored, etc. 4Kids' work forms such a small percentage of what's out there that it would be completely negligible if they didn't have the rights to some well-known series. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Did it sound like that? Sorry! I was just comparing a company I hear a lot about :animeswea And most of the anime I've watched recently has been dubbed by them, so I guess it's stuck in my head :animeswea Although, most dub companies do a better job, but I'm a bit disappointed with most of the ones I've seen. Although, Fruits Basket was done very well. I just can't seem to remember who dubbed it.... But I do know that Viz (or, at least I'm very sure) dubbed Naruto. I didn't watch past the first episode of the dub, I was too afraid. :animeswea Of course, that's just my opinion.
  5. To be honest, I rooted for the aliens in Tokyo Mew Mew XD That, and the one (I forget her name :animeswea ) who was fighting Nami in the Arabasta arc *hates Nami*
  6. I'd rather have subs. With subs, it's the real script, and all you have to do is read it. Some people complain that the subtitles go to fast, but I've never had that problem. Also, nothing's cut out, and you get to see what was originally put there. Some people complain that the quality isn't good, but it's all a matter of finding the right ones. Also, it can help people to learn the Japanese language. My Japanese mom is too busy to teach me, and I still know quite a bit, most of which I learned from watching subs. But with dubs, it's a matter of who's dubbing it. I can't stand 4kids dubs. It's not the real thing anymore. Parts are cut out, scripts are changed, the VAs aren't very good (in my opinion) and even the names are changed. In many cases, they also take out the Japanese culture, because for some reason, they want it to seem American. Also, the theme songs are often changed. I love Japanese music, and the songs choosen - or made - are never really appealing to me. Fandubs are a different story though. Most fandubbers look carefully for people who suit the characters vices, and they use actual epsiodes, without cutting things out. Although, I know of some that have altered the script a bit, but I don't find many. And that's my opinion :animesmil
  7. Actually, it's supposed to be a cigarette XDD I adore One Piece! My favourite characters would have to be Sanji and Zoro :catgirl: I loooove them! XDD I have some strage hatred for Nami, though :animeswea
  8. I would definately bring Pai from Tokyo Mew Mew with me XD He'd get me off the island anyways, seeing as he can fly and "teleport" XD Besides, he's shmexy! XD
  9. I have to agree with the person above me XD Although, I would want to change the original Tokyo Mew Mew's ending. And not just because I wish two specific aliens would end up together... :animeswea people hate me for that XD I just wish they would have paired up the obvious couples. I mean, whatever happened to Retasu and Ryou? AND WHY DID [spoiler]TARUTO HAVE TO LEAVE PURIN?![/spoiler] That's the only thing though... besides my two favourite aliens situation :animeswea *shot* [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]zoshu, I added spoiler tags to your post. Please make sure to use them in the future to hide spoilers. thanks -Arvi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Okay, I'm here! XDD I'm a major fangirl, and, sadly/fortunately, I can find it anywhere XD *points to avatar* In fact, I think I've found it in every show I've watched XD Of course, *points to avatar again* is my favourite (and sadly non-existant) pairing at the time :animeswea :animeshy:
  11. Hmm... let me think, there are too many XD Pai, Kisshu, Shirogane, or Akasaka from Tokyo Mew Mew Zoro or Sanji from One Piece Usahara from Damekko Doubutsu XDD Roberuto from Ueki no Housoku (of course, I'm too old for him :animeswea ) Hmm... I could probably think up more XDD
  12. I adore Tokyo Mew Mew! It has to be my favourtie anime(followed by One Piece):catgirl: -- However, like with all anime, I can't stand the dubs :animeswea -- My favourite character would have to be Pai, and he's right before Kisshu. Of course, my sick yaoi fan-girl mind comes up with... *points to avatar* :animeswea -- I don't like Ichigo or Aoyama though, they're too..."perfect".
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