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Everything posted by animeghost

  1. [QUOTE=Panda]It could be from Fate/stay Night. Her hair is purple, she wears a black dress-type outfit (with purple accents) and a blindfold looking thing. But without a picture it's pretty tough to be sure. Can you describe the anime plot any?[/QUOTE] yes it is thank you very much
  2. there is this anime that the main char. has purple hair and a black dress and she wears a blind fold thats grey i dont have a pic if aney one does can they post it and tell me the name off the anime because i realy want to know thank you
  3. i am like albel nox from starocean 3 because i am heartless i hate everyone that i dont talk to first and i could care less about anybody p.s. i hate u all
  4. there already is a online MMORPG of dot.hack called fragment but its char. creathon is very bad so there was alot of chars. that looked the same. and if u look closeley at the gu trailer they have titles of the phases from the first dot.hack game so tri could be atticking them for a reason involving them
  5. I agree that overall there 1st album was better but if you think about it for a 2nd there second album had some better songs personly i never told you what you do for a living i also heard that there 3rd album is going to be a descrace to fans its going to be to poppy
  6. how can you say they are bad i mean michael literaly rips williams head off and sleane shoves marcus in to helecopter blades tearing him to shreads how often do you get to see that in movies
  7. could some one tell me how the arena works.
  8. it is driving me insane to keep finding out things tha square-enix is making i mean first ff7 advent chlidren the movie witch i still canot get why do i have to live in newfoundland. then i find about a fps involving vencint( my fav in ff7) and now FFXII i will kill my self if i dont find them soon.
  9. my fav would have to be the ff7 becavse at points it is very mollo and then it gets very roufh and surpries you and all of the pecies of ff12 that i have herd because it is very random i just love it.
  10. who here has seen both of the under world movies
  11. the slayers is a anime that i will watch over and over non stop. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]animeghost, please be sure to explain your reasoning behind your choice. Since this is a place for conversation, one-sentence posts without fodder for conversation are discouraged. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  12. Star Ocean is a very great game but I herd there is a anime to star ocean 3 I was wondering if aneybody knew about it.
  13. [SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR]My fav anime/manga would be caught up between love hina and the slayers because there story lines are funny and inqusitve and they provide suspence and are overall are vey good
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